A - B - C - D - E - F - I - L - M - O - P - R - S - T


ADM Batch Processor (ADMBatchProc)   1

ADM command-line interface

about   1

acknowledging ADM deployment session   1

activating ADM deployment session   1

backing up target environment   1

backing up target environment before restore   1

batch file   1

creating ADM deployment report   1

creating ADM deployment session   1

creating ADM restore session   1

creating destination map for file directories   1

deleting ADM package from ADM framework   1

deploying ADM deployment session   1

deploying and activating ADM deployment session   1

flags for deploying and activating ADM packages   1

flags for restoring ADM session   1

help parameter   1

listing ADM package content   1

listing ADM packages in Management Server   1

loading ADM package into Management Server   1

restoring ADM deployment activation   1

restoring ADM deployment copy   1

restoring ADM deployment copy and activation   1

reviewing status of ADM deployment session   1

stopping ADM deployment session   1

switches for creating destination map   1

switching to ADM restore session   1

syntax   1

validating deployment environment   1

validating enterprise profile   1

ADM command-line interface commands

acknowledge   1

activate   1

backup   1 ,  2

copy   1

copy_activate   1

create   1

delete   1

genmap   1

genmap_all   1

history   1

list   1

list_detail   1

load   1

report   1

restore_activate   1

restore_copy   1

restore_copy_activate   1

restore_session   1

status   1

status_detail   1

status_error   1

stop   1

valent   1

validate   1

ADM data type relationships

about   1

creating for packaging   1

ADM data types

about   1

about configurations for new data types   1

attributes for adding new ADM data types   1

consolidating ADM deployment units from file types   1

consolidating into deployment units   1

creating ADM deployment units from repository types   1

dependencies table   1

details for subset of data types   1

reviewing before deployment   1

reviewing requirements before creating ADM packages   1

summary data table   1

ADM deployment

about ADM command flow   1

about process   1

acknowledging deployment session   1

activating ADM deployment session   1

administering execution of   1

backing up target environment   1 ,  2

creating ADM deployment session   1

creating ADM restore session   1

deploying ADM deployment session   1

deploying and activating ADM deployment session   1

deploying and activating ADM package, overview   1

full deployment   1

loading an ADM package   1

managing dependencies   1

managing package content   1

minimizing downtime   1

other options   1

postdeployment tasks   1

predeployment checklist   1

process overview   1

reviewing log files after deployment   1

staged deployment   1

status   1

stopping and restarting deployment session   1

synchronizing repository updates   1

validating deployment environment   1

ADM deployment engine, about   1

ADM deployment filters

about   1

creating alone   1

creating with PDQs   1

ADM deployment projects

creating for database types   1

enabling using ADM GUI   1

ADM deployment session (deploying)

acknowledging using ADM command-line interface   1

activating using ADM command-line interface   1

creating using ADM command-line interface   1

deploying and activating using ADM command-line interface   1

deploying using ADM command-line interface   1

deploying using ADM GUI   1

deploying using export files and ADM GUI   1

deploying using Siebel Server Manager CLI (srvrmgr)   1

stopping and restarting   1

ADM deployment session (packaging)

creating using ADM GUI   1

deploying to file using ADM GUI   1

deploying to file using Siebel Server Manager CLI   1

ADM deployment units

consolidating ADM data types into   1

consolidating from file types   1

creating from database types   1

creating from database types directly from Siebel Server Manager CLI   1

creating from repository types   1

creating from repository types using Siebel Tools consoleapp.exe   1

creating from repository types using Siebel Tools hotfix   1

creating from repository types using Siebel Tools mid-level release   1

ADM enterprise profile

about   1

configuring after installation of Siebel Management Server and Siebel Management Agents   1

configuring before initial deployment   1

validating before deployment   1

ADM framework

about installation   1

about Siebel Management Server, Siebel Management Agents, Diagnostic Tool   1

client environment   1

configuring ADM enterprise profile after installation   1

configuring ADM workflows   1

configuring after installation of Siebel Management Server and Siebel Management Agent   1

configuring language settings   1

configuring log files   1

configuring PATH environment variable   1

configuring Siebel Management Agent after installation   1

configuring Siebel Management Server after installation   1

configuring Siebel Server   1

deleting ADM package from   1

deploying a sample package   1

logging options   1

orchestration environment   1

overview   1

restarting servers after ADM installation and configuration   1

reviewing log files after installation   1

security configuration of Siebel Management Server and Siebel Management Agent   1

source environment   1

target environment   1

verifying setup   1


about   1

creating ADM deployment filters   1

creating ADM deployment filters with PDQs   1

creating ADM deployment sessions for packaging   1

deploying ADM sessions   1

deploying ADM sessions to file for packaging   1

deploying ADM sessions with export files and   1

enabling the ADM deployment project   1

ADM local database, about   1

ADM Object Manager (ADMObjMgr)   1

ADM package descriptor file

about   1

creation of   1

editing using Microsoft Office InfoPath   1

ADM Package Utility

about   1

copying to UNIX environment   1

creating ADM package directory structure   1

generating ADM package and package descriptor file   1

log files   1

modes and switches   1

validating ADM package   1

ADM packages

about packaging process   1

consolidating ADM data types into deployment units   1

consolidating ADM deployment units from file types   1

consolidating deployment units into ADM package directory   1

creating ADM deployment units from database types   1

creating ADM deployment units from repository types   1

creating ADM package directory structure   1

deleting from ADM framework   1

deploying and activating, overview   1

generating using ADM Package Utility   1

listing contents of   1

listing in Management Server   1

loading into Management Server for deployment   1

managing content   1

minimizing downtime when deploying   1

process of creating   1

process of deploying   1

reviewing ADM data type requirements   1

reviewing on Management Server   1

validating using ADM Package Utility   1

ADM Processor (ADMProc)   1

ADM registry

about   1

configuring using an XML editor   1

creating backup   1

restoring from backup   1

ADM restore session, creation of   1

ADM roles   1

ADM run-time requirements, Siebel objects and server components   1

ADM server components

about   1

ADM Batch Processor (ADMBatchProc)   1

ADM Object Manager (ADMObjMgr)   1

ADM Processor (ADMProc)   1

configuring log files   1

log files   1

ADM system administration

about   1

configuring ADM enterprise profile   1

configuring ADM parent child relationship on integration objects   1

configuring ADM registry   1

creating content objects   1

creating integration objects   1

modifying ADM parameters on Siebel Management Server   1

restoring ADM registry   1

ADM workflows, configuring by activating   1

Back to top


business case scenarios for using ADM   1

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Change Management System (CMS), integrating ADM with   1

client environment

about   1

ADM command-line interface   1


ADM Package Utility   1

content objects, creating for ADM   1

customizations, migrating

about migration process using ADM   1

configuring ADM parent child relationships on integration objects   1

creating content objects   1

creating integration objects   1

deployment using ADM framework   1

deployment using other ADM options   1

integrating ADM with Change Management Systems (CMS)   1

scenario for major functional update   1

scenario for major functional update with full repository changes   1

scenario for minor functional update   1

scenario for minor update   1

selecting ADM over other data migration options   1

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database types

about   1

about relationships   1

creating ADM deployment units   1

creating ADM deployment units directly from Siebel Server Manager CLI   1

creating relationships   1

deployment package directory

about   1

consolidating ADM deployment units into   1

deployment using ADM framework

about ADM command flow   1

about ADM deployment process   1

about the ADM packaging process   1

about the deployment package directory   1

business case scenarios   1

scenario for major functional update   1

scenario for major functional update with full repository changes   1

scenario for minor customization update   1

scenario for minor functional update   1

Diagnostic Tool, infrastructure components   1

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enterprise profile

See About the ADM Enterprise Profile

error messages, troubleshooting   1

export files   1

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file types

about   1

consolidating ADM deployment units   1

full deployment of customizations   1

Back to top


integration objects

configuring ADM parent child relationships   1

creating for ADM   1

Back to top


language settings, configuring for ADM framework   1

log files

ADM framework   1

ADM Package Utility   1

ADM server components   1

configuring ADM framework log files   1

configuring log files on ADM server components   1

configuring log files on Management Agent   1

configuring log files on Management Server   1

configuring log files on Siebel Servers   1

log files and locations   1

Management Agents   1

Management Server   1

Siebel Servers   1

SRBroker   1

SRProc   1

when to review   1

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Management Agent

See About the Siebel Management Agents and ADM

Management Server

See About the Siebel Management Server and ADM Deployment Engine

mapfile.xml, default file name for report   1

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orchestration environment

about   1

ADM deployment engine   1

ADM enterprise profile   1

ADM local database   1

ADM registry   1

Siebel Management Server   1

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PDQs, and creating ADM deployment filters   1

Predefined Queries

See Creating ADM Deployment Filters with PDQs

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Repository Migration   1

repository types

about   1

creating ADM deployment units   1

creating ADM deployment units using Siebel Tools consoleapp.exe   1

creating ADM deployment units using Siebel Tools hotfix   1

creating ADM deployment units using Siebel Tools mid-level release   1

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sample ADM package, deploying and sample output   1


configuration of Management Server and Management Agent   1

responsibilities   1

server components, ADM run-time requirements for   1

Siebel EAI   1

Siebel EIM   1

Siebel Management Agent

about   1

configuring after installation   1

configuring log files   1

log files   1

security configuration   1

Siebel Management Server

about   1

configuring after installation   1

configuring log files   1

loading an ADM package into   1

log files   1

modifying ADM parameters   1

reviewing ADM package on   1

security configuration   1

Siebel objects, ADM run-time requirements   1

Siebel Server

configuring for ADM   1

configuring log files   1

log files   1

Siebel Server Manager CLI (srvrmgr)

creating ADM deployment units from database types   1

deploying ADM sessions   1

deploying ADM sessions to file for packaging   1

Siebel Tools

consoleapp.exe to create ADM deployment units from repository data types   1

creating content objects for ADM   1

creating integration objects for ADM   1

hotfix to create ADM deployment units from repository data types   1

source environment

about   1

ADM data types   1


See Creating ADM Deployment Units from Database Types Directly from Command-Line Interface

staged deployment of customizations   1

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target environment

about   1

ADM server components   1

backing up before restoring ADM session   1

Siebel Management Agents   1

troubleshooting error messages   1

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Siebel Application Deployment Manager Guide Copyright © 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.