Siebel Application Deployment Manager Guide > Creating an ADM Package >

Process of Creating ADM Deployment Units from Database Types

Creating Application Deployment Manager (ADM) deployment units from database types requires accessing the source Siebel application ADM GUI screens. From these screens you create an ADM deployment project, which contains one or more of the ADM data types. At this point, the ADM data types can contain relationships and be filtered for specific data. The project is then exported to file by creating a deployment session. The exported file serves as the deployment unit for the ADM database types.

NOTE:  You can also create ADM database deployment units directly, bypassing the ADM GUI and using the Server Manager command-line interface. For information on this task, see Creating ADM Deployment Units from Database Types Directly from Command-Line Interface.

For information on creating deployment units for repository or file types, see Creating ADM Deployment Units from Repository Types or Consolidating ADM Deployment Units from File Types.

To create a deployment unit from one or more ADM database types, perform the following tasks:

  1. If necessary, Creating ADM Data Type Relationships.
  2. Creating ADM Deployment Projects.
  3. Creating ADM Deployment Filters
  4. Enabling the ADM Deployment Project
  5. Creating ADM Deployment Sessions
  6. Deploying the ADM session to file by using the ADM GUI or Server Manager command-line interface. For information on these tasks:
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