Siebel CRM Desktop for Microsoft Outlook Administration Guide > Customizing Siebel CRM Desktop > Customizing the Siebel CRM Desktop Application >

Customizing Which CRM Data Siebel CRM Desktop Removes if the User Removes Siebel CRM Desktop

The platform_configuration.xml file allows you to specify which custom data Siebel CRM Desktop removes from Microsoft Outlook. If the user uninstalls Siebel CRM Desktop or changes credentials, then Siebel CRM Desktop removes from Microsoft Outlook all the custom data that the siebel_basic_mapping.xml file describes. You can configure Siebel CRM Desktop to not delete data for a certain object type. Note that Siebel CRM Desktop does not remove Microsoft Outlook data, which is data that the user creates in the native Microsoft Outlook application. For more information, see XML Code to Customize the Data That Siebel CRM Desktop Deletes if You Remove Siebel CRM Desktop.

To customize which CRM data Siebel CRM Desktop removes if the user removes Siebel CRM Desktop

  1. Use an XML editor to open the platform_configuration.xml file.
  2. To configure Siebel CRM Desktop to not delete data for a specific object type, define a rule named skip for the appropriate type tag.

    For example:

    type id="Action" rule="skip"/>

    In this example, Siebel CRM Desktop does not delete any data that is associated with the Action object type.

  3. To configure Siebel CRM Desktop to conditionally not delete data for a specific object type, define an attribute named language for the rule you defined in Step 2.

    The language attribute defines the script language in the CDATA section. For example:

    <type id="Action" rule="script" language="JScript">

    <![CDATA[ ... JavaScript code ... ]]>


    Siebel CRM Desktop supports only the JScript language.

  4. To configure Siebel CRM Desktop to not delete data for multiple object types, add a separate rule for each object type.

    For example:

    <type id="Action" rule="skip"/>

    <type id="Opportunity" rule="skip"/>

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