Setting Up

This chapter provides information about setting up Oracle Work in Process and other integrated Oracle Applications.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Setting Up

This section contains an overview of the tasks that you need to complete to set up Oracle Work in Process, including related product setup steps. Before beginning, consider the following:

Set up underlying Oracle Applications Technology

You need to complete several other setup steps, including:

Set up Work in Process

There are 12 steps to set up Work in Process, three of which are required. All of the steps are visually depicted on the Work in Process Setup Flowchart, see: Setup Flowchart

Related Product Setup Steps

You may need to perform some or all of the following steps to set up Work in Process. These steps are discussed in detail in the Setting Up sections of the related Oracle product user's guides.

Oracle Inventory Setup Steps

Set up Inventory as described in the Setup Steps, Oracle Inventory User's GuideEnsure that all of the following steps are completed:

Step Reference
Create your organizations Common Manufacturing
Define your organization parameters Common Manufacturing
Define your items and item costs Common Manufacturing
Launch your transaction managers Common Manufacturing
Define your account aliases (optional) Common Manufacturing
Define your transaction reason codes (optional) Common Manufacturing
Define your units of measure (UOMs) Common Manufacturing
Define your subinventories Common Manufacturing
Define your stock locators Common Manufacturing

Oracle Bills of Material

Set up Bills of Material as described in Setup Steps, Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide. Ensure that all of the following steps have been completed:

Step Reference
Create your bills of material Common Manufacturing
Define your resources Common Manufacturing
Define your departments, department classes, resource shifts, and department resources Common Manufacturing
Define your standard operations Common Manufacturing
Create your routings (optional) Common Manufacturing
Define simulation sets Common Manufacturing
Calculate your manufacturing lead times (optional) Common Manufacturing
Create your workday calendar Common Manufacturing

Oracle Engineering

Set the set up steps in the Oracle Engineering User's Guide.

Step Reference
Define your Engineering change orders (optional) Common Manufacturing
Define your Engineering bills of material and routings (optional) Common Manufacturing

Oracle Cost Management (Optional)

Set up Cost Management as described in Setup Steps, Oracle Cost Management User's Guide.

Step Reference
Define your cost types Common Manufacturing
Define your resource activities and activity costs Common Manufacturing
Define your default WIP accounting classes for categories (optional) Common Manufacturing
Define resources, material sub-elements, overheads, and overhead defaults. Common Manufacturing

Oracle Planning Products

Set up Oracle planning products. Optionally, define your demand classes.

Oracle Project Manufacturing (Optional)

Set up Project Manufacturing as described in the Oracle Project Manufacturing Implementation Manual..

Oracle Workflow (Optional)

In order to initiate workflows that send notifications during outside processing operations, or to customize workflows to include your own notification recipients, you must have Oracle Workflow installed. See: Setting Up Oracle Workflow, Oracle Workflow User's Guide.

Oracle Supplier Management Portal (Optional)

You must have Supplier Management Portal installed in order to set up a user ID for your suppliers so that they can view their purchase orders on the Oracle Self-Service Web Applications web site. Set up Oracle Supplier Management Portal as described in the Oracle Supplier Management Portal Implementation Manual.

Setup Flowchart

The following flowchart diagrams the steps that you need to perform to set up work in Process. Some of the steps outlined in this flowchart and in the setup checklist are Required and some are Optional. “Required Step with Defaults" refers to setup functionality that comes with pre-seeded, default values. You should review the defaults and decide whether or not to change them to suit your business needs. If you change the defaults, you should perform the setup step. You need to perform Optional steps only if you plan to use the related feature or complete certain business functions.

the picture is described in the document text

Setup Check List

The following table lists setup steps and a reference to their location within Oracle Applications. After you log on to Oracle Applications, complete the required steps to implement Work in Process:

Step Description Discrete Repetitive Projects Reference
1 Define Work in Process Parameters Required Required Required Oracle Work in Process
2 Define Work in Process Accounting Classes Required Required Required Oracle Work in Process
3 Set Work in Process Profile Options Required Required Required Oracle Work in Process
4 Define Production Lines Optional Required Optional Oracle Work in Process
5 Define Repetitive Assemblies N/A Required N/A Oracle Work in Process
6 Define Schedule Groups Optional N/A Optional Oracle Work in Process
7 Define Employees (optional if using resources) Optional Optional Optional Oracle Work in Process
8 Define Labor Rates (optional if using resources) Optional Optional Optional Oracle Work in Process
9 Define Shop Floor Statuses (optional if using resources) Optional Optional Optional Oracle Work in Process
10 Define Job and Schedule Documents Optional Optional Optional Oracle Work in Process
11 Define Operation Documents Optional Optional Optional Oracle Work in Process
12 Setup Discrete Execution Workstation Optional Optional Optional Oracle Work in Process

Setup Steps

You must complete the following steps to set up Work in Process. Each step includes a Context section that indicates whether you need to repeat the step for each set of books, set of tasks, inventory organization, HR organization, or other operating unit under Multiple Organizations.

Step 1: Define Your Work in Process Parameters (Required with Defaults)

System Requirements: The following parameters define modes of operation and default values that affect Work in Process: Discrete Manufacturing Parameters, Repetitive Manufacturing Parameters, Move Transaction Parameters, Material Parameters, Intraoperation Steps Parameters, Outside Processing Parameters, Scheduling Parameters, and Other Parameters.

To define WIP parameters, you must change the control level for the Costing Enabled and Inventory Asset Value item attributes in the Item Attribute Controls window in Oracle Inventory. This change requires that costs be defined for all organizations that point to other organizations for their costs.

Note: You cannot define Work in Process parameters when the costing organization is different from the current organization.

You must define modes of operation that affect other functions in Oracle Work in Process and assign default values before you can perform any transactions in your organization. You must also enable the intraoperation steps that you want to use in your routings to allow detailed tracking within operations on the shop floor. Work in Process always enables Queue for each operation and To Move for the final operation in a routing.

Step 2: Define your WIP Accounting Classes (Required)

You must define Work in Process accounting classes before you can define discrete jobs and repetitive assemblies. You must define separate accounting classes for standard discrete jobs, non-standard expense jobs, non-standard asset jobs, and repetitive assemblies. Accounting classes include the elemental valuation and variance accounts you use to cost discrete and repetitive production.

System Requirements: you can define any number of accounting classes. Accounting classes define which valuation and variance accounts are charged and when they are charged. Every discrete job and repetitive schedule that you define must be assigned one of the following types of accounting classes: Discrete, Standard Discrete Expense, Non-standard Asset, Non-standard Repetitive, or Lot Based Standard Discrete.

Note: The Lot Based Standard Discrete type is available only if Oracle Shop Floor Management is installed.

Default: If you skip this step, Discrete will be used as the default value.

Context: Perform this step for each inventory organization in which you use Work in Process.

See: Defining WIP Accounting Classes.

Step 3: Set your Work in Process Profile Options (Required)

Profile options specify how Work in Process controls access to and processes data. In general, profile options can be set at one or more of the following levels: site, application, responsibility, and user.

System Requirements: the system administrator sets and updates profile values. The Oracle E-Business Suite System Administration Reference Manual contains a list of all profile options available to every Oracle Application. At this step, select the profile options related to the Work in Process (WIP) module. These system profiles must be set in order to have an operational system. See: Profile Option Descriptions

Step 4: Define Production Lines (Optional)

You can associate production lines with repetitive assemblies, discrete jobs, and work order-less completions. A production line describes a unique set of operations, departments, and manufacturing cells that produce one or more of your products. You can define and update, but not delete production lines.

You must associate production lines with the assemblies that you plan to manufacture repetitively. You can build different repetitive assemblies on the same production line, which allows you to use production lines to aggregate material requirements for a number of assemblies by production line. You also can build the same assembly on different production lines.

Production lines can optionally be used to identify where and how your discrete jobs are built; however, Discrete job production lines are only used for informational purposes.

See: Defining Production Lines

Step 5: Define your Repetitive Line and Assembly Associations (Optional)

If you manufacture assemblies repetitively, you must define your repetitive assemblies and associate them with production lines before you can define repetitive schedules. When you define repetitive schedules, you must specify the line on which you plan to produce the repetitive assembly and the quantity that you plan to build. Repetitive line scheduling then uses the line start and stop times, production rate, and lead time, along with the workday calendar to schedule your repetitive schedules.

See: Associating Lines and Assemblies

Step 6: Define Schedule Groups (Optional)

You can define schedule groups then assign them to jobs or work order-less completion transactions. For example, you can define a schedule group then assign that schedule group to a group of jobs that are being built on a specific production line and that must be completed on a specific date for a planned departure.

See: Defining Schedule Groups.

Step 7: Define your Employees (Optional)

If you do not install Oracle Human Resource Management Systems with Oracle Work in Process, you use the Enter Employees form to define employees whose labor rates you want to charge.

See: Employee Management, Oracle Human Resources.

Step 8: Define your Employee Labor Rates (Optional)

If you want to charge employee labor for employees that you defined in Step 7, you must define the hourly labor rate of your employees. Oracle Work in Process uses employee rates when you manually charge person-type resources to jobs or repetitive schedules that do not charge at the standard rate, and when you associate an employee number with the resource you are charging.

You can add, delete, and update the effective date of the hourly labor rates for person-type resources (employees). You can define multiple hourly labor rates for the same employee, as long as each rate has a different effective date. If you use actual costing, the hourly labor rate rather than the standard rate is used to compute the actual cost of person-type resources charged to discrete jobs and repetitive schedules. You can enter an employee number when performing a person-type resource transaction in the Resource Transactions window or the Resource Transaction Open Interface Process. The employee's most current hourly labor rate is used to compute the actual cost of the transaction.

See: Defining Labor Rates.

Step 9: Define your Shop Floor Statuses (Optional)

You have the option to prevent move transactions from steps within an operation by defining shop floor statuses that prevent moves, and assigning them to operations and intraoperation steps within discrete jobs or repetitive schedules. You can also use these statuses to record more detailed information regarding assemblies at a particular step within an operation.

You can assign shop floor statuses to any intraoperation step associated with a job or repetitive line or assembly. You also can assign multiple statuses to an intraoperation step; however, you cannot assign the same shop floor status to more than one intraoperation step within the same operation. Shop floor statuses that are assigned to a repetitive line or assembly are valid for all repetitive schedules being built on that production line.

See: Defining Shop Floor Statuses.

Step 10: Define Job and Schedule Documents (Optional)

You can define standard job and schedule documents and then attach them to jobs and repetitive schedules.

See: Defining Job and Schedule Documents.

Step 11: Defining Operation Documents (Optional)

You can define operation documents then attach them to work in process routing operations.

See: Defining Operation Documents.

Step 12: Setup Discrete Execution Workstation

The Discrete Execution Workstation provides a Manufacturing Execution System interface to perform multiple shop floor functions for viewing the jobs assigned to specific work centers, viewing requirements and instructions for performing work, and monitoring progress and problems. The workstation provides three functional roles.

See: Overview of the Discrete Execution Workstation, Oracle Manufacturing Execution System for Discrete Manufacturing.

WIP Parameters

You can use WIP parameters to define modes of operation and to assign default values for various work in process functions. You can only define one set of WIP parameters per organization. The following summarizes WIP parameters and their defaults:

Discrete Required? Default Value
Default Discrete Class Optional Null
Default Lot Number Type Required Job Name
Respond to Sales Order Changes Required Always
Repetitive Required? Default Value
Recognize Period Variances Optional All Schedules
Autorelease Days Optional 0
Costing Required? Default Value
Default Completion Cost Source Required System Calculated
System Option Cond. Required Use Predefined Resources
Cost Type Cond. Required Null
Auto Compute Final Completion Optional No
Move Transactions Required? Default Value
Require Scrap Account Optional Disabled
Allow Creation of New Operations Optional Disabled
Allow Moves Over No Move Shop Floor Statuses Optional Enabled
Material Required? Default Value
Include Component Yield Optional Enabled
Supply Subinventory Required Null
Supply Locator Optional Null
Lot Selection Method Optional Expiration Date
Alternate Lot Selection Method Optional Null
Lot Verification Optional All
Release Backflush Components Optional Disabled
Allow Quantity Changes During Backflush Optional Disabled
Intraoperation Steps Required? Default Value
Intraoperation Steps Optional All are enabled
Outside Processing Required? Default Value
Shop Floor Status for PO Move Resources Optional Null
Requisition Creation Time Optional At OSP operation
Production Scheduler Optional Null
Shipping Manager Optional Null
Propagate Job Changes to Purchasing Required Automatic
Days Early Required 1000
Days Late Required 1000
Scheduling Required? Default Value
Include Resource Efficiency Optional Disabled
Include Resource Utilization Optional Disabled
Simulation Set Optional Null
Use Constraint-Based Scheduler (check box) Optional Disabled
Constraints Optional Resources
Primary Objective Optional Maximum Ontime Completion
Horizon (days) Optional Null
Maximum Penalty Optional Null
Penalty Per Day Late Optional Null
Due Date Tolerance (days) Optional Null
Mobile Required? Default Value
Default Scrap Account Optional Null
Transaction Processing Optional Background
Serial Required? Default Value
Default Serialization Start Operation Optional Disabled
Auto Associate Serial Numbers on Job Creation From Interface Optional Disabled
Default Intraoperation Step for Assembly Moves Optional Null
Other Required? Default Value
Component ATP Rule Optional Null
Default Overcompletion Tolerance % Optional Null
Default Pick Slip Grouping Rule Optional Null
Default Plan Tasks Optional Disabled

Discrete Parameters

The following parameters affect discrete manufacturing.

Default Discrete Class

If Category Default WIP Classes are not set up and you are defining a standard, non-project discrete job or performing a work order-less completion, this parameter determines which accounting class is used as the default. See: Default WIP Classes and Associating WIP Accounting Classes with Categories, Oracle Cost Management User's Guide.

You can only select an active, standard discrete accounting class when defining this parameter. See: Discrete Accounting Classes, Defining Discrete Jobs Manually, and Autocreating Final Assembly Orders.

Default Lot Number Type Parameter

Determines how lot numbers are assigned to discrete jobs. The options are as follows:

Repetitive Parameters

The following parameters affect repetitive manufacturing.

Costing Parameters

These parameters affect how WIP assembly completion transactions are costed. The Default Completion Cost Source, Cost Type, and System Option parameters are defaulted when you define standard and non-standard accounting classes in the WIP Accounting Classes window.

The Auto Compute Final Completion parameter is defaulted when you complete jobs. This parameter can be set for both average and standard costing organizations. The other parameters are used only for average costing organizations defined in the Oracle Inventory Organization Parameters window. See: Organization Parameters Window, Oracle Inventory User's Guide and Defining Costing Information, Oracle Inventory User's Guide.

Move Transaction Parameters

The following parameters affect move transactions.

Material Parameters

The following parameters are used for material transactions.

Intraoperation Steps Parameter

Determines which intraoperation steps are enabled in your WIP routing operations. The options are Queue, Run, To Move, Reject and Scrap. See: Intraoperation Steps.

The Queue intraoperation step is automatically enabled for all operations and cannot be disabled. The To Move intraoperation step, even if disabled here, is automatically enabled for the final operations in routings so that assemblies can be completed into inventory.

Outside Processing Parameters

The following parameters affect outside processing functionality:

Scheduling Parameters

This parameter is used to include resource factors in scheduling calculations, and if Oracle Manufacturing Scheduling is installed for constraint-based scheduling. Constraint-base scheduling considers resource, material constraints, and the number of days in the schedule when rescheduling jobs. Oracle provides constraint-based scheduling through Manufacturing Scheduling and Production Scheduling, see Supply Chain Planning Production Scheduling

Check the Use Constraint Based Scheduler check box to enable the constraint-based scheduling engine. You also must select the constraints and the scheduling horizon that you want the engine to consider when rescheduling jobs.

Detailed Scheduling

Overview of Resource Requirements

Calculating Manufacturing Lead Times, Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide

Manufacturing Lead Time Computations, Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide.

Mobile Parameters

The following parameter is set only if you are using Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications. This value must be set if you are entering scrap transactions.

Serial Parameters

The following parameter is used to set features for serial number control tracking throughout manufacturing. Serial control includes control beginning at the routing, association of serial numbers to jobs before their production, serial based transaction entry, generation of serial numbers, and serial label printing. See: Serial Number Tracking Throughout Manufacturing, and Associating and Modifying Serial Number Job Information

Other Parameters

The following parameter is used to set features for material availability checking, overcompletions, and component pick release.

Defining WIP Parameters

WIP parameters define modes of operation and default values that affect Work in Process.

Tip: You cannot define WIP parameters if the current organization shares costs with another organization. If the current organization does share costs, you must change the organization's control level for the Costing Enabled and Inventory Asset Value item attributes (Costing Group) to Item/Organization. This can be done using the Item Attribute Controls window in Oracle Inventory. Before changing these attributes, however, you must confirm that item costs have been defined in the current organization. See: Cost Organizations and Shared Costs, Oracle Cost Management User's Guide and Defining Item Attribute Controls, Oracle Inventory User's Guide.


To define and update Work in Process parameters

  1. Navigate to the Work in Process Parameters window. See: WIP Parameters.

  2. In the Discrete tabbed region, enter the Default Discrete Class. See: Default WIP Classes.

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Select the Default Lot Number Type.

    Determines how lot numbers are assigned to discrete jobs.

  4. Select one of the Respond to Sales Order Changes options.

    Determines whether and how the system responds to changes to configure-to-order (CTO) sales orders and their related discrete jobs.

  5. In the Repetitive tabbed region, select the Recognize Period Variances option.

    the picture is described in the document text

    Determines which repetitive schedule variances are posted to the general ledger when an accounting period is closed.

  6. Enter the number of repetitive Autorelease Days.

    Determines the time period within which the system automatically releases the next Unreleased schedule.

  7. In the Costing tabbed region, select a Default Completion Cost Source. The options are System Calculated and User Defined. See: Costing Parameters.

    the picture is described in the document text

    Note: You can only set parameters in the Average Costing tabbed region if your current organization has been defined as an average cost organization in the Oracle Inventory Organization Parameters window. See: Organization Parameters Window, Oracle Inventory User's Guide and .Defining Costing Information, Oracle Inventory User's Guide

  8. If you select the System Calculated as your default completion cost source, you must select a System Option. The options are Use Actual Resources and Use Predefined Resources.

  9. Select a Cost Type.

    Determines which Cost Type is defaulted for when completing jobs. You must select a cost type if the Default Completion Cost Source parameter is User Defined.

  10. Check the Auto Compute Final Completions check box to indicate whether the system should automatically determine when a completion transaction completes a job (quantity complete + scrap quantity = job quantity). The system calculates completion costs by taking the incurred job costs and dividing them by the completion quantity.

  11. In the Move Transactions tabbed region, select or deselect the Require Scrap Account check box.

    the picture is described in the document text

    Determines whether a scrap account is required when you move assemblies into and out of the Scrap intraoperation step of an operation.

  12. Select or deselect the Allow Creation of New Operations check box.

    Determines whether you can or cannot add an operation to a discrete job work in process routing during a move transaction.

  13. Select or deselect the Allow Moves Over No Move Shop Floor Statuses.

    Determines whether moves are disallowed if an intraoperation step that disallows moves exists at an autocharge operation and intraoperation step between the From and To operations and intraoperation steps.

  14. In the Material tabbed region, choose the defaults for material backflushing. The Include Component Yield check box controls if component yield is factored into component quantities during material transactions. You can disable this parameter to avoid rounding transaction quantities. See: Component Yield and Shrinkage

  15. In the Backflush Controls region, select a backflush Supply Subinventory and, if required, a Supply Locator.

    the picture is described in the document text

    These two parameters determine which supply subinventory/locator is used when backflushing Operation Pull and Assembly Pull components that do not have defaults defined at the bill of material component level or at the item level.

    You can select an expense subinventory, if the Oracle Inventory Allow Expense to Asset Transfer profile option is set to Yes. See: Inventory Profile Options, Oracle Inventory User's Guide.

  16. Select a backflush Lot Selection Method.

    Determines how lot controlled Assembly Pull and Component Pull component items are selected during backflush transactions.

  17. If you choose Transaction History for the Lot Selection Method, select a value for the Alternate Lot Selection Method. These two parameters are used in combination with lot number defaulting. If there is no transaction history for defaulting, this value is used for lot selection. This occurs in instances such as the initial backflush transaction, or the lots defaulted from the previous backflush do not have sufficient on-hand quantity.

  18. Select a backflush Lot Verification Method.

    Determines how lots are verified during backflush transactions.

  19. Check the Release Backflush Components check box to indicate if operation pull and assembly pull supply type components are included in the Component Pick Release window.

  20. Check the Allow Quantity Changes During Backflush to make changes to the transaction quantity—therefore Bill of Material required quantity default is not used—for assembly move and completion transactions. This provides the ability to over or under issue pull components for assembly moves, completions; and mobile work order-less completions requiring lot and serial information..

  21. In the Interoperation Steps tabbed region, enable Intraoperation Steps as required.

    the picture is described in the document text

    Determines which intraoperation steps are enabled in your WIP routing operations.

  22. In the Outside Processing tabbed region, select which status is assigned to the Shop Floor Status for PO Move Resources parameter.

    the picture is described in the document text

    This parameter determines which shop floor status is assigned to the Queue intraoperation steps of outside processing operations when you create discrete jobs and repetitive schedules.

  23. Select a Requisition Creation Time option.

    Determines whether or not requisitions for outside processing resources operations are created, and when in the outside processing process they will be created (At Job/Schedule Release, At Operation, or Manual).

  24. If you have outside processing operations, and you have set the WIP:Enable Outside Processing Workflows profile option to Yes, select the employees that you want to associate with the Production Scheduler and the Shipping Manager job roles.

    The employee associated with either of these roles receives all notifications for all jobs that have an outside processing operation.

  25. The Job Change Controls for Purchasing Documents region is used to set parameters when the Purchase Order Approval and Requisition workflows are launched. In the Propagate job Change to Purchasing field, set how quantity and date changes are forwarded to purchasing documents. Your choices are:

    • Automatic–Changes are passed routinely through the workflow. You can choose to have them propagated as fully automatic, or subject to approval.

    • Manual–You must update changes directly in the purchasing documents.

  26. In the Need-By Date Tolerance fields, set values used to initiate the workflow for automatic job date changes. The workflow is initiated when the number of days either in the Days Early or Days Late fields is exceeded.

  27. Select the Scheduling tabbed region to include resource factors in scheduling jobs, and to enable the Constraint Based Scheduler if Oracle Manufacturing Scheduling is installed.

  28. Check the Include Resource Efficiency box if you want job scheduling to consider resource efficiency.

    Efficiency effects resource loading and is always considered in lead time calculations.

    the picture is described in the document text

  29. Check the Include Resource Utilization box if you want job scheduling to consider resource utilization.

    Utilization is always considered in lead time calculations. Resource availability is divided by the utilization percentage for capacity.

  30. Select a simulation set in the Simulation Set field to enable the adjust resource capacity capability.

    Simulation sets are used to link resource changes to available resource capacity for scheduling and planning.

  31. If you have Oracle Manufacturing Scheduling installed, check the Use Constraint Based Scheduler box to activate the Constraint Based scheduling engine.

    Note: Do not choose this check box unless you have Oracle Manufacturing Scheduling installed. Oracle also provides Production Scheduling, a constraint-based automated scheduling tool using sophisticated scheduling algorithms. See: Supply Chain Planning Production Scheduling

  32. Select the constraints that you want the constraint-based scheduling engine to consider in its calculations when it reschedules jobs: Resources (only) or Resources and Material.

  33. In the primary Objective field, select the primary goal of work in process scheduling for your plant.

    The choice of objective determines which set of scheduling logic is used on the shop floor. Your choices are maximize Ontime Completion, Minimize Setup, or Minimize Operation Slack.

  34. Enter the number of days in the scheduling Horizon field. The horizon is the number of days in the schedule that the constraint-based scheduling engine is to consider in its calculations when it reschedules jobs (the default is 60 days). The horizon should be at least as long as your longest job on the schedule, and you should also add additional time to take into consideration future material receipts.

  35. In the Maximum Penalty field, enter the maximum penalty factor that can be entered when assigning penalties for scheduling.

  36. In the Penalty Per Day Late field, enter the default penalty factor used in scheduling jobs not completed by the scheduled due date.

  37. In the Due Date Tolerance (days) field, enter the default number of days a job can be delayed during scheduling.

  38. The Mobile tabbed region is used if you are using Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications. Select a Default Scrap Account value for scrap transactions, entering either an account number, or selecting an alias from the list of values.

    Note: This account number is only used in Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Application scrap transactions. It is not used in standard Work in Process scrap transactions.

  39. Select a Transaction Processing Mode.

    Your choices are Online, for immediate processing-or Background for periodic processing.

    the picture is described in the document text

  40. Use the Serial tabbed region to select parameters for serial number control tracking. See: Serial Number Tracking Throughout Manufacturing

    the picture is described in the document text

  41. Use the Default Serialization Start Operation box to determine the job operation where tracking of the serial number begins. The choices are:

    • Enabled: If the serialization start operation is defined on the bill of material item routing, it is copied to the job routing. If this value is not defined on the item routing, the first operation is defaulted to be the serialization start operation on the job routing.

    • Disabled: The serialization start operation on the job routing is blank.

  42. Use the Auto Associate Serial Numbers on Job Creation From Interface box to determine if serial numbers are automatically generated.

    This flag is used when jobs are created through the WIP Mass Load interface. The job start quantity determines the number of serial numbers created.

    If this flag is enabled, serial numbers are automatically generated and associated with a job. Otherwise, serial numbers are not automatically generated and associated with a job.

  43. Select a value in the Default Intraoperation Step for Assembly Moves field. This value is used when the move quantity is at the intraoperation step, your choices are Queue, Run, To move, and null.

    For example, when moving assemblies, if this value is set to Queue - the default intraoperation To step for the next move transaction is the next Queue step in the routing.

    If the value is set to Run - the default intraoperation To step for the next move transactions is the next Run step in the routing.

    If set to To move - the default intraoperation To step for the next move transaction is the next To move in the routing.

    However, if this value is set to null - a default is not set and you must specify the step in your move transaction.

  44. In the Other tabbed region, select a Component ATP Rule. See: ATP Parameter

    the picture is described in the document text

  45. Enter the Default Overcompletion Tolerance % (percent) of assemblies that can be over-completed on all jobs or schedules.

  46. Select a Default Pick Slip Grouping Rule.

    This value displays on the Component Pick Release window for this organization, but can be changed during requirement picking. It is used to group tasks based on the pick method such as order pick or bulk pick. See: Using the Component Pick Release Window

  47. If you are setting up an Oracle Warehouse Management organization, use the Default Plan Tasks to determine the default value displaying on the Component Pick Release window. Your choices are:

    • Enabled: Pick tasks are created, you can choose the time to release the tasks using the concurrent program.

    • Disabled: Pick tasks are created and released when you choose Release on the Component Pick Release window.

      See: Using the Component Pick Release Window

WIP Accounting Classes

You can define any number of accounting classes. The valuation and variance accounts that are associated with these accounting classes determine which accounts are charged and when.

Discrete Accounting Classes

You can define accounting classes for each type of discrete production you use: standard discrete, asset non-standard discrete and expense non-standard discrete. You must assign an accounting class all your discrete jobs.

Standard Discrete

Standard discrete accounting classes can be used to group job costs. For example, if you build subassemblies and finished goods, you can define your accounting classes so that you can separately value and report the costs associated with subassembly and finished goods production. Standard discrete accounting classes can be automatically defaulted when you create discrete jobs. See: WIP Accounting Class Defaults, Product Line Accounting Setup, Oracle Cost Management User's Guide, and Discrete Parameters.

When you define an accounting class, you must assign valuation and variance accounts to it. When you issue materials to a job that uses this accounting class, the appropriate valuation accounts are charged. When the job is closed, final costs and variances are calculated and posted to the variance and valuation accounts. When the accounting period is closed, these journal entries are automatically posted to the general ledger.

Non-Standard Discrete

Non-standard discrete accounting classes can be used to group and report various types of non-standard production costs, such as field service repair or engineering projects.

For example to track recurring expenses - machine maintenance or engineering projects - with non-standard jobs, you can define and assign an accounting class with a type of expense non-standard to these jobs. The valuation accounts carry the costs incurred on these expense jobs as an asset during the period and automatically writes them off to the variance accounts at period close.

On the other hand, if you use non-standard discrete jobs to track production costs as assets, you can define and assign an accounting class with a type of asset non-standard. Asset non-standard discrete jobs are costed the same as standard discrete jobs. Valuation accounts are charged when material is issued to a job and final costs and variances are calculated and posted to the appropriate variance and valuation accounts when the job is closed.

Repetitive Accounting Classes

Repetitive accounting classes are used to group production costs and must be assigned to each repetitive line/assembly association that is created. Every schedule for that assembly on that line uses these accounts. The accounts are charged whenever you transact against the line/assembly association. Repetitive accounting classes can be automatically defaulted when you associate repetitive assemblies with production lines. See: WIP Accounting Class DefaultsProduct Line Accounting Setup, Oracle Cost Management User's Guide.

You can analyze repetitive manufacturing costs by assembly regardless of the line on which it was manufactured by using the same accounting class for all lines that build that assembly. You can use the same class for all assemblies on a line to do line based cost reporting or you can use a different accounting class for every line/assembly association.

Lot Based Job Accounting Classes

Oracle Shop Floor Management extends work in process functionality using network routings, lot based transactions, and yield based operational costing. If you have Oracle Shop Floor Management installed, you can define accounting classes for standard production and expense non-standard jobs.

Standard Lot Based

Standard jobs control the material, resources, and operations required to build an assembly and collect costs. When you build lot based jobs, the standard lot based accounting class is used to separately value and report costs associated with yielded production at each individual operation on the routing.

You must assign valuation and variance accounts to it. When you issue materials to a job that uses this accounting class, the appropriate valuation accounts are charged. When the job is closed, final costs and variances are calculated and posted to the variance and valuation accounts. When the accounting period is closed, these journal entries are automatically posted to the general ledger. If Estimated Scrap Accounting is enabled, both Estimated Scrap accounts are required. If this feature is not enabled, the Estimated Scrap account fields are disabled.

Expense Non-standard Lot Based

Non-standard jobs control material and collects costs for miscellaneous activity. These jobs are used for expense work orders for testing, prototypes, and rework where operation yield costing is not considered. You can perform all transactions (moves, jumps, scrap, splits, and update assemblies or routings) with the exception of job merge.

Maintenance Account Class

Maintenance accounting classes are used to group costs for work orders used in Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (eAM). For example, if you are creating work orders for plant maintenance activities, you can define your accounting classes to separately value and report the costs related to asset. Maintenance accounting classes are automatically defaulted when you create eAM work orders.

When you define an accounting class, you must assign valuation and variance accounts to it. When you issue materials to a work order that uses this accounting class, the appropriate valuation accounts are charged. When the work order is closed, final costs and variances are calculated and posted to the variance and valuation accounts. When the accounting period is closed, these journal entries are automatically posted to the general ledger.

Valuation and Variance Accounts

WIP accounting class valuation accounts are charged when you issue components, move assemblies, complete assemblies, and charge resources.

Variance accounts associated with Standard Discrete and Non-standard Asset accounting classes are charged when jobs are closed. Variance accounts associated with Expense Non-standard Discrete, and optionally Repetitive accounting classes, are charged when accounting periods are closed.

As noted in the following table, different valuation and variance accounts are required under standard versus average costing.

Account Valuation Variance
Material Standard and Average Standard and Average
Material Overhead Standard and Average Standard and Average
Resource Standard and Average Standard and *Average
Outside processing Standard and Average Standard and *Average
Overhead Standard and Average Standard and *Average
Standard Cost Standard Only Variance not applicable
Bridging Average Only Variance not applicable
Expense Average Only Variance not applicable

Valuation Accounts

WIP accounting class valuation accounts are defined as follows:

Variable Description
Material Normally an asset account this account tracks material costs. Under standard costing, it is debited at standard when you issue material to a job or schedule and credited at standard when you complete assemblies from a job or schedule, close a job, or close an accounting period. Under average costing, this account is debited at the average cost in effect at the time of the issue transaction and is credited when you complete assemblies from a job.
Material Overhead Normally an asset account this account tracks material overhead (burden) costs. Under standard costing, it is charged/debited at standard when you issue material with material overhead to a job or schedule and relieved at standard when you complete assemblies from a job or schedule, close a job, or close an accounting period. Under average costing, this account is debited at the average cost in effect at the time of the issue transaction.
Note: When a job is completed and material overhead is earned, this account is not charged /credited. Instead, the material overhead account for the completion subinventory is debited.
Resource An asset account that account tracks resource costs. Under standard costing, it is charged/debited at standard when resources are charged to a job or schedule and relieved/credited at standard when you complete assemblies from a job or schedule, close a job, or close an accounting period. Under average costing, this account is debited and credited at the resource rate in effect at the time the resource is charged.
Outside Processing An asset account that tracks outside processing costs. Under standard costing it is debited at the standard or purchase order cost when you receive items for a job or schedule in Oracle Purchasing. It is credited at standard when you complete assemblies from a job or schedule, close a job, or close an accounting period. Under average costing when you move job or repetitive schedule assemblies through an outside processing operation, it is debited at the resource's predefined rate or at the purchase order cost. See: Performing Move Transactions.
Overhead Normally an asset account this account tracks resource or department overhead cost. Under standard costing it is debited at standard when resources are charged to a job or schedule. It is relieved at standard when you complete assemblies from a job or schedule, close a job, or close an accounting period.
For additional information about how elemental accounts are charged under standard and average costing see: Manufacturing Average Cost Transactions in the Oracle Cost Management User's Guide, and Work in Process Standard Cost Transactions, Oracle Cost Management User's Guide.

Variance Accounts

WIP accounting class variance accounts are defined as follows:

Variable Description
Material This account tracks variances that occur when the previous level material costs charged to the job or schedule do not equal the previous level material costs that are relieved. This calculation gives you a net material usage and configuration variance.
Resource This account tracks variances that occur when the this level resource costs charged to the job or schedule do not equal the this level resource costs that are relieved. If you charge actual labor without creating resource rate variances (resource standard rate is set to No), the resource variance includes any rate, efficiency, and method variances. If you recognize rate variances or charge resources at standard, the resource variance includes resource efficiency, and any method variances.
Outside Processing Tracks the variances that are occur when the this level outside processing costs charged to the job or schedule do not equal the this level outside processing costs that are relieved. If you do not calculate purchase price variance (resource standard rate is set to No), the outside processing variance includes any rate, efficiency, and method variances. If you recognize purchase price variance, this account includes efficiency and any method variances.
Overhead Tracks the variances that are occur when the this level overhead costs charged to the job or schedule do not equal the this level overhead costs relieved from the job or schedule. These variances include both efficiency and method variances.
Standard Cost Applies only to standard discrete and non-standard asset. This account is charged for the sum of all the elemental standard cost adjustments when you perform a standard cost update that impacts an active job. Cost updates are not performed for repetitive schedules or expense non-standard jobs.
Bridging This field is optional.
Expense Optional, used to accommodate European accounting practices.
Estimated Scrap Applies only to lot based jobs in Oracle Shop Floor Management enabled inventory organizations when Estimated Scrap Accounting is enabled. If this feature is enabled, both Estimated Scrap accounts are required. The scrap account field is required when defining a department on the Departments window. Additionally when you define this account, you can also track operation yield and estimated scrap absorption when creating transactions for lot based jobs. See Defining Parameters in the Oracle Shop Floor Management User's Guide.

Related Topics

Defining WIP Accounting Classes

Work in Process Costs

WIP Accounting Class Defaults

You can set up default WIP accounting classes at several levels:

Non - Project Standard Discrete Jobs

The default discrete accounting classes that you have associated with categories in the Default WIP Accounting Classes for Categories window are used when you create standard discrete jobs for items that belong to categories that belong to the product line category set. For example, if you create a job to build Item A, and Item A belongs to a category that belongs to the product line category set, then the WIP accounting class associated with Item A's category is defaulted. This defaulting logic is applied no matter how jobs are created. See: Overview of Creating Discrete Jobs.

Note: If default discrete WIP accounting classes do not exist, the accounting class specified for the Default Discrete Class parameter is used. See Discrete Parameters.

Non - Project Referenced Work Order-less Completions

When you perform work order-less completions, discrete accounting classes that are associated with categories are defaulted if the item being completed belongs to a category that belongs to the product line category set. For example, if you are performing a work order-less completion for Item A, and Item A belongs to a category that belongs to the product line category set, then the WIP accounting class associated with Item A's category is defaulted.

Repetitive Assemblies

When you associate repetitive assemblies with production lines, the repetitive accounting classes that you have associated with categories are defaulted if the assembly item being associated belongs to a category that belongs to the product line category set. For example if you create a repetitive line/assembly association for an assembly Item B, and Item B belongs to a category that belongs to the product line category set, then the WIP accounting class associated with Item B's category is defaulted.

Project Related Defaults

Discrete accounting classes can also be defaulted when you define project referenced jobs and perform project referenced work order-less completions. If the assembly item belongs to a category that belongs to the product line category set, then the WIP accounting class associated with the item's category is defaulted.

However, if a default discrete class cannot be found for a project job or work order-less completion based on the assembly item's category set, the system does not default the accounting class specified for the Default Discrete Class parameter. Instead it uses the WIP accounting class that is associated with the project as defined in the Project Parameters window. Like other accounting class defaults it can be overridden but only with an accounting class that was associated with the project's cost group in the WIP Accounting Classes for Cost Groups window. See: Assigning Project Parameters, Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide, and Defining Cost Groups, Oracle Cost Management User's Guide.

Note: If you create a project referenced job or perform a project referenced work order-less completion, and the system can find neither a default accounting class nor a project WIP accounting class, the accounting class is not defaulted and one must be selected.

Accounting Class Defaults on the Discrete Jobs Window

When selecting a WIP Accounting Class on the Discrete Jobs window, the list of values defaults in the following manner for your costing organization setup.

Defining WIP Accounting Classes

Accounting classes are assigned and used when jobs, work orders, and repetitive assemblies associated with production lines are defined.

To define accounting classes:

  1. Navigate to the WIP Accounting Classes window.

    If you are using an average costing organization, the Costing region displays for entering average costing information. Otherwise, if using a standard costing organization, this region does not appear.

  2. Enter a unique accounting class name and description in the Class and Description fields.

    You cannot update the class name after you save your changes.

  3. Select an accounting class Type.

    The options are Standard Discrete, Repetitive Assembly, Asset Non-standard, Expense Non-standard, Standard Lot Based, Maintenance, and Expense Non-standard Lot Based. Production costs and variances are tracked in the valuation and variance accounts associated with these classes.

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Enter the Inactive On date

    As of this date, you can no longer use this accounting class. The Inactive On date can be greater than or equal to the current date. If you do not enter an Inactive On date, the accounting class is active indefinitely.

  5. In the Accounts region, select the general ledger accounts each required Valuation and Variance account. See: Valuation and Variance Accounts.

  6. If you are defining an accounting class for an average costing organization, in the Costing region, select a Default Completion Cost Source.

    Note: This region displays only when you are using an average costing inventory organization.

    The default completion cost source defined in the WIP Parameters window is defaulted but can be overridden. The options are System Calculated and User Defined.

  7. If you select the System Calculated as your default completion cost source, you must select a System Option. The options are Use Actual Resources and Use Predefined Resources.

  8. Select a Cost Type.

    Determines which Cost Type is defaulted for when completing jobs. You must choose a cost type if the Default Completion Cost Source parameter is User Defined.

  9. Save your work.

Related Topics

WIP Accounting Classes

Shop Floor Statuses

Shop floor statuses can be used to control shop floor move transactions. You can define as many shop floor statuses as are required.

Shop floor statuses can be assigned to the intraoperation steps of work in process routing operations. When assigned to an intraoperation step of an operation that is associated with a particular repetitive line and assembly, the status applies to all repetitive schedules building that assembly on that line.

Defining Shop Floor Statuses

Shop floor statuses can be used to control shop floor movement transactions. You can define as many shop floor statuses as are required.

Shop floor statuses can be assigned to the intraoperation steps of work in process routing operations. When assigned to an intraoperation step of an operation that is associated with a particular repetitive line and assembly, the status applies to all repetitive schedules building that assembly on that line.

To define shop floor statuses

  1. Navigate to the Shop Floor Statuses window.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Enter an alphanumeric Status name

    For example, enter WIPHold to signify that shop floor assemblies are on WIP hold or, QAHold to signify that the shop floor assemblies are on quality assurance hold.

  3. Enter a Status description.

    Descriptions can be used to identify shop floor statuses on standard reports. They can be up to 240 characters of alpha numeric text.

  4. Uncheck Allow Moves so that you can use this status to control move transactions. Allow Moves defaults to checked.

  5. Enter the Inactive On date.

    As of this date, you can no longer use this status.

  6. Save your work.

Related Topics

Shop Floor Statuses

Overview of Shop Floor Control

Assigning and Viewing Shop Floor Statuses

Defining Schedule Groups

You can assign flow schedules and discrete jobs to the schedule groups you define. Jobs and flow schedules within a given schedule group can be sequenced. Sequencing jobs and flow schedules within a schedule group makes it possible to prioritize, for example, by customer.

You can update schedule groups. You cannot delete schedule groups that are assigned to jobs and flow schedules.

To define a schedule group

  1. Navigate to the Schedule Groups window.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Enter an alphanumeric name to identify the Schedule Group.

    Schedule groups are used to group discrete jobs and flow schedules. For example, you can create a Week01 schedule group to identify which jobs are to be released and built during the first week of your current production cycle. Schedule group names can be up to 30 characters and must be unique within the organization.

  3. Enter a schedule group Description. Descriptions can be up to 240 characters of alphanumeric text.

  4. Enter an Inactive On date.

    As of this date, you can no longer use this schedule group.

Related Topics

Build Sequencing

Schedule Group Listing Report

Defining Labor Rates

You can add, delete, and update the effective date of the hourly labor rates for person-type resources (employees). You also can define multiple hourly labor rates for the same employee, as long as each rate has a different effective date.

If you use actual costing, the hourly labor rate rather than the standard rate is used to compute the actual cost of person-type resources charged to discrete jobs and repetitive schedules. You can enter an employee number when performing a person-type resource transaction in the Resource Transactions window or the Resource Transaction Open Interface process. The employee's most current hourly labor rate is used to compute the actual cost of the transaction.


To define or update the hourly labor rate of an employee

  1. Navigate to the Employee Labor Rates window.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Select the employee Name or Number.

  3. Select the Effective Date for each hourly labor rate.

    The hourly rate remains effective until the next effective date or until the inactive date of the employee. You can only update or delete future effective dates.

  4. Enter the Hourly Labor Rate for the employee.

    You can define multiple hourly labor rates for the same employee as long as they have different effective dates. You can define a labor rate to the smallest currency denomination. For example, you can define a US dollar rate to the penny. You can only update or delete future labor rates.

  5. Save your work.

Related Topics

Overview of Resource Requirements

Production Lines

You can define and update, but not delete, production lines. A production line describes a unique set of operations, departments, and/or manufacturing cells that produce one or more of your products. You can associate production lines with repetitive assemblies, discrete jobs, and work order-less completions.

Defining Production Lines

You can define and update, but not delete, production lines. A production line describes a unique set of operations, departments, and/or manufacturing cells that produce one or more of your products. You can associate production lines with repetitive assemblies, discrete jobs, and work order-less completions.

To define a production line

  1. Navigate to the Production Lines window.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Enter the production line Name.

    For example, enter LINE1 to signify production line number 1, or BOARD to signify the PC board assembly line.

  3. Enter the production line Description.

  4. Optionally, select an Exception Set.

    Production lines are rate-based resources. The exception sets that you assign to them help you identify capacity problems. .

  5. Optionally, select an ATP Rule. See: Defining ATP Rules, Oracle Inventory User's Guide

    You can select any user-defined ATP rule. The ATP rule that you assign to the production line is used when determining the capable to promise status of the line resource. See: Capable to Promise, Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP and Oracle Supply Chain Planning User's Guide.

  6. Enter the Minimum Hourly Rate.

    This represents the minimum number of assemblies the line can produce per hour. The minimum hourly rate must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to the maximum rate.

  7. Enter the Maximum Hourly Rate.

    This represents the maximum number of assemblies the line can produce per hour. The maximum hourly rate must be greater than or equal to the minimum rate.

  8. Enter the production line Start time.

    This is the time at which your production line starts running every day. You can update this field at any time.

  9. Enter the production line Stop time.

    This is the time at which your production line stops running every day. You can update this field at any time.

    The difference between the Start and Stop times represents the amount of time per day a line is available. If the Start and Stop times are the same, the production line is considered to be available 24 hours per day.

  10. Select the Lead Time Basis.

    If the lead time varies by assembly, you can schedule the repetitive production time based on the routing of the assembly the line is building. You can set a fixed lead time if the lead time is determined by the production line and does not vary by assembly. You can update this field at any time.

    Fixed: The system schedules the first unit completion date and the operations of all repetitive schedules on this production line based on the fixed lead time hours you enter for the production line. Scheduling is done regardless of actual capacity or the lead time of the routing of the repetitive assembly.

    Routing-Based: The system schedules the first unit completion date and the operations of all repetitive schedules on this production line using the detailed shop floor scheduling algorithm, the routing of the assembly, and a quantity of 1.

  11. If the lead time basis is fixed, you must enter the Fixed Lead Time, in hours per assembly, for the production line. This is the amount of time it takes to produce the first assembly, from start to finish on the production line. The daily quantity from that point on is set when you define individual repetitive schedules and must be less than or equal to the maximum hourly rate. The fixed lead time entered here is used to schedule repetitive schedules produced on this production line. You can update this field at any time. You cannot enter a value in this field for a routing-based production line.

    Note: For lines with a lead time basis of Routing-based, the lead time is calculated by applying the detailed shop floor scheduling algorithm to the routing of the assembly.

  12. Enter the Inactive On date.

    The Inactive On date is greater than the current date. If you do not enter an Inactive On date, the production line is active indefinitely. You cannot update any repetitive schedule that uses this production line, nor can you assign this production line to a new repetitive schedule as of this date.

  13. Save your work.

Defining Tolerance Fences

Tolerance fences provide temporary increases to capacity above the standard operating rate to handle increases in orders. Oracle Flow Manufacturing uses flexible tolerance fences during line scheduling to temporarily alter the line rate, that is the capacity of the line.

This feature is activated by checking the Flex Tolerance check box on the Line Scheduling Workbench.

To define tolerance fences

  1. Choose Tolerance Fences from the Production Lines window.

    The Tolerance Fences window displays.

  2. In the Days in Advance field, enter the number of days of notice needed before increasing the line capacity.

    The Days in Advance value should be equal to or greater than the fixed lead time value.

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. In the Tolerance Percent field, enter the percentage you want to increase the line capacity.

    For example, the lead time for an assembly is 3 days on a line, and you know you can increase your capacity by 5 percent if given 5 days notice. Set Days in Advance at 8 days (the lead time plus number of days required for notice), and the tolerance percentage at 5.

    The line rate is adjusted by the tolerance fence before scheduling rules are applied.

  4. Save your work.

Related Topics

Associating Lines and Assemblies

Defining Discrete Jobs Manually

Performing Work Order-less Completions

Defining Repetitive Schedules Manually

Line Scheduling Workbench Options Window, Oracle Flow Manufacturing User's Guide.

Profile Options

During implementation, you set a value for each user profile option to specify how Work in Process controls access to and processes data.

Generally, the system administrator sets and updates profile values. See: Setting User Profile Options, Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide Documentation Set.

Setup Profile Options Summary

The table below indicates whether you can view or update the profile option, and at which System Administrator levels the profile options can be updated: User, Responsibility, Application, or Site. For a detailed description of each profile option, see: Profile Option Descriptions.

Oracle Applications has an extensive list of profile options, and profile options are defined in category types. The categories are used to control how the profile options are viewed in the interface, enabling you to view only those profile options pertaining to specific products or functions you are maintaining. See: Profile Categories, Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide Documentation Set

You are required to provide a value for a Required profile option. An Optional profile option provides a default value, which you only need to change if you do not want to accept the default. The key to the following chart is as follows:

Profile Option Descriptions

The following information provides you with a description of each Work in Process profile option and its values.

Note: Processing for move related transactions (that is: move, scrap, reject, move and complete, and return and move) enable the parent assembly record to process even if backflush records fail.

In background processing for standard completion and return transactions, once the move completion manager picks up a record for processing, backflushing occurs in the same commit cycle. This prevents the possibility of processing transactions if backflushing fails.

TP:WIP:Completion Material Processing

Controls material processing of assembly completion, assembly return, and assembly completion backflush transactions initiated using the Completion Transactions window. Available values are listed below:

Variable Description
Background processing When you save a completion transaction, control is returned to you immediately. Assembly completions and returns and their associated backflush transactions are processed on a periodic basis.
Concurrent processing When you save a completion transaction, a concurrent process is spawned and control is returned to you immediately.
The concurrent request number, representing the concurrent process executing the material transaction for the job or repetitive schedule, is displayed.
Online processing When you save a completion transaction, the transaction is processed while you wait and control is returned once transaction processing is completed.
If you set TP:WIP:Completion Transactions Form profile option to Background processing, this profile option is disregarded.
If you are using average costing, and the TP:INV: Transaction Processing Mode profile option in Oracle Inventory is set to Form level processing, you must set this profile option to Online to ensure that transactions are processed in the proper sequence.

TP:WIP:Completion Transaction Form

Determines whether completion transactions are processed online or in the background when transacting assembly completions using the Completion Transactions window. A completion transaction includes updating the completion quantity of a job or repetitive schedule, identifying the component items and quantities to be backflushed, and transferring reservations from the final assembly order to appropriate sales order lines and deliveries. This profile is only used if the Inventory profile option, TP:INV:Transaction Processing Mode, is set to From Level Processing. Available values are:

Variable Description
Background processing When you save a completion transaction, control is returned to you immediately. Completion transactions are then processed on a periodic basis.
Online processing When you save a completion transaction, it is processed while you wait and control is returned once transaction processing is completed.
If you are using average costing, and the TP:INV:Transaction Processing Mode profile option in Oracle Inventory is set to Form level processing, you must set this profile option to Online to ensure that transactions are processed in the proper sequence.

TP:WIP:Completion Transactions First Field

Determines which field the cursor defaults to when you first enter the Completion Transactions window. Set this option based on your predominant manufacturing environment: assemble-to-order, project or discrete job, or repetitive.

The available first field values are Line, Assembly, Job, or Sales Order. You can navigate to another field to override the default.

You can only enter a Sales Order name if you have an ATO sales order linked to a job.

WIP:Configuration Reservation Level

Indicates the level the completed configuration needs to be reserved. Available values are:

Variable Description
Item The reservation transferred to Inventory does not include subinventory and locator information. This is organization level reservation.
Variable Description
Item/Subinventory The reservation transferred to Inventory includes subinventory and locator information This is Detail reservation.

TP:WIP:Material Transaction Form

Controls the processing of component issue and return transactions entered in the WIP Material Transactions window. This profile is only used if the Inventory profile option, TP:INV:Transaction Processing Mode, is set to From Level Processing. Available values are:

Variable Description
Background processing When you save a material transaction, control is returned to you immediately. Transactions are then processed on a periodic basis.
Concurrent processing When you save a material transaction, a concurrent process is spawned and control is returned to you immediately.
The concurrent request number representing the concurrent process executing the issue or return transactions for the job or repetitive schedule is displayed.
Online processing When you save a material transaction, the transaction is processed while you wait and control is returned once transaction processing is completed.
If you are using average costing, and the TP:INV: Transaction Processing Mode profile option in Oracle Inventory is set to Form level processing, you must set this profile option to Online to ensure that transactions are processed in the proper sequence.

TP:WIP:Material Transactions First Field

Determines which field the cursor defaults to when you first enter the WIP Material Transactions window. Set this option based on your predominant manufacturing environment: assemble-to-order, project or discrete job, or repetitive.

The available first field values are Line, Assembly, Job, or Sales Order. You can navigate to another field to override the default.

You can only enter a Sales Order name if you have an ATO sales order linked to a job.

TP:WIP:Move Transaction

Determines whether move transactions performed using the Move Transactions window are processed online or in the background. Available values are listed below:

Variable Description
Background processing When you save a move transaction, control is returned to you immediately. Transactions are then processed on a periodic basis.
Online processing When you save a move transaction, the transaction is processed while you wait and control is returned once transaction processing is completed.
If you have this option set to Online processing, you cannot move more assemblies than are waiting at an operation step. However, if you have this option set to Background processing, you can move any number of assemblies, but validation of the quantity takes place in the background. You can correct and resubmit transactions that have errors using the Pending Move Transactions window.
If you are using average costing, and the TP:INV: Transaction Processing Mode profile option in Oracle Inventory is set to Form level processing, you must set this profile option to Online to ensure that transactions are processed in the proper sequence.

TP:WIP:Move Transactions First Field

Determines which field the cursor defaults to when you first enter the Move Transactions window. Set this option based on your predominant manufacturing environment: assemble-to-order, project or discrete job, or repetitive.

The available first field values are Line, Assembly, Job, or Sales Order. You can navigate to another field to override the default.

You can only enter a Sales Order name if you have an ATO sales order linked to a job.

TP:WIP:Move Transaction Quantity Default

Indicates if and how move transaction quantities are defaulted. Available values are listed below:

Variable Description
None No transaction quantity is defaulted.
Minimum Transfer Quantity When you perform a move transaction, the transaction quantity defaults to the minimum transfer quantity if the minimum transfer quantity is less than or equal to the available quantity. If the minimum transfer quantity is greater that the available quantity, and the available quantity is not zero, then the available quantity is defaulted.
Available Quantity When you perform a move transaction, if the available quantity is not zero, the transaction quantity defaults to the available quantity.

TP:WIP:Resource Transactions First Field

Determines which navigation field is defaulted when you the Resource Transactions window is opened. Set this option based on your predominant manufacturing environment: assemble-to-order, project or discrete job, or repetitive.

The available first field values are Line, Assembly, Job, or Sales Order. You can navigate to another field to override the default.

You can only enter a Sales Order name if you have an ATO sales order linked to a job.

TP:WIP:Shop Floor Material Processing

Controls processing mode for backflush transactions, assembly scrap, move completion, and move return transactions from the Move Transactions window:

Variable Description
Background processing When you save a move transaction, control is returned to you immediately. The operation and assembly pull backflush, assembly scrap, move completion, and move return transactions are then processed on a periodic basis.
Do not use background processing if you are backflushing lot controlled components that require manual entry of lot numbers either because of insufficient inventory or because the WIP Backflush Lot Selection parameter is set to Manual. See: Lot and Serial Number Backflushing.
Concurrent processing When you save a move transaction, a concurrent process to process the material port of the move transaction is spawned and control is returned to you immediately.
The concurrent request number representing the concurrent process executing the move transactions for the job or repetitive schedule is displayed.
Online processing When you save a move transaction, operation and assembly pull backflush, assembly scrap, move completion, and move return transactions are processed while you wait and control is returned once transaction processing is completed.
If you set the TP:WIP:Move Transactions profile option to Background processing, the Move Transactions window disregards this profile option for operation pull backflush, assembly scrap, and move completion transactions and performs the material portion of the move transaction in the background.

TP:WIP:Work Order-less Completion Form

Sets processing mode for the Work Order-less Completions window.

Variable Description
Background processing When you create a completion transaction, control is returned to you immediately. The transactions are then processed on a periodic basis.
Online processing When you create a work order-less completion, transactions are processed while you wait and control is returned once transaction processing is completed.

TP:WIP:Work Order-less Default Completion

Determines the default for the Scheduled flag in the Work Order-less Completions window.

Variable Description
Scheduled The Schedule flag defaults to checked. Use this option if most of your work order-less completions are based upon flow schedules.
Unscheduled The Scheduled flag defaults to unchecked. Use this option if most of your work order-less completions are manually entered and not based upon flow schedules.

WIP:Default Job Start Date

Determines whether the start dates for jobs default to the current date and time or not at all when defining jobs in the Discrete Jobs window. The options are Yes or No.

WIP:Define Discrete Job Form

Sets job creation and update mode when defining jobs in the Discrete Jobs window. Available values are listed below:

Variable Description
Concurrent definition When you save a job, a concurrent process is spawned and control is returned to you immediately.
The concurrent request number representing the concurrent process is displayed. You can view the status of the process in the Concurrent Requests window. The concurrent process updates the job status to Pending Bill Load, and if the bill of materials load succeeds, updates the job status to Pending Routing Load. The process then loads the routing information (if you defined a routing for the bill). If the routing load succeeds, the job status is updated to the choice you specified for the job (Unreleased, Released, or On Hold), and then loads the costing information. When all costing information is loaded, you can update the discrete job information and transact against it.
Concurrent definition produces an output report that indicates the job, assembly, relevant dates, and successful completion of each step (bill of materials load, routing load, and costing load). If the concurrent process fails, the status of the discrete job indicates the source of the problem (Failed bill of material load or Failed routing load). If the bill of material or routing load fails you can resubmit the job once you change the job status to Unreleased, Released, or On Hold.
Interactive definition When you save a job, job definition occurs immediately. The bill of material and routing are loaded while you wait and control is returned when the definition process is completed.
If you have complex bills of material and long routings, concurrent processing is recommended.

WIP: Display Scrap and Reject Quantity in Discrete Workstation

Enables display of job operations with quantities only in the Scrap and Reject intraoperation step in the Discrete Workstation.

Variable Description
No If all the job operations are completed and there is no quantity remaining in the Queue, Run and To Move steps—the work order will not appear in the Discrete Workstation, even if there is existing quantity in the Reject or Scrap step.
Variable Description
Yes If all the job operations are completed, and the only quantities remaining are in the Reject or Scrap step, they will appear on the Discrete Workstation.

WIP:Discrete Job Prefix

Specifies the job prefix to use when autogenerating job names in the Discrete Jobs, Simulate Discrete Jobs, Import Jobs and Schedules, and AutoCreate windows in Work in Process, and in the Planner Workbench window in Oracle planning products. It is also used when autogenerating the numbers for flow schedules created in the Work Order-less Completions window.

Work in Process concatenates this prefix with a value from the sequence WIP_JOB_NUMBER_S to create a default discrete job name.

WIP: Enable MRP Net for Non-standard Job Requirements

Indicates whether the MRP Net check box is enabled on the Material Requirements window by default when creating non-standard jobs. This profile applies to jobs that have the following values:

Variable Description
No The MRP Net check box is not enabled on the Material Requirements window when creating non-standard jobs, or when components are added to material requirements.
Variable Description
Yes The MRP Net check box is enabled on the Material Requirements windows when creating non-standard jobs, or when components are added to material requirements.

WIP:Enable Outside Processing Workflows

Determines whether or not outside processing workflows are enabled.

Variable Description
Yes All outside processing workflows are enabled.
No No outside processing workflows are enabled.

WIP:Exclude ECOs

Controls which engineering change orders (ECOs) are included when you define jobs and schedules. This profile option also controls whether you can select revisions associated with open ECOs in the WIP Material Transactions window. See: ECO Statuses in the Oracle Engineering User's Guide.

Your choices include:

Work Order-less Completions do not consider this profile option.

WIP:Job Name Updatable

Determines whether you can update the names of existing jobs in the Discrete Jobs window.

WIP:Move Completion Default

Determines the default transaction type for the Move Transactions window. If you specify Yes, the transaction type defaults to Complete. Otherwise, the transaction type defaults to Move. Note that you cannot specify that the Return transaction type be used as the default. See: Move Transaction Types.

WIP:Requirement Nettable Option

Determines which subinventories to include when displaying on-hand quantities in the Material Requirements and View Material Requirements windows. Available values are listed below:

Variable Description
View only nettable subinventories Include only nettable subinventories when displaying on-hand quantities.
View all subinventories Include all subinventories (nettable and non-nettable) when displaying on-hand quantities.

WIP: Round Off Resource Usage to Minutes in Lead Time Calculations

Sets rounding for resource usage calculation values. When entry of resource usage values of a routing resource is less than a minute value, this profile enables the value to be rounded to the next minute. This enables resource usage values to be compatible with Advanced Supply Chain Planning calculations.

Variable Description
Yes Indicates that resource usage is rounded to the next minute. For example, if resource usage equals 36 seconds, it is rounded to one minute. The lead time calculation is then based on 1 minute instead of 36 seconds.
Variable Description
No Indicates that resource usage is not rounded.

Related Topics

Calculating Manufacturing Lead Times, Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide

Resource Factors in Lead Time Calculation

WIP:See Engineering Items

Determines whether you can define jobs and schedules for engineering items and if engineering items as visible as material requirements.

Related Topics

Oracle Inventory Profile Options, Oracle Inventory User's Guide

Overview of User Profiles, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Setting Your Personal User Profile, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Security Functions

Function security is the mechanism by which user access to applications functionality is controlled. System administrators administer function security.

Access to Work in Process functionality is controlled either by menus and form functions/subfunctions or by form function parameters.

Related Topics

Overview of Function Security, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Form Function Parameters

Some Work in Process forms are coded to accept particular parameters. Parameters can be used to limit access to form elements such as:

The syntax for entering form function parameters is:


For example, to enter a negative Boolean parameter value for the WIP_WIPDJMDF_CLOSE function, you would enter the following in the Parameters field in the Form Functions window:


The following table describes the Work in Process form function parameters. All values are either Yes or No.

Function User Function Name Parameter
WIP_WIPDJMDF_CLOSE Define Discrete Jobs: Close Discrete Jobs UNCLOSE
WIP_WIPTXCMP WIP Completion Transaction: Filter Serial P_FILTER_SERIAL
WIP_WIPTXMAT WIP Material Transaction: Filter Serial P_FILTER_SERIAL
WIP_WIPTXSFM_OVERRIDE_NO_MOVE Move Transactions: Allow Skipping Over No Move Statuses OVERRIDE_NO_ MOVE_NO_SKIP
WIP_WIPTXSFM_NO_CMP Move Transactions: No Completion Transactions ALLOW_CMP
WIP_WIPTXSFM_NO_RSC Move Transactions: No Resource Transactions RESOURCE_TXNS
ALLOW_FINAL_COMPLETIONS Completion Transactions: No Final Completions ALLOW_FINAL_ COMPLETIONS
WMA_WOL_COMPLETE Mobile Work Order-less Completion Transactions: Show Sales Order SHOW_SO

Define Discrete Jobs: Close Discrete Jobs

Determines whether you can unclose jobs using the Close Discrete Jobs window. When this function security parameter (UNCLOSE) is added and set to No, the Unclose option does not appear in the Tools menu. See: Closing Discrete Jobs.

The default for this option is Yes.

WIP Completion Transaction: Filter Serial

Determines whether the serial number list of values, in the Serial Number Entry window accessed from WIP Completion window, is enabled. If set to Yes, the program filters serial number records and displays only the applicable record. If set to No, the program query displays all serial numbers.

WIP Material Transaction: Filter Serial

Determines whether the serial number list of values, in the Serial Number Entry window accessed from the WIP Material Transaction window, is enabled. If set to Yes, the program filters serial number records and displays only the applicable record. Is set to No, the program query displays all serial numbers.

Move Transactions: Allow Skipping Over No Move Statuses

Determines whether you can override `no move' shop floor statuses when performing a move transaction. If the WIP Allow Moves Over No Move Shop Floor Statuses parameter is set to No and this function security parameter (OVERRIDE_NO_MOVE_NO_SKIP) is set to Yes, you can move assemblies over no move shop floor statuses. See: Move Transaction Parameters.

The default for this option is No.

Move Transactions: No Completion Transactions

Determines whether you can perform assembly completion and return move transactions using the Move Transactions window. When this function security parameter (ALLOW_CMP) is set to No, the Complete and Return options do not appear in the Transaction Type region of the Move Transactions window. See: Move Transaction Types.

The default for this option is Yes.

Move Transactions: No Resource Transactions

Determines whether you can initiate a manual resource transaction from the Move Transactions window. When this function security parameter (RESOURCE_TXNS) is set to No, the Resources button does not appear in the Move Transactions window. See: Charging Resources with Move Transactions.

The default for this option is Yes.

Completion Transactions: No Final Completions

Determines whether you can perform WIP final completions in an average costing organization. When this function security parameter (ALLOW_FINAL_ COMPLETIONS) is set to No, the Final Complete check box does not appear in the Completion Transactions window. See: Completing and Returning Assemblies.

The default for this option is Yes.

Mobile Work Order-less Completion Transactions: Show Sales Order

Determines whether the Sales Order field displays on the Mobile Supply Chain Application Work Order-less Completion screen. If set to Yes, the Sales Order field displays on the screen, and a reservation is created for the sales order when a value is scanned. If set to No, the field does not display and is skipped in the scanned completion transaction.

Function Security

A form function invokes an Oracle Forms form. A non-form function (subfunction) is a securable subset of a form's functionality: in other words, a function executed from within a form. When the subfunction associated with a certain functionality is included in a menu, that functionality is enabled. See: Menus Window, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide .

The following table describes the subfunction used in Work in Process. A detailed description of each function (subfunction) follows the table:

Menu Function (Subfunction) Functionality
WIP_TXN_MATERIAL Allow Overcompletions Overcompletions from Completion Transactions window
WIP_TXN_MOVE Allow Overcompletions Overcompletions from Move Transactions window

Allow Overcompletions

You can complete more assemblies than have been defined for discrete jobs and repetitive schedule.

See: Assembly Over-completions and Over-returns and Move Completion/Return Transactions.