Trusted Solaris User's Guide

Leaving the Trusted Solaris Environment

If you leave your logged-on terminal unattended, you create a security risk. Make a habit of securing your terminal before leaving it. If you plan to return shortly, lock your screen. (In most facilities, the screen times out after a specified period of idleness and automatically locks.) If you expect to be gone for a while or you expect someone else to use your terminal, log out.

To Lock and Unlock Your Screen
  1. To lock your screen, click the screen lock icon in the switch area of the Front Panel (see Figure 2-6).

    Figure 2-6 Front Panel Switch Area


    The screen turns black and the dialog box shown in Figure 2-7 is displayed.

    Figure 2-7 Lock Screen Dialog Box


    Note -

    The Trusted Stripe should not be displayed when the screen is locked. If it does appear, notify your security administrator immediately.

  2. To unlock your screen, type your password in the password entry field and press Return.

    This returns you to your session in its previous state.

To Log Out of the Trusted Solaris Environment
  1. Click the EXIT icon in the switch area of the front panel (see Figure 2-6).

    The confirmation dialog box shown in Figure 2-8 is displayed.

    Figure 2-8 Logout Confirmation Dialog Box


  2. Click OK to continue the logout process.

To Shut Down Your System

Logging out is the normal way to end a Trusted Solaris session. If you need to turn off your machine (and you are authorized to shut down your system), you should use the Shut Down menu option and then turn off your power. If you do shut down your machine, it may require rebooting by a user with additional authorization depending on your security policy.

  1. Choose Shut Down from the Trusted Path menu (see Tour: Exploring the Basic Trusted Solaris Environment).

    A confirmation dialog box is displayed.

  2. Click OK if you definitely want to shut down your system or Cancel if you want to reconsider.

    Note -

    The keyboard combination Stop-A (L1-A) is not available in the Trusted Solaris environment unless specially configured by your security administrator.