Solstice AdminSuite 2.3 Administration Guide

Setting Up and Managing SunSoft Print Client Software

Table 9-2 gives you an overview of the tasks for using Printer Manager to set up and manage printing services with the SunSoft print client software.

Table 9-2 Task Map: Setting Up and Managing SunSoft Print Client Software





For Instructions, Go To 

Install a Printer on a Print Server 


Install a Printer 

Install a printer on the system to which it is attached. This procedure tells the system about the printer so the system can act as a print server. If you use a name service, this task also makes the printer available to all SunSoft print clients. 

"How to Install a Printer"






Install a Network Printer 


Install a Network Printer 

Installs a printer to your network that provides access to all network users. 

"How to Install a Network Printer"






Give Print Clients Access to a Printer 


Add Access to a Printer 

Give SunSoft print clients access to a printer that is installed on a print server. 

"How to Add Access to a Printer"






Modify Existing Information for a Printer 


Modify Printer Information 

Modify the current configuration information for a printer. 

"How to Modify Printer Information"






Delete Access to a Printer 


Delete Access to a Printer 

Delete access to a printer from the NIS or NIS+ master file or from each specified print client's /etc/printers.conf file if you do not use a name service.

"How to Delete Access to a Printer"



Delete a Printer From a Print Server 

Delete a printer from the print server's /etc/printers.conf file. This step applies only if you are not using a name service.

"How to Delete a Printer From a Print Server (If No Name Service)"