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Sun Blade Storage Module M2 Administration Guide
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Assigning Storage to Hosts

SAS Device Access to the Chassis SAS-2 Domain

Host Access to Storage Module Resources Using the Sun Blade Zone Manager

System Requirements

How to Assign Storage to Hosts Using the CMM ILOM Web Interface

How to Assign Storage to Hosts Using the CMM ILOM CLI

Managing Storage

Management Term Definitions

Overview of Storage Module Management

Management Options Using the CMM ILOM

Management Options Using the Sun Storage 6Gb SAS REM RAID HBA (SGX-SAS6-R-REM-Z)

Management Options Using the Sun Storage 6Gb SAS REM HBA (SGX-SAS6-REM-Z)

Performing Maintenance and Hot Plug Actions

Preparing for Hot Plug Actions

Hot Plug Actions and Outcomes

Recovering Zoning Configurations

How to Recover Zoning Configurations Using the CMM ILOM Web Interface

How to Recover Zoning Configurations Using the CMM ILOM CLI

Upgrading Storage Module Firmware

How to Upgrade Firmware Using the CMM ILOM Web Interface

How to Upgrade Firmware Using the CMM ILOM CLI

Importing Existing Virtual Drives to a Replacement REM

Replacing a REM on a SPARC System

Replacing a REM on an x86 System

Storage Module Sensors and Indicators

Types of Sensors

Displaying Sensor and Indicator Information Using the CMM ILOM Web Interface

Displaying Sensor and Indicator Information Using the CMM ILOM CLI

Hard Disk Drive Sensors

System Sensors

System Indicators


Viewing the CMM ILOM Event Log

Sun Blade Zone Manager Issues

Storage Module Issues

NEM Issues


How to Recover Zoning Configurations Using the CMM ILOM Web Interface

Before You Begin

You must have previously created a backup CMM ILOM configuration file that contains the zoning configurations you want to restore.

Note - For advanced users or Sun technicians: The CMM ILOM configuration backup file is an XML file. If you have multiple CMM ILOM configuration backup files and the latest version does not have the zoning configurations you need, you have the option of copying the storage assignments section of one file and pasting it another. For this to work, your storage modules and server blades must be in the same physical slots for the zoning configurations you want to restore. For more information on performing this procedure, refer to the Sun ILOM documentation.

  1. Open a web browser and log in to the CMM by entering the following url:


    Where chassis_sp_ipaddress is the IP address of your chassis service processor.

    The ILOM login page will appear.

    image:Graphic showing ILOM login page.
  2. Log in.

    You must login using an account with administrator privileges.

    The CMM ILOM main page is displayed.

    image:Graphic showing CMM ILOM main page.

    Note - In the left pane, installed server blades are listed, but not installed storage modules. This is because the CMM ILOM controls storage module Integrated Lights Out Management functions.

  3. With CMM selected in the left pane, click the Maintenance tab for the CMM.

    The CMM maintenance sub-tabs are displayed.

  4. Click the Backup/Restore tab.

    The Backup/Restore page is displayed.

    image:Graphic showing the CMM ILOM Backup/Restore page.
  5. Select Restore from the Operation drop-down list.
  6. Fill out the information on the page to restore your backup file.

    For complete instructions on using ILOM Backup/Restore, refer to your Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Web Interface Procedures Guide.

  7. To initiate the Restore operation, click Run.

    The Restore operation executes.

    Note - While the Restore operation is executing, sessions on the ILOM SP will be momentarily suspended. The sessions will resume normal operation once the Restore operation is complete. A Restore operation typically takes two to three minutes to complete.