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System Administration Guide: Printing     Oracle Solaris 11 Express 11/10
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Document Information


1.  Introduction to Printing in the Oracle Solaris Operating System

2.  Planning for Printing (Tasks)

3.  Setting Up and Administering Printers by Using CUPS (Tasks)

Introduction to CUPS

What Is CUPS?

How CUPS Works

Implementation of the print-service Command in the Oracle Solaris OS

Service Management Facility Services That Manage CUPS

CUPS and LP SMF Service Equivalents

Where to Find Additional CUPS Documentation

Using the CUPS Web Browser Interface (Overview)

Requirements for Using the CUPS Web Browser Interface

Troubleshooting Issues With CUPS Web Browser Interface Access

Setting Up and Administering Printers by Using the CUPS Web Browser Interface

More About the Administration Tab

More About the Printers Tab

How to Add a New Printer by Using the CUPS Web Browser Interface

Using the CUPS Print Manager GUI (system-config-printer)

Getting Started With the CUPS Print Manager GUI

Configuring a CUPS Print Server (Task Map)

CUPS Print Server Configuration

CUPS Local Server Configuration

CUPS Advanced Server Configuration

Configuring CUPS to Administer Remote Print Queues

How to Configure CUPS to Administer Remote Print Queues

Setting Up and Administering Printers by Using the CUPS Print Manager GUI (Task Map)

Configurable Printer Properties

Selecting a Print Device

How to Set Up a New Local Printer

How to Modify the Properties of a Configured Printer

How to Rename a Printer or Copy a Printer Configuration

How to Delete a Printer

How to Unshare or Share a Printer

How to Disable or Enable a Printer

How to Manage Print Jobs for a Specified Printer

4.  Setting Up and Administering Printers by Using Print Manager for LP (Tasks)

5.  Setting Up and Administering Printers by Using Oracle Solaris Print Manager (Tasks)

6.  Setting Up Printers by Using LP Print Commands (Tasks)

7.  Administering Printers by Using LP Print Commands (Tasks)

8.  Customizing LP Printing Services and Printers (Tasks)

9.  Administering the LP Print Scheduler and Managing Print Requests (Tasks)

10.  Administering Printers on a Network (Tasks)

11.  Administering Character Sets, Filters, Forms, and Fonts (Tasks)

12.  Administering Printers by Using the PPD File Management Utility (Tasks)

13.  Printing in the Oracle Solaris Operating System (Reference)

14.  Troubleshooting Printing Problems in the Oracle Solaris OS (Tasks)



Setting Up and Administering Printers by Using the CUPS Print Manager GUI (Task Map)

For Information
Set up a new locally attached printer.
When you connect a new printer to your local system, the printer is automatically detected and its Properties dialog opens. From here, you can finish configuring the new printer by using the CUPS Print Manager GUI .
Modify the properties of a configured printer.
You can use CUPS Print Manager to view or change most settings for a configured printer.
Rename or copy a printer configuration.
You can rename printers that are displayed in the CUPS Print Manager window. You can also copy an existing printer's configuration.
Delete an existing printer.
You can use CUPS Print Manager to delete a configured printer.
Unshare or share a printer.
You can use CUPS Print Manager to unshare or share a printer by modifying the specified printer option.
Disable or enable a printer.
You can use CUPS Print Manager to disable or enable a printer by modifying the specified printer option.
Manage print jobs for configured printers.
You can use CUPS Print Manager to view and manage print jobs for configured printers that are displayed in the Print Manager window.

Configurable Printer Properties

When you connect a new printer to your local system, and the printer is detected by the system, the Printer Properties dialog for the new printer opens. The Printer Properties dialog contains partial configuration data for the newly detected printer. In this dialog, you can finish configuring the printer, as well as customize any of its properties. For step-by-step instructions on setting up a new printer, see How to Set Up a New Local Printer.

The Printer Properties dialog is also used to modify the properties of a configured printer. For instructions, see How to Modify the Properties of a Configured Printer.

The Printer Properties dialog includes the following six sections for configuring new and existing printers:

Selecting a Print Device

When you set up a new printer, or when you modify the properties of a configured printer, you must select an appropriate device for that printer. The following table describes the device choices that might be displayed in the Select Device window.

When to Use
Specifies a printer that has been automatically detected.
Select this device when setting up a new printer.
printer-name (serial-no)
Specifies a printer that has been automatically detected, and the serial number has also been retrieved.
Select this device when setting up a newly detected printer.

Note - Most often, this device is the same device as the printer-name device. The difference is that one entry contains the serial number of the printer, and the other entry does not. The reason two entries are listed for the same device is that both the system-config-printer back end and the HAL back end detect USB devices. When configuring a new printer, you can specify either device.

Serial Port # number
Specifies a device that is connected to the serial port of your local system.
Select this device when setting up a printer that is connected to your local system's serial port.
AppSocket/HP Jet Direct
Specifies a device that uses a method of communication with network printers that is effectively a TCP connection.
Select this device when setting up remote print queues on a network.
Internet Printing Protocol (IPP)
Specifies a device that is used for network printer setup on a host that is running IPP.
Select this device when setting up newer printer models on a host that is running IPP.
LPD/LPR Host or Printer
Specifies a device that is used to connect to an LPD network printer.
Select this device when setting up remote print queues that use LPD.

Note - This device might not work for more modern printer models.

Specifies a device that uses a Server Message Block (SMB) host on the network.
Select this device when setting up printers on Windows-hosted systems.

Note - This device might not be displayed on all systems.

Specifies a device that uses a device URI that is user-defined.
Select this device when setting up printers by specifying your own destination or device URI, for example, file:///dev/printers/0. Note that file: device uri support must be enabled under CUPS (cupsctl FileDevice=yes).

How to Set Up a New Local Printer

The following procedure describes how to set up a new locally attached printer by using the CUPS Print Manager GUI.

  1. Connect the new printer to your local system, then power it on.
    • When the printer is detected by the system, the Printer configuration dialog opens, displaying information about the newly detected printer. To finish configuring the new printer, skip to Step 2.
    • If you are adding a new printer that was not automatically detected, do the following:
      1. Start CUPS Print Manager.

        For instructions, see Getting Started With the CUPS Print Manager GUI.

      2. Choose Server -> New -> Printer from the main menu.

        Alternatively, you can click the New icon that is located on the menubar.

      3. When prompted, type the root password.

        The Printer configuration dialog opens, displaying all of the configured printers and the newly connected printer.

  2. In the Select Device window, select the appropriate device, then click Forward.

    By default, CUPS selects the USB device that is physically connected to your system or the device that was detected by HAL. Note that these two entries might be for the same printer. For more information about selecting a device, see Selecting a Print Device.

  3. In the Choose Driver window, select a make for your printer, then click Forward.
  4. In the next screen, do one of the following:
    • Use the default, Select Printer From Database, option.

      If this option is used, the appropriate printer make is selected for you.

    • Provide your own PPD file. To provide a PPD file, follow these steps:
      1. Select the Provide PPD File option.

        The Select a File window opens.

      2. Locate the specified PPD file on your system, then click Open to associate the PPD file with the new printer.

        Note - This procedure does not describe how to download and copy a PPD file to your system.

  5. From the left pane of the next Choose Driver window, select a printer model. From the right pane, select a printer driver. Then, click Forward.

    By default, CUPS selects a “recommended” printer model and driver for your printer. However, you can optionally make another selection from the list of available drivers.

  6. In the Installable Options window, change any of the options that are available for your particular printer model, then click Forward.

    For more information, see Configurable Printer Properties.

  7. In the Describe Printer window, provide the following information about the printer:
    • Printer Name

    • Description

    • Location

  8. (Optional) To go back and make changes to a previous screen, click the Back button.
  9. To save your changes, click Apply. If prompted, type the root password.

    After you have saved your changes, the newly configured printer is displayed in the CUPS Print Manager window.

  10. To set the printer as the default, right-click the printer.
    1. Select the Set as Default option.
    2. In the Set Default Printer window, choose one of the following options:
      • Set as the system-wide default printer (default)

      • Set as my personal default printer

  11. Click OK to save the printer configuration.
  12. (Optional) To verify that the printer is configured correctly and is working, print a test page.

How to Modify the Properties of a Configured Printer

The following procedure describes how to modify the basic configuration of an existing printer. For a complete description of all of the properties that you can modify by using the CUPS Print Manager GUI, see Configurable Printer Properties.

  1. Start the CUPS Print Manager GUI.

    See Getting Started With the CUPS Print Manager GUI.

    The Printer configuration dialog opens, displaying all of the configured printers and any newly detected printers.

  2. Right-click the printer for which you want modify the properties, then choose Properties.

    The Printer Properties dialog opens. The Properties dialog contains five separate sections, each of which contains properties that are grouped by category. By default, the Settings section of the dialog is displayed.

    In the Settings section, you can modify the following settings:

    • Description

    • Location

    • Device URI

    • Make and Model

  3. To modify the printer description or location, type the new information in the corresponding text field.
  4. To modify the device URI, click the Change button next to the setting.
    1. From the list of available devices, select a device, then click Apply.

      For a description of the available devices, see Selecting a Print Device.

    2. When prompted, type the root password.

      You are returned to the Settings section.

  5. To modify the printer make and model, click the Change button next to the setting, then do the following.
    1. In the Choose Driver window, select a printer make, then click Forward.

      Note - By default, CUPS uses the Select Printer From Database option and selects the appropriate printer make for you. Alternatively, you can provide your own PPD file. For instructions, see Step 3 of How to Set Up a New Local Printer.

    2. From the left pane of the next Choose Driver window, select a printer model. From the right pane, select a printer driver, then click Forward.
    3. In the Existing Settings dialog, choose from the following options, then click Apply.
      • Use the new PPD (Postscript Printer Description) as is.

      • Try to copy the option settings over from the old PPD.

    4. If prompted, type the root password.

      You are returned to the Settings section of the Printer Properties dialog.

  6. To save your changes, Click OK.

How to Rename a Printer or Copy a Printer Configuration

  1. Start the CUPS Print Manager GUI.

    See Getting Started With the CUPS Print Manager GUI.

    The Printer configuration dialog opens, displaying all of the configured printers and any newly detected printers.

  2. Right-click the printer that you want to rename or copy its configuration.
    • To rename the printer:
      1. Click the Rename option.
      2. Type a new name for the printer.
      3. Type the root password when prompted, then click OK to save the changes.
    • To copy a printer configuration:
      1. Click the Copy option.
      2. In the Copy Printer window, type a name for the printer, then click OK.
      3. Type the root password when prompted, then click OK to save the changes.

How to Delete a Printer

  1. Start the CUPS Print Manager GUI.

    See Getting Started With the CUPS Print Manager GUI.

    The Printer configuration dialog opens, displaying all of the configured printers and any newly detected printers.

  2. Right-click the printer that you want to delete, then click Delete.
  3. Click OK in the Confirm Deletion dialog or click Cancel to cancel the operation.

How to Unshare or Share a Printer

By default, new printers are configured with the Share option enabled, which means they are published on the local network. This procedure describes how to unshare a printer or enable an unshared printer.

  1. Start the CUPS Print Manager GUI.

    See Getting Started With the CUPS Print Manager GUI.

    The Printer configuration dialog opens, displaying all of the configured printers and any newly detected printers.

  2. Right-click the printer that you want to unshare (or share), then deselect the specified option.
  3. Type the root password when prompted, then click OK to save your changes.

How to Disable or Enable a Printer

When you configure a new printer by using CUPS Print Manager, the printer is enabled by default. This procedure describes how to disable or enable a printer.

  1. Start the CUPS Print Manager GUI.

    See Getting Started With the CUPS Print Manager GUI.

    The Printer configuration dialog opens, displaying all of the configured printers and any newly detected printers.

  2. Right-click the printer that you want to disable (or enable), then deselect the specified option.
  3. Type the root password when prompted, then click OK to save your changes.

How to Manage Print Jobs for a Specified Printer

  1. Start the CUPS Print Manager GUI.

    See Getting Started With the CUPS Print Manager GUI.

    The Printer configuration dialog opens, displaying all of the configured printers and any newly detected printers.

  2. Right-click the printer for which you want to manage print jobs, then select View Print Queue.

    The Document Print Status (printer-name) window opens, displaying all of the print jobs for the specified printer.

    In this window, you can view the following information:

    • Job

    • User

    • Document

    • Printer size

    • Time submitted

    • Status

  3. To view information about completed jobs or printer status, select the appropriate option from the View menu.
  4. To perform a specific action on a print job, select the print job, then from available choices on the menubar, select an action.

    Alternatively, you can right-click a print job, and from the list of available options, select an action.

  5. To refresh the View Print Queue window, choose View -> Refresh