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System Administration Guide: Printing     Oracle Solaris 11 Express 11/10
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Document Information


1.  Introduction to Printing in the Oracle Solaris Operating System

2.  Planning for Printing (Tasks)

3.  Setting Up and Administering Printers by Using CUPS (Tasks)

Introduction to CUPS

What Is CUPS?

How CUPS Works

Implementation of the print-service Command in the Oracle Solaris OS

Service Management Facility Services That Manage CUPS

CUPS and LP SMF Service Equivalents

Where to Find Additional CUPS Documentation

Using the CUPS Web Browser Interface (Overview)

Requirements for Using the CUPS Web Browser Interface

Troubleshooting Issues With CUPS Web Browser Interface Access

Setting Up and Administering Printers by Using the CUPS Web Browser Interface

More About the Administration Tab

More About the Printers Tab

How to Add a New Printer by Using the CUPS Web Browser Interface

Using the CUPS Print Manager GUI (system-config-printer)

Getting Started With the CUPS Print Manager GUI

Configuring a CUPS Print Server (Task Map)

CUPS Print Server Configuration

CUPS Local Server Configuration

CUPS Advanced Server Configuration

Configuring CUPS to Administer Remote Print Queues

How to Configure CUPS to Administer Remote Print Queues

Setting Up and Administering Printers by Using the CUPS Print Manager GUI (Task Map)

Configurable Printer Properties

Selecting a Print Device

How to Set Up a New Local Printer

How to Modify the Properties of a Configured Printer

How to Rename a Printer or Copy a Printer Configuration

How to Delete a Printer

How to Unshare or Share a Printer

How to Disable or Enable a Printer

How to Manage Print Jobs for a Specified Printer

4.  Setting Up and Administering Printers by Using Print Manager for LP (Tasks)

5.  Setting Up and Administering Printers by Using Oracle Solaris Print Manager (Tasks)

6.  Setting Up Printers by Using LP Print Commands (Tasks)

7.  Administering Printers by Using LP Print Commands (Tasks)

8.  Customizing LP Printing Services and Printers (Tasks)

9.  Administering the LP Print Scheduler and Managing Print Requests (Tasks)

10.  Administering Printers on a Network (Tasks)

11.  Administering Character Sets, Filters, Forms, and Fonts (Tasks)

12.  Administering Printers by Using the PPD File Management Utility (Tasks)

13.  Printing in the Oracle Solaris Operating System (Reference)

14.  Troubleshooting Printing Problems in the Oracle Solaris OS (Tasks)



CUPS Print Server Configuration

Each system that use CUPS can be both a print server and a print client. The system acts as the server for any printer that is physically connected to it and for any print queues that are created on that system.

CUPS Local Server Configuration

To configure a local server by using CUPS, start the CUPS Print Manager GUI, then choose Server -> Settings. For instructions on starting the CUPS Print Manager, see Getting Started With the CUPS Print Manager GUI.

In the Basic Server Settings dialog you can configure the following settings:

CUPS Advanced Server Configuration

To configure advanced settings and options for a local CUPS server, start CUPS Print Manager, then choose Server -> Settings. In the Basic Server Settings dialog, click the Advanced button. The following table describes the advanced server settings and options that can be viewed or configured.

Advanced Setting
Description and Function
Job History
Controls the print job history for a specified printer or printers.
Browse Servers
Enables you to restrict browsing by CUPS to certain print servers, for the purpose of polling print queues.
Access Control
Specifies certain access control features.
Printer Options
Specifies the default options you can set for a configured printer. The number and types of options that can be specified are determined by the PPD file that is associated with a particular printer.
Job Options
Controls the various options that are associated with a print job. Most of the configuration is determined by the PPD file that is associated with a particular printer.

Configuring CUPS to Administer Remote Print Queues

CUPS server configuration is managed from the CUPS Print Manager GUI's Server menu. To configure CUPS to administer print queues on a remote print server, start CUPS Print Manager, then choose Server -> Settings to display the Settings dialog. To administer remote printer queues, appropriate authorizations are required.

Note - In the Oracle Solaris 11 Express release, you must provide the root password for the remote server.

To administer print queues on a remote server, you must configure the following two options under the Print Manager's Server menu:

How to Configure CUPS to Administer Remote Print Queues

This procedure describes how to a configure the advanced server options for a CUPS server, so that you can administer remote print queues.

Note - The remote print server must be configured to allow remote administration.

  1. Start the CUPS Print Manager GUI.

    See Getting Started With the CUPS Print Manager GUI.

  2. From the Server menu, choose Settings.

    If prompted, type the root password on the localhost.

    The Basic Server Settings dialog opens.

  3. In the Basic Server Settings dialog, select the following options:
    • Publish Shared Printers Connected to This System

    • Allow Remote Administration

  4. Click OK.
  5. From the Server menu, choose the Connect option.
  6. From the drop down-list, select a CUPS server.

    If encryption is required, click the Require Encryption check box.

  7. Click the Connect button.
  8. Type the root password for the remote system.

    After you have typed the root password for the remote system, you can remotely administer print queues that are on that system the same way that you administer local print queues.