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System Administration Guide: Printing     Oracle Solaris 11 Express 11/10
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Document Information


1.  Introduction to Printing in the Oracle Solaris Operating System

2.  Planning for Printing (Tasks)

3.  Setting Up and Administering Printers by Using CUPS (Tasks)

4.  Setting Up and Administering Printers by Using Print Manager for LP (Tasks)

Introduction to Print Manager for LP

Notification of Printing Events in Oracle Solaris Desktop

Switching From CUPS to the LP Print Service

How to Enable Print Manager for LP

Managing Network Device Discovery Services (Task Map)

How Auto-Discovery of Devices Works

Issues With the Network-Attached Printer Discovery Service Under LP

How to Enable the Network Device Discovery Service From the Desktop

How to Enable Network Device Discovery Services by Using SMF

How to Determine Which Printers Are Known to the System

Getting Started With Print Manager for LP

About the Print Manager Window

Managing Printers by Using Print Manager for LP (Task Map)

Adding Newly Discovered Printers by Using Print Manager for LP

How To Set Up Auto-Discovered Printers by Using Print Manager for LP

How to Manually Add a Printer by Using Print Manager for LP

Managing Printer Queues by Using Print Manager for LP

How to View or Change a Print Queue's Properties

How to Delete a Print Queue

How to Pause or Resume a Print Queue

Managing Printer Groups and Print Jobs (Task Map)

Managing Printer Groups

How to Create a New Printer Group

How to Create a New Search Group

How to Create a New Search Group by Using a Queue Pane Filter

How to View or Change an Existing Search Group's Properties

How to Delete a Printer Group

Managing Print Jobs by Using Print Manager for LP

How to Delete a Print Job

Managing Print Manager for LP Behavior and Preferences (Task Map)

Setting Preferences That Determine How Print Manager for LP Behaves

Setting Preferences for Local USB Printer Discovery

Settings Preferences for Network-Attached Printer Discovery

Configuring Auto-Discovery Settings for Network-Attached Printers

5.  Setting Up and Administering Printers by Using Oracle Solaris Print Manager (Tasks)

6.  Setting Up Printers by Using LP Print Commands (Tasks)

7.  Administering Printers by Using LP Print Commands (Tasks)

8.  Customizing LP Printing Services and Printers (Tasks)

9.  Administering the LP Print Scheduler and Managing Print Requests (Tasks)

10.  Administering Printers on a Network (Tasks)

11.  Administering Character Sets, Filters, Forms, and Fonts (Tasks)

12.  Administering Printers by Using the PPD File Management Utility (Tasks)

13.  Printing in the Oracle Solaris Operating System (Reference)

14.  Troubleshooting Printing Problems in the Oracle Solaris OS (Tasks)



Managing Printers by Using Print Manager for LP (Task Map)

For Information
Start the Print Manager for LP GUI.
You can set up and manage printer queues, printer groups, and print jobs by using Print Manager for LP. This application is accessible from the desktop.
Configure newly discovered printers by using Print Manager for LP.
When the system discovers a new printer, you are notified that the printer has been discovered. In addition, the printer queue process begins. The Add Printer Queue dialog enables you to check and change printer configuration information. This dialog is displayed on the desktop when a new printer is discovered.
Manually set up printers by using Print Manager for LP.
If, for any reason, a printer is not discovered by the system, you use manually add the printer by using Print Manager for LP.
Check or change preferences for an existing printer queue.
You can view or change preferences for an existing printer queue by using Print Manager for LP.
Delete a printer queue.
You can delete existing printer queues in the Queue pane of the Print Manager window.
Pause or resume a printer queue.
You can pause and resume printer queues in the Queue pane of the Print Manager window.

Adding Newly Discovered Printers by Using Print Manager for LP

You can use Print Manager for LP to configure newly discovered directly attached USB printers. You can also use Print Manager for LP to add newly discovered network-attached printers, if the network device discovery service has been enabled. For information about how to enable device discovery for network-attached printers, see How to Enable the Network Device Discovery Service From the Desktop.

How To Set Up Auto-Discovered Printers by Using Print Manager for LP

Use this procedure to complete the setup of a new local or a new network printer queue that has been auto-discovered.

  1. To configure the new printer queue, enter all the appropriate information for the printer in the dialog.
    Graphic of the Add Printer Queue dialog that contains preconfigured settings for a new directly attached or new network-attached printer.
    1. In the Connection section of the dialog, select the connection type from the drop-down menu.

      If you are adding a local printer queue, the connection type is Local Device.

    2. Enter the name or IP address of the print server. (Applies to network—attached printer queues only)

    Note - For a local printer queue, no print server or IP address is required.

  2. In the Printer Details section of the dialog, enter all the appropriate information.
  3. To set the printer queue as the default, select the Set as default printer queue check box.
  4. To add the new printer queue, click Add.

    The new printer queue is displayed in the Queue pane of the Print Manager window.

  5. (Optional) To print a test page, click the Print Test Page button.

How to Manually Add a Printer by Using Print Manager for LP

Use this procedure to manually add a new printer queue for a local or a network printer, if for some reason, the printer is not auto-discovered.

  1. Start Print Manager for LP.
  2. From the Printer Menu, choose Add Printer Queue.

    The Add Printer Queue dialog opens.

    Graphic of the Add Printer Queue dialog that contains preconfigured settings for a new directly attached or new network-attached printer.
  3. In the dialog, provide all of the information about the printer:
    1. In the Connection section of the dialog, select the connection type from the drop-down menu.

      If you are adding a local printer queue, the connection type is Local Device.

    2. Enter the name or IP address of the print server. (Applies to network printer queues only)

    Note - For local printer queues, no print server or IP address is required.

  4. In the Printer Details section of the dialog, enter all the appropriate information.
  5. To set the printer as the default, select the Set Printer as Default check box.
  6. To add the printer queue, click Add.

    The new printer queue is displayed in the Queue pane of the Print Manager window.

  7. (Optional) To print a test page, click the Print Test Page button.

Managing Printer Queues by Using Print Manager for LP

The Print Manager Queue pane lists all the printers in the currently selected group. You can manage printer queues in the Queue pane of the Print Manager window or from the application's Printer menu.

The Queue pane shows the type, name, and current status of each printer queue. The default printer queue is marked, if the queue is in the currently-selected group. Double-clicking a printer queue icon opens its job list in a new Job List window, where you can view the status of any pending print jobs.

From the View menu, you can choose to view the printer queues in the Queue pane as icons or as a list.

From the Sort by menu item, you can choose from several sort options.

How to View or Change a Print Queue's Properties

The properties dialog for a printer queue allows you to edit the properties of an existing printer queue. Open this dialog from the Properties menu item in the Printer menu. This dialog looks and behaves almost the same as the Add Printer Queue dialog.

  1. In the Queue pane, select the printer queue in which to view or change properties.
  2. From the Printer menu, choose Properties.

    The properties dialog for the printer queue is displayed.

    Graphic of the printer queue properties dialog, which is used to check or modify properties of an existing printer queue.
    • You can also right-click the printer, then choose Properties from the popup menu that is shown.
  3. To change settings for the printer queue, type or select the new information, then click OK.

    Connection type: Internet Printing Protocol (IPP), Remote IPP, Line Printer Daemon (LPD), Remote LPD, Socket or Local Device

    Printer Name or IP

    Hostname or IP address of the remote printer. (IPP, LPD, Socket only)

    Print Server

    Hostname or IP address of the print server. (Remote IPP, Remote LPD only)

    Queue Name

    Name of the remote printer queue. (IPP, Remote IPP, LPD, Remote LPD only)


    Port number through which to communicate with the printer queue, default = 9100. (Socket only)


    Path to the local printer device, default = /dev/printers/0. (Local Device only)

    Local queue name

    Local name for the printer queue.


    Optional text description of the printer queue.


    List of printer manufacturers for which PostScript Printer Description (PPD) files are installed.


    List of printer models that are available for the selected manufacturer.

    Note - The printer manufacturer and model is discovered. If the exact model is not available, a similar model is provided.


    List of drivers that are available for the selected printer model.

    Note that this field is blank until you have entered the minimum amount of information about the printer queue.

    To print a test page, click the Print Test Page button.

    To add the printer queue, click the OK button.

    To set the printer queue as the default in the application print dialogs, select the Set as default printer queue check box.

    Note - Some printer queue settings cannot be changed after a printer queue has been created.

How to Delete a Print Queue

To permanently delete a printer queue, you must first select the All Printers group in the Group pane. If you delete a printer queue when another printer group is selected, the queue is deleted only from that printer group.

  1. In the Group pane of the Print Manager window, select the All Printers group.
    • To delete a printer queue from a specific printer group only, select the group from which to delete the queue.
  2. In the Queue pane, select the printer queue that you want to delete.
  3. From the Edit menu, choose Delete.
    • You can also right-click the printer, then choose Delete from the submenu that is shown.
  4. To delete the printer, click Yes in the confirmation alert that is displayed. To cancel the operation, click No.

How to Pause or Resume a Print Queue

Pausing a printer queue suspends the processing of any documents for the queue.

Note - You can only pause printer queues that you own.

  1. In the Queue pane, select the printer queue you want to pause.
  2. From the Printer menu, choose Pause.

    The queue icon and status text are updated to indicate the queue is online, but that processing of the queue has been paused.

  3. To resume processing of the printer queue, from the Printer menu, choose Resume.

    The Resume menu item is only available when a printer queue is paused.