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Configuring Oracle Java CAPS Master Indexes (Repository)     Java CAPS Documentation
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Configuring Oracle Java CAPS Master Indexes (Repository)

Related Topics

Master Index Configuration Overview (Repository)

About the Master Index Configuration Files (Repository)

Object Definition

Candidate Select

Match Field


Best Record

Field Validation


Enterprise Data Manager

Modifying the Master Index XML Files Directly (Repository)

Using the Master Index Configuration Editor-Repository

Object Definition File

Candidate Select File

Threshold File

Match Field File

Best Record File

Field Validation File

Enterprise Data Manager File

Match Configuration File (matchConfigFile.cfg)

Maintaining Version Control in the Master Index (Repository) Configuration Files

Checking Configuration Files Out With the Configuration Editor-Repository

Checking Configuration Files In With the Configuration Editor-Repository

Working With the XML Editor

Saving a Configuration File to the Repository

Validating XML Files

Copying, Cutting, and Pasting Files

Configuring the Master Index Object Structure (Repository)

Adding an Object to the Master Index Object Structure (Repository)

To Add an Undefined Object (Configuration Editor)

To Add a Predefined Object (Configuration Editor)

To Add an Undefined Object (XML editor)

Modifying an Object's Name In the Master Index Object Definition (Repository)

To Modify an Object's Name (Configuration Editor)

To Modify an Object's Name (XML Editor)

Deleting an Object From the Master Index Object Structure (Repository)

To Delete an Object (Configuration Editor)

To Delete an Object (XML Editor)

Adding a Field to the Master Index Object Structure (Repository)

To Add a Field (Configuration Editor)

To Add a Field (XML Editor)

Deleting a Field from the Master Index Object Structure (Repository)

To Delete a Field (Configuration Editor)

To Delete a Field (XML Editor)

Modifying Master Field Properties (Repository)

To Modify Field Properties (Configuration Editor)

To Modify Field Properties (XML Editor)

Defining Relationships Between Master Index Objects (Repository)

To Define Object Relationships (XML Editor)

Master Index Field Properties and Name Restrictions (Repository)

Master Index Field Name Restrictions (Repository)

Master Index Configuration Editor Field Properties (Repository)

Master Index Field Property Elements (Repository)

Creating a Master Index Basic Query (Repository)

To Create a Basic Query (Configuration Editor)

To Create a Basic Query (XML Editor)

Master Index Query Builder Dialog Box Fields and XML Elements (Repository)

Creating Master Index Blocking Queries (Repository)

To Create a Blocking Query (Configuration Editor)

To Create a Blocking Query (XML Editor)

Master Index Query Block Fields and XML Elements (Repository)

Modifying Master Index Queries (Repository)

Modifying a Master Index Query (Repository)

To Modify a Basic Query (Configuration Editor)

To Modify a Query (XML Editor)

Adding a Query Block to a Master Index Query (Repository)

To Add a Query Block (Configuration Editor)

To Add a Query Block (XML Editor)

Modifying a Query Block for a Master Index Query (Repository)

To Modify a Query Block (Configuration Editor)

To Modify a Query Block (XML Editor)

Deleting a Query Block From a Master Index Query (Repository)

To Delete a Query Block (Configuration Editor)

To Delete a Query Block (XML Editor)

Deleting a Master Index Query (Repository)

To Delete a Query (Configuration Editor)

To Delete a Query

Configuring Master Index Processing Options (Repository)

Specifying Master Index Custom Logic Classes (Repository)

To Specify Custom Logic for External System Messages

To Specify Custom Logic for the Enterprise Data Manager

Specifying the Master Index Update Mode (Repository)

To Specify Potential Duplicates be Reevaluated at Each Update

To Specify Potential Duplicates not be Reevaluated at Each Update

Configuring Master Index Merged Record Updates (Repository)

To Allow Merged Record Updates

To Prevent Merged Record Updates

Specifying the Master Index Blocking Query for Matching (Repository)

To Specify the Blocking Query for Matching

Setting Master Index Blocking Query Options (Repository)

To Set Blocking Query Options

Configuring Matching Parameters (Repository)

Specifying the Master Index Decision Maker Class (Repository)

To Specify the Decision Maker Class

Defining How to Handle Multiple Assumed Matches (OneExactMatch) (Repository)

To Create Potential Duplicates When Multiple Records Match

To Match the Highest Weighted Records When Multiple Records Match

Specifying Whether Same System Matches are Allowed (SameSystemMatch) (Repository)

To Allow Same System Records to be Automatically Merged

To Prevent Same System Records From Being Automatically Merged

Specifying the Master Index Duplicate Threshold (Repository)

To Specify the Duplicate Threshold (Configuration Editor)

To Specify the Duplicate Threshold (XML Editor)

Specifying the Master Index Match Threshold (Repository)

To Specify the Match Threshold (Configuration Editor)

To Specify the Match Threshold (XML Editor)

Adding and Deleting Master Index Decision Maker Parameters (Repository)

To Add a New Decision Maker Parameter

To Delete a Decision Maker Parameter

Configuring Master Index EUIDs (Repository)

Specifying the Master Index EUID Generator Class (Repository)

To Specify the EUID Generator Class

Specifying the Master Index EUID Length (Repository)

To Specify the EUID Length

Specifying a Master Index Checksum Length (Repository)

To Specify a Checksum Length

Specifying the Master Index Chunk Size (Repository)

To Specify the Chunk Size

Adding and Deleting Master Index EUID Generator Parameters (Repository)

To Add EUID Generator Parameters

To Delete EUID Generator Parameters

Defining Master Index Normalization Rules (Repository)

Defining a Master Index Field to be Normalized (Repository)

To Define a Field to be Normalized (Configuration Editor)

To Define a Field to be Normalized (XML Editor)

Master Index Normalization and Standardization Structure Properties (Repository)

Master Index Locale Codes Properties (Repository)

Modifying a Master Index Normalization Definition (Repository)

To Modify a Normalization Definition (Configuration Editor)

To Modify a Normalization Structure (XML Editor)

Deleting a Master Index Normalization Definition (Repository)

To Delete a Normalization Definition

To Delete a Normalization Structure

Defining Master Index Standardization Rules (Repository)

Defining Master Index Fields to be Standardized (Repository)

To Define Fields to be Standardized (Configuration Editor)

To Define Fields to be Standardized (XML Editor)

Master Index Standardization Source and Target Field Elements (Repository)

Modifying a Master Index Standardization Definition (Repository)

To Modify a Standardization Definition (Configuration Editor)

To Modify a Standardization Definition (XML Editor)

Deleting a Master Index Standardization Definition (Repository)

To Delete a Standardization Definition (Configuration Editor)

To Delete a Standardization Definition (Configuration Editor)

Defining Phonetic Encoding for the Master Index (Repository)

Defining Master Index Fields for Phonetic Encoding (Repository)

To Define a Field for Phonetic Encoding (Configuration Editor)

To Define a Field for Phonetic Encoding (XML Editor)

Master Index Phonetic Encoding Fields and Elements (Repository)

Modifying a Master Index Phonetic Encoding Definition (Repository)

To Modify a Phonetic Encoding Definition (Configuration Editor)

To Modify a Phonetic Encoding Definition (XML Editor)

Deleting a Master Index Phonetic Encoding Definition (Repository)

To Delete a Phonetic Encoding Definition (Configuration Editor)

To Delete a Phonetic Encoding Definition (XML Editor)

Defining a Master Index Phonetic Encoder (Repository)

To Define a Phonetic Encoder (Configuration Editor)

To Define a Phonetic Encoder (XML Editor)

Master Index Encoder Elements and Types (Repository)

Modifying a Master Index Phonetic Encoder (Repository)

To Modify a Phonetic Encoder (Configuration Editor)

To Modify a Phonetic Encoder (XML Editor)

Deleting a Master Index Phonetic Encoder (Repository)

To Delete a Phonetic Encoder (Configuration Editor)

To Delete a Phonetic Encoder (XML Editor)

Defining the Master Index Match String (Repository)

Creating the Master Index Match String (Repository)

To Create the Match String (Configuration Editor)

To Create the Match String (XML Editor)

Modifying the Master Index Match String (Repository)

To Modify the Match String (Configuration Editor)

To Modify the Match String (XML Editor)

Defining how Master Index Query Blocks are Processed (Repository)

To Specify the Block Picker

To Specify the Pass Controller Class

Defining the Master Index Survivor Calculator (Repository)

Specifying the Master Index Survivor Helper (Repository)

To Specify the Survivor Helper

Specifying a Master Index Default Survivor Strategy (Repository)

To Specify a Default Survivor Strategy

Configuring the Default Survivor Strategy

Master Index Default Survivor Strategy Parameter Elements (Repository)

Defining the Master Index Single Best Record Structure (Repository)

To Specify a Candidate Field

Deleting Candidate Fields

Defining a Master Index Survivor Strategy for a Field or Object (Repository)

To Define a Survivor Strategy for a Field

Defining Master Index Custom Weighted Strategies (Repository)

Defining Custom Weighted Strategies

Configuring Weighted Strategies

Modifying Weighted Calculator Parameters

Deleting Weighted Calculator Parameters

Master Index Weighted Calculator Parameter Elements (Repository)

Configuring Master Index Update Policies (Repository)

Defining Master Index Update Policies (Repository)

To Define Update Policies

Setting the Master Index Update Policy Flag (Repository)

To Set the Update Policy Flag

Defining Custom Field Validations for the Master Index (Repository)

To Implement a Validation Rule

Configuring the Match Engine (Repository)

Specifying a Match Engine for the Master Index (Repository)

To Configure the Match Engine

Configuring the Comparison Functions for a Master Index Application (Repository)

To Configure the Comparison Functions (Configuration Editor)

To Configure the Comparison Functions (Text Editor)

Match Comparator Configuration Properties for Oracle Java CAPS Master Index (Repository)

Configuring the Standardization Engine (Repository)

Specifying a Standardization Engine for the Master Index (Repository)

To Specify the Standardization Engine

Modifying Master Index Standardization Files (Repository)

To Modify Standardization Data Configuration Files

Loading Standardization Files to a Master Index Application (Repository)

To Load Standardization Files

Configuring the Master Index EDM Appearance (Repository)

Adding Objects to the EDM

To Add an Object to the EDM

Modifying EDM Objects

To Modify an EDM Object

Deleting Objects From the EDM

To Delete an Object

Adding Fields to the EDM

To Define New Fields

EDM Field Configuration Elements

Removing Fields From the EDM

To Remove a Field From the EDM

Modifying EDM Field Display Options

To Modify a Field's Display Options

Specifying a Drop-Down List for an EDM Field

To Specify a Drop-Down List

Specifying an EDM Field's Length and Format

To Modify a Field's Length and Format

Modifying an EDM Field's Data Type

To Modify the Data Type

Defining Key Fields for an Object (Repository)

To Modify the Key Status

Masking Field Values on the EDM

To Mask Field Values on the EDM

Defining EDM Object Relationships (Repository)

To Define Relationships

Defining EDM Local ID Labels (Repository)

To Define Local ID Labels

Configuring the Master Index EDM Search Pages (Repository)

Specifying Standard EDM Search Page Properties (Repository)

To Specify Standard Search Page Properties

Creating a Search Page for the EDM (Repository)

Step 1: Define the Search Page

Step 2: Define the Search Fields

Step 3: Specify Search Options

EDM Search Page Definition Elements

EDM Search Field Definition Elements

EDM Search Option Elements

Modifying a Search Page on the EDM (Repository)

Modifying a Search Page Definition

Modifying Search Fields

Modifying Search Options

Configuring Master Index EDM Page Layouts (Repository)

Specifying the Initial View for the EDM (Repository)

To Specify the Initial View

Configuring the EDM Search Results Page (Repository)

To Configure the Search Results Page

Configuring the EDM View/Edit Page (Repository)

To Configure the View/Edit Page

Configuring the EDM Create System Record Page (Repository)

To Configure the Create EO Page

Configuring the EDM History Page (Repository)

To Configure the History Page

Configuring the EDM Match Review Page (Repository)

To Configure the Match Review Page

Configuring the EDM Reports and Reports Page (Repository)

Configuring the Reports Page

Configuring Reports

EDM Reports and Reports Page Configuration Elements (Repository)

Configuring the EDM Audit Log Pages (Repository)

To Configure the Audit Log Pages

Configuring Master Index EDM Implementation Information (Repository)

Specifying the Master Controller JNDI Class (Repository)

To Specify the Master Controller JNDI Class

Specifying the Master Index Report Generator JNDI Class (Repository)

To Specify the Report Generator JNDI Class

Specifying Master Index Validation Services (Repository)

To Specify the Validation Service

Setting Master Index Debug Options (Repository)

To Set Debug Options

Specifying a Master Index Field Masking Class (Repository)

To Specify a Field Masking Class

Configuring the Match Engine (Repository)

You can configure the match engine by specifying the match engine to use and configuring the predefined comparison functions. You only need to specify the match engine to use if you are using an engine other than the Oracle Java CAPS Match Engine.

Perform any of these steps to configure the match engine:

Specifying a Match Engine for the Master Index (Repository)

Oracle Java CAPS Master Index can support different match engines depending on the adapter configured to communicate with the engine. Default classes are provided for using the Oracle Java CAPS Match Engine. You can implement a custom match engine along with custom adapters. The match engine configuration is defined by the matcher-api and matcher-config elements.

Note - The default adapters for the Oracle Java CAPS Match Engine are and

To Configure the Match Engine

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click the Match Field file.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the matcher-api element in the MatchingConfig section.
  3. Specify the Java class for the matching adapter to use, using the fully qualified class name as shown below.
  4. In the matcher-config element, specify the Java class for the configuration of the matching adapter, using the fully qualified class name as shown below.
  5. Save and close the file.

Configuring the Comparison Functions for a Master Index Application (Repository)

The match configuration file in the Match Engine node of the master index project lists and defines the configuration for each match type based on the predefined comparison function for the Oracle Java CAPS Match Engine. These match types can be applied to each field in the match string. You can modify the configuration of the existing matches types, add new match types, and specify whether the match engine should use agreement and disagreement weights or m-probabilities and u-probabilities.

For more information about the structure of the match configuration file and the comparison functions you can use, see Understanding the Oracle Java CAPS Match Engine.

To Configure the Comparison Functions (Configuration Editor)

  1. In the Projects window, right-click the master index application you want to modify, and then click Open.
  2. If the Configuration Editor dialog box appears, click Edit to check out the listed files.

    The Configuration Editor appears.

  3. Click the Matching tab.

    The Matching page appears with a list of fields defined for matching and a list of comparators that you can modify.

  4. In the Probability Type field, select one of the following:
    • Use Agree/Disagreement Weight Ranges – Uses agreement and disagreement weights for matching. If agreement and disagreement weights are used, the m-probability and u-probability fields are ignored and do not appear on the Matching page.

    • Use M-Probabilities/U-Probabilities – Uses m-probabilities and u-probabilities for matching. If m-probabilities and u-probabilities are used, the agreement and disagreement weight fields are ignored and do not appear on the page.

  5. To add a new matching rule:
    1. Click Add in the lower right portion of the window.

      The Edit Matching Rules dialog box appears.

    2. Fill in the fields described in Match Comparator Configuration Properties for Oracle Java CAPS Master Index (Repository).
    3. Click OK.
  6. To edit an existing matching rule:
    1. Click Edit in the lower right portion of the window.

      The Edit Matching Rules dialog box appears.

    2. Change the value of any of the fields described in Match Comparator Configuration Properties for Oracle Java CAPS Master Index (Repository).
    3. Click OK.
  7. To remove an existing matching rule:
    1. In the matching rule table, select the rule you want to delete.
    2. Click Remove.
  8. On the Configuration Editor toolbar, click Save.

To Configure the Comparison Functions (Text Editor)

  1. In the project window, expand the master index project, and then expand the master index application.
  2. In the Match Engine folder, double-click matchConfigFile.cfg.
  3. For the Probability Type, enter one of the following values:
    • 0 – Uses m-probabilities and u-probabilities for matching. If m-probabilities and u-probabilities are used, the agreement and disagreement weight fields are ignored.

    • 1 – Uses agreement and disagreement weights for matching. If agreement and disagreement weights are used, the m-probability and u-probability fields are ignored.

  4. For each comparison function you want to configure, modify the value of any of the columns described in Match Comparator Configuration Properties for Oracle Java CAPS Master Index (Repository).
  5. Save and close the file.

Match Comparator Configuration Properties for Oracle Java CAPS Master Index (Repository)

The following table lists and describes the Configuration Editor fields used to define the comparison functions. It also lists the corresponding column in the match configuration file if you want to modify the file directly.

Configuration Editor Field
Match Configuration File Element and Column Number
Match Type
match-type (column 1)
A value that indicates to the Oracle Java CAPS Match Engine how each field should be weighted. Each field included in the match string (the MatchingConfig section of the Match Field file) must have a match type corresponding to a match type defined in this file.
Match Size
size (column 2)
The number of characters on which matching is performed, beginning with the first character. For example, to match on only the first four characters in a 10-digit field, the value of this column should be “4”.
Null Field
null-field (column 3)
An index that specifies how to calculate the total weight for null fields or fields that only contain spaces. You can specify any of the following values. The Configuration Editor value is given first, followed by the match configuration file value in parenthesis.
  • Zero weight (0) - If one or both fields are empty, the weight used for the field is 0 (zero).

  • Full Combination weight (1) - If both fields are empty, the agreement weight is used; if only one field is empty, the disagreement weight is used.

  • Full Agreement weight (a1) - Specifies to use the full agreement weight if both fields are null.

  • 1/x of the Agreement weight (ax) - Specifies to use the a fraction of the agreement weight if both fields are empty. The agreement weight is multiplied by the fraction 1/x to obtain the match weight for that field. When modifying the match configuration file directly, the default is “2” if no number is specified. You can specify any number from 1 through 10.

  • Full disagreement weight (d1) - Specifies to use the full disagreement weight if both fields are null.

  • 1/x of the disagreement weight (dx) - Specifies to use the disagreement weight if only one field is empty. The disagreement weight is multiplied by the fraction 1/x to obtain the match weight for the field. When modifying the match configuration file directly, the default is “2” if no number is specified. You can specify any number from 1 through 10.

In the above descriptions, the agreement and disagreement weights are either specified in this file or calculated using a logarithmic formula based on the m and u-probabilities (depending on the probability type).

function (column 4)
The type of comparison to perform when weighting the field. For information about the available comparison functions, see Match Configuration Comparison Functions for Oracle Java CAPS Match Engine (Repository) in Understanding the Oracle Java CAPS Match Engine.
Agreement Weight
agreement-weight (column 7)
The matching weight to be assigned to a field given that the fields match between two records; that is, the maximum match weight for a field. This number can be between 0 and 100 and can have up to 16 decimal points. Only set this value if the Probability Type is set to use agreement and disagreement weights.
Disagreement Weight
disagreement-weight (column 8)
The matching weight to be assigned to a field given that the fields do not match between two records; that is, the minimum match weight for a field. This number can be between 0 and -100 and can have up to 16 decimal points. Only set this value if the Probability Type is set to use agreement and disagreement weights.
m-prob (column 5)
The initial probability that the specified field in two records will match if the records match. The probability is a double value between 0 and 1, and can have up to 16 decimal points. Only set this value if the Probability Type is set to use probabilities.
u-prob (column 6)
The initial probability that the specified field in two records will match if the records do not match. The probability is a double value between 0 and 1, and can have up to 16 decimal points. Only set this value if the Probability Type is set to use probabilities.
Extra Parameters
parameters (column 9)
Parameters correspond to the comparison function specified in the Function field or column. Some comparison functions do not take any parameters and some take multiple parameters. For information about which functions take parameters and the parameters they take, see Match Configuration Comparison Functions for Oracle Java CAPS Match Engine (Repository) in Understanding the Oracle Java CAPS Match Engine.