NamedQueryView Interface

An interface named atg.repository.NamedQueryView provides methods to create and access named queries. This interface extends atg.repository.RepositoryView. It includes the following methods:

public void createNamedQuery(String pQueryName, Query pQuery)
Creates an association in the RepositoryView between a name and a Query object. After this association is created, you can call getNamedQuery to get the Query object to be used for execution. If this method is called with a pQueryName that has already been assigned a Query, then the existing Query will be overwritten with the new Query.

public Query getNamedQuery(String pQueryName)
Gets the Query object associated with the given name. If no such entry has been created for the given String, then null is returned.

public String[] getNamedQueryNames()
Returns the names of all Named Queries that this RepositoryView knows about, or null if there are none.

public QueryDescriptor getQueryDescriptor(String pQueryName)
Returns a QueryDescriptor object that describes aspects of the requested NamedQuery. If there is no named query by the given name, null is returned.

public String getQueryName(Query pQuery)
Returns the name of the given Query, if any exists. Otherwise, null is returned.


The atg.repository.QueryDescriptor interface defines methods for an object that describes a Repository Query and associates a Repository Query object with a user-defined String name. It defines the following methods:

public Query getQuery()
public String getQueryName()

The atg.repository.query.QueryDescriptorImpl class is the base implementation of the QueryDescriptor interface and the atg.adapter.gsa.query.GSAQueryDescriptor class is the SQL repository’s subclass of QueryDescriptorImpl.


The atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl class implements NamedQueryView and supports the use of named queries.

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