Disabled mode disables caching of items across transactions. Values for this item will be cached within the current transaction so that you see a consistent view of the item in any given transaction. When properties are not cached, they are loaded directly into a store that is visible for each transaction. If you call getPropertyValue() on the same property twice in the same transaction, the property value will not be re-queried.

You can also disable caching for an individual property within an item-descriptor by setting the cache-mode="disabled" attribute on the property itself. All other cache modes must be set at the item descriptor level, however, and cannot be set on a per-property basis.

Disabled caching should be used with great caution, because it will result in database access for every page that accesses an item of this type. This potentially has a severe impact on performance.

Caching should generally be disabled when there is a possibility that the underlying data will be changed by a non-ATG repository application. For instance, if you have an on-line banking application, and the same data is accessed by other applications in addition to ATG, you may want to turn off caching for displaying the user’s account balances. You could, in some circumstances, configure your integration so that when the data is modified by an external application, the repository cache is invalidated.

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