The startSQLRepository scripts take the following arguments:



-m <module name>

The modules to load. The -m argument must precede all other arguments if it is present. You can specify multiple module names by using a separate –m argument for each module.

-s <server name>

The name of the ATG server to use. This optional argument lets you specify a ATG server that is configured to use a ATG data source that points to the repository’s database.

See the note on Server Conflicts, however.

-repository <Nucleus path to Repository>

The Nucleus address of the repository. For example:

-repository /atg/dynamo/

If you run the script with the DPS module or a module which requires the DPS module, you can omit this argument, and the script will use the first repository registered in the /atg/registry/ContentRepositories component.


Outputs a DDL (SQL) file for the XML templates in the repository to standard out.

-outputSQLFile <file>

Outputs a DDL (SQL) file for the XML templates in the repository to the specified file.

-database <vendor>

Customizes the DDL for the SQL variant used by the specified vendor’s database software. Possible values are:


-output <file>

Sends all output from <print-item> and <query-item> tags to a file (instead of standard out).


Outputs additional logging information. This option is equivalent to setting the loggingSQLInfo and loggingSQLDebug properties to true for the JTDataSource used by the repository. All SQL emitted will be logged.

-export "<item-type1,item-type2>" <file>

Exports all of the items of one or more item descriptors to an XML repository definition file. The location of the resulting file is relative to the <ATG2007.3dir>/home directory.

-export all <file>

Exports all of the items of all item descriptors in this repository to a file. The location of the resulting file is relative to the <ATG2007.3dir>/home directory.

-exportRepositories <path-to-repository1,path-to-repository2> <file>

To export data from more than one repository into the same file, use this option. This may be preferable to the -export option if your repositories are linked as it prevents duplicating the linked item descriptors in more than one file.

-exportRepositories all <file>

Exports all repositories into one file. The location of the resulting file is relative to the <ATG2007.3dir>/home directory.


By default, when you use one of the export arguments, all referenced item descriptors are automatically added to the list of item descriptors to be exported. If you use the -skipReferences argument, referenced item descriptors are added only if you affirmatively include them.


If you use this argument, this operation won’t be wrapped in a transaction. Using a transaction for large operations can run into database limitations on transaction sizes and numbers of permitted row-level locks.

-import <file>

Imports XML definitions from a file created with the –export or –export all arguments.


Outputs additional logging information. This option is equivalent to setting the loggingDebug property to true for the repository.

-encoding <encoding>

If the content you are exporting contains non-ASCII characters, use this option to specify an encoding such as 8859_1 or SJIS in which to save your content.

<file names>

The file names of the XML files to parse.

For information on options for using the startSQLRepository script with ATG Content Administration’s versioned repository, see the ATG Content Administration Programming Guide.

You can pass more than one XML file to the startSQLRepository script, and the Template Parser handles them in the order you specify them. This enables you, for example, to pass your full repository definition file together with a test file that uses the test operation tags to manipulate repository items. See the following SQL Repository Test Example.

Server Conflicts

Note that if you start the startSQLRepository script on a server that is already running, errors can result. Use the -s argument to specify a server that is not currently running.

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