You can also use the <query-items> tag in a repository definition file to load all or some portion of your repository items on application startup. For example, you could load all items of the users type with this tag:

<query-items item-descriptor="users">ALL</query-items>

The <query-items> tag produces a large number of log messages when you use it to load many items. You can use the quiet="true" attribute to eliminate these messages:

<query-items item-descriptor="product" quiet="true">ALL</query-items>

You can use the id-only="true" attribute to output just the repository IDs of the items returned by the query:

<query-items item-descriptor="product" id-only="true">ALL</query-items>

For more information, see the Querying Items topic in the Development, Testing and Debugging with the SQL Repository section of this chapter.

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