Strategies for Network Administration in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

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Updated: September 2014

Perform Preliminary Tasks Prior to Creating an EVS Virtual Tenant Network

    The following one-time setup tasks are described:

  • Plan the EVS virtual tenant network deployment by doing the following:

    • Select the two compute nodes.

    • Designate a node to act as the controller.

    • Designate a node to act as the client.

      Note -  The client and controller nodes can be on the same host.
    • Select the VLAN ID range to be used for tenant traffic.

    • Decide which datalink to use for tenant traffic on each compute node.

  • Install the base EVS package (pkg:/service/network/evs) on every node.

  • Install the pkg:/system/management/rad/module/rad-evs-controller package on the controller node.

  • Configure each of the nodes so that Remote Administration Daemon (RAD) invocations are enabled.

  • On every node, configure EVS to point to the controller.

  • From the EVS client node, configure the controller properties.

  • From the EVS client node, verify the controller configuration.

Example 2-10  Installing Mandatory EVS Packages

Prior to setting up an EVS switch, you need to install the necessary software packages. You install these packages on each EVS node separately.

Install the base EVS package (pkg:/service/network/evs) on every node (client, controller, and the compute nodes) as follows:

# pkg install evs

Install the pkg:/system/management/rad/module/rad-evs-controller package on the node that is designated as the EVS controller as follows:

# pkg install rad-evs-controller

After installing the mandatory EVS packages and prior to configuring and setting properties for the EVS controller, you must configure all of the nodes so that RAD invocations between each node can take place. For detailed instructions, see Security Requirements for Using EVS in Managing Network Virtualization and Network Resources in Oracle Solaris 11.2 .

Example 2-11  Configuring and Setting Properties for the EVS Controller

The EVS controller provides the resources that are associated with creating and managing elastic virtual switches. You set properties for the controller that specify the necessary information for implementing L2 segments across physical nodes. See EVS Controller in Managing Network Virtualization and Network Resources in Oracle Solaris 11.2 .

Configure each compute node so that it points to the EVS controller. This scenario uses two compute nodes, so you will need to run the following command on each of the compute nodes:

# evsadm set-prop -p controller=CONTROLLER

From the client node, configure the EVS controller properties.

  1. Set the L2 topology.

    # evsadm set-controlprop -p l2-type=vlan 
  2. Set the VLAN range.

    # evsadm set-controlprop -p vlan-range=200-300
  3. Specify the uplink-port (datalinks) that are used for the VLAN.

    # evsadm set-controlprop -p uplink-port=net2
  4. Verify the controller configuration on the client.

    # evsadm show-controlprop -p l2-type,vlan-range,uplink-port
    NAME              VALUE        DEFAULT      HOST
    l2-type           vlan         vlan         --
    vlan-range        200-300      --           --
    uplink-port       net2         --           --