Managing Network Datalinks in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

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Updated: September 2014

How to Configure a VLAN

Before You Begin

This procedure assumes that the zones are already created on the system. For information about zone configuration, refer to Chapter 1, How to Plan and Configure Non-Global Zones, in Creating and Using Oracle Solaris Zones .

  1. Become an administrator.

    For more information, see Using Your Assigned Administrative Rights in Securing Users and Processes in Oracle Solaris 11.2 .

  2. Determine the types of links that are in use on the system.
    # dladm show-link
  3. Create a VLAN link over a datalink.
    # dladm create-vlan -l link -v vid VLAN-link

    Specifies the link on which the VLAN interface is being created.


    Indicates the VLAN ID number.


    Specifies the name of the VLAN, which can also be a meaningful custom name. For information about VLAN names, see Assigning VLAN Names.

  4. Verify the VLAN configuration.
    # dladm show-vlan
  5. Create an IP interface over the VLAN.
    # ipadm create-ip interface

    where interface provides the VLAN name.

  6. Configure the IP interface with an IP address.
    # ipadm create-addr -a address interface
Example 3-1  Creating a VLAN

This example shows how to create the VLAN configuration that is illustrated in Figure 3–1.

  1. Check the available links and create the VLANs over the specific links.

    # dladm show-link
    LINK     CLASS     MTU     STATE     OVER
    net0     phys      1500    up        --         
    net1     phys      1500    up        --        
    net2     phys      1500    up        --
  2. Host A:

    # dladm create-vlan -l net0 -v 123 infotech0

    Host C:

    # dladm create-vlan -l net0 -v 123 infotech0

    Host F:

    # dladm create-vlan -l net0 -v 456 humres0

    Host B:

    # dladm create-vlan -l net0 -v 456 humres0

    Host D:

    # dladm create-vlan -l net0 -v 789 acctg0

    Host E:

    # dladm create-vlan -l net0 -v 789 acctg0
  3. Display the VLANs created.

    # dladm show-vlan
    LINK           VID     OVER        FLAGS
    infotech0      123     net0        ----
    infotech0      123     net0        ----
    humres0        456     net0        ----
    humres0        456     net0        ----
    acctg0         789     net0        ----
    acctg0         789     net0        ----
Example 3-2  Configuring a VLAN With Zones

This example shows how to create the VLAN configuration that is illustrated in Figure 3–3. This example assumes that you have already configured different zones in the system. For more information about configuring zones, see Creating and Using Oracle Solaris Zones .

  1. Check the available links that can be used for configuring VLANs and then create the VLANs over the specific links.

    global# dladm show-link
    LINK     CLASS     MTU     STATE     OVER
    net0     phys      1500    up        --         
    net1     phys      1500    up        --       
    net2     phys      1500    up        --        
    global# dladm create-vlan -l net0 -v 111 web1
    global# dladm create-vlan -l net0 -v 112 auth1
    global# dladm create-vlan -l net0 -v 113 app1
    global# dladm create-vlan -l net1 -v 111 web2
    global# dladm create-vlan -l net1 -v 112 auth2
    global# dladm create-vlan -l net1 -v 113 app2
    global# dladm create-vlan -l net2 -v 111 web3
    global# dladm create-vlan -l net2 -v 112 auth3
    global# dladm show-vlan
    LINK      VID     OVER        FLAGS
    web1      111     net0        ----
    auth1     112     net0        ----
    app1      113     net0        ----
    web2      111     net1        ----
    auth2     112     net1        ----
    app2      113     net1        ----
    web3      111     net2        ----
    auth3     113     net2        ----

    When link information is displayed, the VLANs are included in the list.

    global# dladm show-link
    LINK      CLASS    MTU      STATE     OVER
    net0      phys     1500     up        --
    net1      phys     1500     up        --         
    net2      phys     1500     up        --        
    web1      vlan     1500     up        net0
    auth1     vlan     1500     up        net0
    app1      vlan     1500     up        net0
    web2      vlan     1500     up        net1
    auth2     vlan     1500     up        net1
    app2      vlan     1500     up        net1
    web3      vlan     1500     up        net2
    auth3     vlan     1500     up        net2
  2. Assign the VLANs to their respective zones and display information for each zone similar to the following:

    global# zonecfg -z webzone1 info net
    address not specified
    physical: web1
    address not specified
    physical: web2
    address not specified
    physical: web3
    global# zonecfg -z authzone1 info net
    address not specified
    physical: auth1
    address not specified
    physical: auth2
    address not specified
    physical: auth3
    global# zonecfg -z appzone2 info net
    address not specified
    physical: app1
    address not specified
    physical: app2

    The value of the property physical indicates the VLAN that is set for the given zone.

  3. Display the assigned VLANs in the zones.

    global# dladm show-vlan
    LINK            VID  OVER  FLAGS
    webzone1/web1   111  net0  --
    authzone1/auth1 112  net0  --
    appzone1/app1   113  net0  --
    webzone1/web2   111  net1  --
    authzone1/auth2 112  net1  --
    appzone1/app2   113  net1  --
    webzone1/web3   111  net2  --
    authzone2/auth3 111  net2  --
  4. Log in to each non-global zone to configure the VLAN with an IP address.

    In webzone1:

    webzone1# ipadm create-ip web1
    webzone1# ipadm create-addr -a web1
    ipadm: web1/v4

    In webzone2:

    webzone2# ipadm create-ip web2
    webzone2# ipadm create-addr -a web2
    ipadm: web2/v4

    In webzone3:

    webzone3# ipadm create-ip web3
    webzone3# ipadm create-addr -a web3
    ipadm: web3/v4

    In authzone1:

    authzone1# ipadm create-ip auth1
    authzone1# ipadm create-addr -a auth1
    ipadm: auth1/v4

    In authzone2:

    authzone2# ipadm create-ip auth2
    autzone2# ipadm create-addr -a auth2
    ipadm: auth2/v4

    In authzone3:

    authzone3# ipadm create-ip auth3
    authzone3# ipadm create-addr -a auth3
    ipadm: auth3/v4

    In appzone1:

    appzone1# ipadm create-ip app1
    appzone1# ipadm create-addr -a app1
    ipadm: app1/v4

    In appzone2:

    appzone2# ipadm create-ip app2
    appzone2# ipadm create-addr -a app2
    ipadm: app2/v4

    After all the VLANs have been configured with IP addresses, the configuration is complete. The three VLANs are operative and can host traffic for their respective zones.