Oracle® Solaris Studio 12.4: Fortran User's Guide

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Updated: March 2015

3.4.140 –xknown_lib=library_list

Recognize calls to a known library.

When specified, the compiler treats references to certain known libraries as intrinsics, ignoring any user-supplied versions. This enables the compiler to perform optimizations over calls to library routines based on its special knowledge of that library.

The library_list is a comma-delimited list of keywords currently to blas, blas1, blas2, blas3, and intrinsics. The compiler recognizes calls to the following BLAS1, BLAS2, and BLAS3 library routines and is free to optimize appropriately for the Sun Performance Library implementation. The compiler will ignore user-supplied versions of these library routines and use the BLAS routines in the Sun Performance Library or inline the routines.

The —library=sunperf option is needed to link with the Sun Performance Library.

The compiler recognizes calls to the following BLAS1 library routines:
caxpy ccopy cdotc cdotu crotg cscal csrot csscal cswap dasum daxpy dcopy ddot drot drotg drotm drotmg dscal dsdot dswap dnrm2 dzasum dznrm2 icamax idamax isamax izamax sasum saxpy scasum scnrm2 scopy sdot sdsdot snrm2 srot srotg srotm srotmg sscal sswap zaxpy zcopy zdotc zdotu zdrot zdscal zrotg zscal zswap
The compiler recognizes calls to the following BLAS2 library routines:
cgemv cgerc cgeru ctrmv ctrsv dgemv dger dsymv dsyr dsyr2 dtrmv dtrsv sgemv sger ssymv ssyr ssyr2 strmv strsv zgemv zgerc zgeru ztrmv ztrsv
The compiler recognizes calls to the following BLAS2 library routines:
cgemm csymm csyr2k csyrk ctrmm ctrsm dgemm dsymm dsyr2k dsyrk dtrmm dtrsm sgemm ssymm ssyr2k ssyrk strmm strsm zgemm zsymm zsyr2k zsyrk ztrmm ztrsm
Selects all the BLAS routines. Equivalent to -xknown_lib=blas1,blas2,blas3
The compiler ignores any explicit EXTERNAL declarations for Fortran intrinsics, thereby ignoring any user-supplied intrinsic routines. (See the Fortran Library Reference for lists of intrinsic function names.)