Oracle® Solaris Studio 12.4: Fortran User's Guide

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Updated: March 2015

3.4.137 -xjobs{=n|auto}

Compile with multiple processes. If this flag is not specified, the default behavior is -xjobs=auto.

Specify the -xjobs option to set how many processes the compiler creates to complete its work. This option can reduce the build time on a multi-cpu machine. Currently, -xjobs works only with the -xipo option. When you specify -xjobs=n, the interprocedural optimizer uses n as the maximum number of code generator instances it can invoke to compile different files.

Generally, a safe value for n is 1.5 multiplied by the number of available processors. Using a value that is many times the number of available processors can degrade performance because of context switching overheads among spawned jobs. Also, using a very high number can exhaust the limits of system resources such as swap space.

When -xjobs=auto is specified, the compiler will automatically choose the appropriate number of parallel jobs.

You must always specify -xjobs with a value. Otherwise, an error diagnostic is issued and compilation aborts.

If -xjobs is not specified, the default behavior is -xjobs=auto. This can be overridden by adding -xjobs=n to the command line. Multiple instances of -xjobs on the command line override each other until the right-most instance is reached. -xjobs Examples

The following example links with up to three parallel processes for -xipo:

% cc -xipo -xO4 -xjobs=3 t1.o t2.o t3.o

The following example links serially with a single process for -xipo:

% cc -xipo -xO4 -xjobs=1 t1.o t2.o t3.o

The following example links in parallel, with the compiler choosing the number of jobs for -xipo:

% cc -xipo -xO4  t1.o t2.o t3.o

Note that this is exactly the same behavior as when explicitly specifying -xjobs=auto:

% cc -xipo -xO4 -xjobs=auto t1.o t2.o t3.o