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SPARC M8 and SPARC M7 Servers Administration Guide

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Updated: September 2017

Configure the Host IP Address for rKVMS

This task is required for using Oracle ILOM Remote System Console Plus on SPARC M7 servers.

This task is optional for using Oracle ILOM Remote System VNC Console on SPARC M8 servers. The IP address is needed if you want to connect directly to PDomain SPMs.

This task uses HOST0 as an example. You must have the admin role (a) to complete this task.

  1. Log in to Oracle ILOM.

    See Log In to Oracle ILOM (CLI).

  2. Set the IP address for the host.
    -> set /SP/network/HOST0 pendingipaddress=IP-address
    set 'pendingipaddress' to 'IP-address'
  3. Commit the change to the host IP address.
    -> set /SP/network/HOST0 commitpending=true
    Set 'commitpending' to 'true'

  4. (Optional) Update the Oracle Java security settings in the Java Control Panel on the desktop client system.

    Performing this subtask adds the IP address of the Active SP and HOST to a list of sites that are allowed to run Java applications on the client. If you choose not to do this, you might be prompted to allow the exception each time you run the Remote Console.

    1. Display and record the IP address for the Active SP.
      -> show /SP/network/ACTIVE_SP ipaddress
            ipaddress = IP-address
    2. Display and record the IP address for the host.
      -> show /SP/network/HOST0 ipaddress
            ipaddress = IP-address
    3. Launch the Java Control Panel on your desktop system that you will use to connect to the SP or SPM.

      For help launching the Java Control Panel, see the following:

      Microsoft Windows


      Mac OS


      Linux and Oracle Solaris

      In a terminal window, run the command

      $ /path-to-java-version/bin/ControlPanel

      where /path-to-java-version is the path to the Java jre or jdk directory on your Linux or Oracle Solaris system.

    4. Select the Security tab in the Java Control Panel.
    5. Click the Edit Site List button, add the https:// URLs for the IP addresses for the Active SP and the host in the Exception Site List dialog, and click OK.
    6. Click OK to apply the changes and close the Java Control Panel.

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