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Invoice Import Exceptions Report

Use this report to review the exceptions that occurred during the Payables Invoice Import process. You can use Invoice Import to import expense reports from Payables or Oracle Projects or to import invoices from another accounting system. If you import expense reports, Payables lists employee and expense report information for each expense report for which Payables did not create an invoice. If you import invoices, Payables lists supplier and invoice information for each invoice that Payables did not import.

Payables also displays the reason why Payables did not create an invoice from an expense report or why Payables did not import an invoice from another accounting system.

Report Submission

Payables prints this report automatically when you submit the Payables Invoice Import process. See: Payables Invoice Import Program. Payables prints this report only if it identifies exceptions during import.

Selected Report Headings

Name. Name of supplier or employee for whom Payables did not create an invoice.

Total. Total amount of an expense report or invoice.

Period End Date. Date entered for an expense report.

Invoice Number. Payables displays the invoice number for an expense report or invoice. If this is an expense report you entered in Payables, the invoice number may be the same as the Date. In the Payables Expense Report window, the default for invoice number is the Date.

Exception Reason:

Oracle Projects Exceptions

In addition to the standard exception codes above, Payables also displays the following exception codes for expense reports you try to import from Oracle Projects:

Other Accounting System Exceptions

In addition to the standard exceptions and the Oracle Projects exceptions listed above, Payables also prints the following exceptions for invoices you import from another accounting system:

See Also

Entering Employees as Suppliers

Financials Options

Payables Options


Foreign Currency Transactions

Voucher Numbers

Budgetary Control In Payables

Defining Sets of Books

Enter Person

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