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Key Indicators Current Activity Report

Use the Key Indicators Report to review your accounts payable department's productivity. The Key Indicators Report provides current activity indicators that compare current period activity with prior period activity in three major areas: suppliers, invoices, and payments. Payables further breaks down each category into basic items, exception items, and updates. The report provides the number of transactions for each indicator (such as number of automatic payments printed during a period) and amount values where applicable to the Key Indicator (such as total value of automatic payments written during a period).

Attention: This report does not sort by currency, nor does it convert foreign currency invoices to your functional currency.


Report Submission

Payables automatically prints the Key Indicators Current Activity Report when you submit the Key Indicators Report. You submit the Key Indicators Report from the Submit Request window. See: Key Indicators Report.

Selected Report Headings

Prior. Payables prints the name of the prior period for which it is reporting Key Indicators, and the dates covered by the period.

Current Period Number. Payables prints the number of each indicator type which occurred during the reporting period. For example, current period number of sites is the number of new sites you entered during the current reporting period.

Prior Period Number. Number of transactions occurring in the prior period. For example, prior period number of sites is the total number of sites you entered during the last Key Indicators period before the current reporting period. Prior period data will appear only if you have submitted a Key Indicators Report for that prior period.

Percent Change Number. Percent change of the current period number compared with the prior period number. For example, if you entered 5 suppliers into Payables during the current period, and 10 suppliers into Payables during the prior period, the percent change would be -50.00.

If you did not submit this report for the prior period, Payables displays N/A (Not Applicable) in this column.

All Periods Number. Payables prints the number of transactions that you entered in Payables during all periods.

Current Period Amount. Amount of the transactions you entered Payables during the current period. For example, the current period amount for invoices is the total value of invoices you entered during the current reporting period. If an amount is not applicable, such as with suppliers, Payables leaves this column blank.

Prior Period Amount. Amount of the transactions you entered Payables during the period before the reporting period. For example, the prior period amount for invoices is the total value of invoices you entered during the last reporting period. If an amount is not applicable, Payables leaves this column blank.

Percent Change Amount. Percent change of the current period amount over the prior period amount. For example, if you entered $500,000 of invoices into Payables during the current period, and $1,000,000 of invoices into Payables during the prior period, the percent change is -50.00. Payables does not convert foreign currency invoices to your functional amount, so this value may not provide accurate information if you use multiple currencies.

All Periods Amount. Payables prints the total dollar amount of items in Payables. If an amount is not applicable, Payables leaves this column blank. If you enter invoices in foreign currencies, Payables displays this amount as the entered value. This report does not convert your foreign currency invoices to your functional currency amount.

Row Headings


Supplier Exceptions:

Supplier Updates.


Invoice Exceptions:



Payment Exceptions:

Bank reconciliation:

See Also

Entering Suppliers

Payment Terms


Entering Basic Invoices

Creating Single Payments

Paying Invoices in Payment Batches

Reconciling Payments with Oracle Cash Management

Key Indicators State-of-the-System Report

Entering Purchase Order Matched Invoices

Common Report Parameters

Common Report Headings

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