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Payment Batch Control Report

Use the Payment Batch Control report to review detailed information about the payments printed in one or more payment batches. You can submit this report after every payment batch to compare it with actual payment information. You can also use this report to provide the check signer with comprehensive information about each payment document, eliminating the need to review paper invoices. The report displays payment, supplier, invoice, and expense distribution information for all payment documents in a payment batch.

The report includes the total number of payments and the total batch outlay. Payables sorts the Payment Batch Control report by payment document number.

All amounts on the report are displayed in the payment currency, except the Invoice Amount, which is displayed in the invoice currency.

Report Submission

You submit this report from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports, Programs, and Listings.

Selected Report Parameters

Payment Date. The date that you performed a payment batch. You can submit the report for one or all payment batches performed on this date.

Selected Report Headings

Bank Account Name. Bank account the payment batch uses. If you submit the report for all payment batches, Payables displays each bank account on a separate page.

Payment Document Name. Payment document you used to print the payments.

Payment Batch Name: Name of a payment batch or All if you submit the report for all payment batches.

Document Number. Number of a payment. For example, check number. You can use this number to compare the actual payment with the detailed payment information in this report. Payables sorts the Payment Batch Control Report by document number.

Void. Payables displays Yes if you have voided a payment document.

Gross Amount. The original scheduled payment amount of an invoice. This amount equals the sum of the distributions of an invoice.

Discount Amount. Discount amount taken on an invoice.

Payment Amount. Amount of a payment. Gross Amount less the Discount Amount.

Accounting Flexfield. Account for an invoice distribution.

Amount. Amount of an invoice distributed to an account.

Distribution Line Description. Partial description of an invoice distribution.

Number of Documents. Number of documents that are not void and the number of void documents in a payment batch. Payables will automatically void overflow payment documents if you use the Void Except Last Payables Check Overflow option. Payables does not include the voided overflow payment documents on this report.

Sum Payment Amounts. Sum of the payment amounts for not void and void payments printed in a payment batch.

See Also


Paying Invoices in Payment Batches

Common Report Parameters

Common Report Headings

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