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Viewing Account Balances by Aging Bucket

Receivables lets you view your customer's outstanding account balances by aging bucket. Aging buckets are time periods in which you age and can review your debit items. For example, you can define an aging bucket that includes all debit items that are 1 to 30 days past due. You can define your own aging buckets or customize the aging buckets that Receivables provides. See: Aging Buckets.

When you view your customer balances by aging bucket, Receivables calculates and displays the total outstanding amount and the credits not aged for unapplied cash, on account cash, and on-account credits. You can modify your display by specifying an aging bucket or by choosing to age or summarize open credits.

Receivables selects a transaction for aging if its GL date is prior to or the same as the current date. Once selected for aging, Receivables uses the following formula to determine the number of days past due for each transaction:

(Current Date) - (Due Date) = Days Past Due

Receivables then groups each transaction into an aging bucket based upon the number of days it is past due. For example, your customer has the following invoices, all of which are due within 30 days:

Invoice No/Amt Trx Date Due Date GL Date Current Date Days Past Due
101: $500 01-MAY-97 31-MAY-97 30-APR-97 30-MAY-97 - 1
102: $200 01-APR-97 01-MAY-97 03-MAR-97 30-MAY-97 29
103: $300 15-MAR-97 14-APR-97 15-MAR-97 30-MAY-97 46
104: $600 20-FEB-97 22-MAR-97 15-APR-97 30-MAY-97 69

If you choose to view this customer's past due transactions using the 'Standard' aging bucket, Receivables groups these invoices as follows:

Aging Bucket Amount (Transaction)
Current (-9999 to 0 days past due) $500 (Invoice 101)
1-30 Days Past Due $200 (Invoice 102)
31-60 Days Past Due $300 (Invoice 103)
61+ Days Past Due $600 (Invoice 104)

Note: This is a simplified example. Activities such as receipt applications, adjustments, and credit memos will affect the open amount if the activity GL Date is prior to or the same as the current date.

You can view open items as of a specific date by running one of the Receivables Aging reports. See: Aging Reports.

   To view a customer's outstanding account balance by aging bucket:

Suggestion: Check the Display Currency check box to view additional currency information such as Currency Code, Credit Limit, Credit Available, Entered Balance, Entered Amount Past Due, Entered Finance Charges and Entered Open Credits. If you check this check box, you can further limit your query by entering a Currency code. To view each customer's Bill To location, check the Display Locations check box.

See Also

Aging Window Field Reference

Viewing Transactions

Customer Calls

Placing an Item in Dispute

Printing Statements

Printing Dunning Letters

Credit Holds

Aging Reports

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