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Batching Receipts for Easy Entry and Retrieval

Use the Receipt Batches window to create receipt batches or to query existing batches. Batching receipts lets you:

You can add duplicate receipts to a batch. Duplicate receipts are receipts that have the same number, amount, and customer information.

You can post a receipt batch to your general ledger regardless of its status. You can delete a receipt batch only if it does not contain any receipts.

Note: If you add receipts in different currencies to a batch, the total amount reflects the amount entered in all currencies, not just the batch currency.

If you are remitting receipts, see: Creating Remittance Batches.

Attention: The GUI versions of Oracle Receivables let you enter receipts both individually and as part of a batch. Previous versions (i.e. character mode) required that you either entered receipts as part of a batch or entered them individually (in the latter case, you could not create batches at all). As a result, if you are using Receivables in character mode, you can only query receipts that were entered in the GUI version if they are part of a batch.

Batch Statuses

A batch has a status that indicates whether it is complete. A batch can have one of the following statuses:

New: This is a new batch that does not yet contain any receipts.

Out of Balance: The actual count and amount of receipts in this batch do not equal the control count and amount.

Open: The actual count and amount equal your control count and amount. However, you have not applied, identified, or placed on-account one or more receipts.

Closed: The actual count and amount match the control count and amount. All of the receipts in this batch have been either applied or placed on-account.


   To create a batch of receipts:

Suggestion: If you use good naming conventions for your batches, you can easily find a batch or individual receipts within a batch for review.

Note: Receivables uses the batch currency as the default for each receipt that you add to this batch. However, you can add receipts to a batch that are in different currencies.

Note: You can only enter payment methods assigned to this receipt class. You can enter any bank account assigned to the payment method if the account is in the same currency as the receipt, or the Receipt Multi-Currency flag for this remittance bank is set to Yes.

See Also

Receipts Field Reference



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