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Oracle9iAS TopLink Mapping Workbench Reference Guide
Release 2 (9.0.3)

Part Number B10063-01
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A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X 


access method
direct, 4-62
generating, 3-14
mappings, 4-63
method, 4-62
project default, 2-7
access, direct, 4-63
access, method, 3-14, 4-63
activating descriptors, 1-6
Add New Table button, 3-4
addAscendingOrdering(), 6-37
addDescendingOrdering(), 6-37
addFieldTransformation(), 5-12
addTableName() method, 4-64
Add/Update Class button, 2-12
Add/Update Existing Tables from Database button, 3-5
advanced properties
descriptor, 4-18
specifying default, 2-10
Advanced Properties Default window, 2-11
After load tab, 4-19
aggregate collection mappings, about, 6-30
Aggregate Descriptor button, 6-17
Aggregate Descriptor icon, 6-17
aggregate files, merging, 1-14
Aggregate Mapping button, 6-17
Aggregate Mapping tab
Fields, 6-19
General, 6-18
aggregate object mappings
about, 6-14
creating, 6-17
target descriptor, 6-17
alias, descriptor, 4-15
AllFieldsLockingPolicy, 4-48
amending descriptors, 4-18, 5-12, 6-22
see also after load
API, 4-1
array dimensionality, 4-9
array mappings
about, 7-1, 7-2
example, 7-3
implementing in Java, 7-3
array dimensionality, 4-9
nullValue, 4-64
transformation method, 5-9
Attributes tab, 4-9
automapping descriptors, 4-3
see also mappings


bidirectional relationships
about, 6-1
generating, 3-15
maintaining, 4-64
target keys, 6-20
bindAllParameters(), 4-16
BLOB fields in databases, 5-1, 5-8
branch classes, 4-23, 4-35
buttons. see toolbars


caching objects, 4-51
identity map, 4-50
refreshing, 4-6
cacheQueryResults(), 4-16
cacheStatement(), 4-16
catalog, database, 3-4
ChangedFieldsLockingPolicy, 4-49
changing package names, 2-8
checking-in/out projects, 1-11
.class file, 2-5
class extraction method, 4-34
Class Import preferences, 1-10
class indicator field, 4-34, 6-23
Class Indicator Info tab, 6-27
Class Info tab, 4-7
class information, setting, 4-6
ArrayMapping, 7-10
branch, 4-35
creating, 2-11
DatabaseMapping, 4-61
DirectCollectionMapping, 6-39
ExpressionBuilder, 6-39
generating, 4-4
generating from database, 3-13
leaf, 4-35
NestedTableMapping, 7-10
OneToOneMapping, 6-39
OptimisticLockException, 4-49
persistent, 4-64
persistent requirements, A-1
preferences, 1-9
refreshing, 2-12
removing, 2-13
root, 4-35
setting information, 4-6
TransformationMapping, 5-12
ValueHolderInterface, 6-6, 6-34, A-1
VariableOneToOneMapping, 6-23
XMLProjectReader class, 2-1
about, 2-5
adding, 2-6
relative, 2-6
CMP fields, 2-6
CMR relationships, 2-6
code, generating, 4-4
collapsing items in Project Tree pane, 1-6
collection mappings, persistent requirements, A-1
Collection Options tab, 4-65
composite primary key, 6-34
conform results in unit of work, 4-6
constructor requirements, A-2
container policy
about, 6-4
overriding, 6-5
copy policy
about, 4-43
setting, 4-43
copying project objects, 1-15
Copying tab, 4-44
Create Class button, 2-11
Create New Project button, 2-2
Create new project window, 2-2
creating projects, 2-2


about, 3-1
catalog, 3-4
creating reference tables on, 3-11
driver, 3-2
driver requirements, 3-5
for project, 2-2
logging in, 3-3
platform, 2-2, 3-2
properties, 3-1, 3-2
requirements, 3-5
schema, 3-4
supported, 4-60
tables, 3-3
Database Login button, 3-3
Database login icon, 3-3
database schema, 2-9
database tables
about, 3-3
creating, 3-4
generating, 3-15
generating descriptors and classes, 3-13
generating EJB entities, 3-16
generating Java source, 2-14
generating SQL, 3-12
importing, 3-5
properties, 3-8
removing, 3-7
renaming, 3-7
schema, 3-4
specifying fields, 3-8
specifying references, 3-10
DatabaseMapping class, 4-61
DatabaseRow, 5-9
deactivating descriptors, 1-6
default values, when database field is null
Direct-to-Field mapping, 5-3
object type mappings, 5-7
advanced properties, setting, 2-10
table generation, 2-9
Defaults tab, 2-7
descriptors, 4-1
XML, generating, 2-14
deployment database login, 3-2
deployment XML, generating, 2-14
descriptor alias, 4-15
Descriptor Info tab, 4-5
about, 4-1
advanced properties, 4-18
advanced properties, setting default, 2-10
amending, 4-18
automapping, 4-3
cache refreshing, 4-6
class information, 4-6
deactivating, 1-6
EJB, 2-6
errors, 1-7
events, 4-19
generating from database, 3-13
generating Java code, 4-4
identity mapping, 4-20
inactive, 1-6
interface, 4-37
mapping, 4-3
mapping inherited attributes, 4-31
mapping to tables, 4-5
object-relational, 4-59
primary key, 4-26
registering events, 4-57
removing, 2-13
types, 4-2
development database login, 3-2
dimensionality, array, 4-9
direct >nullValue attribute, 4-64
direct access
about, 4-62
specifying, 4-63
Direct Collection Mapping button, 6-29
Direct Collection Mapping tab
General, 6-29
Table Reference, 6-30
direct collection mappings
about, 6-28
creating, 6-29
example, 6-28
direct mappings
about, 4-60, 5-1
nullValue, 4-64
direct query key, 4-52
DirectCollectionMapping class, 6-39
Direct-to-Field Mapping button, 5-3
Direct-to-field Mapping tab, 5-4
direct-to-field mappings
about, 5-1, 5-2
creating, 5-3
null values, 4-64, 5-3
type conversions, 5-2
docking toolbars, 1-5
driver, database, 3-2


EJB descriptor icon, 2-6
EJB descriptors
deployment descriptors, 4-1
icon, 2-6
opening projects with, 2-3
updating, 2-6
EJB entities
generating, 3-16
inheritance, 4-31
EJB finders, 4-15
EJB Info tab, 4-17
EJB Preferences, 1-11
about, 2-15
corresponding to Mapping Workbench functions, 2-15
displaying information, 4-16
managing, 1-15
specifying, 4-3
updating from, 2-16
writing, 2-16
EJBQL queries, 4-12
ejbSelect queries, 4-15
Entity Beans, using sequence numbers with, 4-28
errors, descriptors, 1-7
Event Manager, 4-56
event method, 4-57
about, 4-19, 4-56
registering with a descriptor, 4-57
setting, 4-19
supported, 4-57
Events tab, 4-20
array mapping, 7-3
custom mapping query, 6-39
direct collection mappings, 6-28
event methods, 4-57
events, 4-57
inheritance, 4-31, 4-33
interface, 4-37
Mapping Workbench, 1-3
nested table mapping, 7-10
object array mapping, 7-4
object type mapping, 5-5
one-to-many mapping, 6-32
pop-up menu, 1-4
query keys, 4-52, 4-55, 4-56
reference mapping, 7-8
serialized mapping, 5-8
structure mapping, 7-6
transformation mapping, 5-9, 5-11
transformation mapping (write-only), 5-12
existence checking, specifying, 2-7
expanding items in Project Tree pane, 1-6
Export to Java Source button, 2-14
Java source, 2-13
projects, 2-13
ExpressionBuilder class, 6-39


field locking policies, 4-47, 4-48
access, project, 2-7
database tables, 3-8
about, 4-58
reserved, 4-59
see also queries
findManyByQuery, 4-16
findOnebyQuery, 4-16
floating toolbars, 1-5
foreign keys
about, 6-3
multiple tables, 4-43
one-to-many mappings, 6-32
one-to-one mappings, 6-20
specifying, 6-4
target, 6-20
full identity map, 4-50


General tab, 2-5
Generate Classes and Descriptors window, 3-14
Generate Enterprise Java Beans window, 3-17
generating. see exporting
getCatalogs(), 3-5
getImportedKeys(), 3-5
getPrimaryKeys(), 3-5
getTables(), 3-5
getTableTypes(), 3-5
getValue() method, 6-6
getWrapperPolicy(), 4-47


hard cache weak identity map, 4-50
hashtable, collection mappings, 6-5
holders, value, 6-6


identity maps
about, 4-50
project default, 2-7
recommendations, 4-51
size, 4-50
specifying, 4-20
Identity tab, 4-21
Implementors tab, 4-40, 6-26
Import tables from database window, 3-6
importing classes, 1-9
inactive descriptors, 1-6
independent relationships, 6-2
about, 6-5, 6-6
Java class requirements, 6-8
many-to-many mappings, 6-34
non-transparent, A-1
specifying, 6-7
transformation mapping, 5-11
transparent, A-1
ValueHolderInterface, A-1
see also proxy indirection, transparent indirection
Informix, sequence numbers, 4-28
about, 4-30
aggregate collection mappings, 6-31
branch and leaf classes, 4-23
branch classes, 4-35
finding subclasses, 4-34
in one descriptor, 4-31
leaf classes, 4-35
primary keys, 4-36
root class, 4-22
root classes, 4-35
specifying, 4-21
supporting with multiple tables, 4-33
supporting with one table, 4-31
using with EJBs, 4-31
Inheritance tab, 4-22
instantiation policy
about, 4-44
setting, 4-45
Instantiation tab, 4-45
Interface Alias tab, 4-26
about, 4-36
customizing, 1-7
descriptors, 4-37
implementing, 4-39, 4-40
query keys, 4-54
variable class relationships, 4-36


database tables, 2-14
descriptors, 4-4
exporting to, 2-13
object model, A-1
Java Core Reflection API, 4-62
java.util.Collection interface, 6-4
java.util.Map interface, 6-4
java.util.Vector class, 6-5
javax.ejbEntityBean interface, 3-16
JDBC drivers
database requirements, 3-5
methods, 3-5
supported, 4-60


key pairs, database table reference, 3-12
foreign, 6-20
foreign, target, 6-20
primary, 6-34
primary, in inheritance, 4-36
primary, in variable class relationships, 6-23, 6-24
primary, multiple tables, 4-42
primary, read-only settings, 4-63
query, 4-52, 4-55
reference key field, 6-28


leaf classes, 4-23, 4-35
locking policies
about, 4-47
advanced options, 4-49
optimistic, 4-47
Locking tab, 4-25
log file, XML, 2-1
logging XML, 2-1
logins, database, 3-2
Look and Feel preferences window, 1-8
look and feel, specifying, 1-7


maintainCache(), 4-16
management, source control, 1-11
Many-to-Many Mapping button, 6-35
Many-to-many Mapping tab
General, 6-36
Source Reference, 6-37
many-to-many mappings
about, 6-33
creating, 6-35
relation table, 6-34
class hierarchy, 4-61
descriptors, 4-3
to tables, 4-5
Mapping Workbench
about, 1-1
development process, 1-1
parts of, 1-2
sample, 1-3
starting, 1-2
upgrading projects, 2-2
mapping, relationship
aggregate object, 6-14
direct collection, 6-28
many-to-many, 6-33
one-to-many, 6-31
one-to-one, 6-19
about, 4-60
access types, 4-63
aggregate object, 6-14
amending the descriptor, 5-12
array, 7-2
bidirectional relationships, maintaining, 4-64
BLOB fields, 5-8
collection options, 4-65
direct, 4-60, 5-1
direct access, 4-62, 4-63
direct collection, 6-28
direct mappings, 5-1
direct-to-field, 5-1, 5-2
ejb-jar.xml file, 4-65
hierarchy, 4-61
many-to-many, 6-33
method access, 4-62, 4-63
null values, 4-64
object relational, 7-2
object type, 5-1, 5-5
one-to-many, 6-31
one-to-one, 6-19
properties, 4-61
read-only setting, 4-63
relationship, 4-60, 6-2
serialized object, 5-1, 5-8
to database BLOB fields, 5-1
transformation, 5-1, 5-9, 5-12
type conversion, 5-1, 5-4
mappings, relationship
about, 4-60, 6-2
menu bar, 1-4
about, 1-2, 1-3
menu bar, 1-4
pop-up menus, 1-4
merging files, 1-12
method access
about, 4-62
setting, 4-63
getValue(), 6-6
JDBC drivers, 3-5
setting container policy, 6-5
setValue(), 6-6
wrapper policy, 4-47
Methods tab, 4-10
move handle, toolbar, 1-5
multimedia objects, mapping, 5-1
multiple tables
about, 4-40
specifying for descriptors, 4-41
Multi-table Info tab, 4-41
mw_xml.log file, 2-1
.mwp file, 2-1, 2-2, 4-1


named queries, 4-14
see also finders
Named Queries Options tab, 4-16
Named Queries Parameters tab, 4-15
Named Queries tab, 4-14
native sequencing, 4-28
neediness warnings, 1-7
nested table mappings
about, 7-1, 7-9
example, 7-10
Java, 7-10
properties, 7-11
NestedTableMapping class, 7-10
New Reference window, 3-11
New Table window, 3-4
non-transparent indirection, A-1
nullValue attribute, 4-64


object array mappings
about, 7-4
example, 7-4
implementing in Java, 7-4
object identity, 4-50, 4-51
object model, A-1
Object Type Mapping button, 5-6
Object Type Mapping tab, 5-7
object type mappings
about, 5-1, 5-5
creating, 5-6
null values, 4-64
object, cache, 4-48
object-relational descriptors
about, 4-59, 4-60
mapping, 4-60
One-to-Many Mapping button, 6-32
One-to-many Mapping tab, 6-33
one-to-many mappings
about, 6-31
creating, 6-32
specifying advanced features, 4-65
One-to-One Mapping button, 6-21
One-to-one Mapping tab
General, 6-21
Table Reference, 6-22
one-to-one mappings
about, 6-19
creating, 6-21
specifying advanced features, 6-22
variable, 6-23
one-way transformation mapping, 5-12
online help, 1-9
Open Project button, 2-3
opening projects, 2-3
optimistic locking
about, 4-47
advanced policies, 4-49
OptimisticLockException class, 4-49
inheritance, 4-33
queries, 6-13
native sequencing, 4-30
pre-allocation, 4-29
sequence objects, 4-28
outer-join, 4-22


package names
default, 2-7
generating, 3-14
renaming, 2-8
packages, renaming, 2-8
password, database login, 3-2
persistent class requirements, A-1
persistent classes
about, 4-2
multiple tables, 4-64
project, 3-17
registering events, 4-57
requirements, A-1
types, 2-6
pessimistic locking
about, 4-47
queries, 4-16
platform, database, 2-2, 3-2
polymorphic relationships, 6-23
pop-up menus, 1-4
Potential EJB Descriptors window, 2-3
pre-allocating sequence numbers, 2-9, 4-29
Preferences button, 1-7, 1-9, 1-10
preferences, workbench, 1-7
primary key
composite, 6-34
default, 2-9
inheritance, 4-36
multiple tables, 4-42
read-only settings, 4-63
search, 2-9
setting, 3-9, 4-5, 4-26
variable class relationships, 6-23, 6-24
primary key search, 2-9
primkey, ejb-jar.xml file, 2-15
private relationships, 6-2
project objects, copying, 1-15
Project Save Location, 2-5
Project Tree pane
about, 1-2
example, 1-6
refreshing, 2-4
about, 2-1
classpath, 2-5
creating, 2-2
defaults, 2-7
exporting, 2-13
logging XML, 2-1
merging files, 1-12
.mwp file, 4-1
new, 2-2
open, 2-3
packages, renaming, 2-8
persistence type, 2-6
properties, 2-4
refreshing, 2-4
renaming, 2-4
saving, 2-4
team development, 1-11
troubleshooting, 2-1
updating from ejb-jar.xml, 2-16
upgrading from 2.x or 3.x, 2-2
writing ejb-jar.xml, 2-16
Properties pane, about, 1-2, 1-7
properties, setting default advanced, 2-10
proxies. see wrapper policy
proxy indirection
about, 6-11
implementing in Java, 6-12
public accessor methods, requirements, 4-2


qualified names, database tables, 3-6
ejb-jar.xml file, 4-12
optimizing, 6-13
pessimistic locking, 4-16
Query Key Association tab, 6-27
query keys
about, 4-11, 4-52
automatically defining, 4-52, 4-65
creating, 4-53
interface descriptors, 4-54
relationship mappings, 4-55
specifying, 4-11
variable one-to-one mapping, 6-27
Query keys tab, 4-12


reading ejb-jar.xml, 2-16
read-only mappings, 4-63
re-docking toolbars, 1-5
reference key field, 6-28
reference mappings
about, 7-1
example, 7-8
Java, 7-8
properties, 7-9
ReferenceMapping class, 7-8
about, 6-3
database tables, 3-10
refreshIdentityMapResults(), 4-16
cache, 4-6
classes, 2-12
project tree, 2-4
relation table, 6-34
relational mappings, about, 7-1
bi-directional, 6-20
polymorphic, 6-23
query keys, 4-55
variable class, 6-23
relationship mappings
about, 4-60, 6-1, 6-2
aggregate object, 6-14
many-to-many, 6-33
one-to-one, 6-19
optimizing queries, 6-13
relationship partner, bidirectional, 4-64
relationship query keys, 4-55
relationship element, 4-65
bi-directional, generating, 3-15
in ejb-jar.xml file, 2-16
relative classpath, 2-6
remote session requirements, A-2
Remove Class button, 2-13
Remove Table button, 3-7
renamer, project, 2-2
packages, 2-8
projects, 2-4
constructors, A-2
remote session, A-2
reserved finders, 4-59
root class
about, 4-35
inheritance mapping, 4-34
root files, merging, 1-12


samples. see examples
Save All Projects button, 2-4
Save Selected Project button, 2-4
schema manager, 4-30
schema, database, 2-9, 3-4
see also SQL
SQL, generating, 3-12
Select, 5-3
Select Classes window, 2-12, 2-13
SelectedFieldsLockingPolicy, 4-49
sequence information, setting, 4-5
sequence numbers
about, 4-27
Entity Beans, 4-28
native in database, 4-28
pre-allocation, 4-29
projects, 2-8
sequence table, 4-29
Sequencing tab, 2-9
Serialized Mapping button, 5-8
Serialized Object Mapping tab, 5-8
serialized object mappings
about, 5-1, 5-8
creating, 5-8
Session, 5-9
sessions, remote, A-2
setTableName() method, 4-64
setValue() method, 6-6
setWrapperPolicy(), 4-47
single implementor interfaces, 4-39
soft cache weak identity map, 4-50
source control management
with Mapping Workbench, 1-11
<italic>see also team development
source table, reference, 3-11
SQL Creation Script window, 3-13
SQL scripts
generating, 3-12
generating from database tables, 3-12
SQL Server, sequence numbers, 4-28
SQL, using custom code, 4-63
stale data, avoiding, 4-47
starting the workbench, 1-2
Status bar, about, 1-2
structure mappings
about, 7-1
example, 7-6
Java, 7-6
properties, 7-7
StructureMapping class, 7-6
subclasses, finding in inheritance, 4-34
Sybase, sequence numbers, 4-28


table generation properties, 2-9
Table Generation tab, 2-10
Table generation tab, 2-10
database, 3-3
import filter, 3-6
mapping to descriptors, 4-5
multiple, 4-40
name, 3-4
primary key, 3-9
see also database tables
target descriptor in aggregate object mappings, 6-17
target foreign key, 6-20
target table, reference, 3-11
team development, 1-11, 2-5
TimestampLockingPolicy, 4-48
about, 1-2, 1-4
floating, 1-5
<italic>see also Mapping Workbench
about, 1-1
Transformation Mapping button, 5-10
Transformation Mapping tab, 5-10
transformation mappings
about, 5-1, 5-9
creating, 5-10
example, 5-11, 5-12
one-way, 5-12
TransformationMapping class, 5-12
transparent indirection
about, 6-9
persistent class requirements, A-1
specifying, 6-10
troubleshooting projects, 2-1
<italic>see also TopLink Troubleshooting Guide
Type Conversion Mapping button, 5-4
Type Conversion Mapping tab, 5-5
type conversion mappings
about, 5-1, 5-4
creating, 5-4
provided by direct-to-field mappings, 5-2


uni-directional relationships, 6-1
unit of work, 6-22
conform query results, 4-6
updating methods in, 4-58
updating descriptors from ejb-jar.xml, 2-6
upgrading Mapping Workbench projects from prior versions, 2-2
URL for database login, 3-2
Use Indirection checkbox, 5-11, 6-10
useCollectionClass(Class), 6-5
useMapClass(Class, String), 6-5
useProxyIndirection(), 6-13
using source control management, 1-11


value holders, 6-6
ValueHolderInterface class, 6-6, 6-34, A-1
variable class relationships, interfaces, 4-36
Variable One-to-One Mapping button, 6-26
Variable One-to-one Mapping tab
Class Indicator Info, 6-27
General, 6-26
Query Key Associations, 6-27
variable one-to-one mappings
about, 6-23
creating, 6-25
interfaces, 4-39
VariableOneToOneMapping class, 6-23
Varray (Oracle). see array mappings
verification, one-to-one mappings, 6-22
version fields, 4-47, 4-48
version locking policies, 4-48
VersionLockingPolicy, 4-48


warning icon, 1-7
weak identity map, 4-50
web browser, specifying, 1-9
workbench preferences, 1-7
wrapper policy
about, 4-46
implementing in Java, 4-47
write-locking, 4-47
writing ejb-jar.xml, 2-16


generating deployment, 2-14
logging, 2-1
XMLProjectReader class, 2-1

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