Siebel Hospitality Guide > Generating and Managing Event Orders >

Process of Generating and Managing Event Orders

The following list shows tasks event managers typically perform when generating orders and managing order details for a pending event. The event manager's company may follow a different process according to its business requirements.

End-User Procedures

To generate and manage orders, complete the following tasks:

  1. Generating Primary Event Orders
  2. Creating Function Orders
  3. Changing the Primary Event Order Associated with a Function
  4. Associating Event Orders with a Function Line Item
  5. Creating Functions from the Orders Screen
  6. Viewing All Line Items for an Order
  7. Adding Notes to an Event Order
  8. Adding Attachments to an Event Order
  9. Viewing the Total Discount for an Order
  10. Viewing Orders Associated with a Quote
  11. Viewing the Event Check Associated with an Order
  12. Viewing the BEO Specifications for an Order
  13. Viewing the Line Item Audit Trail for an Order
Siebel Hospitality Guide