Siebel Performance Management Guide > Working with Ratings Distributions >

Adjusting and Submitting Team Ratings

From the Compensation Planning screen, a manager can view compensation plan and budget details, and check and adjust the direct report's rating with overall team ratings distribution. Figure 5 shows an example of the Compensation Planning screen, with the Performance view tab exposed.

Figure 5. Compensation Planning Screen with Performance View
Click for full size image

The owner of the selected compensation plan appears, along with a hierarchical list showing the total number of direct and indirect reports for the manager. For example, as Figure 5 shows, compensation plan owner Jason Rubin has 14 reports, one of whom is Howard Hunt, a manager with two reports. The selected compensation plan identifies the next manager in the approval process for the submitted compensation plan, in this case, Ed Holden.

For each manager reporting to Rubin, the record shows the total number of employees reporting to that manager, as well as the number of employees in each ratings range (Actual). The Guideline value is expressed as the number of employees that must be in the ratings range to be in compliance.

Siebel Objectives and Reviews calculates each rating range by adding and subtracting a tolerance value from the expected number of employees in the range. You can configure the rating ranges, guidelines and tolerances using Siebel Tools. Tolerances are usually unique for each range. Fore more information, see Using Siebel Tools.

For example, an organization has determined that 50% of its employees should be in the 3.0-3.9 range, with a tolerance of 2%. If a manager has a total of 53 employees, 26.5 employees should be in the 3.0-3.9 range. If the tolerance value for the range is 1.5, subtracting that number from 26.5 sets the low end of the range at 25. Adding 1.5 to 26.5 establishes the high end of the range at 28. Consequently, between 25 and 28 of the manager's direct reports should be rated in the 3.0-3.9 range.

The Gap value is the difference between the guideline and the actual number of employees actually in the rating category. The gap is displayed numerically (plus or minus), and the Fit Status is expressed as a color-coded indicator that flags ratings that are over or under the guideline for the ratings category. For example, as Figure 5 shows, Jason Rubin has rated three reports so that they appear in the 2.0-2.9 ratings category, and the guideline specifies 0-2 employees. The ratings category is flagged as being out of guideline, and a +1 appears, indicating that the category contains an extra employee. To maintain the integrity of the ratings curve, Rubin must adjust the rating for one employee so that the employee's score falls into a ratings category that can accommodate another employee.

These tasks are a step in Process of Working with Ratings Distributions.

To adjust the curve fit ratings of direct reports and submit the compensation plan

  1. Navigate to the Compensation Planning screen > Team Workbook List view.
  2. In the Compensation Plans list, select the compensation plan, and click the Performance view tab.
  3. Review the ratings distribution for each direct report to identify variances in the distribution curve.

    If the direct report is a manager with direct or indirect reports, an Adjust Ratings button appears adjacent to the employee's name.

  4. Click Adjust Ratings.

    A list of all direct reports appears. The ratings field is editable for each employees who is included in a ratings category that is not aligned with the curve-fit guideline.

  5. In the employee record, click in the Review Report field to see the review components and overall ratings for the employee.
  6. In the Rating field, enter a new rating for the out-of-range employee, and save the change.

    This action shift the employee from a flagged ratings category to the category that includes the range for the new rating.

    NOTE:  Managers can only edit the ratings of employees who have submitted their compensation plans to the manager. If a direct report has not submitted a plan, the manager can use the rollup functionality for that employee to control the compensation plan and edit the ratings. If the review status is not PDA, the scores cannot be edited. An employee who is on leave of absence might fall into this category.

Siebel Performance Management Guide