A - B - C - D - E - F - H - I - J - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W


access control visibility

about   1

indexing fields to enforce   1


See also Search Execution Settings

cached list of categories, resetting   1

Fulcrum stop file setting, about   1

Fulcrum stop file setting, changing under Windows   1

index settings, about and creating   1

normalization setting, about   1

normalization setting, creating   1

preadministration checklist   1

search indexes, indexing   1

search indexes, refreshing   1

search indexes, refreshing all indexes   1

search indexes, working with   1

Siebel Search, about   1

text reader setting, changing   1

transaction table settings, changing   1

transaction table settings, table of   1

UNIX, FTE and DID scripts, creating   1

UNIX, indexing external documents   1

UNIX, refreshing indices   1

UNIX, working with resolution documents and literature   1

Advanced Search

link, about using   1


algorithms, about ranking algorithms used in Siebel Search   1

application find objects, table of   1


indexing   1

rules and assumptions   1

Back to top


binocular icon, using to open Search Center   1

Boolean operators

advanced search, about   1

basic search, about   1

Fuzzy Boolean retrieval model, about   1

Strict Boolean retrieval model, about   1

Back to top


configuring Siebel Search, about   1

connectives, table of connectives and search operators   1

customer applications, accessing Siebel Search and performing search   1

Back to top


DID and FTE scripts, creating   1

Back to top


exact match setting, administering   1

external documents, indexing under UNIX   1

Back to top


file attachments

indexing   1

rules and assumptions   1

filter fields

creating, procedure   1

filter visibility for search, about   1

Find Field Locale object properties, table of   1

Find Field object

properties, table of   1

rules and assumptions   1

Find Locale object properties, table of   1

Find objects

See also About Siebel Tools Find Objects

application find objects, table of   1

described   1

Find Field Locale object properties, table of   1

Find Field object properties, rules and assumptions   1

Find Field object properties, table of   1

Find Locale object properties, table of   1

Find Pick View object properties, table of   1

Find view object, about   1

Find view object, properties   1

properties, table of   1

Siebel Tools object and their relationships, diagram   1

Siebel Tools object for find, about   1

Find operation, differences between Search and Find   1

Find view objects

about   1

properties   1

FTE and DID scripts, creating   1


See also Siebel Search Environmental Variable List

basic setup troubleshooting   1

character set, changing under UNIX   1

Client Connector, setting example   1

installation license keys, table of   1

setup troubleshooting key, table   1

stop file setting, about   1

stop file setting, changing under Windows   1

text reader license keys, table of   1

visibility, troubleshooting   1

Fulcrum SearchServer

See also Hardware Recommendations for Hummingbird SearchServer

hardware requirements   1

UNIX, before installing   1

UNIX, installing under   1

Windows, before installing on   1

Windows, creating a client connector   1

Windows, installing Fulcrum 4.0   1

Windows, removing Fulcrum   1

Fuzzy Boolean, relevance method setting   1

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Fulcrum basic setup troubleshooting   1

Fulcrum setup troubleshooting key, table   1

Fulcrum visibility, troubleshooting   1

Back to top


Index Field Map objects

defining   1

properties, table of   1

index settings

See also Siebel Search Index Settings

creating   1

Fulcrum stop file setting, about   1

Fulcrum stop file setting, changing under Windows   1

normalization setting, about   1

normalization setting, creating   1

text reader setting, changing   1

transaction table setting, changing   1

transaction table settings, table of   1


See also Siebel Search Index Settings

cache list of categories, resetting   1

refreshing all indexes   1

refreshing an index   1

search indexes, indexing   1

UNIX, creating FTE and DID scripts   1

UNIX, refreshing   1

working with, about   1


See also Installing Siebel Search Under Windows

Back to top


Japanese language

text reader setting, changing   1

Back to top


Linguistic Searching, about   1

Back to top


max exec time setting, administering   1

max search rows setting, administering   1

mobile Web clients

setup, process overview   1

Windows, setting up   1

multi organizational access control, about   1

multiple term searches, about   1

Back to top


normalization setting

about   1

creating   1

NOT operator, about using to limit query results   1

Back to top



connective and search operators, table of   1

NOT operator, about using to limit query results   1

Oracle database

Windows Siebel Server, setting up ODBC data source   1

organizational visibility

indexing fields to enforce   1

view, about   1

Back to top



Siebel Search, about   1

Siebel Search, table of   1

Siebel Search, viewing or modifying   1

thesaurus, table of   1

phase searches, about   1

pick views

creating   1

creating, about   1

properties, table of   1

Position visibility view, about   1 ,  2

preinstallation checklist

UNIX   1

Windows install   1

preview views

creating   1

creating, about   1

proximity searches

about   1

setting, administering   1

Back to top


queries, table of search query examples   1

Back to top


ranking algorithm, about   1

records, about determining display of   1

relevance method setting

administering   1

relevance ranking options, table of   1

Remote Search Server, setting example   1

remote searching

Siebel Server, setting up for   1

UNIX, configuring Siebel Server for   1

resolution documents, working with under UNIX   1

Result fields

custom fields, about creating   1

custom fields, creating (procedure)   1

custom fields, properties (table)   1

new fields, adding   1

new fields, rules and assumptions   1


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Search box, about using   1

search categories

new search definition, associating with   1

properties, table of   1

rules and assumptions   1

Search Center, described   1

Search Definition object, about and rule and assumptions   1

search engine

See also The Search Index Object

Search Engine object, properties   1

Search Result Field object, about   1

Search Result Field object, properties   1

Search Result Field object, rules and assumptions   1

Search Engine Results fields

See also Creating Custom Result Fields

custom fields, about creating   1

custom fields, creating (procedure)   1

custom fields, properties (table)   1

new field, adding   1

new field, rules and assumptions   1

search execution settings

See also Search Execution Settings

about and diagram   1

max exec time setting, administering   1

max search rows setting, administering   1

search term separator setting, administering   1

search execution settings, advanced

See also Advanced Search Execution Settings

about   1

exact match setting, administering   1

proximity search setting, administering   1

relevance method setting, administering   1

relevance ranking options, table of   1

term generator setting, administering   1

thesaurus filename setting, administering   1

thesaurus option setting, administering   1

Search Index object, rules and assumptions   1

search indexes

See also The Search Index Object

about   1

access control visibility, indexing fields to enforce   1

cached list of categories, resetting   1

file attachments, indexing   1

file attachments, rules and assumptions   1

index, refreshing   1

indexes, refreshing all   1

indexing   1

organizational visibility, indexing fields to enforce   1

properties, table of   1

Search Index object, rules and assumptions   1

search tables, defining Index Field Maps   1

search tables, Index Field Maps, properties (table)   1

search tables, properties (table of)   1

search tables, rules and assumptions   1

working with, about   1

Search License, advanced

about   1

exact match setting, administering   1

proximity search setting, administering   1

relevance method setting, administering   1

relevance ranking options, table of   1

term generator setting, administering   1

thesaurus filename setting, administering   1

thesaurus option setting, administering   1

Search object, described   1

search operations, advanced

filter field, creating (procedure)   1

pick views, about creating   1

pick views, creating   1

pick views, properties (table)   1

preview views, about creating   1

preview views, creating   1

search categories, associating to new search definition   1

Search Result Field object

about   1

properties, table of   1

rules and assumptions   1

search server

configuration, setting example   1

Siebel Server, configuring under UNIX   1

search tables

Index Field Map, defining   1

Index Field Map, properties (table)   1

properties, table of   1

rules and assumptions   1

search term generator options, table of   1

search term separator setting, administering   1


Find operation, difference between   1

operators and connectives for Siebel Search   1

queries, search query examples (table)   1

retrieval type, advanced search   1

retrieval type, basic search   1

search techniques, advanced search   1

search techniques, basic search   1

search term separator, setting default   1


multiple server, process setup overview   1

setup process overview   1


process overview and architecture diagram   1

Siebel environment variables

about   1

examples   1

table of   1

Siebel Search

about   1

common end-user tasks, list of   1

configuring and administering, about   1

customer applications, accessing and performing search   1

operators and connectives, table of   1

parameters, about   1

parameters, table of   1

parameters, viewing or modifying   1

predefined search specifications. about   1

Siebel Server

See also Additional Steps for Oracle Database Users Under Windows

remote searching, setting up for   1

UNIX, configuring as search server   1

UNIX, configuring for remote searching   1

Windows, configuring under   1

Siebel Tools

See also The Search Engine Object

Find object, described   1

preconfiguration checklist   1

Search object, described   1

search objects (diagram)   1

single term searches, about   1

special character searches, about   1

spell checking, about   1

stop file setting, about   1

Strict Boolean, relevance method setting   1

Synonym Searching, about   1

Back to top


table, setting maximum number of rows included   1

Team visibility view, about   1

term generator setting, administering   1

text reader setting, changing   1


filename setting, administering   1

option setting, administering   1

parameters, table of   1

transaction table settings

changing   1

table of   1


Fulcrum setup troubleshooting key, table   1

Fulcrum visibility   1

Fulcrum, basic setup   1

Back to top



external documents, indexing   1

FTE and DID scripts, creating   1

Fulcrum character set, changing   1

Fulcrum SearchServer, before installing   1

Fulcrum SearchServer, installing under   1

Fulcrum stop file location, about changing   1

indices, refreshing   1

preadministration checklist   1

preinstallation checklist   1

resolution documents and literature, working with   1

Siebel environment variables, about   1

Siebel environment variables, examples   1

Siebel environment variables, table of   1

Siebel Server, configuring as search server   1

Siebel Server, configuring for remote searching   1

Back to top


Vector Space. relevance method setting   1


access control, indexing fields to enforce   1

defined   1

filter visibility for search   1

Find operations, controls   1

organizational visibility, indexing fields to enforce   1

Search, controls   1

troubleshooting   1

Back to top


Web client, process setup overview   1

wildcard searches, about   1


Fulcrum stop file location, changing   1

preadministration checklist   1

Siebel environment variables, about   1

Siebel environment variables, examples   1

Siebel environment variables, table of   1

transaction table settings   1

Windows, installing on

Fulcrum SearchServer 4.0, installing   1

Fulcrum SearchServer, before installing   1

mobile Web client, setting up   1

Oracle database. setting up ODBC data source   1

preinstallation checklist   1

remote search, setting up Siebel Server for   1

Siebel Server, configuring   1

upgrade notes, removing Fulcrum   1

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