Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows: Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools > Installing the Siebel Server >

Configuring the Siebel Server

Complete the steps that follow to configure the Siebel Server for operation. If you are configuring additional Siebel Servers within one Siebel Enterprise Server, some of the screens described in this section do not appear again.

Verify that your Siebel Gateway Name Server service has started before proceeding. Otherwise, you cannot configure the Siebel Server.

CAUTION:  The Siebel Software Configuration Wizard is intended to support initial configuration of a Siebel Enterprise Server module. You cannot rerun this wizard to reconfigure a Siebel Server that has already been configured. You can use the Control Panel to change whether the service starts automatically or manually, or to change the user name and/or password under which the service runs. You can also use Server Manager to modify certain configuration parameter values. Otherwise, to reconfigure the Siebel Server, you must uninstall and reinstall it, after which you can configure it using the Siebel Software Configuration Wizard.

To configure the Siebel Server

  1. If necessary, start the Siebel Software Configuration Wizard. Otherwise, proceed to Step 2.

    It is generally assumed that you are using the Configuration Wizard directly after installation. However, if you exited the Siebel Software Configuration Wizard after installation, relaunch it, using one of the methods described in Launching the Siebel Software Configuration Wizard.

    The Clustering Configuration for Siebel Servers screen appears.

  2. If you are planning to configure this Siebel Server as part of a cluster, select the Yes check box, and click Next. The wizard displays a message that the Siebel Server Windows service must be started manually when running in clustered mode. Click OK, then proceed to Step 6.

    If you are clustering the Siebel Server but you are configuring a Siebel Server that is located on the same machine as the Siebel Gateway Name Server, do not select the Yes check box. Click Next and proceed to Step 3.

    If you are not clustering this Siebel Server, click Next and proceed to Step 3.

  3. Take the appropriate action on the Co-located Siebel Gateway Name Server screen, based on the following options:

    Leave the Yes check box unselected and proceed to Step 4 if:

    • You are configuring a Siebel Server that is located on a different machine than the Siebel Gateway Name Server.
    • You are configuring a Siebel Server that is located on the same machine as the Siebel Gateway Name Server, but you have changed the Siebel Gateway Name Server port number to something other than the default of 2320 (for example, 31900). If this is the case, you must append the port number to the Siebel Gateway Name Server host name on the next screen (for example, gtwyhost:31900).

      NOTE:  Do not use number 2321, which is the default port number for the SCBroker (Siebel Connection Broker) component.

    • You are configuring a Siebel Server that is located on the same machine as the Siebel Gateway Name Server, and you are clustering this machine. In this case, you do not select the Yes check box. (If you were to choose Yes, the Configuration Wizard would use the physical host name of the node on which the installation is being performed, even though the virtual host name is required for configuring a clustered server.)

      Otherwise, select the Yes check box and proceed to Step 5. (For example, do this if you are configuring a Siebel Server located on the same machine as the Siebel Gateway Name Server, are using the default port for the Siebel Gateway Name Server, and are not clustering the Siebel Server.)

  4. On the Gateway Name Server Hostname screen, type the following values, click Next, and proceed to Step 7:

    Gateway Name Server Hostname. Type the host (network) name of the machine on which you installed the Siebel Gateway Name Server for this Siebel Enterprise Server.

    NOTE:  If your database is MS SQL Server, the name you use must not contain brackets.

    Enterprise for this server. Type the name of the Siebel Enterprise Server under which this and other Siebel Servers will be installed; the default value is Sieb78. For details on naming conventions, see Siebel Server and Enterprise Server Naming Conventions.

  5. On the Gateway Name Server Listening Port screen, type the following values, click Next, and proceed to Step 7:

    Gateway Name Server Listening Port. Accept the default port number, if it is correct, or type the correct port number.

    Enterprise for this server. Type the name of the Siebel Enterprise Server under which this and other Siebel Servers will be installed; the default value is Sieb78. For details on naming conventions, see Siebel Server and Enterprise Server Naming Conventions.

  6. On the Siebel Gateway Name Server Cluster Virtual Host Name/IP screen, type the following values and click Next.

    Gateway Name Server Cluster Virtual Host Name/IP. Type the virtual host name or the virtual IP address of the machine on which you installed the Siebel Gateway Name Server for this Siebel Enterprise Server.

    NOTE:  If your database is MS SQL Server, the name you use must not contain brackets.

    Enterprise for this server. Type the name of the Siebel Enterprise Server under which this and other Siebel Servers will be installed; the default value is Sieb78. For details on naming conventions, see Siebel Server and Enterprise Server Naming Conventions.

  7. In the screen Select the Software Your Siebel Installation Will Use for Data Matching, select from one of the following and click Next:

    Siebel Data Quality Matching. Siebel Data Quality Matching identifies and corrects duplicate records, and provides an interface from which the user can merge them.

    Siebel Data Quality Connector


    If you have only installed one Language Pack, the Siebel Database Platform screen appears; proceed to Step 9. Otherwise, the Select a Primary Language screen appears.

  8. Select the primary language for your installation.

    If you have already installed your initial Language Pack and are configuring a second or greater number of Language Packs postinitial configuration, see Siebel Server Installation Requirements.

  9. Specify the database platform that will support this Siebel Enterprise Server and click Next:
    • IBM DB2 UDB for Windows and UNIX
    • IBM DB2 UDB for z/OS
    • Microsoft SQL Server
    • Oracle Database 9i or 10g Enterprise Edition (CBO)

      The Database User Account screen appears.

  10. Specify the following values that you recorded in the worksheet in Deployment Planning Worksheet for your Siebel Database and click Next:
    • Database User Account. This is the account under which the Siebel Server logs in to the database. This should be the Siebel administrator account, SADMIN.

      NOTE:  User SADMIN is not required for DB2 UDB for z/OS.

    • Database User Account Password. Depending on your database platform, type in the appropriate value, as follows (values shown below are examples only):
      • DB2 UDB. db2.
      • DB2 UDB for z/OS. The password for the database user account you enter.
      • Oracle. sadmin.
      • MS SQL Server. MSSQL (value must be all caps).
    • Database User Account Password (confirm). Retype the password to confirm it.
  11. Depending on the database platform you selected, proceed to the step indicated, as follows:
    • All DB2 UDB Databases and Oracle. The Schema Qualifier/Table Owner screen appears. Proceed to Step 12.
    • MS SQL Server. The SQL Server Name screen appears. Proceed to Step 13.
  12. Type the following values as you recorded in the worksheet in Deployment Planning Worksheet for the Table Owner of the Siebel Database (Siebel) and the Database Alias:
    • DB2 UDB for UNIX and Windows and DB2 UDB for z/OS
      • Schema Qualifier/Table Owner. Identify the name of the schema that contains the Siebel tables and indexes relevant to your database platform.
      • Database Alias (DB2 UDB for UNIX and Windows). Enter the alias cataloged for your DB2 database, click Next, and proceed to Step 15.
      • Database Alias (DB2 UDB for z/OS). Enter the alias catalogued for your DB2 database in DB2 Connect, click Next, and proceed to Step 14.
    • Oracle
      • Schema Qualifier/Table Owner. Identify the name of the schema that contains the Siebel tables and indexes.
      • SQLNet Connect String. Enter the Oracle connect string for your Siebel Database, click Next, and proceed to Step 16.
  13. (MS SQL Server only) On the SQL Server Name screen, type the values that you recorded in the worksheet in Deployment Planning Worksheet in the fields, as follows:

    SQL Server Name. Type the network name or IP address of the database server on which you are installing the Siebel Database.

    SQL Server Database Name. Type the name of the SQL Server database where the Siebel tables and indexes will reside.

    To continue, click Next and proceed to Step 15.

  14. (DB2 UDB for z/OS only) The Current SQL ID/Group Name screen appears. Enter the SQL ID that defines your RACF group. This ID grants ordinary user privileges for most users. The default is SSEROLE. Click Next.
  15. (For database platforms other than Oracle) The Register External Oracle DB ODBC Driver screen appears.

    If you plan to deploy the Siebel Connector for Oracle Applications, select the Yes check box and then click Next. This connector helps to exchange data with your back-office system that stores data in the Oracle Database.

    Otherwise, just click Next.

    The Siebel File System screen appears.

  16. Specify the following Siebel File System parameters and then click Next:
    • Siebel File System. Use the Browse button to locate the Siebel File System directory you created. If you did not already created this directory, you must create it now by specifying a directory in this wizard. Specify the Siebel File System directory using the format:



    • SiebelFS = The host name of the machine (assuming that a dedicated machine is used for the Siebel File System)
    • siebel7x = The name of the share.

      This directory will contain files associated with your Siebel components. You may either use a UNC share name or specify a drive letter.

    • Chart Server Connect String. Accept the default, which is the name of the local machine, or change it to the name of the machine on which ChartWorks Server is installed.

      The Chart Image Format screen appears.

  17. Select the type of chart image format you want to use, and then click Next:

    GIF (Graphics Interchange Format). This memory-intensive file format (GIF) is used for graphics requiring very high resolution.

    JPEG (Joint Photographics Experts Group). This file format (JPG) compresses either full-color or gray-scale digital images, such as photographs.

    PNG (Portable Network Graphics). This extensible file format (PNG) provides a portable and lossless compression of raster images. The PNG format is selected by default.

    The Encryption Type screen appears.

  18. On the Encryption Type screen, select the type of encryption that should be used for network communications (SISNAPI) between the Siebel Server and the Web server, and then click Next:

    NONE. No networking encryption. Select this option if you will be configuring SSL between the Siebel Server and the Web server. Later in the configuration process, you will do additional configuration for SSL, starting in Step 32.

    MSCRYPTO. Microsoft encrypted communications protocol.

    RSA. Required protocol if you will be using the RSA Security Systems strong encryption feature for data transport.

    NOTE:  The Siebel Web Server Extension must be configured to use the same protocol. For more information, see Installing the Siebel Web Server Extension.

    For more information on the options on this screen, see the Security Guide for Siebel Business Applications.

  19. On the Remote Search Server Hostname screen, type in the following values for the Remote Search Server host, and then click Next:

    Remote Search Server Hostname. Type the Remote Search Server host name.

    Remote Search Server Port Number. Type the port number on which the Search Server is configured to listen or accept the default.

    If you are installing the first Siebel Server for the Enterprise, the Enable Component Groups screen appears.

  20. (Optional) You can optionally choose the component groups that you want to be automatically enabled at start-up of the Siebel Server. Then click Next.

    NOTE:  If you are installing an additional Siebel Server in an existing Enterprise, this step does not apply. Component group settings are inherited from the Enterprise. You can manually disable component groups after installation, using Server Manager.

    For example, if Mobile Web Client users must be able to synchronize with this Siebel Server, you must enable Siebel Remote. In general, you should enable component groups for any Siebel product modules you have licensed. If you do not enable component groups during installation, you can do so manually afterwards, using Server Manager.

    For a list of server component groups and their individual components, see the Siebel System Administration Guide.

    If you included Siebel Remote as one of the component groups to enable, proceed to Step 21. Otherwise, proceed to Step 22.

  21. On the Network Port for the Synchronization Managers screen, type the network port on which you want Synchronization Manager to listen, and then click Next.
  22. If you are clustering this server, proceed to Step 23. Otherwise, proceed to Step 24.
  23. On the Siebel Server Cluster Virtual Host Name/IP screen, type in the following values and click Next, then proceed to Step 25:

    Siebel Server Cluster Virtual Host Name/IP. Specify the name of the Siebel Server running on the clustered machine, where it is assumed to be the same as the virtual host name for the clustered machine where this Siebel Server resides. The value specifies the value for the parameter ServerHostAddress.

    NOTE:  The ServerHostAddress parameter may be defined as either the virtual host name or the virtual IP address of the clustered machine. However, providing an IP address is not recommended, because the value you enter here also specifies the Siebel Server name. Note that different restrictions apply for naming these elements—for example, a Siebel Server name cannot exceed 12 characters. If you require that ServerHostAddress be set differently than the Siebel Server name, then you should specify the Siebel Server name here, then later change the value of the ServerHostAddress parameter, using Server Manager. For more information about setting parameter values, see the Siebel System Administration Guide.

    For details on naming conventions, see Siebel Server and Enterprise Server Naming Conventions.

    Siebel Server Description. Provide a description for this Siebel Server; for example, specify Siebel Server 78 or accept the default.

  24. On the Siebel Server Name screen, indicate the values for the following parameters and click Next:

    Siebel Server Name. Accept the default name, or specify another name for this Siebel Server. For details on naming conventions, see Siebel Server and Enterprise Server Naming Conventions.

    Siebel Server Description. Provide a description for this Siebel Server; for example, specify Siebel Server 78 or accept the default.

  25. On the Port Number Assigned to Siebel SCBroker Component screen, select a static port number.

    This port is used for all communications between the Web server and the Siebel Server. Make sure the port you specify for the SCBroker (Siebel Connection Broker) component is not occupied by any other applications, other Siebel components (such as the Siebel Gateway Name Server), or other instances of Siebel Servers. If you have installed multiple Siebel Servers on this machine, make sure you enter a unique SCBroker port for each Siebel Server instance.

    If you need to change the SCBroker port number later, use Siebel Server Manager to specify a value for the Static Port Number parameter (alias PortNumber). For more information about SCBroker, see the Siebel System Administration Guide and the Deployment Planning Guide.

    If you are installing more than one language, the Select the Languages for Application Object Manager Components screen appears. Proceed to Step 26. Otherwise, proceed to Step 27.

  26. Select the languages for Application Object Manager components.

    The Override Synchronization Manager Port screen appears.

  27. Indicate whether you want to override the Siebel Enterprise Server port for Synchronization Manager, which is part of Siebel Remote.

    If you are installing and configuring multiple servers that will be running Synchronization Manager on a single machine, each requires a unique port number to run.

    • To override the default port, click Yes and then Next. Proceed to Step 28.
    • To accept the default, leave the check box unselected and click Next. The Windows User Account screen appears. Proceed to Step 29.
  28. On the Local Port for Synchronization Managers screen, type the local port with which to override the Siebel Enterprise Server port for Synchronization Manager, and then click Next.

    The Windows User Account screen appears.

  29. Identify your Windows User Account information to enable Windows to start the service automatically, and then click Next.

    Windows User Account. Type the Windows user account name, preceded by the domain name and a backslash; for example, HQ\username. (This value should be the account name created to run this service.) If the account is a local account, specify the machine name instead of the domain name.

    Windows User Account Password. Type the password for the Windows account you specified.

    Windows User Account Password (confirm). Retype the password to confirm it.

    If you are not clustering this server, continue with Step 30. Otherwise, proceed to Step 32.

    The Set Siebel Server Service to Start Automatically screen appears.

  30. Specify whether or not you want the Siebel Server service to start automatically when you restart the Windows operating system, and then click Next:
    • To start the Siebel Server automatically, select Yes.
    • To start the Siebel Server manually each time your system restarts, accept the default.

      The Start the Siebel Service Now screen appears.

  31. Specify whether you want the service to start now or want to defer service startup to a later time, and then click Next:
    • If you select Yes, Setup starts the Siebel Server service when configuration is complete.
    • If you accept the default, service startup will occur only when you manually start it.

      The Deploy Secure Sockets Layer in the Enterprise screen appears (in a different wizard).

  32. Indicate whether you want to deploy Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) in your enterprise. Select or clear the Yes box on this screen, then click Next.
    • If Yes, proceed to Step 33. The Select the Configuration Type screen appears.
    • If No, proceed to Step 38.

      For more information about configuring SSL, see the Security Guide for Siebel Business Applications.

  33. Select the level at which you want to configure SSL and click Next.

    Configure Siebel Enterprise SSL. Configure the Siebel Enterprise Server to use SSL. These settings will be inherited by all Siebel Servers, unless they are configured individually.

    Configure Siebel Server SSL. Configure an individual Siebel Server to use SSL.

    The Certificate File Name screen appears.

  34. Provide the following values and click Next.

    Certificate File Name. The certificate file name.

    CA Certificate File Name. The certificate authority file identifying the trusted authority who issued the certificate.

    The Private Key File Name screen appears.

  35. Provide the following values and click Next.

    Private Key File Name. Name of the private key file.

    Private Key File Password. Password for the private key file name.

    Private Key File Password (confirm). Confirm the password.

    The Peer Authentication screen appears.

  36. To indicate whether or not you are implementing peer authentication, select or clear the Yes box.

    The Validate Peer Certificate screen appears.

  37. To indicate whether or not you want to validate the peer certification, select or clear the Yes box.

    The Configuration Parameter Review screen appears, showing the configuration parameter values you typed on the previous screens.

  38. Review these values for accuracy against the values in your copy of the worksheet in Deployment Planning Worksheet.
    1. If you need to correct any values, click Previous to back out through the configuration screens until you reach the location of the incorrect value.
    2. When you have corrected the error, click Next until you reach the list on this screen again.
    3. When you have verified the configuration values, click Finish.

      A progress bar appears and, when configuration activities are over, a message box appears with the text:

    The configuration changes were applied successfully.

  39. Click OK.
  40. If you did not configure the Siebel Server for automatic start, you must start it manually. See Starting the Siebel Server Services.

    However, if you are clustering this server, start it through the MS Cluster Administrator. See your Microsoft documentation on this topic.

    You may or may not be prompted to restart, based on the requirements of your operating system.

Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows: Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools