Getting Started with Siebel Offline Client for Life Sciences > Planning Customer Calls > Planning an Account Call >

Preparing for an Account Call

The following procedures support account call planning and preparation:

Displaying the Account 360 Page

You can access details on the account by viewing the Account 360 page.

To display the Account 360 page

  1. Navigate to the Account 360 page, using one of the following methods:
    • Click 360 from the Account Profile window on the Account quick list.
    • Double-click an account vCard in the vCards area.

      The Account 360 page displays the information for the selected account in the work area with an account banner at the top. The list of account or contact vCards in the Call Plan area is limited to a height of one row.

  2. From the Account 360 page, click one of the following tabs to view the following information:
    • Account Profile. Displays various details about the account, such as the account name, type, status, and so on.
    • Contacts. Displays the related contact information for the account.
    • Network. The Network page provides a graphical view of how the accounts, the associated contacts, and the secondary accounts are related.
    • Call History. The Call History page displays the Products Detailed table, which contains information on products detailed in the last month, the current month, and the month before last month.

Updating Information in the Account Profile

To update account profile information, complete the following procedure.

To update information in the account profile

  1. From the Account 360 page for the account, click the Account Profile tab.
  2. Update any of the editable fields by clicking that field and entering your information.

    NOTE:  When you click an editable field, picklists, text boxes, and date selectors appear automatically depending on the field type.

Adding Related Contact Information

You can review and add related contact information for the account.

To work with related contact information

  1. From the Account 360 page for the account, click the Contacts tab.

    The Contacts table for the account appears. It contains the following read-only fields.



    The name of the contact.


    Corresponds to the Market Potential field setting in Siebel CRM (High - 1, Medium - 2, or Low - 3).


    The role this contact plays in that particular account. This field is read-only.

    Contact Number

    The phone number for this contact.


    The field of specialization for the contact, for example, cardiology or neurosurgery.

    Last Visited

    The date of the last call for this contact.

  2. Sort the Contact list by clicking the column headings in the table, and review the current information about the associated contact.
  3. Add a new contact for the account as follows:

    For Siebel CRM, drag the required contact from the Contacts quick list to the Contacts table for the account.

  4. (Optional) To remove or disassociate an existing contact record from the account, click Delete (X) beside the contact record in the Contacts table.

    This disassociation is also carried out in Siebel CRM when the next synchronization occurs. The contact record remains in the local database and in the Siebel CRM database.

Displaying the Network Diagram to View Account Relationships

The network diagram provides a graphical view of the relationship between the account, the associated contacts, and the secondary accounts. The network diagram has three levels, with the current account as the node in the center. You can view second-level relationships as nodes linked to the account in the center. Both account relationships and contact-to-account relationships are displayed.

You can switch between a graphical view and a tabular view of this information by clicking Network or Table in the upper right corner of the Network page.

To display the network diagram to view account relationships

  1. From the Account 360 page, click the Network tab.

    The network diagram appears.

  2. Review the information that is presented in the diagram. It contains the following information:
    • The summary nodes linked to the second-level nodes, showing the number of associated contacts and accounts at that level.
    • The account name and account location in the account nodes.
    • The contact's full name and job title in the contact nodes.
    • A navigation bar at the top of the diagram, with the current account name displayed indicating where you are in the network.
  3. To view additional details from the network diagram, do one of the following:
    • Double-click the second-level account and contact nodes to display a summary information window for information on contacts and accounts that are directly related to the current account.
    • Click Table to change to the Relationships Detail view, which presents the relationship information in tabular format.
  4. To add a contact relationship to the account, drag a contact from the quick list to the account node in the network diagram.

    The network diagram changes to a tabular view.

Reviewing the Call History Data

The Call History page provides read-only information on products detailed in the last month, the current month, and the month before last month.

To review the call history data

  1. From the Account 360 page, click the Call History tab.
  2. Sort the products detailed information by clicking the column headings in the Products Detailed table.
  3. Review the information in the Products Detailed table.
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