A - B - C - D - F - G - H - I - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W


access to

assets in AMP application   1

message plans in AMP application   1


Account 360 page   1

finding from search query   1

quick list   1

selecting from quick list   1

updating profile   1

account call

Account 360 page   1

Account Call page   1

call history data   1

conducting   1

creating from Sales home page   1

network diagram   1

preparing for   1

related contact information   1 ,  2

updating call details   1

updating information in account profile   1

working with product details   1

account profile, updating   1


address information   1

assets using AMP application   1

best call times   1

license information   1

related account information   1

related contact information   1 ,  2

address information, updating   1

alphabetic bar in Sales application   1

AMP application

adding assets   1

changing asset details   1

changing details of message plan   1

changing view of assets   1

changing view of message plan items   1

controlling access to assets   1

controlling access to message plans   1

installing   1

overview   1

reviewing message plan   1

selecting a message plan item for disclosure   1

selecting asset types to display   1

starting   1

user interface   1

viewing solutions for message plans   1

working with asset components   1

working with assets   1

working with message plan   1

application banner area of Sales application   1

applications, uninstalling   1


adding using AMP asset management palette   1

changing details in AMP application   1

changing view in AMP application   1

controlling access in AMP application   1

displaying types in AMP application   1

working with AMP application   1

working with components in AMP application   1

authenticating users   1

automated data synchronization   1

Back to top


best call times, adding or updating   1

Back to top



month view   1

section in Sales application   1

week view   1

call details, updating   1 ,  2

call history data

reviewing for account calls   1

reviewing for contact calls   1

Call Plan area in Sales application   1


displaying a summary   1

planned for today   1


asset details in AMP application   1

message plan details   1

message plan item view   1

checking planned calls   1

components of the Offline Client for Life Sciences   1

conducting calls

for accounts   1

for contacts   1


to Siebel CRM   1

with network   1


Contact 360 page   1

finding from search query   1

quick list   1

recording signatures   1

selecting from quick list   1

updating profile   1

contact call

address information   1

best call times   1

call history data   1

conducting   1

Contact 360 page   1

creating from Sales home page   1

license information   1

network diagram   1

network diagram (second-level)   1

network diagram (third-level)   1

planning   1

preparing for   1

Professional Call page   1

profile summary for other contacts or accounts   1

recording contact signatures   1

related account information   1

reviewing presentation items   1

updating call details   1

updating information in contact profile   1

working with product details   1

working with promotional items dropped   1

working with samples dropped   1


a contact call   1

an account call   1

Back to top


data synchronization   1

automatic   1

incremental   1

manual   1


overview of message plan presentations   1

Start page   1

starting a message plan presentation   1

Summary page   1

viewing message plan   1

disclosing a message plan item   1


a call summary   1

Account 360 page   1

Account Call page   1

account relationships   1

assets types in AMP application   1

Contact 360 page   1

contact relationships   1

network diagram   1 ,  2

Professional Call page   1

profile summaries   1

second-level contact relationships   1

second-level network diagram   1

third-level contact relationships   1

Back to top



account from a search query   1

contact from a search query   1

Back to top


getting user assistance   1

guide overview   1

Back to top


help information   1

home page, Sales application   1

Back to top


incremental synchronization   1

installation requirements   1


AMP application   1

Sales application   1

Sync application   1

the Offline Client for Life Sciences   1

introduction to

the guide   1

the Offline Client for Life Sciences   1

Back to top


license information, adding or updating   1

Back to top


manual synchronization   1

marking up a message plan presentation   1

message plan

changing details in AMP application   1

marking up a presentation   1

reviewing in AMP application   1

starting message plan presentations   1

viewing   1

working with, in AMP application   1

message plan item

changing view in AMP application   1

selecting for disclosure in AMP application   1

message plan presentation

marking up   1

overview   1

message plans

controlling access to in AMP application   1

viewing solutions in AMP application   1

month view in Sales application calendar   1

Back to top



AMP application   1

Sales application   1

network connectivity sensing   1

network diagram

viewing account relationships   1

viewing contact relationships   1

viewing second-level contact relationships   1

viewing third-level contact relationships   1

Back to top


Offline Client for Life Sciences

components   1

installation requirements   1

installing   1

installing the Asset Message Planner application   1

installing the Sales application   1

installing the Sync application   1

overview   1


AMP application   1

Detailer Start page   1

message plan presentation   1

of the Offline Client for Life Sciences   1

Sales application   1

Sync application   1

the guide   1

Back to top


Personal Content Delivery (PCD) Presentations   1

planned calls

checking for today   1

displaying a call summary   1

for contacts   1

preferences, setting   1


for a contact call   1

for an account call   1

presentation items, reviewing   1

product details, working with   1 ,  2

Professional Call page   1

profile summary for other contacts or accounts   1

promotional items dropped, working with   1

Back to top


quick list

overview   1

using to select a contact   1

using to select an account   1

Back to top


recording contact signatures   1

related account information, updating   1

related contact information, updating   1 ,  2


account call history data   1

contact call history data   1

message plans   1

presentation items   1

related account information   1

related contact information   1 ,  2

Back to top


Sales application

alphabetic bar   1

calendar section   1

Call Plan area   1

home page overview   1

installing   1

overview   1

starting   1

user interface   1

Sales home page

creating account call   1

creating contact call   1

samples dropped, working with   1

search query

using to find a contact   1

using to find an account   1


account from quick list   1

contact from quick list   1

sensing network connectivity   1

setting user preferences   1

Siebel CRM

connectivity to   1

signing on   1

synchronizing data   1

signing on to Siebel CRM   1

starting a message plan presentation   1

starting applications   1

Sync application

installing   1

overview   1


automated   1

data   1

incremental   1

manual   1

with Siebel CRM   1

Back to top


tips for using the application   1

Back to top


uninstalling applications   1


account call details   1

account profile   1

address information   1

best call times   1

contact call details   1

contact profile   1

license information   1

product details   1 ,  2

promotional items dropped   1

related account information   1

related contact information   1 ,  2

samples dropped   1


assistance   1

authentication   1

setting preferences   1

user interface

AMP application   1

Sales application   1

Back to top


verifying connectivity   1


assets in AMP application   1

message plans   1

profile summaries information   1

solutions for message plans   1

Back to top


week view in Sales application calendar   1

what is new in this release   1

working with

asset components in AMP application   1

assets using AMP application   1

message plans   1

Back to top

Getting Started with Siebel Offline Client for Life Sciences Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.