Siebel Object Interfaces Reference >

What's New in This Release

What's New in Siebel Object Interfaces Reference, Version 8.0, Rev. B

Table 1 lists changes in this version of the documentation to support release 8.0 of Oracle's Siebel software.

Table 1. What's New in Siebel Object Interfaces Reference, Version 8.0, Rev. B

Siebel Web Client Automation Server

The EnableWebClientAutomation parameter is set for the Application Object Manager in version 8.0, not in the application configuration file.

Accessing the Siebel Web Client Automation Server

You cannot invoke the Siebel Web Client Automation Server directly from the active Siebel instance.

Instantiating the Java Data Bean

Updated the connect string to include explicitly the port for the SCBroker component.

Java Data Bean and the File

The maximum possible value for both siebel.conmgr.txtimeout and siebel.conmgr.sesstimeout in the file is the largest positive integer, 2,147,483,647.

Inter-Application Variable Methods

Removed the topic. These methods are described elsewhere in the documentation.

Connect String

Removed the http transport protocol, which is not valid for connect strings.

Using Load Balancing with the Connect String

When the COM Data Control operates in server mode in an environment that implements load balancing, the VirtualServer parameter in the connect string must match the VirtualServer parameter in the session manager rules in the lbconfig.txt file.

Name Method

Changed the function name in the Browser Script example to Applet_Load.

Applet_ChangeRecord Event

Added a note describing the difference between the BusComp.GetFieldValue() method and the control.GetValue() method when used in this event.

GetSharedGlobal Method

This method and the SetSharedGlobal method are not used with the Java Data Bean. Use GetProfileAttr and SetProfileAttr instead.

GetDataSource Method

Returns the data source defined in the DataSource server parameter, not in the application configuration file.

LoadObjects Method

The LoadObjects method does not return an Application object. It either returns nothing or throws an error.

LoadUserAttributes Method

If the row ID argument is the row ID of the current user, the user profile will be loaded into the "Me" profile.

SetProfileAttr Method

Added a note that system fields cannot be used with this method.

Application_Start Event

Added a caution not to use the RaiseErrorText() method in the Application_Start event. That method does not work in this event, and can cause the Application Object Manager to abort.

ActivateField Method

If the Show In List property of a list column is TRUE, the field will be active even if it is not shown on the applet.

ExecuteQuery Method

Added a note that you must activate fields by using the ActivateField method before executing a query for a business component.

FirstRecord Method

Added a note that this method can cause extra SQL code to be generated.

InvokeMethod Methods for the Business Component Object

Added the ClearLOVCache method.

Added examples for the CreateFile, GetFile, and PutFile methods.

BusComp_DeleteRecord Event and BusComp_PreDeleteRecord Event

The BusComp_PreDeleteRecord and BusComp_DeleteRecord events do not execute for child records that are deleted due to the Cascade Delete property on a link.

Service_PreInvokeMethod Event

Added a note that Browser Script does not support output property sets with this event.

Added explanations of the intended uses of the Browser Script and Server Script versions of the Service_PreInvokeMethod event.

Described the differences in the handling of standard and custom business service methods.

SetLabelProperty Method and SetProperty Method

Color formats for the BgColor and FontColor properties start with a hash mark (#).

Property Set Methods

Removed the ToString method, which does not return a useful result.

Business Component Methods for COM Data Control

Added the SetUserProperty method.

Application Methods for COM Data Server

Removed the GetLastErrCode method, which is not used with the COM Data Server.

Application Methods for Browser Script

Added the ShowModalDialog method.

Invoking Custom Methods with MiniButton Controls

The declarative method of adding a button is strongly recommended over the server script method for performance reasons.

What's New in Siebel Object Interfaces Reference, Version 8.0 Rev. A

Table 2 lists changes in this version of the documentation to support release 8.0 of the software.

Table 2. What's New in Siebel Object Interfaces Reference, Version 8.0 Rev. A

Instantiating the Siebel COM Data Server

Corrected the VB code example.

About Java Data Bean

Siebel JAR files are version specific. For more information, see Doc ID 478113.1 on OracleMetaLink 3. This document was previously published as Siebel FAQ 2219.

Removed the version number from JDK and added a reference to the Sun Microsystems Java Web site.

Java Data Bean and the File

Corrected the siebel.conmgr.txtimeout and siebel.conmgr.sesstimeout parameters.

Connect String

Added the language parameter to the connect string syntax.

WebApplet_PreCanInvokeMethod Event

Updated the conditions under which this event is called.

GetService Method

In version 8.0, to invoke a business service using the Web Client Automation Server and Browser Script, the business service must first be registered in Siebel Tools as an application user property.

InvokeMethod Methods for the Application Object

Added the Language method.

RaiseError Method and RaiseErrorText Method

These methods cause execution of the script to terminate. CancelOperation is not required after RaiseError and RaiseErrorText.

Added a caution that because these methods cancel operations, be careful when using them.

Trace Method and TraceOn Method

Added notes that these methods are meant for debugging purposes and are not recommended for use in production environments.

InvokeMethod Methods for the Business Component Object

Added the RefreshBusComp method.

Noted the class dependency for the RefreshRecord method.

NewRecord Method

In certain cases, using the NewRecord method in a server script results in slow performance for this method.

For more information, see Doc ID 477556.1 on OracleMetaLink 3. This document was previously published as Siebel FAQ 2079.

SetSearchExpr Method and SetSearchSpec Method

It is not necessary to activate fields that are used in SetSearchExpr and SetSearchSpec statements.

BusComp_PreWriteRecord Event and BusComp_WriteRecord Event

Added a caution to be careful when using the RaiseError or RaiseErrorText method in these events, because these methods cancel operations.

Service_InvokeMethod Event

Browser Script does not support output property sets with this event. Added a note and rewrote the example in Siebel eScript.

GetByteValue Method and SetByteValue Method

Added these property set methods for Java Data Bean.

GetChild Method

When using the Web Client Automation Server, the child object retrieved is a copy of the actual object.

Business Component Methods for Java Data Bean

The ExecuteQuery method requires Boolean cursor modes.

Business Component Events for Browser Script

The BusComp_PreSetFieldValue browser script event is invoked after the server round trip if the Immediate Post Changes property of the Business Component field is set to TRUE.

What's New in Siebel Object Interfaces Reference, Version 8.0

Table 3 lists changes in this version of the documentation to support release 8.0 of the software.

Table 3. What's New in Siebel Object Interfaces Reference, Version 8.0

ST eScript Engine

The ST eScript engine is the default eScript scripting engine for version 8.0.

Installing Siebel Object Interfaces

The references to BizTalk Connector and OLE DB Provider were removed.

Siebel Constants

The values for ForwardBackward and ForwardOnly were corrected to 256 and 257, respectively.

WebApplet_PreCanInvokeMethod Event

The CanInvokeMethod applet user property can be used to enable and disable methods declaratively at the applet level, and is often easier to use than PreCanInvokeMethod.

InvokeMethod Methods for the Application Object

The following methods are supported for use with the InvokeMethod method:

  • GetDataSource
  • IsViewReadOnly
  • LookupValue

Business Component Methods

The GetSortSpec method was added.

Business Service Methods

The GetLastErrCode and GetLastErrText methods were deleted.

Property Set Methods

The GetLastErrCode and GetLastErrText methods were added.

Business Component Methods for COM Data Server

The FirstSelected method was added and the cross-reference for GetAssocBusComp Method was corrected.

Application Methods for Mobile Web Client Automation Server

The Login method was added.

Business Component Events for Browser Script

The BusComp_PreSetFieldValue event is not invoked on picklists and multivalue fields.

Invoking Custom Methods with MiniButton Controls

The procedure was updated to reflect changes in the Siebel Tools user interface in version 8.0 and to include an example of the use of the CanInvokeMethod applet user property.

Siebel Object Interfaces Reference Copyright © 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved.