Siebel Order Management Infrastructure Guide > PSP Engine > Conditions and Actions for PSP Procedures >

PSP-Specific Functions Used in Action Expressions

Action expressions support the full Siebel Query Language syntax including functions such as LookupValue, IfNull, IIF, and InvokeServiceMethod. For more information about Siebel Query Language, see Siebel Tools Online Help.

In addition to Siebel Query Language syntax functions, action expressions can include the PSP-specific functions shown in Table 8.

Table 8. PSP-Specific Functions Used in Action Expressions


Convert the specified property value to a number.

All values are stored as a string in a property set.

ToDate({Row.Effective Start Date})

Convert the specified property value to a date.

All values are stored as a string in a property set.

ToCurrency({Row.Net Price}, {Row.Currency Code})

Convert the specified property to a currency.

All values are stored as a string in a property set.

AdjustPrice({Row.Net Price}, {Row.Currency Code}, {Match.Adjustment Type}, {Match.Adjustment Amount}, {Match.Currency Code}, {Match.Exchange Date})

Apply the specified pricing adjustment. This function automatically converts the currency of monetary adjustments to match the currency of the line item.

LookUpMessage('Pricer Waterfall - Selected Contract Adjustment', [Account] = {Row.Temp Contract Account})

Retrieve substituted, translated text from the UMS business service. Payload variables are specified as name/value pairs after the message type.

For more information on the Unified Messaging framework, see Unified Messaging. For details on using the UMS business service in a PSP procedure, see Using Unified Messaging with the PSP Engine.

GetXA({Row}, 'Color')

Get an attribute value for a row.

Sum({Row Set}, 'Extended Net Price')

Sum the value of a field for all children of a property set.

Avg({Row}.{Shipments}, 'Cost')

Calculate the average value of a field for all children of a property set.

Min({Row Set}, 'Score')

Get the minimum value of a field for all children of a property set.

Max({Row Set}, 'Score')

Get the maximum value of a field for all children of a property set.


Count the children of a property set.

Round({Row.Price}, {Context.Precision})

Round a number to the specified decimal places.

LookUpMessage API

The Unified Messaging framework's UMS business service processes all translations using the LookUpMessage API in a PSP action script. For example, for a pricing waterfall, it might use the following script:

{Row}.{Net Price Waterfall} += New('Waterfall', [Text] = LookUpMessage({Row.Temp List Price Message}, [Price List] = {Match.Price List}), [Currency Code] = {Row.Currency Code}, [Price] = {Row.List Price})

For details on using the UMS business service in a PSP procedure, see Using Unified Messaging with the PSP Engine.

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