Siebel Incentive Compensation Administration Guide > Configuring Incentive Compensation > Configuring Filters >

Creating a Table-Based Filter

If the table on which you want to base the filter does not exist in the default application, you must use the following procedures to create a table-based filter. The following example describes creating a table-based filter called Policy, which involves four tasks:

  1. Setting Up the Data Layer
  2. Setting Up the Business Component Layer
  3. Setting Up the User Interface Layer
  4. Integrating with the Incentive Compensation Engine

Setting Up the Data Layer

Use the following procedure to set up the data layer for the table-based filter.

To set up the data layer

  1. Using Siebel Tools, create an intersection table CX_IC_FLTR_POLICY.

    In addition to the mandatory Siebel system columns, this table should contain a column named IC_FLTR_ID which is joined to S_IC_FLTR. It should also include a column named POLICY_ID which is joined to S_POLICY.

    Filters reside in the table S_IC_FLTR and the data for this sample resides in S_POLICY.

    NOTE:  See Siebel Tools Reference for directions on creating an intersection table.

  2. After the intersection table is added, verify that it is correctly applied to the underlying physical database.

    If the table is not correctly applied, the table exists in the logical database in Siebel Tools, but not in the physical database.

Setting Up the Business Component Layer

Use the following procedure to set up the Business Component layer for the table-based filter.

To set up the business component layer

  1. Create a new business component named Incentive Compensation Filter Policy, based on the inter-table S_IC_FLTR_POLICY.
    • The business component must have a field named Filter Id based upon the column IC_FLTR_ID.

      NOTE:  In order for the Incentive Compensation engine to function correctly, the field must be named Filter Id.

    • This business component must also have a field named Policy Id based upon the column POLICY_ID.
    • In addition, the business component may contain any joined fields that have to be displayed in the user interface.
    • If no business component is based upon the S_POLICY table, create a new business component Policy based on this table.
  2. Create a link called Incentive Compensation Filter/Incentive Compensation Filter Policy, with the following values:
    • Parent Business Component: Incentive Compensation Filter
    • Child Business Component: Incentive Compensation Filter Policy
    • Source Field: Id
    • Destination Field: Filter Id
  3. Create another link called Incentive Compensation Filter/Policy, with the following values:
    • Parent Business Component: Incentive Compensation Filter
    • Child Business Component: Policy
    • Inter Child Column: POLICY_ID
    • Inter Parent Column: IC_FLTR_ID
  4. Locate the existing business object called Incentive Compensation Plan.
    1. Add the business component Incentive Compensation Filter, with no link, to the object.
    2. Add the business component Incentive Compensation Filter Policy to the business object using the link Incentive Compensation Filter/Incentive Compensation Filter Policy.
    3. Add the business component Policy to the business object with the link Incentive Compensation Filter/Policy.
    4. Add the business component Incentive Compensation Policy Filter to the business object Incentive Compensation Plan for Engine, with no link.

Setting Up the User Interface Layer

Use the following procedure to set up the user interface layer for the table-based filter.

To set up the user interface layer

  1. Using the Siebel application, add the value Policy to the LOV IC_FILTER_TYPE.
  2. Create a list applet named Incentive Compensation Filter Policy List Applet, based upon the business component Policy.
  3. Create a view called the Incentive Compensation Filter Policy View, containing the form applet Incentive Compensation Filter Form Applet at the top and the list applet Incentive Compensation Filter Policy List Applet at the bottom.

    This view should be based on the Incentive Compensation Plan business object.

  4. Using the Siebel application, add the view you just created to Application Administration > Views and Application Administration > Responsibilities, for the appropriate responsibilities.
  5. Add the Incentive Compensation Filter Policy View to the screen Incentive Compensation Administration Definition Screen.
  6. Add a dynamic drilldown object from the Filters view to the Incentive Compensation Filter Policy view.

    Navigate to the Incentive Compensation Filter List Applet and add a new drilldown object with the following values:

    • Name: Policy Filter
    • Hyperlink Field: Filter Name
    • View: Incentive Compensation Policy View
    • Business Component: Incentive Compensation Filter
    • Menu Text: Go To Policy Filter
    • Visibility Type: All

      The Incentive Compensation Filter List Applet should now contain drilldown objects for the default filters (Account Filter, Product Filter, and Product Line Filter) and the newly created drilldown object (Policy Filter).

  7. Using the Siebel Tools object explorer, open up each of these drilldown objects to review the dynamic drilldown destinations that are assigned to each drilldown object. Verify that the following four dynamic drilldown destinations have been added to each of the drilldown objects.

    Account Filter

    Filter Type2


    Account Filter


    Product Filter

    Filter Type2


    Product Filter


    Product Line Filter

    Filter Type2

    Product Line

    Product Line Filter


    Policy Filter

    Filter Type2


    Policy Filter


  8. To be able to cascade-copy or cascade-delete the Policy Filter (that is, to copy or delete not only the parent record but associated child records as well), add the following user properties to the business component Incentive Compensation Filter. The value in the user property is the business component that is based on the intertable S_IC_FLTR_POLICY.

    Cascade Copy <number>

    Incentive Compensation Filter Policy

    Cascade Delete <number>

    Incentive Compensation Filter Policy

Integrating with the Incentive Compensation Engine

Use the following procedure to integrate the user interface with the Incentive Compensation engine for the table-based filter.

To integrate with the Incentive Compensation engine

  1. Navigate to the Incentive Compensation Filter business component and create a new user property.

    The value for this user property will contain three items of information, delimited by commas.

    • The first is the name of the business component on which the new filter is based. For the Policy filter, this is the Incentive Compensation Filter Policy.
    • The second is the field in this business component that is used to join to the child table. For the Policy filter, this is the field Policy Id that is used to join to S_POLICY.
    • The third is the field in the Incentive Compensation Calculation Workbook against which this filter operates. For the Policy filter, add a new field in the Incentive Compensation Calculation Workbook named Policy Id. Check to be certain that the Policy Id data is correctly mapped to this field.
  2. If the field is at the Transaction Header level, you have two choices:
    1. If you only want the filter to work on plan rules that are at the Transaction level, add the field to the Incentive Compensation Transaction Workbook business component.
    2. If you want the filter to work on plan rules that are both at the Transaction level and the Transaction Detail level, add the field to the business component Incentive Compensation Transaction Workbook and then also add it to the Incentive Compensation Transaction Workbook Item business component by setting the following:


  3. Add the correct mapping for a transaction export from the Transaction Workbook to the Calculation Workbook.
    1. Navigate to the Incentive Compensation Transaction Workbook business component user property.
    2. For a Transaction level case, add a new record prefixed by the following:

      Calc Export Field, value=Policy Id, Policy Id

    3. For Transaction and Transaction Detail level cases, add a new record as described in the preceding Transaction-level case, and then also add a record prefixed by the following:

      Calc Export Item Field, value=Policy Id, Policy Id

  4. If the attribute being filtered is at the Transaction Item level, add the Calc Export Field to the Incentive Compensation Transaction Workbook Item business component.
  5. Add the correct mapping for a transaction export from the Transaction Workbook to the Calculation Workbook.
    1. Navigate to the Incentive Compensation Transaction Workbook business component user property.
    2. Add a record prefixed by the following:

      Calc Export Item Field, value=Policy Id, Policy Id

You have now created a table-based Policy filter. For the Policy filter, the following user property is added to the Incentive Compensation Filter business component:

Name: Filter Map: Policy

Value: Incentive Compensation Filter Policy, Policy Id, Policy Id

Creating a Table-Based Filter for Achievement Containers

For filters that are only intended for the Achievement Container engine, follow the same procedure for creating a table-based filter. When you get to the step, Integrating with the Incentive Compensation Engine, the third field in the user property is the Incentive Compensation Transaction Workbook business component or Incentive Compensation Transaction Workbook Item business component that the filter operates on (rather than the Calculation Workbook business component), so adding the field to the Calculation Workbook is optional. Also, exporting the field from the Transaction Workbook to the Calculation Workbook is optional.

NOTE:  The Calculation Engine will fail if you add a filter based on the Transaction Item level attribute to an aggregated plan rule that is at the Transaction level, because the transaction header will not contain the Transaction Item level information for filter checking.

Siebel Incentive Compensation Administration Guide