Symbols - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - Y



% Deal payout, described  1

% Discount performance measure rule, described  1

% Margin performance measure rule, described  1

% Quota performance measure rule, described  1

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account filter, about  1

Account predefined filter type, about  1

Achievement Containers

See also Troubleshooting Accumulation Processes

advantages, table of features and benefits  1

attainment information, reviewing  1

business scenario  1

data type, configuring in  1

end user process procedures  1

plan rule achievement containers, reviewing  1

process flow described  1

process flow example (diagram)  1

table-based filter, creating  1

troubleshooting  1

Workbook, reviewing information  1

Achievement Containers end user procedures, reviewing attainment information  1

Achievement Containers Workbook

about  1

exporting data to  1

Transaction Workbook, about exporting data to  1

Achievement Containers, administrator procedures


Achievement Container log file, creating  1

Achievement Container log file, reviewing  1

Achievement Containers Workbook, reviewing information  1

aggregated plan rules, creating  1

containers, recalculating for a change to a plan  1

creating process  1

daily attainment calculation, creating  1

filters, using with and filter types  1

personal plan filter, creating  1

personal team (area) plan rule, creating  1

plan participant, recalculating container for a change  1

plan rule filters, creating  1

plan rule, associating a defined territory with a  1

plan rule, recalculating containers for changes to  1

transactions, accumulating in  1

transactions, reviewing that contributed to achievement  1

adjustment transactions, about multi-currency transactions  1

aggregate performance measure, creating  1

aggregate rules and credit allocation, about and example  1


calculation run data  1

calculation runs, about  1

compensation plan data  1

assignment failure, about  1

Assignment Manager

component state, verifying is online  1

server component parameters (table)  1

server maps, setting up  1

assignment rules, defining  1

attainment calculation, creating daily  1

audience for guide  1

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batch components, synchronizing  1

Bonus-Other Results rule type, creating

See also Creating a Custom Bonus-Other Results Performance Measure

custom measure, associating with  1

Employee Workbook LOVs, modifying  1

Employee Workbook user properties, creating a performance map in  1

list of values, adding a performance measure to  1

new performance measure, selecting when creating a rule  1

note, about second performance measure  1

Performance Measure 1 pick list, about  1

Bonus-Sales Results performance measure, creating

See also Creating a Custom Bonus-Sales Results Performance Measure

aggregate performance measure, creating  1

business component fields, exposing in the corresponding applets  1

business components, adding fields to  1

Calculation Workbook user properties, creating a performance map in  1

data fields, creating to track compensation data  1

List of Values, adding performance measure to  1

mapping, defining between workbooks  1

Performance Measure 1 and 2 pick lists  1

rate calculation, making a performance measure available for  1

rule, selecting a performance measure when creating  1

table extension, applying to the database  1

troubleshooting custom performance measure process  1

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calculate compensation

See also Creating a New Calculation Run

administrator process procedures  1

business scenario, replacing calculation run scenario  1

calculation run archiving, about  1

calculation run plans, about  1

calculation run replacement, about  1

calculation run, about releasing results  1

cap and draw balances, about tracking and example  1

processing steps  1

run year-to-date flag, about calculation  1

server request processor, setting up for calculations  1

calculate compensation, administrator procedures

See also Creating a New Calculation Run

calculation engine, running (procedure)  1

calculation engine, steps before running  1

calculation engine, troubleshooting  1

calculation plan participant, selecting  1

calculation run data, archiving  1

calculation run plan rule, selecting a  1

calculation run, creating  1

calculation run, reflecting plan rule and plan participant changes in  1

calculation run, selecting compensation plan  1

calculation run, selecting dynamic target incentive calculation  1

calculation run, specifying criteria for  1

Clear Lock method, using  1

compensation adjustment, manually making  1

compensation plan data, archiving  1

compensation plan, excluding from calculations  1

compensation, recalculating and displaying new and old results  1

compensation, recalculating and overwriting old results  1

earning replacement, selecting a calculation run for  1

error message after starting calculation run  1

Excel, exporting data to  1

calculated field formula, about creating with an integer  1


calculation summary, reviewing by administrator  1

calculation summary, reviewing by administrator, about  1

Calculation Engine

See also Compensation Calculation and Currency

note, about failing if add filter  1

running (procedure)  1

running, steps before  1

troubleshooting  1

calculation plan, selecting participant  1

calculation run

compensation plan, selecting  1

creating calculation run  1

criteria, specifying for  1

data, archiving  1

dynamic target incentive calculation, selecting  1

earning replacement, selecting for  1

lock on calculations, clearing  1

note, about appearance of replaced runs  1

plan rule and plan participant changes, reflecting in  1

plan rule, selecting  1

releasing (procedure)  1

viewing by administrator  1

calculation run plans, about  1

Calculation Run Replacement, about  1

Calculation Workbook

See also Reviewing Data in the Calculation Workbook

adjustments, making manually  1

best practice, setting up audit trail  1

caution, about editable fields in workbook  1

data, reviewing  1

exporting transaction, viewing request  1

fields and syntax (table)  1

performance map, creating in  1

rollups, about  1

Transaction Workbook, creating mappings between  1

transaction, exporting to  1


Cap and Rule types, list of  1

defined  1

filter types, list of  1

note, about adding to a plan and currencies are different  1

plan cap, personalizing  1

plan rule cap, personalizing  1

plan rule, associating with  1

plans, associating with  1

stand-alone filters criteria, creating  1

stand-alone filters, about adding to rules  1

stand-alone filters, about creating  1

stand-alone filters, creating (procedure)  1

stand-alone, creating (procedure)  1

cap balance, about tracking and example  1

Cap Details view tab, about  1

Cap Withheld amount, about  1

Clear Locks

clearing all calculation locks  1

error message after starting calculation run  1

commission credit allocation%, about adding separate values for quota credit allocation%  1

commissions or bonus-sales results rules, list of  1


See also Reviewing Total Performance

adjustment, manually making  1

calculation process, described  1

calculation run process, about  1

compensation balances, adjusting  1

currency types, list of  1

employee total compensation, reviewing  1

employee's performance, reviewed by sales manager against quota targets  1

employee's total compensation, reviewing by employee  1

estimating, about and scenarios  1

information, releasing  1

recalculating and displaying new and old results  1

recalculating with new results and overwriting old results  1

report, listed by role (table)  1

report, running  1

total compensation paid to an employee, reviewing by administrator  1

total compensation paid to an employee, reviewing by sales manager  1

compensation administrator procedures

See also Making Plans and Plan Rules Estimable

common quota factors, creating  1

compensation plan quota, associating with a plan rule  1

compensation plan quota, creating  1

compensation plan, associating quota with  1

Net Change transactions, about creating  1

plans and plan rules, making estimable  1

quota and quota target, associating with a manager  1

quota, revising or replacing  1

seasonality skew, creating for a quota  1

compensation administrator, associating plan elements with plan

See also Associating a Cap with a Plan Rule

cap, associating with a plan rule  1

compensation group, associating with a group plan  1

filter, associating with a rule  1

hurdle, associating with a plan  1

multiplier plan rule, associating a plan rule with  1

plan cap, creating  1

plan hurdle, associating with a plan rule  1

plan participant, designating as compensable  1

plan quota, associating with a plan rule  1

plan quota, creating  1

plan rule, defining as the default  1

plan rules, linking  1

plan, associating participant with  1

process of  1

recognition award, associating with a plan rule rate table  1

rule, associating with a plan  1

territory, associating with a plan rule  1

two plan rules, linking  1

compensation administrator, creating compensation plan elements

See also Creating a Draw for a Compensation Plan

compensation plan, creating a draw for  1

multiplier, creating  1

rule rate table, creating  1

target incentive, about creating  1

compensation administrator, creating stand-alone plan elements

See also Creating a Hurdle

aggregate and nonaggregate hurdles and rules (table)  1

Cap and Rule types, list of  1

cap, creating stand-alone (procedure)  1

cap, defined  1

commissions or bonus-sales results rules, list of  1

compensation group, adding member to  1

compensation group, creating  1

compensation plan, creating  1

filter criteria, creating  1

filter types, list of  1

filter, creating  1

filters, about adding to rules  1

hurdle definition, creating  1

hurdle example  1

hurdle, about creating and example  1

hurdle, creating (procedure)  1

performance measures, about and table of  1

plan hurdle criteria, creating  1

plan rule, creating  1

plan rule, creating multiplier for  1

process of  1

prorate payments, setting up rule  1

quota, creating stand-alone  1

rules, about and procedure  1

stand-alone filters, creating (procedure)  1

stand-alone rule rate table, creating  1

compensation administrator, customizing plan rules

See also Associating a Participant with a Personal Plan Rule

plan participant, associating with a personal plan  1

plan rule payout factors, defining  1

plan rules, defining as estimable  1

process of  1

compensation administrator, personalizing a plan and plan rule elements

See also Incentive Compensation Measures and Rules

compensation plan cap, personalizing  1

compensation plan draw, personalizing methods  1

compensation plan rule, personalizing methods  1

compensation plan, personalizing  1

elements, customizable (table)  1

personal plan draw, adding  1

personalization and the default flag  1

personalized plan quota, adding  1

plan hurdle, personalizing  1

plan rule cap, personalizing  1

plan rule filter, personalizing  1

plan rule territory, personalizing  1

compensation data, creating to track data fields  1

compensation estimation

See also Compensation Estimation Features

about  1

administrator process procedures  1

business scenario  1

end-user process procedures  1

plans and plan rules estimable, making  1

process flow, diagram  1

compensation estimation, end-user procedures

See also Reviewing Quota Achievement Against Target (End User)

multiple opportunities, estimating compensation for  1

quota achievement, reviewing against target  1

total estimated compensation for an opportunity, calculating  1

total estimated compensation, about calculating  1

compensation group

about compensation groups and example  1

creating compensation group  1

member, adding to group  1

plan rule, associating with  1

recognition award, about creating  1

recognition award, creating (procedure)  1

compensation plan quota

creating  1

plan rule, associating with  1

spreading  1

compensation plans

calculation run, selecting for  1

calculation, excluding  1

common quota factors, creating  1

creating  1

data, archiving  1

draw, about creating a draw  1

draw, creating a plan draw  1

manager quota targets, reviewing  1

personalization and the default flag  1

personalizing, about  1

quota target, importing into  1

quota, associating with  1

quota, revising or replacing  1

quote, adding to plan  1

seasonality skew, creating for a quota  1

compensation tracking

See Tracking Compensation Processes

component events, configuring (procedure)  1

component request, submitting  1

credit allocation

aggregated rules, about and example  1

correcting  1

nonaggregated rules, example  1

credit assignments, about manually adding  1

Crediting Engine server parameters (table)  1

crediting rule

expiring, designated as  1

validating separately  1

crediting validation rules, defining  1

Cumulative % Quota performance measure rule, described  1

cumulative performance measures

about  1

accumulated revenue, calculating compensation (example)  1

cumulative % quota, calculating (example)  1

cumulative quota attainment, compensation based on (example)  1

cumulative revenue, commission based on (example)  1

Cumulative Revenue performance measure rule, described  1


reports, about and currency issues  1

types of  1

currency conversions

adjustment transactions, about  1

compensation, estimating  1

quota setting, about  1

reports and currencies, about  1

currency, configuring

conversion data, configuring  1

currency scale and extended scale values, specifying  1

customer satisfaction performance measure rule, described  1

Back to top


daily attainment calculation, creating  1

data type, configuring in Achievement Containers

about  1

Revenue business user component, mapping to a newly-configured field  1

Units business component user property, mapping to a newly-configured field  1

Default Draw, about  1

default or non-default, defining  1

Default Plan Caps, about  1

Default Plan Rule Caps, about  1

Default Rules, about  1

delegated administrators, performing territory owner functions  1

dollar amount payout, described  1


about creating  1

plan draw, creating  1

draw balance, about tracking and example  1

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plan rule earnings, viewing  1

replacement, selecting for a calculation run  1

employee balances

See also Reviewing Employee Balances

administrator process procedures  1

altering after calculated, regular occurrence of  1

business scenario  1

described  1

end user process procedures  1

workflow example (diagram)  1

employee balances and payment releases

about  1

employee balances, administrator procedures

See also Reviewing Employee Balances

balance, adjusting  1

run balances, reviewing before releasing the run  1

employee balances, end user procedures

See also Reconciling an Employee Balance (End User)

employee balance, reconciling  1

employee balances, reviewing  1

employee compensation tracking

See also Tracking Compensation Processes

about  1

administration process procedures  1

business scenario, compensation tracking  1

compensation tracking process flow (diagram)  1

employee's total compensation, reviewing by employee  1

end-user process procedures  1

Incentive Compensation Tracking views, table of  1

process flow  1

sales manager process procedures  1

Server Request Processor, setting up for running calculations  1

tracking events and compensating employee, process steps  1

tracking events and compensating employees process flow, diagram  1

employee compensation tracking, administrator procedures

See also Incentive Compensation Screen All Compensation View

All Quota Achievement, viewing  1

calculation run, viewing  1

calculation summary, about reviewing  1

calculation summary, reviewing  1

compensation information, releasing  1

compensation report, listed by role (table)  1

compensation report, running  1

compensation, reviewing compensation paid to an employee  1

employee calculations, viewing  1

plan rule achievement containers, reviewing by administrator  1

plan rule earnings, viewing  1

total compensation paid for an employee, reviewing  1

total performance, reviewing  1

total performance, viewing  1

employee compensation tracking, end user procedures

See also Reviewing Cap, Draw, and Hurdle Details (End User)

cap, draw, and hurdle details, reviewing  1

target quotas, reviewing assigned  1

total compensation, reviewing  1

employee compensation tracking, sales manager procedures

See also Reviewing the Employee Total Compensation (Manager)

employee total compensation, reviewing  1

employee, reviewing plans associated with  1

employee's performance, reviewing against quota targets  1

total compensation paid to employee, reviewing by sales manager  1 ,  2

employee scores, entering  1

Employee Workbook

fields and syntax (table)  1

LOVs, modifying  1

scores, entering into  1

user properties, creating a performance map in  1


calculations, viewing by administrator  1

cap, draw, and hurdle details, reviewing  1

compensation, reviewing total compensation paid to  1

employee balance, reconciling by end user  1

employee balance, reviewing by end user  1

employee's performance, reviewing by sales manager against targets  1

payment, reconciling previous payment by end user  1

plans, reviewing associated with  1

target quota, reviewing assigned to  1

total compensation paid to, reviewing by sales manager  1

total compensation, reviewing  1

total compensation, reviewing by employee  1

total performance, viewing by administrator  1

error messages

See also Troubleshooting Sales Crediting Errors

calculation run, after starting  1

resetting lock using Clear Locks method,  1

Sales Crediting (table)  1

Sales Crediting, incorrect assignments to an order  1

Sales Crediting, no assignments to an order  1

sales hierarchies (table)  1

eScript, adding transaction record using  1

event logging

component events, configuring (procedure)  1

event logs, location of  1

server events, configuring (procedure)  1


calculation summary, exporting data to  1

exporting data to  1


Achievement Containers Workbook, exporting data to  1

calculation run data to Excel  1

calculation summary data to Excel  1

Calculation Workbook, transaction to  1

Calculation Workbook, viewing transaction request  1

payment details, exporting into a report  1

Back to top



Achievement Containers, using with and filter types  1

personal plan filter, creating  1

plan rule filter, creating  1

plan rule filter, personalizing  1

rule, associating with  1

filters, configuring

table-based filter, creating  1

text-based filter, creating  1

filters, stand-alone

creating (procedure)  1

creating, about  1

filter criteria, creating  1

filter types, list of  1

rules, about adding to  1

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audience for  1

organization of  1

revision history  1

Back to top


history of revisions  1


about creating and example  1

aggregate and nonaggregate hurdles and rules (table)  1

compensation plan, associating with  1

creating (procedure)  1

examples  1

hurdle definition, creating  1

plan hurdle criteria, creating  1

plan hurdle, personalizing  1

plan rule, associating with  1

Back to top



changed orders from the Order Module  1

order, into Transaction Workbook  1

quotas, assigning at time of import  1

Transaction Workbook, about importing legacy data into  1

incentive compensation calculation

See Compensation Calculation Features

Incentive Compensation Plan Rule Earnings report, using to view plan rule earnings  1

incentive compensation processes

Achievement Containers Workbook, about  1

calculating compensation, about  1

employee balances and payment releases, about  1

employee compensation tracking, about  1

estimated compensation, about  1

plans, about defining  1

process diagram  1

quotas, about  1

sales crediting, about  1

sales hierarchies, about and distribution of  1

Transaction Workbook, about and exporting  1

Incentive Compensation Tracking views, table of  1

incentive compensation, configuring

Bonus-Other Results rule type, about creating  1

Bonus-Other Results rule type, associating custom measure with  1

configure plan date, using status lookup  1

currency conversion date, configuring  1

custom Bonus-Sales Results performance measure, creating  1

data type, configuring in Achievement Containers  1

Employee Workbook LOVs, modifying  1

Employee Workbook user properties, creating a performance map in  1

list of values, adding a performance measure to  1

net change, configuring for newly added fields  1

new performance measure, selecting with creating a rule  1

order change tracking, configuring (table)  1

performance measures, rules types available  1

quota credit revenue, configuring  1

table-based filter, creating  1

text-based filter, creating  1

transaction records, adding using eScript  1


payment, recording against  1

Transaction Workbook, creating in  1

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key sales objective measure (KSO) performance measure rule, described  1

KSO (key sales objective measure) performance measure rule, described  1

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Leads performance measure rule, described  1

lock on calculation

about clearing  1

Clear Lock method, using  1

log files

Achievement Container log file, reviewing  1

Achievement Container, creating  1

checking for errors  1

component event, configuring (procedure)  1

event logs, location of  1

server event, configuring (procedure)  1

Back to top


management-by-performance measure (MBO), about  1

manager quota targets, reviewing  1

mappings, creating between workbooks  1

MBO performance measure rule, defined  1

Microsoft Excel

calculation summary, exporting data to  1

exporting calculation run data to  1

mobile client, about using Estimating Compensation  1

multi-currency transactions

See also Configuring the Currency Conversion Date

adjustment transactions, about  1

calculation run process, about  1

compensation, about estimating and scenarios  1

compensation, calculation process described  1

currency types, list of  1

quota setting, about  1

reports, about and currency issues  1


about creating  1

plan rule, associating with  1

plan rule, selecting a multiplier plan rule for a  1

scenarios  1

working with  1

Back to top


negative balance carry-forward, about  1

net change transaction records

Siebel Order Module, detecting in  1

nonaggregated rules and credit allocation, about and example  1

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order change tracking

about configuring  1

configuring (table)  1

net change, configuring for new fields  1

order currency, about  1

Order Module

See Importing Changed Orders from the Order Module


Calculation Workbook, about exporting transaction  1

paid, marking as  1

Transaction Workbook, importing into  1

Transaction Workbook, reviewing and changing orders  1

Transaction Workbook, verifying compensation is calculated  1

organization of guide  1

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groups of participants, associating with a plan  1

Plan Compensable field, about  1

plan, associating with (procedure)  1

plan, making compensable  1

prorate factor, about  1

participant's divisional currency, about  1

payment details, exporting into a report  1

payment release, administrator procedures

See also Creating a New Payment Release

new payment release, creating  1

report to payroll, exporting payment details into  1

payment release, creating  1

payment release, end user procedures

See also Reconciling an Employee Balance (End User)

employee balance, reconciling  1

employee balance, reviewing  1

previous payment, reconciling  1

payout factors, defining  1

percentage target incentive payout, about  1


See also Reviewing an Employee's Performance Against Targets

employee's performance, reviewing against quota targets  1

total performance, reviewing by administrator  1

total performance, viewing by administrator  1

Performance Measure fields and syntax (table)  1

performance measures

See also Incentive Compensation Measures and Rules

Bonus-Other Results rules, list of  1

commission credit allocation% and quota credit allocation%, adding separate values for  1

commissions or bonus-sales results rules  1

credit allocation and aggregated rules, about and example  1

credit allocation and nonaggregated rules, example  1

cumulative performance measures  1

Performance Measure 2, about and examples (tables)  1

plan rule, creating multiplier for  1

rate table scenario  1

rate tables, types of  1

rates by rule type, table  1

rules, about and procedure  1

performance measures, creating

See also Creating a Custom Bonus-Other Results Performance Measure

Bonus-Other Results rule type, about creating  1

Bonus-Other Results rule type, associating custom measure with  1

compensation rule types, described  1

configure plan date, using status lookup  1

currency conversion date, configuring  1

custom Bonus-Sales Results performance measure, creating  1

data type in Achievement Containers configuring  1

Employee Workbook LOVs, modifying  1

Employee Workbook user properties, creating a performance map in  1

list of values, adding a performance measure to  1

net change, configuring for newly added fields  1

new performance measure, selecting when creating a rule  1

order change tracking, configuring (table)  1

quota credit revenue, configuring  1

Sales Crediting rule, adding new field to  1

transaction record, adding using eScript  1

plan administrator's currency, about  1

plan cap, personalizing  1

plan components, about adding  1

plan currency, about  1

plan date, using status lookup to configure

about and example  1

new plan date mapping, creating  1

plan date, populating with a value other than status date  1

status lookup feature, turning off  1

plan designs

See also Associating a Quota with a Compensation Plan

business scenario, cash collection bonus rule  1

business scenario, nonrecoverable draw scenario  1

business scenario, prorating compensation earning  1

business scenario, recoverable draw  1

business scenario, sales manager group compensation  1

business scenario, sales representative group compensation  1

groups of participants, associating with a plan  1

plan rules, about linking  1

process and about adding plan components  1

prorate factor, about calculation of  1

plan draw

personal plan draw, adding  1

personalizing, ways to  1

plan elements, associating

See also Associating a Cap with a Plan

cap, associating plans  1

cap, associating with a plan rule  1

compensation group, associating with a plan rule  1

filter, associating with a rule  1

hurdle, associating with a compensation plan  1

plan hurdle, associating with a plan rule  1

plan participant, making compensable  1

plan quota, associating with a plan rule  1

plan rule, associating with a multiplier plan rule  1

plan rules, linking two plan rules  1

plan rules, linking two plan rules (procedure)  1

plan, associating a participant with (procedure)  1

quotas, associating with plans  1

recognition award, associating with a plan rule rate table  1

rule, associating with a plan  1

territory, associating with a plan rule  1

plan elements, creating

See also Creating a Draw for a Compensation Plan

compensation plan, about creating a draw  1

compensation plan, creating a plan draw  1

multiplier scenarios  1

multiplier, about creating  1

multiplier, working with  1

plan rule, selecting a multiplier plan rule for a  1

Rate Calculation field name, about  1

Rate Calculation field, using  1

Rule Calculating field, examples  1

Rule Calculation field, available fields and syntax (table)  1

rule rate table, creating  1

target incentive, about creating  1

target incentives and target scripts, inheriting  1

variable target incentive for a plan, creating  1

plan hurdle, personalizing  1

plan participant

calculation run plan participant, adding  1

containers, recalculating for a change  1

fields and syntax (table)  1

personal plan, associating with  1

plan quota

personalized plan quota, adding  1

plan rule, associating with (plan design)  1

plan rule, associating with (quotas)  1

plan rule cap, personalizing  1

Plan Rule fields and syntax (table)  1

plan rule rate table, associating with recognition award  1

plan rule territory, personalizing  1

plan rules

achievement containers, reviewing by administrator  1

aggregated plan rules, creating  1

calculation run, adding for  1

containers, recalculating for changes to  1

creating (procedure)  1

defined territory, associating with  1

earnings, viewing by administrator  1

filters, creating  1

linking, about  1

multiplier, creating for  1

personal plan filter, creating  1

personal team (area), creating  1

personalize, ways to  1

plan rule filters, personalizing  1

plan rules, customizing

plan participant. associating with a personal plan  1

plan rules payout factors, defining  1

plan rules, defining as default or non-default  1

plan rules, defining as estimable  1


caps, associating with plans  1

compensation group, associating with a plan rule  1

containers, recalculating for a change to a plan  1

employee, reviewing associated with  1

groups of participants, associating with a plan  1

hurdle, associating with  1

hurdle, associating with a plan rule  1

note, about adding cap and currencies different  1

participant, associating with (procedure)  1

participant, making compensable  1

personalizing and plan rule elements  1

personalizing and the default flag  1

Plan Compensable field, about  1

plan quota, associating with a plan rule  1

plan rule payout factors, defining  1

plan rule, associating a cap with  1

plan rule, associating with a multiplier plan rule  1

plan rules, about linking two  1

plan rules, defining as default or non-default  1

plan rules, defining as estimable  1

plan rules, linking two (example)  1

plan rules, linking two (procedure)  1

prorate factor, about  1

quotas, associating with plans  1

rule, associating with a plan  1

territory, associating with a plan rule  1

plans, personalizing and plan rule elements

personal plan draw, adding  1

plan cap, personalizing  1

plan draw, ways to personalize  1

plan hurdle, personalizing  1

plan quota, personalizing  1

plan rule cap, personalizing  1

plan rule filter, personalizing  1

plan rule territory, personalizing  1

plan rule, ways to personalize  1

table of  1

Populate Plans feature, using to update calculation run  1

Product Line predefined filter type, about  1

Product predefined filter type, about  1

prorate factor, about calculation of  1

prorate payments

plan rule, creating  1

rule, setting up  1

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quota achievement

rule, about  1

target, reviewing against  1

quota credit allocation%, about adding separate values for commission credit allocation%  1

Quota Credit Revenue, creating container records in  1

quota factor

creating  1

report, applying to  1

quota setting

managers, assigning quotas and top-level quota targets to  1

multi-currency transactions, about  1

quota setting tool, about using to create quota targets  1

Quota Spread list, about the spread appearing  1

Quota Target, about using to calculate attainment  1

quota targets

employee's performance, reviewing against  1

prorate factor, about calculation of  1

quota targets, compensation manager procedures

See also Personalizing a Quota Target for a Plan Participant

personalizing for a participant  1

quota and top-level quota target, associating with a manager  1

quota targets, end-user procedures

See also Accepting or Rejecting a Quota Target (End User)

accepting or rejecting  1

quota targets, sales manager procedures

See also Applying a Quota Factor to a Report (Manager)

direct report quota targets, refining by applying quota factors  1

initial quota target amount, manually adjusting  1

modified quota targets, rolling up  1

quota targets, reviewing compensation  1

rolling down  1


See also Business Scenario for Quotas

about  1

administrator process procedures  1

All Quota Achievement, viewing  1

business scenario  1

defined and ways to create  1

end user process procedures  1

importing, about assigning at time of import  1

manager, associating with  1

personalized plan quota, adding  1

plans, associating with  1

positions, about assigning to  1

quota-setting tool, about  1

revising or replacing  1

sales manager process procedures  1

seasonality skew, applying to a quota  1

seasonality skew, creating  1

stand-alone, creating  1

target quotas, reviewing assigned  1

quotas, administrator procedures

See also Associating a Quota with a Compensation Plan

compensation plan quota, spreading  1

compensation plan, adding quote  1

compensation plan, importing quota target into  1

new quota, creating  1

plan rule, associating plan quota with  1

quota factor, creating  1

quota target, personalizing for a participant  1

quota, about revising or replacing  1

quota, revising or replacing (procedure)  1

quotas, end-user procedures

See also Accepting or Rejecting a Quota Target (End User)

quota target, accepting or rejecting  1

sales representative quotas and targets, viewing  1

quotas, sales manager procedures

See also Adjusting Quota Target Amounts for Reports (Manager)

initial target amount, manually adjusting  1

manager quota targets, reviewing  1

next-level reports, adding  1

quota target, rolling down  1

seasonality skew, applying to a quota  1

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rate calculation

about  1

field names, about  1

Rate Calculation field, using  1

rate tables, creating stand-alone rule rate table  1


rate tables, types of  1

rule type, table of  1

recognition award

about  1

about creating  1

creating (procedure)  1

plan rule rate table, associating with  1

recovery of data, about  1

Releasable Flag, troubleshooting problems with  1


compensation report, listed by role (table)  1

compensation report, running  1

currency, about and currency issues  1

next-level reports, adding  1

payment details, exporting into  1

quota factor, applying to  1

retroactive plan changes, about  1

Revenue performance measure rule, described  1

Revenue Type predefined filter type, about  1

revision history  1

Rule Calculation field

available fields and required syntax (table)  1

examples  1

rule manager business service, running  1

rule rate table

creating  1

Rate Calculation field name, about  1

Rate Calculation field, using  1

Rule Calculating field, available fields and required syntax (table)  1

Rule Calculating field, examples  1


Bonus-Other Results rules, list of  1

commission credit allocation% and quota credit allocation%, adding separate values for  1

commissions or bonus-sales results rules, list of  1

creating, about and procedure  1

credit allocation and aggregated rules, about and example  1

credit allocation and nonaggregated rules, example  1

cumulative performance measures  1

filter, associating with  1

Performance Measure 2, about and examples (tables)  1

performance measures, about and table of  1

plan rule, creating  1

plan rule, creating multiplier  1

plan rules, about linking two  1

plan rules, linking two (example)  1

plan rules, linking two (procedure)  1

plan, associating with  1

prorate payments, setting up rule  1

rate table scenario  1

rate tables, types of  1

rates by rule type, table  1

run balances, reviewing before releasing the run  1

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sales boundary, about  1

sales credit assignment

about  1

assignment rules  1

order, running on  1

rule, creating  1

rule, modifying  1

Sales Credit Engine, about and operations performed  1

Sales Crediting

rule, adding new fields to  1

sales crediting

See also Business Scenario for Sales Crediting

administrator process procedures  1

business scenario, dynamic assignment  1

components, description of and process flow (diagram)  1

data flow processing diagram  1

Sale Credit Assignment rules  1

Sales Credit Engine, about and operations performed  1

Sales Crediting Engine

See also Sales Crediting Engine Advanced Setup

Assignment Manager Server component parameters (table)  1

Crediting Engine server parameters (table)  1

restarting  1

sales crediting, administrator procedures

See also Setting Up Assignment Manager Server Maps

Assignment Manager server maps, setting up  1

batch components, synchronizing  1

component request, submitting  1

credit allocation, correcting  1

rule manager business service, running  1

sales credit assignment or allocation rules  1

sales credit assignment processing, running on an order  1

sales credit assignment rule, modifying  1

sales crediting engine, enabling Credit Assignment component group  1

sales crediting engine, restarting  1

server component state, verifying is online  1

sales crediting, assignment options

See also Sales Credit Assignment Operations

assignment rules, defining  1

crediting validation rules, defining  1

processing on an order  1

sales team and credit assignments, about manually adding  1

sales crediting, support operations

See also Sales Crediting Support Operations

assignment failure and recovery, about  1

credit assignments, maintaining  1

Sales Crediting, troubleshooting

error messages (table)  1

incorrect assignments to an order  1

log files, checking for errors  1

no assignments to an order  1

sales hierarchies

See also Example Processes for Sales Hierarchies

administrator process procedures  1

business scenario, compensation administrator  1

business scenario, sales manager  1

defined  1

error message (table)  1

example processes, about and figure  1

refreshing in Explorer view  1

sales manager process procedures  1

territories and sales boundaries, about  1

territory owner and delegated administrator process procedures  1

validation process, about  1

version, about approving  1

sales hierarchies, administrator procedures

See also Designating a Crediting Rule as Expired

crediting rule, expiring  1

multiple territories for approval, submitting  1

multiple territories into hierarchy version, selecting using Best Practice methods  1

new territory position after approval, adding  1

sales hierarchy version for approval, caution about submitting  1

sales hierarchy version for approval, submitting  1

sales hierarchy version, approving expiration of  1

sales hierarchy version, creating  1

sales hierarchy version, selecting a territory into  1

sales hierarchy, creating  1

territory for approval, submitting  1

territory, about adding a crediting rule to  1

territory, adding a position to  1

territory, creating a territory  1

sales hierarchies, manager procedures

See also Managing Sales Hierarchies and Territories

sales hierarchy version, approving or rejecting  1

sales hierarchy version, validating  1

sales hierarchy, reviewing  1

territory, approving or rejecting  1

territory, territory position, and crediting rules, validating  1

sales representative quota and targets, viewing  1

sales team assignments, about manually adding  1

seasonality skew

quota, applying to  1

quota, creating for  1

server component state, verifying is online  1

server components

predefined Siebel Server component groups (table)  1

predefined Siebel Server components (table)  1

server events, configuring (procedure)  1

Server Request Processor, setting up for running calculations  1

Service levels performance measure rule, described  1

Siebel Achievement Aggregation, about and process diagram  1

Siebel Incentive Compensation Achievement Containers Workbook

See Incentive Compensation Processes

Siebel Incentive Compensation Transaction Workbook

See Incentive Compensation Processes

Siebel Order Module

changed orders, importing from  1

Net Change transaction, about  1

net change transaction, detecting in  1

Siebel Server

component groups, predefined (table of)  1

components, predefined (table)  1

simple rate table, about  1

stand-alone quota, creating  1

stand-alone rule, creating rate table  1

Static target incentives, about  1

status lookup feature

new plan date mapping, creating  1

Plan Data field, using to populate  1

Plan Data value other than Status date, populating  1

turning off  1

subjective performance measures

See Incentive Compensation Measures and Rules

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table-based filter

Achievement Containers, creating a table-based filter for  1

business component layer, setting up  1

data layer, setting up  1

Incentive Compensation engine, integrating with  1

user interface layer, setting up  1

target incentive

about creating  1

inheriting target incentives and target scripts  1

plan, creating for (procedure)  1

plan, creating variable target incentive (procedure)  1

target quotas, reviewing assigned target quotas  1

target scripts, inheriting  1

target, reviewing against quota achievement  1


approving or rejecting a territory  1

approving, about  1

Best Practice methods, selecting multiple territories into hierarchy version  1

creating a territory  1

crediting rule, about adding to a territory  1

multiple territories, submitting for approval  1

new territory position, adding after approval  1

plan rule territory, personalizing  1

plan rule, associating with  1

position, adding to  1

sales hierarchy version, selecting into  1

territory position, separately validating  1

territory, submitting for approval  1

territory owner, performing functions  1

text-based filter, creating

creating procedure  1

joined field, checking  1

tiered rate table, about  1

Time available performance measure rule, described  1

total performance, reviewing by administrator  1

Total Revenue Commission rule, about  1

tracking compensation

See Tracking Compensation Processes


Calculation Workbook, exporting to  1

Calculation Workbook, viewing export request  1

transaction level rule, about  1

transaction line item, reviewing and changing  1

Transaction Workbook

See also Recording a Payment Against an Invoice

about and exporting  1

about using  1

Achievement Container Workbook, exporting data to  1

administrator process procedures  1

business scenario  1

Calculation Workbook, creating mappings between  1

caution, making module configuration changes  1

legacy data, about importing into  1

note, about adding picklist fields to  1

Revenue business component, mapping to a new field  1

Units business component, mapping to a field  1

workflow, import and export (diagram)  1

Transaction Workbook, administrator procedures

See also Recording a Payment Against an Invoice

Achievement Containers Workbook, exporting data to  1

Calculation Workbook, exporting a transaction to  1

Calculation Workbook, exporting transaction to  1

employee scores, entering  1

Employee Workbook, entering scores into  1

exporting a transaction, viewing request  1

invoice, creating for importing orders  1

invoice, recording payment against  1

Net Change transaction, about creating  1

net change transactions, about adding to  1

order change tracking, about configuring  1

Order Module, importing changed orders from  1

order, importing into Transaction Workbook  1

order, reviewing and changing in Transaction Workbook  1

order, verifying compensation is calculated  1

orders, marking as paid  1

Siebel Order Module, detecting net change transactions  1

transaction from a past period, canceling  1

transaction from past period, adjusting  1

transaction line item, reviewing and changing  1

Transaction Workbook, exporting data to the Achievement Container Workbook  1

transactions from a past period, canceling  1

transactional adjustments, about  1

transaction-detail level rule, about  1


Achievement Containers, accumulating in  1

Achievement Containers, reviewing in  1

adjustment transactions, about  1

adjustment, making minor  1

Calculation Workbook, exporting transaction to  1

employee transactions, entering  1

line item, reviewing and changing  1

past period transactions, adjusting  1

past period transactions, canceling  1

past period, canceling  1

record, adding using eScript  1


accumulation and reaccumulation processes  1

Achievement Container log file, creating  1

Achievement Container log file, reviewing  1

Calculation run  1

custom performance measure process  1

incorrect assignments to an order  1

Sales Crediting errors (table)  1

Sales Crediting, checking log files for errors  1

Sales Crediting, no assignments to an order  1

sales hierarchies error messages (table)  1

true-up calculations, about  1

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Units performance measure rule, described  1

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validation process, about  1

Variable target incentives, about  1

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year-to-date flag, about run calculation  1

YTD calculation run, about and example  1

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Siebel Incentive Compensation Administration Guide