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About Compensation Plan Personalization

The default draws, rules, or quotas that you associate with compensation plans may not apply to some plan participants. For example, an employee may negotiate for a higher draw than the default draw. Employees with personalized plans are paid based on the personalized plan elements associated with the plan instead of the default plan rule.

There are several reasons why you might want to personalize compensation plans:

  • A participant has a different draw amount from other participants
  • A participant has a recoverable draw while other participants have a nonrecoverable draw
  • A participant has a different hurdle criteria than another participant
  • A participant has a different cap amount than another participant
  • A plan rule only applies to one participant
  • A draw for one participant ends on a different date than the draw for other participants

Personalization and the Default Flag

Before you personalize plan elements, you should review how the default flag is applied to plan rules, plan draws, plan caps, plan rule caps, and plan participants.

Default Draw. Indicates whether or not the participant should be associated with the default plan draws. Selecting or clearing the check box does not synchronize the plan draws with the personal plan draws. When you add new plan participants, they automatically inherit the plan draws. When you add new plan draws, they are automatically added to plan participants if the plan draws check box flag is selected.

Default Plan Caps. When the check box is selected, it indicates that the plan cap is the default.

Default Plan Rule Caps. When the check box is selected, it indicates that the plan rule cap is the default.

Default Rules. Indicates whether or not the participant should be associated with the default plan rules. Selecting or clearing the check box does not synchronize the plan rules with the personal plan rules. When you add new plan participants, they automatically inherit the plan rules. When you add new plan rules, they are automatically added to plan participants if the plan rules check box is selected.

When you associate a plan rule with a plan and the Default check box for the plan rule is selected, and then you select the participants for the plan, the rule still applies to the participants even if you clear this check box in the Plan Participants view. This is because at the time the participant was added, the Default Rules field was flagged, and the participant inherited the default rules available at that particular time. If you clear the Default rules check box after the plan participant is added, then this rule does not apply to any subsequent participants added to the plan.

Plan draw personalization is similar to plan rule personalization. When you associate a plan draw with a plan and the Default Draws check box for the plan rule is selected, and then you select the participants for the plan, the draw still applies to the participants even if you clear the check box in the Plan Participant's view. This is because at the time the participant was added, the Default Draws field was flagged, and the participant inherited the default draws available at that particular time. When you clear the Default Draws flag, it only prevents new Default Draws from being applied to that participant. It does not remove rules that are already applied.

Siebel Incentive Compensation Administration Guide