Siebel Distance Learning Guide > Attending a Distance Learning Session >

Responding to Instructor Questions During a Session

During a Distance Learning session, the instructor may ask attendees one or more questions. If attendees are using either the Distance Learning client software or an HTML Viewer, each question is displayed in its own dialog box on the attendees' screens, along with multiple-choice answers or a field where a text answer can be typed. The instructor can also announce the question and answers and send an empty question. A sample quiz question is shown below in Figure 3.

Figure 3. A Sample Quiz Question

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NOTE:  If the instructor asks a new question before you have answered an earlier question, any answer you send will apply only to the most recent question. If you do not answer a question, that information is also visible to the instructor.

To answer a Yes-or-No or multiple-choice quiz question

If the question requires a text answer, the question dialog box displays a text field instead of check boxes.

To answer a quiz question that requires a text answer

 Siebel Distance Learning Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003