Fundamentals > Working with Data > Common Record Tasks >

Spell Checking

You can perform a spell check from a number of places in your Siebel application. Sometimes there is a spell check button, and at other times the spell-check function can be accessed from the menu button. Some areas where spell check is available include the Notes view, the Service Request form, emails, faxes, pages, and wireless messages. In Notes views and Service Request forms, the spell check will check the proper spelling of text in Description and Summary fields. When you invoke the spell check from the menu button, for the spell check to work properly, you must first step off the record to save the record before selecting Spell Check from the menu button. Figure 27 shows an example of the Spelling dialog box.

NOTE:  You can also set up your preferences so that all the emails, faxes, pages, or wireless messages you send from your Siebel application are automatically checked for spelling errors before they are sent to a recipient. For more information, see Running a Spell Check Automatically.

Figure 27.  Spelling Dialog Box

 Published: 14 August 2003