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Sales Assistant

A sales coaching module that supports popular sales methodologies and reinforces best practices. It helps sales organizations define sets of activities or activity plans that move opportunities from the prospect stage to the close stage. Activity plans can be generated automatically at predefined points in the sales process.

sales order

Document for the sale of new finished goods to customers, normally from manufacturing inventory.

sales team

A list of user positions in an opportunity record that provides sales team visibility to the records for the listed users. Sales teams are updated through Siebel Assignment Manager or manually. In a contact record only, a sales team is called a contact access list. For accounts, it is called an account team.

Sales Team visibility

Provides the user with access rights to records whose sales team or contact access lists include the user's position.


An indicator that an account must be issued a serialized account number, such as a Certificate of Deposit (CD).


A logical collection of views.

screen tabs

Tabs for navigating to the screens of an application. If the number of tabs exceeds the width of the application window, the user can click tab jump buttons at the left and right edges. See also view tabs.


A procedure written in Siebel VB or Siebel eScript and attached to an object definition, such as an Application, Business Component, Applet, or Control object definition. For information about a specific script, determine which Siebel application provides the context and consult its documentation.

Scripted flag

A property called Scripted that indicates which object definitions can have a Siebel VB or a Siebel eScript script attached to them and if one or more scripts are attached to the object definition.

Sealed-Bid auction

In Siebel eAuction, a kind of auction in which all bids remain hidden until the auction ends, at which time the highest bidder is declared the winner.

search specification

A conditional expression in the Search Specification property in an applet, Business Component, Link, or Picklist object definition. It imposes restrictions on the set of records being retrieved.

search specification URL

See Web search specification.

security adapter

A plug-in to the authentication manager that is used to authenticate to an external authentication service.

security adapter authentication

An authentication architecture in which a Siebel security adapter or a Siebel-compliant adapter verifies a user's credentials with an external authentication service and retrieves a database account from the directory.

seed data

Data created in the Siebel database during a Siebel application installation process.

seed list

A list of people who are sent campaign materials and associated offers in order to monitor the quality of campaign execution.


A collection of customers with one or more significant common characteristics based on behavioral, demographic, or geographic criteria. For example, customers who have high product usage and are 30 to 40 years old may be defined as a segment.

selected row

A single row within the list applet that has been selected for editing. Clicking the New button creates and selects a new row with blank fields.

selective routing

A routing capability that provides the means to restrict the list of accounts routed to individual users who are connected to the server remotely.

server key mapping

Assigning a service region to a server. Each service region must run as one process on one server.

server lock

In Siebel Tools, a check-out option that determines whether a specified project or projects should be locked on the server as a part of the check-out process. This is the normal setting for check-out of projects. The alternative is local locking. See also local lock.

Server Wins

A rule used to resolve a data conflict in which the data value from the server database takes precedence over the data value on the client database. See also Client Wins.

server-side error

An error that is generated when data from the form or list cannot be reconciled with business rules or restrictions in the database. See also client-side error.

service agreement

A type of contract that specifically defines a service relationship between parties, including pricing, service level, support requirements, maintenance, administration, and all terms and conditions of the relationship. Other types of contracts include sales, purchasing, and development.

Service Assistant

Used by service organizations to standardize business process activities and improve effectiveness. A predefined activity plan, similar to an activity template, automatically triggers activities in the proper order of execution to drive a service request to completion.

Service level agreement (SLA)

A type of service agreement that defines service performance for customers and their assets. Service levels are usually measured and expressed as a percentage or quantity. Service levels include the percentage of parts received on time, percentage of asset uptime, percentage of problems fixed within the required time frame, and so on. SLAs can also be a part of a larger service agreement.

Service locator

A component of the Optimizer that calculates the distance between geocode coordinate pairs.

service order

Document that authorizes the request from a customer for service on existing products, including replacement or repair of parts.

service products

Specific types of service offered by the company, with an identifying name (for example, Standard Service), a list price per unit, and so on.

service region

A geographic region defined by ZIP Codes, a service schedule, and a service team. A field service engineer can belong to only one service region. The ABS acts on the schedule for each service region.

service request

A record of a customer's request for information about or assistance with products or services. A service request tracks all customer input and field service responses. The process may not be completed during the call. For example, ordering new checks for a customer is an event that does not end with the call. Although the call ends after receiving the information from the customer to affect the request, the events are not complete until the customer actually receives the new checks.


A component of an event. See also event.


Sublevel of a warehouse used to specify the location of inventory.

Show drop-down list

The Show drop-down list allows users to filter the set of records shown in a screen. In administrative screens, the Show drop-down list lets users access different sets of data. In detail forms and lists, the Show drop-down list lets users switch between different views of data.

Siebel Business Process Administration

Allows users and application administrators to define workflow polices to assist in the management of events to help enforce specific business rules.

Siebel Character Set Encoding Name

The name used within Siebel eBusiness Applications to refer to a specific character set encoding. See also character set encoding.

Siebel Data Model

A representation of the entities (such as Accounts, Expenses, Orders, Order Items, and Contacts) that reside within Siebel eBusiness Applications and of the relationships among these entities. It specifies the physical tables, columns, indexes, and foreign keys that make up these entities and relationships as stored in a standard third-party relational database such as IBM DB2 or Oracle.

Siebel Dedicated Web Client

A Microsoft Windows client delivered through a Web browser that provides direct connectivity to a database server. It requires that software be installed on the client machine, but does not require a local database, Web server, or Siebel eBusiness Application server for interactive user sessions. Siebel Server is still required for functionality like Assignment Manager and Replication. The software installed on the user's machine for the Siebel Dedicated Web Client and Siebel Mobile Web Client is identical—the only difference is the type of connectivity provided. See also Siebel Mobile Web Client.

Siebel eBusiness Applications

An integrated suite of marketing, sales, contact management, and call center management applications developed by Siebel Systems, Inc.

Siebel Handheld Client

A mobile client for users of the Siebel Handheld products.

Siebel Industry Applications

A suite of applications designed specifically for various industries.

Siebel Mobile Connector

A separately licensed component of Siebel 7.5 that provides a standards-based API for creating third-party applications that access Siebel database content. The application includes business services for extracting and generating metadata, receiving data updates, sending alerts to third-party applications, and a sample application.

Siebel Mobile Web Client

A portable Microsoft Windows client delivered through a Web browser that is designed for local data access and does not need to be connected to a server. Siebel Mobile Web Client uses a local database on each mobile machine. Periodically, the client must access Siebel Remote Server through a dial-up, WAN, or LAN connection to synchronize data changes with the Siebel database on the database server and Siebel File System. This client requires installation of Siebel software on the user's personal computer. The software installed on the user's machine for the Siebel Dedicated Web Client and Siebel Mobile Web Client is identical—the only difference is the type of connectivity provided. See also Siebel Dedicated Web Client.

Siebel Object Hierarchy

The hierarchy of data objects that implements the Siebel Data Model.

Siebel Object Model

A structure and methodology that facilitate the creation of applications through the creation and modification of object definitions.

Siebel OLE

Siebel OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) allows Siebel applications to integrate with external applications (such as external applications that call the Siebel OLE server and underlying business objects) that enforce the customer's specific business rules.

Siebel repository file (.srf file)

A compiled repository file. When it is opened by the Siebel application engine, the Siebel repository file provides all the object definition information required for interaction between the enterprise data and users. See also repository.

Siebel Server

This server supports Siebel clients and provides both a command-line interface and a user interface to offer full remote management of all Siebel servers across the enterprise. Siebel administrators or external applications using the command-line interface can administer and access comprehensive performance statistics for all server processes through Siebel Server Manager.

Siebel Server tasks

Predefined operations for managing a Siebel software installation.

Siebel tag

Part of a library of Siebel-developed Web tags that can be embedded in a standard Web page file to give directives to the Siebel Web Engine for creating the Web pages that are displayed to users. An example is a placeholder for a Siebel control or applet.

Siebel Tools Client

A dedicated Win32 client for users of Siebel Tools. Siebel Tools allows you to customize Siebel applications by modifying and creating object definitions. A standard Siebel application provides a core set of object definitions, which you can use as a basis for your own tailored application.

Siebel Universal Queuing

A product that routes and queues communications and work items, such as voice calls, email messages, and so on. The queuing of inbound work items that are delivered through telephony, email, Web collaboration, and so on.

Siebel User ID

The way that the Siebel application uniquely identifies a user, as displayed in the Siebel user interface. The field name is Login Name at the business component level and Login at the data model level.

Siebel VB

Siebel VB (Visual Basic) provides developers with a tool to script the specific logic to enforce customer business rules within the application.

Siebel Web Client

A Web client that runs inside a standard Web browser on the client personal computer and does not require any persistent software installed on the client. The browser connects through a Web server to the Siebel Server, which executes business logic and accesses data from the Siebel database.

Siebel Wireless Client

A mobile client for users of the Siebel Wireless products.

Siebel XML Interface (sXML)

An interface constructed on top of the Siebel logical interface layer. The interface exposes object, data, and interface elements to a well-formed XML document.


An acronym for Siebel Internet SessioN API (application programming interface), SISNAPI is a session-based remote procedure call (RPC) designed to support high responsiveness between the Siebel Server and client applications.


In Siebel Marketing, a temporary file that contains customer data in a format that allows fast segmentation, list generation, and other campaign management activities. Using a snapshot helps the server accomplish these tasks without going back to the database, thus providing access to data and flexibility to modify segments and lists.

snowflake schema

A dimensional schema where one or more of the dimensions are partially or completely normalized. See also star schema.

soft constraints

Rules that the Optimizer attempts to satisfy. Solutions that do not satisfy these rules may be acceptable. Appointment booking ignores soft constraints.

Software Licensing and Services Agreement (SLSA)

An agreement stating terms of licensing and services that Siebel Systems provides with the customer contract.

solution state

During a configuration session, the aggregation of all the items' states is the state of the model in the solution or, more simply, the solution state.

source code format

An identifier that is sent along with a marketing campaign so that responses can be tracked and associated with the right offer, campaign, or program. Multiple flexible formats allow Siebel marketers to define and use different codes for different campaigns. For example, when a user calls to buy from a catalog, a call center representative can ask the user to read a code from the back of the catalog. A different code might be embedded within an email. See also target integration object.

source integration object

The integration object that holds the data being passed into the data transformation engine for transformation (See also data transformation engine (DTE)). For outbound integration, the source integration object contains data coming out of the Siebel application represented in the Siebel data model schema. Similarly, it holds data being imported from an external application as represented in the external application's data model schema during inbound integration.

standard table

A table included in the standard Siebel eBusiness Applications database.

star schema

A dimensional schema with a fact table having foreign key references to one or more dimension tables. See snowflake schema.

state machine

An engine that enforces the transitions between states for an object during its lifetime. A state represents the status of an object, such as open, closed, or pending. The state can also control whether the data associated with objects can be modified.

state model

A description of acceptable states and state transitions that the state machine enforces. The state machine makes sure that objects (such as Service Request or Change Request objects) go through the desired process defined in the state model. After a state model is created, it is immediately activated; no additional steps are required. In Siebel Business Processes, state models allow customers to define valid states and state transitions for various Siebel objects as well as required authorizations and business process rules.

state transition

The allowable migration of an object from one state to the next.

structured data

Simple, discrete data that can be stored in a column of a table in a relational database system or a field of a text file. Examples of structured data are last name of a person, the description of a product, and the price of a product.


A subset of a class. This subset can be created by adding attributes to a class. For example, convertible is a subclass of car.


A position in the hierarchy of a service inventory; for example, a shelf is a sublevel of an aisle.


A procedure that does not return a value.


The automatic insertion of Siebel record data into email or other messaging templates, to replace placeholder strings representing particular fields. Siebel eMail Response and other communication features employ substitution.


The process of merging data in two databases by copying from each database to the other only the fields that have changed since the last time this task was performed.

synchronous integration

A process whereby control of an application is returned to the user only when an attempt to transfer data has completed or timed-out.


In Siebel Finance, a group of investment banks that share the credit exposure or risk in very large deals. This sharing is called participation. Each institution involved is a participant.

system administrator

A person responsible for the entire Siebel system, including installing, maintaining, and upgrading Siebel products as needed. See also application administrator and database administrator (DBA).

system primary key

In a database table, a column whose value is a unique identifier for the row. This is a system-generated and system-maintained value. See also user primary key.

 Published: 22 April 2003