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call by reference

Arguments passed by reference to a procedure can be modified by the procedure. Procedures written in Basic are defined to receive their arguments by reference. If you call such a procedure and pass it a variable, and if the procedure modifies its corresponding formal parameter, it modifies the variable. Passing an expression by reference is legal in Basic; if the called procedure modifies its corresponding parameter, a temporary value is modified, with no apparent effect on the caller.

call by value

When an argument is passed by value to a procedure, the called procedure receives a copy of the argument. If the called procedure modifies its corresponding formal parameter, it has no effect on the caller. Procedures written in other languages, such as C, can receive their arguments by value.

call center or contact center

A facility supporting customer interactions through various channels, including telephone and email.

call script

In Siebel SmartScript, an ordered set of questions and the transitions between them, as defined by a Siebel application administrator and used by a call center agent.


A collection of marketing offers that are associated with segments or lists within a marketing program stage.

cascade copy

To copy the contents of a data structure, including all its substructures.

cascade delete

To delete the contents of a data structure, including all its substructures.


(1) The hierarchy of products and categories in a model. See also category and product. (2) In Siebel eAuction, a list of related products that are managed and controlled by a catalog administrator. Each catalog can have its own separate category structure and its own look and feel. (3) In Siebel eConfigurator, a catalog (or model) contains items that are assembled from an inventory list using relationships supported in the Siebel modeling environment.


(1) A classification of items. Categories define the structure through which users find products and items. (2) In Siebel eAuction, a collection of similar items within a catalog. Categories define the structure through which users find products and items.


A medium for inbound and outbound communications, including voice, email, fax, wireless message, and page.

Channel and Alliance Partner Management (CHAMP)

A program that helps alliance and channel partner organizations improve performance by identifying revenue streams and developing mutually beneficial business plans. See also partner.

channel partner company

A company that sells another company's products, such as a retailer, a distributor, or a value-added reseller.

character conversion

Data exchanged between components using different code pages. For example, numeric data must be converted from the standard used by the source code page into the equivalent used by the destination code page. This applies to character conversions from Unicode to a standard code page, from a standard code page to Unicode, and from one type of Unicode to another type of Unicode (such as from UTF8 to UCS2).

character encoding

See character set encoding.

character set

A group of characters (alphanumeric, text, or special) that share a common relationship. There are many character sets used in the computing industry. Character sets are identified by a character set name (See also character set name).

character set encoding

A specific computer representation of a character set. Most character sets have only one encoding. However, some character sets, such as Unicode, can have multiple encodings. Another prominent example of a character set with multiple encodings is JIS (Japan Industrial Standard). Shift-JIS, EUC, and ISO 2022-JP are all encodings based on JIS. Character set encoding is also known as character encoding.

character set encoding name

A name identifying a character set encoding (See also character set encoding). For character sets with a single encoding, the character set encoding name and the character set name (See also character set name) are usually the same. The notable exception is Unicode. As with character set names, industry standardization is minimal and there are multiple names for the same encoding.

character set name

A name identifying a character set (See also character set). These names are not well-standardized and many character sets have multiple names. However, you can use formal identifiers to clearly specify a character set when necessary.

Examples of traditional character sets are Western European, covering languages spoken in Western European countries as well as in all countries in the Americas, and Japanese covering the Japanese language.

chart applet

A chart applet graphically displays data from a business component in various formats for analysis of trends, category comparison, and other data relationships. Any data in a business component can be included in a chart. The data in a chart applet reflects the current query for the business component. The user can update the chart with changes to the query by clicking inside the chart. Chart applets are configured using Siebel Tools.

chart filter

A data display feature that allows the user to switch from one chart to another—for example, to go from a Sales Pipeline chart to a Size Analysis chart.

chart type

A drop-down control for filtering the data being charted.

check in

In Siebel Tools, to move object definitions in one or more projects from a developer's client-side repository to the server repository. Checking in also clears the server lock on the checked-in object definitions, which makes these object definitions available for use by other developers.

check out

In Siebel Tools, to move objects in one or more projects in the server repository to a developer's client-side repository. Checking out also places a lock on the checked-out object definitions, so that other developers cannot change these object definitions.


A designation that describes employees as a group for the purposes of providing different groups of employees different rules for their retirement plan benefits.


See companies and contact.

Client Wins

A rule used to resolve a data conflict in Siebel Remote Server during data merge, synchronization, and Enterprise Integration Manager (EIM) and repository merges. During the merges, the data value from the client database takes precedence over the data value on the server database. For consistent results, both client and server must employ the same rule. See also Server Wins.

client-side error

An error in input that can be validated on the client, such as an incorrect field format. A client-side error is validated before the information is sent to the server. See also server-side error.

Cluster Services, Siebel

A server platform that allows users to run Siebel Servers and Siebel Gateway on two-node hardware clusters, thus providing higher levels of availability and fault tolerance.

code page

Also known as codepage. A Microsoft Windows implementation of a character set encoding. Code page is used by some vendors (even Microsoft) to mean ANSI code page (Windows) and OEM code page (DOS), but it does not refer to ISO character sets. IBM uses a numbering system which is similar, and often identical, to Microsoft. However, IBM renumbers extensions while Microsoft does not, which can lead to confusing instructions, such as, "Use IBM 949 with Siebel applications and MS 932; IBM 932 is an older version."

code page number

A Microsoft Windows designator for a Microsoft Windows code page. This number is used by the Windows operating system to identify code pages and is similar to a character set encoding name.

combo chart

A type of chart that displays a line graph overlaid on a bar chart.


A comment is text that documents a program. Comments have no effect on the program (except for metacommands). In Basic, a comment begins with a single quote and continues to the end of the line. If the first character in a comment is a dollar sign ($), the comment is interpreted as a metacommand. Lines beginning with the keyword Rem are also interpreted as comments.

communication request

Specification of an outbound communication, such as an email message, to be delivered by Siebel Communications Server.

communications configuration

A set of data that an administrator can use to set up and maintain a deployment of Siebel Communications Server to support call center or contact center activities, such as Siebel CTI.

communications driver

A program, library, or other resource developed for the Siebel Communications Server to support integration with a particular third-party messaging system, such as a CTI middleware package, an email server, and so forth.

communications toolbar

A toolbar that is displayed under the application-level menu in Siebel eBusiness Applications when Siebel Communications Server is used to support Siebel CTI, Siebel eMail Response, or other related modules. This toolbar allows a contact center agent to interact with a customer using telephone, fax, email, and so forth.


Companies are the organizations with whom the user of Siebel Financial Services does business. Also, not to be confused with Financial Accounts.

competitive relationships

Relationships the customer has with the organization's competition.

complex join

A join between two tables over nonforeign key-primary key columns.

component warranty

The original warranty from the component or subassembly manufacturer who was responsible for the production of the part.

Computer Telephony Integration (CTI)

The means by which a computer system can interact with the telephone system. Telephony activity, such as making a call or answering a call, can be performed within Siebel eBusiness Applications using the communications toolbar.


Typically, in Siebel Tools, the modification of a Siebel application to change its look, feel, and behavior to meet specific business requirements.

configuration file

A Siebel file that contains Siebel application configuration data. It is stored on the Siebel Server or on the Siebel client. The extension for a configuration file is .cfg, for example uagent.cfg.

configurator engine

In Siebel eConfigurator architecture, the software module execution machinery used to implement the semantics defined by a model.

conflict detection

The process of identifying inconsistent database change transactions between intermittently connected databases. For example, two values in the same field of a table would cause a conflict. Siebel Remote detects duplicate conflicts, operation conflicts, and update conflicts. See also Client Wins, Server Wins, and update conflict.

conflict resolution

The process of applying a set of rules, or algorithm, to conflicting transactions to determine which transaction has precedence for updating the database. Used in data synchronization. See also Client Wins, Server Wins, and update conflict.

connection pool

An object in the Physical layer that describes access to the data source.

For each data source, there is at least one corresponding Connection Pool. The connection pool contains data source name (DSN) information used to connect to a data source, the number of connections allowed, timeout information, and other connectivity-related administrative details.


(1) A type of Siebel integration product that uses Siebel eBusiness Application Integration (eAI) to exchange application data and interact with a third-party application or server. (2) In Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide it is a definition of the relationship between two workflow process steps.


A person with whom the user of Siebel Financial Services does business. A contact may have a direct relationship with the user or may have a relationship due to their position and duties within a company.

contact access list

See sales team.

contact center

See call center or contact center.


A set of rules that guide the Optimization Engine and the ABS while searching for a solution. For example, a field service engineer cannot work more than 12 hours in a day. Constraints may be hard or soft (hard versus soft rules). Solutions that violate hard rules are discarded even though they may be better than other solutions. The Optimizer may use solutions that violate soft rules, but the Optimizer assigns a penalty to these violations that may make one solution less favorable than another solution.


This is another name for agreement. It often replaces agreement in formal discussions or communications. The term contract is the accepted term within the legal and business communities.

contract scheduling

(1) Assigning a time slot to an appointment based on service contract commitments. This process may require rescheduling (reoptimizing) the entire schedule to accommodate the new activity or fitting the new assignment into a free spot in the schedule. (2) In field service, contract scheduling is the inserting a high-priority service activity into a schedule with minimal disruption of the schedule and without significant increase in the cost of the schedule. Contract scheduling often responds to a break/fix incident while accommodating time commitments specified in a service contract (for example, a field service engineer must be on site within four hours). Contract scheduling requires an immediate response. Contract Scheduling is a component of the Optimizer.


A visual object, displayed in the user interface, that allows user interaction with the application.

control ID

This can be a text string, in which case it is the name of the control, or it can be a numeric ID.

NOTE:  Control IDs are case-sensitive and do not include the dot that appears before the ID. Numeric IDs depend on the order in which dialog box controls are defined. You can find the numeric ID using the DlgControlID function.

Cost function

A formula that the Optimization Engine uses while optimizing a schedule. The cost function determines what constitutes a low cost solution. After considering the constraints for scheduling, the Optimizer uses this formula to weight possible solutions based on the consequences of a schedule for the service provider; for example:, Cost = 100*Distance + 500*overtime + 1000*priority

An optimal solution is one that respects the constraints and minimizes (or maximizes) the cost function.

NOTE:  Cost does not imply financial cost, but instead is simply a weighting factor

Cost list

Consists of a cost name and a default cost method (standard, average, next, last). Cost List Items contains products associated with a cost list, along with the cost values for each product. Cost values are required for costing products, based on different cost methods. A cost list can be associated with a price list.


The total costs incurred to meet an agreement. Costs include labor, materials, overhead, travel, supplies, tools, purchases, inventory carrying costs, transportation, billing, depreciation, and other capital expenses needed to fulfill the terms.

count basis

A method of inventory classification that determines how often to count a product during cycle counting. Inventory locations with a count basis of ABC are counted according to their relative value. Inventory locations with a count basis of XYZ are counted according to their relative turnover. The Cycle Counting Engine counts inventory locations with higher turnover and value more often.

count frequency

The interval in days between physical counts of inventory. Counting frequency is less than or equal to the counting period. For example, a counting period of 60 days may have a counting frequency of seven days, so that inventory counts take place every seven days. In 60 days all inventory is counted at least once.

count period

See Period.


See entitlement.


Computer Telephony Integration. See Computer Telephony Integration (CTI).


Customer Relationship Management. This is an industry term referring to the management of customer accounts and information.

customer dashboard

A display of critical information about the current customer. In Siebel Call Center, an application display area in which customer information can be displayed to a call center agent.

customer hierarchy

The various levels at which a Siebel marketer plans to target campaigns.

customer information file

CIF. A Siebel eBusiness Platform configured as the central repository for enterprise customer, partner, and prospect data. This product will interact within an enterprise architecture to use the key back office systems that act as the system of record, or master, for a particular subset of data.

customer number

A unique numeric value that identifies the customer from all other customers.


This term indicates that the customer is the central focus or the hub of information for a set of views.

customer relationships

Includes internal, external and competitive relationships. Internal relationships are those that the customer has with other divisions within the organization. External relationships are those that the customer has outside the organization. Competitive relationships are those that the customer has with the organization's competition.

customer session

There are two types of Customer Sessions—Account holder and Non-account holder:

Account holder. This type of customer session is initiated when the customer involved in the interaction with the user is a client of the financial institution and can be identified by the system.

Non-account holder. This type of customer session is initiated when the customer involved in the interaction with the user is not a client of the financial institution.

customer type

An indicator of the type of customer the product will be marketed to (such as, small business, consumer, or corporate).


See configuration.

cycle counting

The process of reconciling actual inventory with inventory as recorded in the database. This involves counting only part of an inventory at one time. By cycling through the entire product inventory, each item is counted at least once during a specified time period.

 Published: 22 April 2003