Siebel Smart Answer Administration Guide > Configuration and Implementation of Siebel Smart Answer > Administering and Maintaining Smart Answer >

Creating Additional Fields for Analyzing Incoming Messages

To add an additional field for Smart Answer to send to the Categorization engine for categorization use the following procedures.

To add an additional field to analyze content in an incoming message

  1. Navigate to Site Map > Smart Answer Administration > Smart Answer Profiles and select the eMail Response Profile.
  2. Make sure Business Component and Business Object names are "Mail Agent Activity."

  3. Click the Settings view tab, click New, then select the setting you want you use from the Add Setting Picklist, and click OK.
  4. Click the Profile Fields view tab, then click New.
    1. Click the picklist icon in the Input Field Name field.
    2. The Pick Field picklist appears displaying all business component fields that are available with the Mail Agent Activity business object.

      NOTE:  The Input Field name must link with the field in your workflow name, as listed in table contained in the procedure To add an additional field to workflow process. Note the input field name will not contain the prefix Eventfields.

    3. Choose a business component field from the picklist, click OK, then choose a setting, and step off the record to save it.

To add an additional field to workflow process

  1. Navigate to Site Map > Business Process Administration > Processes, and query for "eMail Response-Analyze Message--Inactive" workflow, then click Revise.
  2. Add the process property to the eMail Response - Analyze Message workflow process:
    1. Click the Process Properties view tab, and in the Process Properties list, click the menu button and choose New Record.
    2. In the Name field, type the name of the input argument.
    3. For example, in the name field type, MsgSenderAddress. For a list of property names, see table contained in the procedure To add an additional field to workflow process.

    4. In the Data Type field, select String.
  3. Add an input argument:
    1. Click the Process Designer view tab.
    2. Double-click on the Categorize Message business service.
    3. The Business Service view appears.

    4. In the Input Arguments list, click the menu button and choose New Record.
    5. A new record appears in the Input Arguments list.

    6. Use the table below to determine the input argument that corresponds to the name of the input argument you created previously in this procedure. In the Input Argument field, select the appropriate input argument.
    7. NOTE:  If the input argument you want does not appear, type the input argument name and click OK.

    8. In the Type field, select Process Property.
    9. In the Property Name field, select the appropriate property name. The name you select should match the input argument created in previously in this procedure.
    10. See the following table for the input arguments used to analyze incoming messages.

      Default Input Argument
      Property Name
      EventFields.Email Body
      Default. Contains the content of the body area of the incoming email message.
      EventFields.Email Normalized Subject
      Default. Contains the content of the Subject field of the incoming email message.
      EventFields.Email Sender
      Optional. Contains the email address of the sender of the incoming email.
      Field name you chose in (step #) with EventField.(field name you chose in (step #).
      From the list of all process properties that have been parsed from the email, choose the property to send to the categorization engine.
      These properties appear in the Process Property tab of the eMail Response - Process Message workflow, and typically begin with the letters Msg.
      Optional. Contains the value of the selected property.
      When added to a workflow, the Text input argument does not appear in the list of fields. To use the input argument, type Text in the Input Argument field.

  4. In the Workflow Processes list, select eMail Response - Process Message and click Revise.
  5. NOTE:  To select a workflow process, click anywhere on the record except on the name of the workflow. If you click on the workflow name, the Process Designer view appears.

  6. Create the input argument record:
    1. Click the Process Designer view tab or click the workflow name, and then double-click the Analyze Message subprocess.
    2. In the Input Arguments list, click the menu button and choose New Record.
    3. A new record appears in the Input Arguments list.

    4. In the Input Argument field, select the input argument you want to add and click OK.
    5. NOTE:  The input argument you add will be used by the Categorize message step of the eMail Response - Analyze message workflow.

      For example, to send the address of the message sender to the categorization engine, select MsgSenderAddress in the Sub Process Input field.

    6. In the Type field, select Process Property.
    7. In the Property Name choose the appropriate property for the argument.
    8. Click Return To Designer.
    9. In the Workflow list click Activate.

 Siebel Smart Answer Administration Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003