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Oracle® Universal Content Management Web Parts User Guide
Release 10gR3
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Interface Screens

The following screens are used when accessing the Web Parts product:

Main Page

The main page contains the elements of the Web Parts product that have been selected for use at your site. This screen can be customized to create a page that addresses the specific needs of users in your environment. Because of that, the screen shown here may differ than the one in use at your site.

This screen is divided into several different sections:

Click the section down arrow to display a menu containing options available for that portal section.

Surrounding text describes mainpage.gif.

Page Header

The Page Header contains the customized icon and header text for your page. See "Choosing a Page to Customize (Admin Only)" for details about customizing the header.

The Site Actions Menu is also available in the header section. See Chapter 4, "Customizing the Software" for details about using the options on this menu.

Surrounding text describes pageheader.gif.

Main Navigation Tree

The Main Navigation Tree contains those options which have been selected for use at your site. This provides you with a quick access point to all actions you are allowed to perform. The Navigation Tree shown here displays common options. Only those users who have the Administrative role will see all of these options.

Options on the Navigation Tree vary from site to site. Web parts can be added and removed, according to what is needed for each enterprise.


If you click the text next to the icons in the Navigation tree, a list of items is displayed in the Search Results portion of the Main Page Search Section. For example, if you click My Saved URLs, a list of saved URLs is displayed in the Search Results pane.

Surrounding text describes navtree.gif.
Icon Description
Surrounding text describes iconhome.gif.
The home icon is accompanied by the name of the logged in user.
Surrounding text describes iconadmin.gif.
Administration (Admin Only): Opens the Main Admin Screen where administrators can modify aspects of the system.
Surrounding text describes iconquery.gif.
My Saved Queries: Displays a list of queries that were created and saved. See "Creating a Query" for more details.
Surrounding text describes iconurl.gif.
My Saved URLs: Displays a list of saved URLs. See "Storing a URL" for details.
Surrounding text describes iconworkflow.gif.
My Workflow Assignments: Displays a list of content items currently in workflow and assigned to this user for review.
Surrounding text describes iconcheckedout.gif.
My Checked Out Content: Displays the names of content items that are checked out by the logged in user.
Surrounding text describes iconsubscript.gif.
My Subscriptions: Displays the names of content items to which the user is currently subscribed. See "Subscribing to Content" for details.
Surrounding text describes iconscsuser.gif.
Content Server Users: Displays a list of users who have a Content Server account.
Surrounding text describes iconextuser.gif.
External Mapped Users: Displays a listing of users who are defined on the SharePoint server and who are mapped to a different Content Server user identity.
Surrounding text describes iconsearchform.gif.
Search Form Definition: Displays previously created search forms, which can be used to screen content. See "Choosing a Page to Customize (Admin Only)" for details.
Surrounding text describes iconfolders.gif.
Contribution Folders: If folders are installed, accesses a list of folders.
Surrounding text describes icontrash.gif.
Trash: If folders are installed, accesses the folder trash directory.

Main Page Search Section

The Search Section of the main page is divided into two areas: the Web Parts Search and the Web Parts Search Results.

  • The Web Parts Search area is used to select a saved search or to select All Fields in order to select fields for searching.

  • The Web Parts Search Results area displays the result of the executed search.

See "Searching Stored Content" and "Creating a Query" for details.

Surrounding text describes mainsearch.gif.

Content Viewer Screen

The Content Viewer screen is used to preview content items. To access this screen, select a viewing option after clicking any of the following icons:

Surrounding text describes iconwfassign.gif.
My workflow assignments
Surrounding text describes iconcheckoutmine.gif.
My checked-out content
Surrounding text describes iconsubscriptmine.gif.
My subscriptions
Surrounding text describes icondocument.gif.
Document in a search result

If you have previously viewed content, the screen displays tabs with the name of the previously displayed content item in each tab. Clicking on a tab displays a page with that content.

Surrounding text describes contentviewer.gif.

The following options are available from the File menu on this screen:

  • Open in New Window: Displays the item in a new window.

  • Close Active Tab: Closes the current content page.

  • Close All But Active Tab: Closes all previously displayed content and keep only the active content page open.

  • Close All Tabs: Closes all pages but keep the Content Viewer Screen open.

  • Close Window: Closes the Content Viewer Screen.

Item Properties Screen

The Item Properties screen displays the metadata associated with the content item as well as information about revisions.

To access this screen, click any of the following icons:

Surrounding text describes iconwfassign.gif.
My workflow assignments
Surrounding text describes iconcheckoutmine.gif.
My checked-out content
Surrounding text describes iconsubscriptmine.gif.
My subscriptions
Surrounding text describes icondocument.gif.
Document in a search result

Select Item Properties from the displayed menu. Item Properties is used to view the metadata about a content item, such as its content ID, check-in information, and revisions. It is not used to view the actual content item. When done, click OK.

Surrounding text describes contentdetail.gif.

My Saved Queries Folder

The My Saved Queries portion of the Main Navigation Tree displays the queries that were created and saved for the logged-in user. See "Creating a Query" for details.

Surrounding text describes mysavedqueries.gif.

My Saved URLs Folder

The My Saved URLs portion of the Main Navigation Tree displays the URLs that were saved for the logged-in user. See "Storing a URL" for details.

Surrounding text describes mysavedurls.gif.

Saved URL Dialog Screen

The Saved URL Dialog screen is displayed when a query is created. To access this screen, select Create New URL from the popup menu when an icon is clicked in the My Saved URLs Folder. See "Storing a URL" for details.

Surrounding text describes urlprompt.gif.
Field Description
Name The name for the link that will appear in the My Saved URLs Folder.
URL The web site location for the URL to be associated with the name.

My Checked-Out Content Folder

The My Checked-Out Content portion of the Main Navigation Tree displays the content checked out to the current user. See "Checking Out Content" for details.

Surrounding text describes mycheckedoutcontent.gif.

My Subscriptions Folder

The My Subscriptions portion of the Main Navigation Tree displays the subscriptions created and saved for the logged-in user. See "Subscribing to Content" for details.

Surrounding text describes mysubscriptions.gif.

Content Check In Screen

The Content Check In form is used to add information about items being checked into the Content Server. To access this screen, click Check In from the Checkout Out icon (Figure 3-11) menu.

Figure 3-11 Checked Out Icon

Surrounding text describes Figure 3-11 .
Surrounding text describes checkinform.gif.

Library Listing Screen

The Library Listing screen shows those web parts that are available for use. To access this page, select the library name from the SharePoint Site Content Screen.

See your SharePoint documentation for complete details about using other options on this screen.

Surrounding text describes promote1.gif.

Web Part Pulldown

The Web Part Pulldown is available by resting the cursor on the web part name in the Library Listing Screen. This menu is used to promote content for use in the SharePoint server. See "Sharing Content on the Content Server" for details.

Surrounding text describes promote2.gif.

Promote to Oracle UCM Menu

The Promote to Oracle UCM menu is used to store content on the Content Server for use on other sites. To access this menu, rest the cursor on a content name. The Web Part Pulldown is displayed. Click the down arrow to display the menu.

See your SharePoint documentation for complete details about using other options on this menu.

Surrounding text describes promoteucm.gif.