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Oracle® Retail Demand Forecasting User Guide for the RPAS Fusion Client
Release 16.0
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11 Forecast Batch Run Task

The Forecast Batch Run Task wizard allows you to manually execute the forecast generation process at a time other than the regularly scheduled batch job. If a global domain environment is implemented, forecasts generated in the Local domain can be viewed in the Master domain; however this forecast is isolated to the data in the Local domain. The execution of PreGenerateForecast at the Master domain, then passing the output of the process to Generate from the back-end of each Local domain allows for the Local domains to share a birth date, thus supporting a view to forecast data across Local domains in the Master domain. Refer to the Oracle Retail Demand Forecasting Implementation Guide for more information on PreGenerateForecast and Generate.

Running a Batch Forecast Manually

The following sections describe the procedures to manually run a batch forecast.

Before You Begin

Prior to using the Forecast Batch Run Task wizard, at minimum the following tasks must be performed:

  1. Create or access a Forecast Administration Workbook.

  2. In the Forecast Start Date measure, enter the starting date of the forecast horizon; otherwise the system defaults to the system date (today).

  3. Set a Default Forecasting Method for the Final and Source Level.

  4. Set a Default Source Level for the Final Level.

  5. Set the Forecast Length if there is no value already in this measure.

  6. Set the Spreading Profile if the Source Levels are at aggregate dimensions above the Final Level.

  7. Commit any changes by selecting from the File menu, then select Commit Now.

  8. Close the task.


Follow these steps to manually run a batch forecast:

  1. Within the Local or Simple domain, select New from the File menu.

  2. Select the Forecast tab to display a list of task workbooks for statistical forecasting. Highlight Forecast Batch Run and click OK.

  3. The Forecast Batch Run wizard opens and prompts you to select the Final Levels to forecast. Select Next or Finish.

The Run Batch wizard automatically executes PreGenerateForecast and Generate within the Simple or Local Domain. If Next is selected from the last wizard window, the wizard does not advance to the completion message until the forecast has been generated. Depending on the amount of product/locations to be forecast and the forecast horizon, it may take a several minutes before the system advances to the final window. When the forecast generation is completed, the wizard displays a window that notifies you of the forecast generation ID.

After a forecast is generated, the Forecast Start Date field is cleared. This ensures that the same forecast is not generated again on the same date. The Next Run Date field is also updated based on the birth date of the forecast plus the Forecast Cycle. Both fields can be viewed in the Forecast Administration Workbook.

Forecast Batch Run Workbook

To build the Forecast Batch Run workbook, perform these steps:

  1. Click the New Workbook icon in the Forecast Batch Run task in the Forecasting Core Process activity.

    Figure 11-1 Forecast Batch Run Task

    Surrounding text describes Figure 11-1 .
  2. The Workbook wizard opens. Select the levels to work with and click Next.

    Figure 11-2 Workbook Wizard: Select Final Forecast Level

    Surrounding text describes Figure 11-2 .
  3. Verify and click Finish.

    Figure 11-3 Workbook Wizard: Verify

    Surrounding text describes Figure 11-3 .

The Run Batch wizard automatically executes PreGenerateForecast and Generate within the Simple or Local Domain. Depending on the amount of product/locations to be forecast and the forecast horizon, it may take a several minutes before the system advances to the final window. When the forecast generation is completed, the wizard displays a window that notifies you of the forecast generation ID.

After a forecast is generated, the Forecast Start Date field is cleared. This ensures that the same forecast is not generated again on the same date. The Next Run Date field is also updated based on the birth date of the forecast plus the Forecast Cycle. Both fields can be viewed in the Forecast Administration Workbook.