Uses of Interface

Packages that use Geography
com.elasticpath.domain.impl Tests for the default Elastic Path implementation of the Domain Model. 

Uses of Geography in com.elasticpath.domain

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain that return Geography
 Geography ElasticPath.getCountries()
          Return a Geography that provides geographical information.
 Geography ElasticPath.getGeography()
          Return a Geography that provides geographical information.

Uses of Geography in com.elasticpath.domain.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.impl that return Geography
 Geography ElasticPathImpl.getCountries()
          Return a Geography that provides geographical information.
 Geography ElasticPathImpl.getGeography()
          Return a Geography that provides geographical information.

Uses of Geography in com.elasticpath.domain.misc.impl

Classes in com.elasticpath.domain.misc.impl that implement Geography
 class GeographyImpl
          Represents a set of countries and provides geography-related functionality such as finding the subcountries of a particular country.

Uses of Geography in com.elasticpath.service.misc.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.misc.impl with parameters of type Geography
 void EmailServiceImpl.setGeography(Geography geography)
          Set the geography properties map.

Uses of Geography in com.elasticpath.sfweb.ajax.service.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.sfweb.ajax.service.impl that return Geography
 Geography GeographyControllerImpl.getGeography()
          Returns the Geography instance.

Methods in com.elasticpath.sfweb.ajax.service.impl with parameters of type Geography
 void GeographyControllerImpl.setGeography(Geography geography)
          Sets the Geography instance.