Uses of Interface

Packages that use Money

Uses of Money in com.elasticpath.commons.util

Methods in com.elasticpath.commons.util that return Money
 Money Utility.string2Money(java.util.Currency currency, java.lang.String value)
          Convert a String to a Money instance.

Uses of Money in com.elasticpath.commons.util.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.commons.util.impl that return Money
 Money UtilityImpl.string2Money(java.util.Currency currency, java.lang.String value)
          Convert a String to a Money instance.

Uses of Money in com.elasticpath.domain.catalog

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.catalog that return Money
 Money Price.getComputedPrice()
          Get the product's computed price (e.g.
 Money Price.getComputedPrice(int qty)
          Get the product's computed price (e.g.
 Money Price.getDollarSavings()
          Calculates the MoneyImpl savings if the price has a discount.
 Money Price.getDollarSavings(int qty)
          Calculates the MoneyImpl savings if the price has a discount.
 Money Price.getListPrice()
          Get the product's list price.
 Money Price.getListPrice(int qty)
          Get the product's list price.
 Money Price.getLowestPrice()
          Returns the lowest of the price values specified in this Price.
 Money Price.getLowestPrice(int qty)
          Get the lowest of the price values specified in this Price.
 Money Product.getLowestSkuPrice(java.util.Currency currency)
          This returns the lowest price of any sku belongs to this product as a Money object.
 Money Price.getPrePromotionPrice()
          Get the pre-promotion price of the first price tier to which promotions are to be applied.
 Money Price.getPrePromotionPrice(int qty)
          Get the pre-promotion price of the corresponding price tier, which promotions are to be applied.
 Money Price.getSalePrice()
          Get the product's sale price.
 Money Price.getSalePrice(int qty)
          Get the product's sale price.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.catalog with parameters of type Money
 void Price.setComputedPrice(Money computedPrice)
          Set the product's computed price (e.g.
 void Price.setComputedPrice(Money computedPrice, int minQty)
          Set the product's computed price (e.g.
 void Price.setListPrice(Money listPrice)
          Set the product's list price.
 void Price.setListPrice(Money listPrice, int minQty)
          Set the product's list price.
 void Price.setSalePrice(Money salePrice)
          Set the product's sale price.
 void Price.setSalePrice(Money salePrice, int minQty)
          Set the product's sale price.

Uses of Money in com.elasticpath.domain.catalog.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.catalog.impl that return Money
 Money AbstractPriceImpl.getComputedPrice()
          Get the product's computed price of the first price tier.
 Money AbstractPriceImpl.getComputedPrice(int qty)
          Get the product's computed price (e.g.
 Money AbstractPriceImpl.getDollarSavings()
          Calculates the MoneyImpl savings if the price has a discount.
 Money AbstractPriceImpl.getDollarSavings(int qty)
          Calculates the MoneyImpl savings if the price has a discount.
 Money AbstractPriceImpl.getListPrice()
          Get the product's list price of the first price tier.
 Money AbstractPriceImpl.getListPrice(int qty)
          Get the product's list price.
 Money AbstractPriceImpl.getLowestPrice()
          Get the lowest of the price values of the first price tier.
 Money AbstractPriceImpl.getLowestPrice(int qty)
          Get the lowest of the price values specified in this Price.
 Money ProductImpl.getLowestSkuPrice(java.util.Currency currency)
          This returns the lowest price of any sku belongs to this product as a Money object.
 Money AbstractPriceImpl.getPrePromotionPrice()
          Get the pre-promotion price of the first price tier to which promotions are to be applied.
 Money AbstractPriceImpl.getPrePromotionPrice(int qty)
          Get the pre-promotion price of the corresponding price tier, which promotions are to be applied.
 Money AbstractPriceImpl.getSalePrice()
          Get the product's sale price of the first price tier.
 Money AbstractPriceImpl.getSalePrice(int qty)
          Get the product's sale price.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.catalog.impl with parameters of type Money
 void AbstractPriceImpl.setComputedPrice(Money computedPrice)
          Set the computed price for the first price tier.
 void AbstractPriceImpl.setComputedPrice(Money computedPrice, int minQty)
          Set the product's computed price (e.g.
 void AbstractPriceImpl.setListPrice(Money listPrice)
          Set the product's list price for the first price tier.
 void AbstractPriceImpl.setListPrice(Money listPrice, int minQty)
          Set the product's list price.
 void AbstractPriceImpl.setSalePrice(Money salePrice)
          Set the product's sale price for the first price tier.
 void AbstractPriceImpl.setSalePrice(Money salePrice, int minQty)
          Set the product's sale price.

Uses of Money in com.elasticpath.domain.misc

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.misc that return Money
 Money Money.add(Money otherMoney)
          Returns a new Money object representing the sum of this object and otherMoney's values.
 Money Money.multiply(java.math.BigDecimal multiplier)
          Return a new Money object whose value is this money object's value times the specified multiplier.
 Money Money.multiply(int multiplier)
          Return a new Money object whose value is this money object's value times the specified multiplier.
 Money Money.subtract(Money otherMoney)
          Returns a new Money object representing the the amount of this object less the amount of the otherMoney object.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.misc with parameters of type Money
 Money Money.add(Money otherMoney)
          Returns a new Money object representing the sum of this object and otherMoney's values.
 java.lang.String Money.displaySalePercentage(Money salePrice, java.util.Locale locale)
          Creates a string to display the percentage savings at the specified sale price.
 java.lang.String Money.displaySaleSavings(Money salePrice)
          Creates a string to display the amount saved at the specified sale price.
 boolean Money.greaterThan(Money otherMoney)
          Returns true if this money object is greater than the specified other money object.
 boolean Money.lessThan(Money otherMoney)
          Returns true if this money object is less than the specified other money object.
 Money Money.subtract(Money otherMoney)
          Returns a new Money object representing the the amount of this object less the amount of the otherMoney object.

Uses of Money in com.elasticpath.domain.misc.impl

Classes in com.elasticpath.domain.misc.impl that implement Money
 class MoneyImpl
          Represents an amount of money in a particular currency.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.misc.impl that return Money
 Money MoneyImpl.add(Money otherMoney)
          Returns a new Money object representing the sum of this object and otherMoney's values.
 Money MoneyImpl.multiply(java.math.BigDecimal multiplier)
          Return a new Money object whose value is this money object's value times the specified multiplier.
 Money MoneyImpl.multiply(int multiplier)
          Return a new Money object whose value is this money object's value times the specified multiplier.
 Money MoneyImpl.subtract(Money otherMoney)
          Returns a new Money object representing the the amount of this object less the amount of the otherMoney object.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.misc.impl with parameters of type Money
 Money MoneyImpl.add(Money otherMoney)
          Returns a new Money object representing the sum of this object and otherMoney's values.
 java.lang.String MoneyImpl.displaySalePercentage(Money salePrice, java.util.Locale locale)
          Creates a string to display the percentage savings at the specified sale price.
 java.lang.String MoneyImpl.displaySaleSavings(Money salePrice)
          Creates a string to display the amount saved at the specified sale price.
 boolean MoneyImpl.greaterThan(Money otherMoney)
          Returns true if this money object is greater than the specified other money object.
 boolean MoneyImpl.lessThan(Money otherMoney)
          Returns true if this money object is less than the specified other money object.
 Money MoneyImpl.subtract(Money otherMoney)
          Returns a new Money object representing the the amount of this object less the amount of the otherMoney object.

Uses of Money in com.elasticpath.domain.order

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.order that return Money
 Money OrderSku.getAmountMoney(java.util.Currency currency)
          Get the amount as a Money object.
 Money Order.getBeforeTaxSubtotalMoney()
          Get the subtotal of all items in the cart.
 Money Order.getBeforeTaxTotalMoney()
          Get the before-tax total of all items in the cart as Money object.
 Money Order.getBeforeTaxTotalShippingCostMoney()
          Get the before-tax total shipping cost for this order.
 Money OrderSku.getDollarSavingsMoney(java.util.Currency currency)
          Calculates the MoneyImpl savings if the price has a discount.
 Money OrderSku.getListPriceMoney(java.util.Currency currency)
          Get the list price as a Money object.
 Money OrderReturnSku.getReturnAmountMoney(java.util.Currency currency)
          Get the return amount as a Money object.
 Money Order.getSubtotalDiscountMoney()
          Get the amount discounted from the order subtotal.
 Money Order.getSubtotalMoney()
          Get the subtotal of all items in the cart.
 Money OrderTaxValue.getTaxValueMoney(java.util.Currency orderCurrency)
          Return the taxValue as Money object, given the order locale.
 Money Order.getTotalMoney()
          Get the sub total of all items in the cart after shipping, promotions, etc.
 Money Order.getTotalShippingCostMoney()
          Get the total shipping cost for this order.
 Money Order.getTotalTaxMoney()
          Get the total tax for this order.
 Money OrderSku.getUnitPriceMoney(java.util.Currency currency)
          Get the unit price as a Money object.

Uses of Money in com.elasticpath.domain.order.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.order.impl that return Money
 Money OrderSkuImpl.getAmountMoney(java.util.Currency currency)
          Get the amount as a Money object.
 Money OrderImpl.getBeforeTaxSubtotalMoney()
          Get the before-tax subtotal of all items in the cart.
 Money OrderImpl.getBeforeTaxTotalMoney()
          Get the before-tax total of all items in the cart as Money object.
 Money OrderImpl.getBeforeTaxTotalShippingCostMoney()
          Get the before-tax total shipping cost for this order.
 Money OrderSkuImpl.getDollarSavingsMoney(java.util.Currency currency)
          Calculates the MoneyImpl savings if the price has a discount.
 Money OrderSkuImpl.getListPriceMoney(java.util.Currency currency)
          Get the list price as a Money object.
 Money OrderReturnSkuImpl.getReturnAmountMoney(java.util.Currency currency)
          Get the return amount as a Money object.
 Money OrderImpl.getSubtotalDiscountMoney()
          Get the sub total of all items in the cart after shipping, promotions, etc.
 Money OrderImpl.getSubtotalMoney()
          Get the subtotal of all items in the cart.
 Money OrderTaxValueImpl.getTaxValueMoney(java.util.Currency orderCurrency)
          Return the taxValue as Money object, given the order locale.
 Money OrderImpl.getTotalMoney()
          Get the sub total of all items in the cart after shipping, promotions, etc.
 Money OrderImpl.getTotalShippingCostMoney()
          Get the total shipping cost for this order.
 Money OrderImpl.getTotalTaxMoney()
          Get the total tax for this order.
 Money OrderSkuImpl.getUnitPriceMoney(java.util.Currency currency)
          Get the unit price as a Money object.

Uses of Money in com.elasticpath.domain.shipping

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.shipping that return Money
 Money ShippingServiceLevel.calculateRegularPriceShippingCost(ShoppingCart shoppingCart)
          Calculate and return the shipping cost before any discount has been applied.
 Money ShippingServiceLevel.calculateShippingCost(ShoppingCart shoppingCart)
          Return the calculated, after-promotion shipping cost.
 Money ShippingCostCalculationMethod.calculateShippingCost(ShoppingCart shoppingCart)
          Calculation the shipping cost for the given shoppingCart.
 Money ShippingServiceLevel.getRegularPriceShippingCost()
          Return the calculted before-discount shipping cost (make sure calculateRegularPriceShippingCost has been invoked already).
 Money ShippingServiceLevel.getShippingCost()
          Return the calculated, after-promotion shipping cost (make sure calculateShippingCost has been invoked already).

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.shipping with parameters of type Money
 void ShippingServiceLevel.setShippingDiscount(Money discount)
          Applies a discount to this shipping service level.

Uses of Money in com.elasticpath.domain.shipping.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.shipping.impl that return Money
 Money ShippingServiceLevelImpl.calculateRegularPriceShippingCost(ShoppingCart shoppingCart)
          Returns the shipping cost before any discount has been applied.
 Money CostPerUnitWeightMethodImpl.calculateShippingCost(ShoppingCart shoppingCart)
          Calculation the shipping cost for the given shoppingCart.
 Money FixedPriceMethodImpl.calculateShippingCost(ShoppingCart shoppingCart)
          Calculation the shipping cost for the given shoppingCart.
 Money OrderTotalPercentageMethodImpl.calculateShippingCost(ShoppingCart shoppingCart)
          Calculation the shipping cost for the given shoppingCart.
 Money ShippingServiceLevelImpl.calculateShippingCost(ShoppingCart shoppingCart)
          Return the calculated, after-promotion shipping cost.
 Money FixedBaseAndOrderTotalPercentageMethodImpl.calculateShippingCost(ShoppingCart shoppingCart)
          Calculation the shipping cost for the given shoppingCart.
 Money FixedBaseAndCostPerUnitWeightMethodImpl.calculateShippingCost(ShoppingCart shoppingCart)
          Calculation the shipping cost for the given shoppingCart.
 Money ShippingServiceLevelImpl.getRegularPriceShippingCost()
          Return the calculted before-discount shipping cost (make sure calculateRegularPriceShippingCost has been invoked already).
 Money ShippingServiceLevelImpl.getShippingCost()
          Return the calculated, after-promotion shipping cost (make sure calculateShippingCost has been invoked already).

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.shipping.impl with parameters of type Money
 void ShippingServiceLevelImpl.setShippingDiscount(Money discount)
          Applies a discount to this shipping service level.

Uses of Money in com.elasticpath.domain.shoppingcart

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.shoppingcart that return Money
 Money CartItem.getAmountMoney(java.util.Currency currency)
          Get the amount as a Money object.
 Money ShoppingCart.getBeforeTaxShippingCost()
          Return the before-tax shippingCost.
 Money ShoppingCart.getBeforeTaxSubTotal()
          Return the before-tax subtotal.
 Money ShoppingCart.getBeforeTaxTotal()
          Return the before-tax total.
 Money ShoppingCart.getShippingCost()
          Return the shippingCost of the ShoppingCart.
 Money ShoppingCart.getSubtotalDiscountMoney()
          Get the amount discounted from the order subtotal.
 Money ShoppingCart.getSubtotalMoney()
          Get the subtotal of all items in the cart.
 Money ShoppingCart.getTotalMoney()
          Get the sub total of all items in the cart after shipping, promotions, etc.
 Money ShoppingCart.setSelectedShippingServiceLevelUid(long selectedSSLUid)
          Set the selectedShippingServiceLevelUid and update the shippingCost correspondingly.

Uses of Money in com.elasticpath.domain.shoppingcart.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.shoppingcart.impl that return Money
 Money AbstractCartItemImpl.getAmountMoney(java.util.Currency currency)
          Get the amount as a Money object.
 Money ShoppingCartImpl.getBeforeTaxShippingCost()
          Return the before-tax shippingCost.
 Money ShoppingCartImpl.getBeforeTaxSubTotal()
          Return the before-tax subtotal.
 Money ShoppingCartImpl.getBeforeTaxTotal()
          Return the before-tax total.
 Money ShoppingCartImpl.getShippingCost()
          Return the shippingCost of the ShoppingCart.
 Money ShoppingCartImpl.getSubtotalDiscountMoney()
          Get the amount discounted from the order subtotal.
 Money ShoppingCartImpl.getSubtotalMoney()
          Get the subtotal of all items in the cart.
 Money ShoppingCartImpl.getTotalMoney()
          Get the sub total of all items in the cart after shipping, promotions, etc.
 Money ShoppingCartImpl.setSelectedShippingServiceLevelUid(long selectedShippingServiceLevelUid)
          Set the selectedShippingServiceLevelUid and update the shippingCost correspondingly.

Uses of Money in com.elasticpath.sfweb.ajax.bean.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.sfweb.ajax.bean.impl that return Money
 Money ShippingServiceLevelBeanImpl.calculateRegularPriceShippingCost(ShoppingCart shoppingCart)
          Returns the shipping cost before any discount has been applied.
 Money ShippingServiceLevelBeanImpl.calculateShippingCost(ShoppingCart shoppingCart)
          Return the calculated, after-promotion shipping cost.
 Money CartItemBeanImpl.getAmountMoney(java.util.Currency currency)
          Get the amount as a Money object.
 Money ShippingServiceLevelBeanImpl.getRegularPriceShippingCost()
          Return the calculted before-discount shipping cost (make sure calculateRegularPriceShippingCost has been invoked already).
 Money ShippingServiceLevelBeanImpl.getShippingCost()
          Return the calculated, after-promotion shipping cost (make sure calculateShippingCost has been invoked already).

Methods in com.elasticpath.sfweb.ajax.bean.impl with parameters of type Money
 void ShippingServiceLevelBeanImpl.setShippingDiscount(Money discount)
          Applies a discount to this shipping service level.