Uses of Class

Packages that use EpServiceException

Uses of EpServiceException in com.elasticpath.cmweb.reportservice.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.cmweb.reportservice.impl that throw EpServiceException
 java.lang.Object OrderReportServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          Please don't call this method.
 java.lang.Object PromotionReportServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          Please don't call this method.

Uses of EpServiceException in com.elasticpath.service

Methods in com.elasticpath.service that throw EpServiceException
 java.lang.Object EpEnumFactoryService.getObject(int code)
          Get a persistent instance with the given id.
 java.lang.Object EpPersistenceService.getObject(long uid)
          Get a persistent instance with the given id.

Uses of EpServiceException in com.elasticpath.service.asset

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.asset that throw EpServiceException
 DigitalAssetAudit DigitalAssetAuditService.add(DigitalAssetAudit digitalAssetAudit)
          Adds the given digitalAssetAudit.
 DigitalAssetAudit DigitalAssetAuditService.get(long digitalAssetAuditUid)
          Get the digitalAssetAudit with the given UID.
 java.util.List DigitalAssetAuditService.list()
          Lists all digitalAssetAudits stored in the database.
 DigitalAssetAudit DigitalAssetAuditService.load(long digitalAssetAuditUid)
          Load the digitalAssetAudit with the given UID.
 void DigitalAssetAuditService.remove(DigitalAssetAudit digitalAssetAudit)
          Delete the digitalAssetAudit.
 void DigitalAssetAuditService.update(DigitalAssetAudit digitalAssetAudit)
          Updates the given digitalAssetAudit.

Uses of EpServiceException in com.elasticpath.service.asset.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.asset.impl that throw EpServiceException
 DigitalAssetAudit DigitalAssetAuditServiceImpl.add(DigitalAssetAudit digitalAssetAudit)
          Adds the given digitalAssetAudit.
 DigitalAssetAudit DigitalAssetAuditServiceImpl.get(long digitalAssetAuditUid)
          Get the digitalAssetAudit with the given UID.
 java.lang.Object DigitalAssetAuditServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          Generic load method for all persistable domain models.
 java.util.List DigitalAssetAuditServiceImpl.list()
          Lists all digitalAssets stored in the database.
 DigitalAssetAudit DigitalAssetAuditServiceImpl.load(long digitalAssetAuditUid)
          Load the digitalAssetAudit with the given UID.
 void DigitalAssetAuditServiceImpl.remove(DigitalAssetAudit digitalAssetAudit)
          Delete the digitalAssetAudit.
 void DigitalAssetAuditServiceImpl.update(DigitalAssetAudit digitalAssetAudit)
          Updates the given digitalAssetAudit.

Uses of EpServiceException in com.elasticpath.service.attribute

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.attribute that throw EpServiceException
 Attribute AttributeService.findByKey(java.lang.String key)
          Find the attribute with the given key.
 Attribute AttributeService.get(long attributeUid)
          Get the attribute with the given UID.
 boolean AttributeService.keyExists(Attribute attribute)
          Check whether the given attribute's key exists or not.
 boolean AttributeService.keyExists(java.lang.String key)
          Checks whether the given attribute key exists or not.
 java.util.List AttributeService.list()
          Lists all attribute stored in the database.
 Attribute AttributeService.load(long attributeUid)
          Load the attribute with the given UID.
 void AttributeService.remove(Attribute attribute)
          Delete the attribute.

Uses of EpServiceException in com.elasticpath.service.attribute.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.attribute.impl that throw EpServiceException
 Attribute AttributeServiceImpl.findByKey(java.lang.String key)
          Find the attribute with the given key.
 Attribute AttributeServiceImpl.get(long attributeUid)
          Get the attribute with the given UID.
 java.lang.Object AttributeServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          Generic load method for all persistable domain models.
 boolean AttributeServiceImpl.keyExists(Attribute attribute)
          Check whether the given attribute's key exists or not.
 boolean AttributeServiceImpl.keyExists(java.lang.String key)
          Checks whether the given attribute key exists or not.
 java.util.List AttributeServiceImpl.list()
          Lists all attribute stored in the database.
 Attribute AttributeServiceImpl.load(long attributeUid)
          Load the attribute with the given UID.
 void AttributeServiceImpl.remove(Attribute attribute)
          Delete the attribute.

Uses of EpServiceException in com.elasticpath.service.auth

Subclasses of EpServiceException in com.elasticpath.service.auth
 class IdentityServiceException
          This exception will be thrown if any errors occur in the IdentityService methods.

Uses of EpServiceException in com.elasticpath.service.catalog

Subclasses of EpServiceException in com.elasticpath.service.catalog
 class SkuOptionKeyExistException
          The exception for a sku option key that already exists.

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.catalog that throw EpServiceException
 Brand BrandService.add(Brand brand)
          Adds the given brand.
 Category CategoryService.add(Category category)
          Adds the given category.
 Product ProductService.add(Product product)
          Adds the given product.
 ProductAssociation ProductAssociationService.add(ProductAssociation productAssociation)
          Adds the given ProductAssociation.
 ProductSku ProductSkuService.add(ProductSku productSku)
          Adds the given product sku.
 boolean BrandService.codeExists(Brand brand)
          Check whether the given brand's code exists or not.
 boolean BrandService.codeExists(java.lang.String code)
          Checks whether the given brand code exists or not.
 Brand BrandService.findByCode(java.lang.String code)
          Find the brand with the given code.
 Category CategoryService.findByGuid(java.lang.String guid)
          Retrieve the category with the given guid.
 Product ProductService.findByGuid(java.lang.String guid)
          Find the product with the given guid, for product, i.e.
 SkuOption SkuOptionService.findByKey(java.lang.String key)
          Find the sku option with the given key.
 java.util.List CategoryService.findCategoryLike(java.lang.String propertyName, java.lang.String criteriaValue)
          Retrieve the list of categories, whose specified property contain the given criteria value.
 java.util.List ProductSkuService.findProductSkuCodeLikeWithRestriction(java.lang.String criteriaValue, long parentCategoryUid)
          Retrieve the list of productSkus, whose name matches the given criteria and belongs to direct or indirect subcategory of the specified parent category.
 java.util.List ProductSkuService.findProductSkuLike(java.lang.String propertyName, java.lang.String criteriaValue)
          Retrieve the list of productSkus, whose specified property contain the given criteria value.
 java.util.List ProductService.findProductTopSeller(int topCount, ProductLoadTuner productLoadTuner)
          Retrieve a list of top sellers of the whole store.
 java.util.List ProductService.findProductTopSellerForCategory(long categoryUid)
          Retrieve the list of top selling products that belongs to the category or its subcategories.
 long CategoryService.findUidById(java.lang.String categoryId)
          Get the category UID of the given category identifier.
 long ProductService.findUidById(java.lang.String productId)
          Get the product UID of the given product identifier.
 long SkuOptionService.findUidPkByKey(java.lang.String key)
          Find the sku option with the given key.
 SkuOption SkuOptionService.get(long skuOptionUid)
          Get the sku option with the given UID.
 Inventory InventoryService.get(long inventoryUid)
          Get the inventory with the given UID.
 Category CategoryService.get(long categoryUid)
          Get the category with the given UID.
 Product ProductService.get(long productUid)
          Get the product with the given UID.
 Brand BrandService.get(long brandUid)
          Get the brand with the given UID.
 ProductSku ProductSkuService.get(long productSkuUid)
          Get the productSku with the given UID.
 Category CategoryService.getCategoryWithAttribute(long categoryUid)
          Get the category with the given UID.
 Category CategoryService.getCategoryWithSubCategories(long categoryUid)
          Get the category with the given UID.
 java.lang.Object ProductAssociationService.getObject(long uid)
          Generic get method for all persistable domain models.
 java.lang.Object ProductSkuService.getObject(long uid)
          Generic get method for all persistable domain models.
 java.lang.String ProductXmlService.getProductMinimalXml(java.lang.String baseUrl, java.lang.String productUid)
          Returns the minimal product data required by PowerReviews in xml format.
 Product ProductService.getTuned(long productUid, ProductLoadTuner loadTuner, ShoppingCart shoppingCart)
          Get the product with the given UID.
 Product ProductService.getWithCategories(long productUid)
          Load the product with the given UID.
 ProductSku ProductSkuService.getWithProduct(long productSkuUid)
          Get the productSku with the given UID and load the parent product as well.
 ProductSku ProductSkuService.getWithPromotions(long productSkuUid, ShoppingCart shoppingCart)
          Get the productSku with the given UID.
 boolean CategoryService.guidExists(java.lang.String guid)
          Checks whether the given category guid exists or not, for category, i.e.
 boolean ProductService.guidExists(java.lang.String guid)
          Checks whether the given product guid exists or not, for product, i.e.
 boolean CategoryService.hasProduct(long categoryUid)
          Check if the category has product.
 boolean SkuOptionService.keyExists(SkuOption skuOption)
          Check whether the given sku option's key exists or not.
 boolean SkuOptionService.keyExists(java.lang.String key)
          Checks whether the given sku option key exists or not.
 java.util.List SkuOptionService.list()
          Lists all sku option stored in the database.
 java.util.List ProductTypeService.list()
          Lists all productType stored in the database.
 java.util.List ProductService.list()
          List all products stored in the database.
 java.util.List BrandService.list()
          Lists all brand stored in the database.
 java.util.List CategoryTypeService.list()
          Lists all categoryType stored in the database.
 java.util.List CategoryTypeService.listInfo()
          Lists all CategoryType Info stored in the database.
 SkuOption SkuOptionService.load(long skuOptionUid)
          Load the sku option with the given UID.
 ProductAssociation ProductAssociationService.load(long productAssociationUid)
          Load the ProductAssociation with the given UID.
 Category CategoryService.load(long categoryUid)
          Load the category with the given UID.
 Product ProductService.load(long productUid)
          Load the product with the given UID.
 void BrandService.remove(Brand brand)
          Deletes the brand.
 void CategoryTypeService.remove(CategoryType categoryType)
          Delete the categoryType.
 void ProductAssociationService.remove(ProductAssociation productAssociation)
          Delete the ProductAssociation.
 void ProductTypeService.remove(ProductType productType)
          Delete the productType.
 void SkuOptionService.remove(SkuOption skuOption)
          Delete the sku option.
 void CategoryService.removeCategoryTree(long categoryUid)
          Deletes the category and all sub categories and products with the default category set.
 SkuOption SkuOptionService.removeOptionValue(SkuOptionValue skuOptionValue, SkuOption skuOption)
          Delete the sku option value.
 void ProductService.removeProductList(java.util.List productUidList)
          Deletes the list of products.
 void ProductSkuService.removeProductSkuTree(long productSkuUid)
          Deletes the product sku and all it associations.
 void ProductService.removeProductTree(long productUid)
          Deletes the product and all it associations.
 void BrandService.saveOrUpdate(Brand brand)
          Save or update the given brand.
 void CategoryService.saveOrUpdate(Category category)
          Save or update the given category.
 void InventoryService.saveOrUpdate(Inventory inventory)
          Save or update the given inventory item.
 void InventoryAuditService.saveOrUpdate(InventoryAudit inventoryAudit)
          Save or update the given InventoryAudit item.
 void ProductService.saveOrUpdate(Product product)
          Save or update the given product.
 void ProductSkuService.saveOrUpdate(ProductSku sku)
          Save or update the given product sku.
 void SkuOptionService.saveOrUpdate(SkuOption skuOption)
          Save or update the given skuOption.
 void BrandService.update(Brand brand)
          Updates the given brand.
 void CategoryService.update(Category category)
          Updates the given category.
 void InventoryService.update(Inventory inventory)
          Save or update the given inventory item.
 void ProductAssociationService.update(ProductAssociation productAssociation)
          Updates the given ProductAssociation.
 void InventoryService.updateBySkuCode(java.lang.String skuCode, Inventory inventory)
          Save or update the given inventory item with the given skuCode.

Uses of EpServiceException in com.elasticpath.service.catalog.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.catalog.impl that throw EpServiceException
 Brand BrandServiceImpl.add(Brand brand)
          Adds the given brand.
 Category CategoryServiceImpl.add(Category category)
          Adds the given category.
 Product ProductServiceImpl.add(Product product)
          Adds the given product.
 ProductAssociation ProductAssociationServiceImpl.add(ProductAssociation productAssociation)
          Adds the given ProductAssociation.
 ProductSku ProductSkuServiceImpl.add(ProductSku productSku)
          Adds the given product sku.
 boolean BrandServiceImpl.codeExists(Brand brand)
          Check whether the given brand's code exists or not.
 boolean BrandServiceImpl.codeExists(java.lang.String code)
          Checks whether the given brand code exists or not.
 Brand BrandServiceImpl.findByCode(java.lang.String code)
          Find the brand with the given code.
 Product ProductServiceImpl.findByGuid(java.lang.String guid)
          Find the product with the given guid, for product, i.e.
 Category CategoryServiceImpl.findByGuid(java.lang.String guid)
          Retrieve the category with the given guid.
 SkuOption SkuOptionServiceImpl.findByKey(java.lang.String key)
          Find the sku option with the given key.
 java.util.List CategoryServiceImpl.findCategoryLike(java.lang.String propertyName, java.lang.String criteriaValue)
          Retrieve the list of categories, whose specified property contain the given criteria value.
 long SkuOptionServiceImpl.findOptionValueUidPkByKey(java.lang.String key)
          Find the sku option value with the given key.
 java.util.List ProductSkuServiceImpl.findProductSkuCodeLikeWithRestriction(java.lang.String criteriaValue, long parentCategoryUid)
          Retrieve the list of productSkus, whose name matches the given criteria and belongs to direct or indirect subcategory of the specified parent category.
 java.util.List ProductSkuServiceImpl.findProductSkuLike(java.lang.String propertyName, java.lang.String criteriaValue)
          Retrieve the list of productSkus, whose specified property contain the given criteria value.
 java.util.List ProductServiceImpl.findProductTopSeller(int topCount, ProductLoadTuner productLoadTuner)
          Retrieve a list of top sellers of the whole store.
 java.util.List ProductServiceImpl.findProductTopSellerForCategory(long categoryUid)
          Retrieve the list of top selling products that belongs to the category or its subcategories.
 long ProductServiceImpl.findUidById(java.lang.String productId)
          Get the product UID of the given product identifier.
 long CategoryServiceImpl.findUidById(java.lang.String categoryId)
          Get the category UID of the given category identifier.
 long ProductSkuServiceImpl.findUidBySkuCode(java.lang.String skuCode)
          Get the sku UID of the given sku identifier.
 long SkuOptionServiceImpl.findUidPkByKey(java.lang.String key)
          Find the sku option with the given key.
 Inventory InventoryServiceImpl.get(long inventoryUid)
          Get the inventory with the given UID.
 ProductType ProductTypeServiceImpl.get(long uid)
          Get the productType with the given UID.
 Product ProductServiceImpl.get(long productUid)
          Get the product with the given UID.
 InventoryAudit InventoryAuditServiceImpl.get(long inventoryAuditUid)
          Get the InventoryAudit with the given UID.
 Brand BrandServiceImpl.get(long brandUid)
          Get the brand with the given UID.
 CategoryType CategoryTypeServiceImpl.get(long uid)
          Get the categoryType with the given UID.
 SkuOption SkuOptionServiceImpl.get(long skuOptionUid)
          Get the sku option with the given UID.
 ProductSku ProductSkuServiceImpl.get(long productSkuUid)
          Get the productSku with the given UID.
 Category CategoryServiceImpl.get(long categoryUid)
          Get the category with the given UID.
 Category CategoryServiceImpl.getCategoryWithAttribute(long categoryUid)
          Get the category with the given UID.
 Category CategoryServiceImpl.getCategoryWithSubCategories(long categoryUid)
          Get the category with the given UID.
 Brand BrandServiceImpl.getDummyBrand()
          Retrieve the dummy brand.
 java.lang.Object InventoryServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          Generic get method for all persistable domain models.
 java.lang.Object ProductTypeServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          Generic load method for all persistable domain models.
 java.lang.Object ProductServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          Generic get method for all persistable domain models.
 java.lang.Object TopSellerServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          Get a persistent instance with the given id.
 java.lang.Object InventoryAuditServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          Generic get method for all persistable domain models.
 java.lang.Object BrandServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          Generic get method for all persistable domain models.
 java.lang.Object ProductAssociationServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          Generic get method for all persistable domain models.
 java.lang.Object CategoryTypeServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          Generic load method for all persistable domain models.
 java.lang.Object ProductRecommendationServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          There is no object that can be retrieved by this service.
 java.lang.Object SkuOptionServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          Generic load method for all persistable domain models.
 java.lang.Object ProductSkuServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          Generic get method for all persistable domain models.
 java.lang.Object CategoryServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          Generic get method for all persistable domain models.
 java.lang.String ProductXmlServiceImpl.getProductMinimalXml(java.lang.String baseUrl, java.lang.String productUid)
          Returns the minimal product data required by PowerReviews in xml format.
 Product ProductServiceImpl.getTuned(long productUid, ProductLoadTuner loadTuner, ShoppingCart shoppingCart)
          Get the product with the given UID.
 Product ProductServiceImpl.getWithCategories(long productUid)
          Load the product with the given UID.
 ProductSku ProductSkuServiceImpl.getWithProduct(long productSkuUid)
          Get the productSku with the given UID and load the parent product as well.
 ProductSku ProductSkuServiceImpl.getWithPromotions(long productSkuUid, ShoppingCart shoppingCart)
          Get the productSku with the given UID.
 boolean ProductServiceImpl.guidExists(java.lang.String guid)
          Checks whether the given product guid exists or not, for product, i.e.
 boolean CategoryServiceImpl.guidExists(java.lang.String guid)
          Checks whether the given category guid exists or not, for category, i.e.
 boolean CategoryServiceImpl.hasProduct(long categoryUid)
          Check if the category has product.
 boolean SkuOptionServiceImpl.keyExists(SkuOption skuOption)
          Check whether the given sku option's key exists or not.
 boolean SkuOptionServiceImpl.keyExists(java.lang.String key)
          Checks whether the given sku option key exists or not.
 java.util.List ProductTypeServiceImpl.list()
          Lists all ProductType stored in the database.
 java.util.List ProductServiceImpl.list()
          List all products stored in the database.
 java.util.List BrandServiceImpl.list()
          Lists all brand stored in the database.
 java.util.List CategoryTypeServiceImpl.list()
          Lists all CategoryType stored in the database.
 java.util.List SkuOptionServiceImpl.list()
          Lists all sku option stored in the database.
 java.util.List CategoryTypeServiceImpl.listInfo()
          Lists all CategoryType Info stored in the database.
 Product ProductServiceImpl.load(long productUid)
          Load the product with the given Uid.
 ProductAssociation ProductAssociationServiceImpl.load(long productAssociationUid)
          Load the ProductAssociation with the given UID.
 SkuOption SkuOptionServiceImpl.load(long skuOptionUid)
          Load the sku option with the given UID.
 Category CategoryServiceImpl.load(long categoryUid)
          Load the category with the given Uid.
 void BrandServiceImpl.remove(Brand brand)
          Deletes the brand.
 void CategoryTypeServiceImpl.remove(CategoryType categoryType)
          Delete the CategoryType.
 void ProductAssociationServiceImpl.remove(ProductAssociation productAssociation)
          Delete the ProductAssociation.
 void ProductTypeServiceImpl.remove(ProductType productType)
          Delete the ProductType.
 void SkuOptionServiceImpl.remove(SkuOption skuOption)
          Delete the sku option.
 void CategoryServiceImpl.removeCategoryTree(long categoryUid)
          Deletes the category and all sub categories and products with the default category set.
 SkuOption SkuOptionServiceImpl.removeOptionValue(SkuOptionValue skuOptionValue, SkuOption skuOption)
          Delete the sku option value.
 void ProductServiceImpl.removeProductList(java.util.List productUidList)
          Deletes the list of products.
 void ProductSkuServiceImpl.removeProductSkuTree(long productSkuUid)
          Deletes the product sku and all it associations.
 void ProductServiceImpl.removeProductTree(long productUid)
          Deletes the product and all it associations.
 void BrandServiceImpl.saveOrUpdate(Brand brand)
          Save or update the given brand.
 void CategoryServiceImpl.saveOrUpdate(Category category)
          Save or update the given category.
 void InventoryServiceImpl.saveOrUpdate(Inventory inventory)
          Save or update the given inventory item.
 void InventoryAuditServiceImpl.saveOrUpdate(InventoryAudit inventoryAudit)
          Save or update the given InventoryAudit item.
 void ProductServiceImpl.saveOrUpdate(Product product)
          Save or update the given product.
 void SkuOptionServiceImpl.saveOrUpdate(SkuOption skuOption)
          Save or update the given skuOption.
 void TopSellerServiceImpl.saveOrUpdate(TopSeller topSeller)
          Save or update the given top seller.
 void BrandServiceImpl.update(Brand brand)
          Updates the given brand.
 void CategoryServiceImpl.update(Category category)
          Updates the given category.
 void InventoryServiceImpl.update(Inventory inventory)
          Save or update the given inventory item.
 void ProductAssociationServiceImpl.update(ProductAssociation productAssociation)
          Updates the given ProductAssociation.
 void InventoryServiceImpl.updateBySkuCode(java.lang.String skuCode, Inventory inventory)
          Save or update the given inventory item with the given skuCode.

Uses of EpServiceException in com.elasticpath.service.catalogview

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.catalogview that throw EpServiceException
 SfSearchLog SfSearchLogService.add(SfSearchLog log)
          Adds the given SfSearhLog.
 SfSearchLog SfSearchLogService.get(long sfSearchLogUid)
          Gets the SfSearhLog indicated by the given Uid.
 Product ProductViewService.getProduct(java.lang.String productCode, ProductLoadTuner loadTuner, ShoppingCart shoppingCart)
          Returns the product with the given product code.
 SfSearchLog SfSearchLogService.load(long sfSearchLogUid)
          Loads the SfSearhLog indicated by the given Uid.
 void SfSearchLogService.update(SfSearchLog log)
          Updates the given SfSearhLog.

Uses of EpServiceException in com.elasticpath.service.catalogview.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.catalogview.impl that throw EpServiceException
 SfSearchLog SfSearchLogServiceImpl.add(SfSearchLog log)
          Adds the given SfSearhLog.
 SfSearchLog SfSearchLogServiceImpl.get(long sfSearchLogUid)
          Gets the SfSearhLog indicated by the given Uid.
 java.lang.Object SfSearchLogServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          Generic load method for all persistable domain models.
 Product ProductViewServiceImpl.getProduct(java.lang.String productCode, ProductLoadTuner loadTuner, ShoppingCart shoppingCart)
          Returns the product with the given product code.
 SfSearchLog SfSearchLogServiceImpl.load(long sfSearchLogUid)
          Loads the SfSearhLog indicated by the given Uid.
 void SfSearchLogServiceImpl.update(SfSearchLog log)
          Updates the given SfSearhLog.

Uses of EpServiceException in com.elasticpath.service.cmuser

Subclasses of EpServiceException in com.elasticpath.service.cmuser
 class UserNameExistException
          The exception for the userName already exists.
 class UserRoleNameExistException
          The exception for userRole name already exists.

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.cmuser that throw EpServiceException
 boolean CmUserService.emailExists(CmUser cmUser)
          Check the given cmUser's email exists or not.
 boolean CmUserService.emailExists(java.lang.String email)
          Check the given email exists or not.
 CmUser CmUserService.findByEmail(java.lang.String email)
          Find the cmUser with the given email address.
 UserRole UserRoleService.findByName(java.lang.String name)
          Find the userRole with the given name.
 UserRole UserRoleService.get(long userRoleUid)
          Get the userRole with the given UID.
 CmUser CmUserService.get(long cmUserUid)
          Get the cmUser with the given UID.
 UserRole UserRoleService.getDefaultUserRole()
          Return the deafalt userRole, namely, the userRole with name "USER".
 java.util.List UserRoleService.list()
          Lists all userRoles stored in the database.
 java.util.List CmUserService.list()
          List all cmUsers stored in the database.
 UserRole UserRoleService.load(long userRoleUid)
          Load the userRole with the given UID.
 CmUser CmUserService.load(long cmUserUid)
          Load the cmUser with the given UID.
 boolean UserRoleService.nameExists(java.lang.String name)
          Checks whether the given userRole name exists or not.
 boolean UserRoleService.nameExists(UserRole userRole)
          Check whether the given userRole's name exists or not.
 void CmUserService.remove(CmUser cmUser)
          Delete the cmUser.
 void UserRoleService.remove(UserRole userRole)
          Delete the userRole.
 boolean CmUserService.userNameExists(CmUser cmUser)
          Check the given cmUser's userName exists or not.
 boolean CmUserService.userNameExists(java.lang.String userName)
          Checks the given userName exists or not.

Uses of EpServiceException in com.elasticpath.service.cmuser.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.cmuser.impl that throw EpServiceException
 boolean CmUserServiceImpl.emailExists(CmUser cmUser)
          Check the given cmUser's email exists or not.
 boolean CmUserServiceImpl.emailExists(java.lang.String email)
          Checks the given email exists or not.
 CmUser CmUserServiceImpl.findByEmail(java.lang.String email)
          Find the cmUser with the given email address.
 UserRole UserRoleServiceImpl.findByName(java.lang.String name)
          Find the UserRole with the given name.
 CmUser CmUserServiceImpl.findByUserName(java.lang.String userName)
          Find the cmUser with the given userName.
 CmUser CmUserServiceImpl.get(long cmUserUid)
          Get the cmUser with the given UID.
 UserRole UserRoleServiceImpl.get(long userRoleUid)
          Get the userRole with the given UID.
 UserRole UserRoleServiceImpl.getDefaultUserRole()
          Return the deafalt userRole, namely, the userRole with name "USER".
 java.lang.Object CmUserServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          Generic get method for all persistable domain models.
 java.lang.Object UserRoleServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          Generic load method for all persistable domain models.
 java.util.List CmUserServiceImpl.list()
          Lists all cmUsers stored in the database.
 java.util.List UserRoleServiceImpl.list()
          Lists all userRoles stored in the database.
 CmUser CmUserServiceImpl.load(long cmUserUid)
          Load the cmUser with the given UID.
 UserRole UserRoleServiceImpl.load(long userRoleUid)
          Load the userRole with the given UID.
 boolean UserRoleServiceImpl.nameExists(java.lang.String name)
          Checks whether the given userRole name exists or not.
 boolean UserRoleServiceImpl.nameExists(UserRole userRole)
          Check whether the given userRole's name exists or not.
 void CmUserServiceImpl.remove(CmUser cmUser)
          Deletes the cmUser.
 void UserRoleServiceImpl.remove(UserRole userRole)
          Delete the userRole.
 boolean CmUserServiceImpl.userNameExists(CmUser cmUser)
          Check the given cmUser's userName exists or not.
 boolean CmUserServiceImpl.userNameExists(java.lang.String userName)
          Checks the given userName exists or not.

Uses of EpServiceException in com.elasticpath.service.customer

Subclasses of EpServiceException in com.elasticpath.service.customer
 class GroupExistException
          The exception for group with a certain name already exists.

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.customer that throw EpServiceException
 CustomerSession CustomerSessionService.add(CustomerSession customerSession)
          Adds the given customer session.
 void CustomerSessionService.deleteByCustomer(long customerUid)
          Delete all customerSession associated with customer with the given id.
 boolean CustomerService.emailExists(Customer customer)
          Check the given customer's email exists or not.
 java.util.List CustomerService.findByEmail(java.lang.String email)
          Find the customer with the given email address.
 CustomerGroup CustomerGroupService.findByGroupName(java.lang.String groupName)
          Find the customer group with the given group name.
 CustomerSession CustomerSessionService.findByGuid(java.lang.String guid)
          Find the customer session with the given guid.
 Customer CustomerService.findByGuid(java.lang.String guid)
          Retrieve the customer with the given guid.
 java.util.List CustomerService.findByUserId(java.lang.String userId)
          Find the customer with the given userId address.
 Customer CustomerService.findNonAnonymousByEmail(java.lang.String email)
          Find the non-anonymous customer with the given email address.
 Customer CustomerService.findNonAnonymousByUserId(java.lang.String userId)
          Find the non-anonymous customer with the given userId address.
 CustomerSession CustomerSessionService.get(long customerSessionUid)
          Get the customerSession with the given UID.
 Customer CustomerService.get(long customerUid)
          Get the customer with the given UID.
 CustomerGroup CustomerGroupService.get(long customerGroupUid)
          Get the customerGroup with the given UID.
 CustomerGroup CustomerGroupService.getDefaultGroup()
          Return the default customerGroup, namely, the group with name "PUBLIC".
 boolean CustomerGroupService.groupExists(CustomerGroup customerGroup)
          Check if a different customer group with the given customer group's name exists exists or not.
 boolean CustomerGroupService.groupExists(java.lang.String groupName)
          Check the given customer group's name exists or not.
 boolean CustomerService.isEmailExists(java.lang.String email)
          Checks the given email exists or not.
 boolean CustomerService.isUserIdExists(java.lang.String email)
          Check the given email exists or not.
 java.util.List CustomerService.list()
          List all customers stored in the database.
 java.util.List CustomerGroupService.list()
          List all customerGroups stored in the database.
 CustomerSession CustomerSessionService.load(long customerSessionUid)
          Load the customer session with the given UID.
 Customer CustomerService.load(long customerUid)
          Load the customer with the given UID.
 CustomerGroup CustomerGroupService.load(long customerGroupUid)
          Load the customerGroup with the given UID.
 void CustomerService.remove(Customer customer)
          Delete the customer.
 void CustomerGroupService.remove(CustomerGroup customerGroup)
          Delete the customerGroup.
 void CustomerSessionService.update(CustomerSession customerSession)
          Updates the given customer session.
 void CustomerSessionService.update(CustomerSession customerSession, Customer customer)
          Updates the given customer session.
 boolean CustomerService.userIdExists(Customer customer)
          Check the given customer's user Id exists or not.

Uses of EpServiceException in com.elasticpath.service.customer.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.customer.impl that throw EpServiceException
 CustomerSession CustomerSessionServiceImpl.add(CustomerSession customerSession)
          Adds the given customer session.
 void CustomerSessionServiceImpl.deleteByCustomer(long customerUid)
          Delete all customerSession associated with customer with the given id.
 boolean CustomerServiceImpl.emailExists(Customer customer)
          Check the given customer's email exists or not.
 java.util.List CustomerServiceImpl.findByEmail(java.lang.String email)
          Find the customer with the given email address.
 CustomerGroup CustomerGroupServiceImpl.findByGroupName(java.lang.String groupName)
          Find the customer group with the given group name.
 Customer CustomerServiceImpl.findByGuid(java.lang.String guid)
          Retrieve the customer with the given guid.
 CustomerSession CustomerSessionServiceImpl.findByGuid(java.lang.String guid)
          Find the customer session with the given guid.
 java.util.List CustomerServiceImpl.findByUserId(java.lang.String userId)
          Find the customer with the given userId address.
 Customer CustomerServiceImpl.findNonAnonymousByEmail(java.lang.String email)
          Find the non-anonymous customer with the given email address.
 Customer CustomerServiceImpl.findNonAnonymousByUserId(java.lang.String userId)
          Find the non-anonymous customer with the given userId address.
 Customer CustomerServiceImpl.get(long customerUid)
          Get the customer with the given UID.
 CustomerGroup CustomerGroupServiceImpl.get(long customerGroupUid)
          Get the customerGroup with the given UID.
 CustomerSession CustomerSessionServiceImpl.get(long customerSessionUid)
          Get the customerSession with the given UID.
 CustomerGroup CustomerGroupServiceImpl.getDefaultGroup()
          Return the deafalt customerGroup, namely, the group with name "PUBLIC".
 java.lang.Object CustomerServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          Generic load method for all persistable domain models.
 java.lang.Object CustomerGroupServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          Generic load method for all persistable domain models.
 java.lang.Object CustomerSessionServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          Generic get method for all persistable domain models.
 boolean CustomerGroupServiceImpl.groupExists(CustomerGroup customerGroup)
          Check if a different customer group with the given customer group's name exists exists or not.
 boolean CustomerGroupServiceImpl.groupExists(java.lang.String groupName)
          Check the given customer group's name exists or not.
 boolean CustomerServiceImpl.isEmailExists(java.lang.String email)
          Checks the given email exists or not.
 boolean CustomerServiceImpl.isUserIdExists(java.lang.String userId)
          Checks the given user Id exists or not.
 java.util.List CustomerServiceImpl.list()
          Lists all customers stored in the database.
 java.util.List CustomerGroupServiceImpl.list()
          List all customerGroups stored in the database.
 Customer CustomerServiceImpl.load(long customerUid)
          Load the customer with the given UID.
 CustomerGroup CustomerGroupServiceImpl.load(long customerGroupUid)
          Load the customerGroup with the given UID.
 CustomerSession CustomerSessionServiceImpl.load(long customerSessionUid)
          Load the customer session with the given UID.
 void CustomerServiceImpl.remove(Customer customer)
          Deletes the customer.
 void CustomerGroupServiceImpl.remove(CustomerGroup customerGroup)
          Delete the customerGroup.
 void CustomerServiceImpl.setCustomerDefaultGroup(Customer customer)
          Adds a customer to the default customer group (ensuring that they have the default role).
 void CustomerSessionServiceImpl.update(CustomerSession customerSession)
          Updates the given customer session.
 void CustomerSessionServiceImpl.update(CustomerSession customerSession, Customer customer)
          Updates the given customer session.
 boolean CustomerServiceImpl.userIdExists(Customer customer)
          Check the given customer's user Id exists or not.

Uses of EpServiceException in com.elasticpath.service.dataimport

Subclasses of EpServiceException in com.elasticpath.service.dataimport
 class AnotherImportJobRunningException
          The exception is thrown when an operator trying to run an import job, but another import job is running already.
 class ImportJobExistException
          The exception for an import job that already exists.

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.dataimport that throw EpServiceException
 Brand ImportGuidHelper.findBrandByGuid(java.lang.String guid)
          Retrieve the brand with the given guid.
 Category ImportGuidHelper.findCategoryByGuid(java.lang.String guid, boolean flagLoadProducts, boolean flagLoadAttributes, boolean flagLoadChildren)
          Retrieve the category with the given guid.
 Customer ImportGuidHelper.findCustomerByGuid(java.lang.String guid)
          Retrieve the customer with the given guid.
 Product ImportGuidHelper.findProductByGuid(java.lang.String guid, boolean flagLoadCategories, boolean flagLoadAttributes)
          Retrieve the product with the given guid.
 ProductSku ImportGuidHelper.findProductSkuByGuid(java.lang.String guid)
          Retrieve the product sku with the given guid.
 ImportJob ImportService.getImportJob(long importJobUid)
          Get the import job with the given UID.
 boolean ImportGuidHelper.isCategoryGuidExist(java.lang.String guid)
          Return true if the given category guid exist.
 boolean ImportGuidHelper.isCustomerGuidExist(java.lang.String guid)
          Return true if the given Customer guid exists.
 boolean ImportGuidHelper.isProductGuidExist(java.lang.String guid)
          Return true if the given product guid exists.
 boolean ImportGuidHelper.isProductSkuGuidExist(java.lang.String guid)
          Return true if the given productsku guid exist.

Uses of EpServiceException in com.elasticpath.service.dataimport.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.dataimport.impl that throw EpServiceException
 Brand ImportGuidHelperImpl.findBrandByGuid(java.lang.String guid)
          Retrieve the brand with the given guid.
 Category ImportGuidHelperImpl.findCategoryByGuid(java.lang.String guid, boolean flagLoadProducts, boolean flagLoadAttributes, boolean flagLoadChildren)
          Retrieve the category with the given guid.
 Customer ImportGuidHelperImpl.findCustomerByGuid(java.lang.String guid)
          Retrieve the customer with the given guid.
 Product ImportGuidHelperImpl.findProductByGuid(java.lang.String guid, boolean flagLoadCategories, boolean flagLoadAttributes)
          Retrieve the product with the given guid.
 ProductSku ImportGuidHelperImpl.findProductSkuByGuid(java.lang.String guid)
          Retrieve the product sku with the given guid.
 ImportJob ImportServiceImpl.getImportJob(long importJobUid)
          Get the import job with the given UID.
 java.lang.Object ImportGuidHelperImpl.getObject(long uid)
          Not used.
 java.lang.Object ImportServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          Returns an import job.
 boolean ImportGuidHelperImpl.isCategoryGuidExist(java.lang.String guid)
          Return true if the given category guid exist.
 boolean ImportGuidHelperImpl.isCustomerGuidExist(java.lang.String guid)
          Return true if the given Customer guid exists.
 boolean ImportGuidHelperImpl.isProductGuidExist(java.lang.String guid)
          Return true if the given product guid exist.
 boolean ImportGuidHelperImpl.isProductSkuGuidExist(java.lang.String guid)
          Return true if the given productsku guid exist.

Uses of EpServiceException in com.elasticpath.service.index.impl

Subclasses of EpServiceException in com.elasticpath.service.index.impl
 class EpEmptySearchCriteriaException
          This exception will be thrown in case an empty search criteria is given.

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.index.impl that throw EpServiceException
 java.lang.Object AbstractIndexServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          This is a stub implementation.

Uses of EpServiceException in com.elasticpath.service.misc.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.misc.impl that throw EpServiceException
 java.lang.Object DatabaseServerTimeServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          Not implmented.
 java.lang.Object LazyLoadHelperImpl.getObject(long uid)
          This method is not used and implmented in this service.

Uses of EpServiceException in com.elasticpath.service.order

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.order that throw EpServiceException
 Order OrderService.add(Order order)
          Adds the given order.
 Order OrderService.get(long orderUid)
          Get the order with the given UID.
 java.lang.Object OrderService.getObject(long uid)
          Generic get method for all persistable domain models.
 Order OrderService.getOrderDetail(long uid)
          Return the fully initialized order object.
 java.util.List OrderService.list()
          List all orders stored in the database.
 Order OrderService.update(Order order)
          Updates the given order.

Uses of EpServiceException in com.elasticpath.service.order.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.order.impl that throw EpServiceException
 Order OrderServiceImpl.add(Order order)
          Adds the given order.
 Order OrderServiceImpl.get(long orderUid)
          Get the order with the given UID.
 java.lang.Object OrderPaymentStatusFactoryImpl.getObject(int code)
          Get a persistent instance with the given id.
 java.lang.Object OrderStatusFactoryImpl.getObject(int code)
          Get a persistent instance with the given id.
 java.lang.Object OrderReturnReasonFactoryImpl.getObject(int code)
          Get a persistent instance with the given id.
 java.lang.Object OrderShipmentStatusFactoryImpl.getObject(int code)
          Get a persistent instance with the given id.
 java.lang.Object OrderServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          Generic get method for all persistable domain models.
 Order OrderServiceImpl.getOrderDetail(long uid)
          Return the fully initialized order object.
 java.util.List OrderServiceImpl.list()
          List all orders stored in the database.
 Order OrderServiceImpl.update(Order order)
          Updates the given order.

Uses of EpServiceException in com.elasticpath.service.rules

Subclasses of EpServiceException in com.elasticpath.service.rules
 class DuplicatePromoCodeException
          The exception for promo code already exists.

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.rules that throw EpServiceException
 RuleAction RuleActionService.add(RuleAction ruleAction)
          Adds the given ruleAction.
 RuleCondition RuleConditionService.add(RuleCondition ruleCondition)
          Adds the given ruleCondition.
 RuleElement RuleElementService.add(RuleElement ruleElement)
          Adds the given ruleElement.
 RuleParameter RuleParameterService.add(RuleParameter ruleParameter)
          Adds the given ruleParameter.
 RuleSet RuleSetService.add(RuleSet ruleSet)
          Adds the given ruleSet.
 RuleSet RuleSetService.findByScenarioId(int scenarioId)
          Find the rule set by its scenario id.
 java.util.List RuleParameterService.findUniqueParametersWithKey(java.lang.String parameterKey)
          Get the list of unique RuleParameter value for the given parameter key.
 Rule RuleService.get(long ruleUid)
          Get the rule with the given UID.
 RuleParameter RuleParameterService.get(long ruleParameterUid)
          Get the ruleParameter with the given UID.
 RuleAction RuleActionService.get(long ruleActionUid)
          Get the ruleAction with the given UID.
 RuleCondition RuleConditionService.get(long ruleConditionUid)
          Get the ruleCondition with the given UID.
 RuleElement RuleElementService.get(long ruleElementUid)
          Get the ruleElement with the given UID.
 RuleSet RuleSetService.get(long ruleSetUid)
          Get the ruleSet with the given UID.
 RuleAction RuleActionService.get(long ruleActionUid, java.lang.String ruleActionType)
          Get the ruleAction with the given UID if it is greater than 0; otherwise get new instance of the ruleAction of the given ruleActionType from the spring beanFactory (assuming bean id is the same as the ruleActionType).
 RuleCondition RuleConditionService.get(long ruleConditionUid, java.lang.String ruleConditionType)
          Get the ruleCondition with the given UID if it is greater than 0; otherwise get new instance of the ruleCondition of the given ruleConditionType from the spring beanFactory (assuming bean id is the same as the ruleConditionType).
 RuleElement RuleElementService.get(long ruleElementUid, java.lang.String ruleElementType)
          Get the ruleElement with the given UID if it is greater than 0; otherwise get new instance of the ruleElement of the given ruleElementType from the spring beanFactory (assuming bean id is the same as the ruleElementType).
 java.util.List RuleSetService.list()
          List all ruleSets stored in the database.
 Rule RuleService.load(long ruleUid)
          Load the rule with the given UID.
 RuleParameter RuleParameterService.load(long ruleParameterUid)
          Load the ruleParameter with the given UID.
 RuleAction RuleActionService.load(long ruleActionUid)
          Load the ruleAction with the given UID.
 RuleCondition RuleConditionService.load(long ruleConditionUid)
          Load the ruleCondition with the given UID.
 RuleElement RuleElementService.load(long ruleElementUid)
          Load the ruleElement with the given UID.
 RuleSet RuleSetService.load(long ruleSetUid)
          Load the ruleSet with the given UID.
 RuleAction RuleActionService.load(long ruleActionUid, java.lang.String ruleActionType)
          Load the ruleAction with the given UID if it is greater than 0; otherwise get new instance of the ruleAction of the given ruleActionType from the spring beanFactory (assuming bean id is the same as the ruleActionType).
 RuleCondition RuleConditionService.load(long ruleConditionUid, java.lang.String ruleConditionType)
          Load the ruleCondition with the given UID if it is greater than 0; otherwise get new instance of the ruleCondition of the given ruleConditionType from the spring beanFactory (assuming bean id is the same as the ruleConditionType).
 RuleElement RuleElementService.load(long ruleElementUid, java.lang.String ruleElementType)
          Load the ruleElement with the given UID if it is greater than 0; otherwise get new instance of the ruleElement of the given ruleElementType from the spring beanFactory (assuming bean id is the same as the ruleElementType).
 void RuleService.remove(Rule rule)
          Delete the rule.
 void RuleActionService.remove(RuleAction ruleAction)
          Delete the ruleAction.
 void RuleConditionService.remove(RuleCondition ruleCondition)
          Delete the ruleCondition.
 void RuleElementService.remove(RuleElement ruleElement)
          Delete the ruleElement.
 void RuleParameterService.remove(RuleParameter ruleParameter)
          Delete the ruleParameter.
 void RuleSetService.remove(RuleSet ruleSet)
          Delete the ruleSet.
 void RuleActionService.update(RuleAction ruleAction)
          Updates the given ruleActionle.
 void RuleConditionService.update(RuleCondition ruleCondition)
          Updates the given ruleConditionle.
 void RuleElementService.update(RuleElement ruleElement)
          Updates the given ruleElementle.
 void RuleParameterService.update(RuleParameter ruleParameter)
          Updates the given ruleParameterle.
 void RuleSetService.update(RuleSet ruleSet)
          Updates the given ruleset.

Uses of EpServiceException in com.elasticpath.service.rules.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.rules.impl that throw EpServiceException
 RuleAction RuleActionServiceImpl.add(RuleAction ruleAction)
          Adds the given ruleAction.
 RuleCondition RuleConditionServiceImpl.add(RuleCondition ruleCondition)
          Adds the given ruleCondition.
 RuleElement RuleElementServiceImpl.add(RuleElement ruleElement)
          Adds the given ruleElement.
 RuleParameter RuleParameterServiceImpl.add(RuleParameter ruleParameter)
          Adds the given ruleParameter.
 RuleSet RuleSetServiceImpl.add(RuleSet ruleSet)
          Adds the given ruleSet.
 RuleSet RuleSetServiceImpl.findByScenarioId(int scenarioId)
          Find the rule set by its scenario id.
 java.util.List RuleParameterServiceImpl.findUniqueParametersWithKey(java.lang.String parameterKey)
          Get the list of unique RuleParameter value for the given parameter key.
 RuleParameter RuleParameterServiceImpl.get(long ruleParameterUid)
          Get the ruleParameter with the given UID.
 RuleSet RuleSetServiceImpl.get(long ruleSetUid)
          Get the ruleSet with the given UID.
 RuleElement RuleElementServiceImpl.get(long ruleElementUid)
          Get the ruleElement with the given UID.
 Rule RuleServiceImpl.get(long ruleUid)
          Get the rule with the given UID.
 RuleCondition RuleConditionServiceImpl.get(long ruleConditionUid)
          Get the ruleCondition with the given UID.
 RuleAction RuleActionServiceImpl.get(long ruleActionUid)
          Get the ruleAction with the given UID.
 RuleElement RuleElementServiceImpl.get(long ruleElementUid, java.lang.String ruleElementType)
          Get the ruleElement with the given UID if it is greater than 0; otherwise get new instance of the ruleElement of the given ruleElementType from the spring beanFactory (assuming bean id is the same as the ruleElementType).
 RuleCondition RuleConditionServiceImpl.get(long ruleConditionUid, java.lang.String ruleConditionType)
          Get the ruleCondition with the given UID if it is greater than 0; otherwise get new instance of the ruleCondition of the given ruleConditionType from the spring beanFactory (assuming bean id is the same as the ruleConditionType).
 RuleAction RuleActionServiceImpl.get(long ruleActionUid, java.lang.String ruleActionType)
          Get the ruleAction with the given UID if it is greater than 0; otherwise get new instance of the ruleAction of the given ruleActionType from the spring beanFactory (assuming bean id is the same as the ruleActionType).
 java.lang.Object RuleParameterServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          Generic get method for all persistable domain models.
 java.lang.Object RuleSetServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          Generic get method for all persistable domain models.
 java.lang.Object RuleElementServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          Generic get method for all persistable domain models.
 java.lang.Object RuleServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          Generic get method for all persistable domain models.
 java.lang.Object RuleConditionServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          Generic get method for all persistable domain models.
 java.lang.Object RuleActionServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          Generic get method for all persistable domain models.
 java.util.List RuleSetServiceImpl.list()
          List all ruleSets stored in the database.
 RuleParameter RuleParameterServiceImpl.load(long ruleParameterUid)
          Load the ruleParameter with the given UID.
 RuleSet RuleSetServiceImpl.load(long ruleSetUid)
          Load the ruleSet with the given UID.
 RuleElement RuleElementServiceImpl.load(long ruleElementUid)
          Load the ruleElement with the given UID.
 Rule RuleServiceImpl.load(long ruleUid)
          Load the rule with the given UID.
 RuleCondition RuleConditionServiceImpl.load(long ruleConditionUid)
          Load the ruleCondition with the given UID.
 RuleAction RuleActionServiceImpl.load(long ruleActionUid)
          Load the ruleAction with the given UID.
 RuleElement RuleElementServiceImpl.load(long ruleElementUid, java.lang.String ruleElementType)
          Load the ruleElement with the given UID if it is greater than 0; otherwise get new instance of the ruleElement of the given ruleElementType from the spring beanFactory (assuming bean id is the same as the ruleElementType).
 RuleCondition RuleConditionServiceImpl.load(long ruleConditionUid, java.lang.String ruleConditionType)
          Load the ruleCondition with the given UID if it is greater than 0; otherwise get new instance of the ruleCondition of the given ruleConditionType from the spring beanFactory (assuming bean id is the same as the ruleConditionType).
 RuleAction RuleActionServiceImpl.load(long ruleActionUid, java.lang.String ruleActionType)
          Load the ruleAction with the given UID if it is greater than 0; otherwise get new instance of the ruleAction of the given ruleActionType from the spring beanFactory (assuming bean id is the same as the ruleActionType).
 void RuleServiceImpl.remove(Rule rule)
          Delete the rule.
 void RuleActionServiceImpl.remove(RuleAction ruleAction)
          Delete the ruleAction.
 void RuleConditionServiceImpl.remove(RuleCondition ruleCondition)
          Delete the ruleCondition.
 void RuleElementServiceImpl.remove(RuleElement ruleElement)
          Delete the ruleElement.
 void RuleParameterServiceImpl.remove(RuleParameter ruleParameter)
          Delete the ruleParameter.
 void RuleSetServiceImpl.remove(RuleSet ruleSet)
          Delete the ruleSet.
 void RuleActionServiceImpl.update(RuleAction ruleAction)
          Updates the given ruleActionle.
 void RuleConditionServiceImpl.update(RuleCondition ruleCondition)
          Updates the given ruleConditionle.
 void RuleElementServiceImpl.update(RuleElement ruleElement)
          Updates the given ruleElementle.
 void RuleParameterServiceImpl.update(RuleParameter ruleParameter)
          Updates the given ruleParameterle.
 void RuleSetServiceImpl.update(RuleSet ruleSet)
          Updates the given ruleset.

Uses of EpServiceException in com.elasticpath.service.shipping

Subclasses of EpServiceException in com.elasticpath.service.shipping
 class ShippingRegionExistException
          The exception for shipping region with a certain name already exists.

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.shipping that throw EpServiceException
 ShippingServiceLevel ShippingServiceLevelService.add(ShippingServiceLevel shippingServiceLevel)
          Adds the given shippingServiceLevel.
 ShippingRegion ShippingRegionService.findByName(java.lang.String name)
          Find the shipping region with the given name.
 ShippingServiceLevel ShippingServiceLevelService.get(long shippingServiceLevelUid)
          Get the shippingServiceLevel with the given UID.
 ShippingRegion ShippingRegionService.get(long shippingRegionUid)
          Get the shippingRegion with the given UID.
 java.util.List ShippingServiceLevelService.list()
          List all shippingServiceLevels stored in the database.
 java.util.List ShippingRegionService.list()
          List all shippingRegions stored in the database.
 ShippingServiceLevel ShippingServiceLevelService.load(long shippingServiceLevelUid)
          Load the shippingServiceLevel with the given UID.
 ShippingRegion ShippingRegionService.load(long shippingRegionUid)
          Load the shippingRegion with the given UID.
 boolean ShippingRegionService.nameExists(ShippingRegion shippingRegion)
          Check if a different shipping region with the given shipping region's name exists exists or not.
 boolean ShippingRegionService.nameExists(java.lang.String name)
          Check the given shipping region's name exists or not.
 void ShippingRegionService.remove(ShippingRegion shippingRegion)
          Delete the shippingRegion.
 void ShippingServiceLevelService.remove(ShippingServiceLevel shippingServiceLevel)
          Delete the shippingServiceLevel.
 void ShippingServiceLevelService.update(ShippingServiceLevel shippingServiceLevel)
          Updates the given shippingServiceLevel.

Uses of EpServiceException in com.elasticpath.service.shipping.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.shipping.impl that throw EpServiceException
 ShippingServiceLevel ShippingServiceLevelServiceImpl.add(ShippingServiceLevel shippingServiceLevel)
          Adds the given shippingServiceLevel.
 ShippingRegion ShippingRegionServiceImpl.findByName(java.lang.String name)
          Find the shipping region with the given name.
 ShippingRegion ShippingRegionServiceImpl.get(long shippingRegionUid)
          Get the shippingRegion with the given UID.
 ShippingServiceLevel ShippingServiceLevelServiceImpl.get(long shippingServiceLevelUid)
          Get the shippingServiceLevel with the given UID.
 java.lang.Object ShippingRegionServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          Generic load method for all persistable domain models.
 java.lang.Object ShippingServiceLevelServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          Generic load method for all persistable domain models.
 java.util.List ShippingRegionServiceImpl.list()
          List all shippingRegions stored in the database.
 java.util.List ShippingServiceLevelServiceImpl.list()
          List all shippingServiceLevels stored in the database.
 ShippingRegion ShippingRegionServiceImpl.load(long shippingRegionUid)
          Load the shippingRegion with the given UID.
 ShippingServiceLevel ShippingServiceLevelServiceImpl.load(long shippingServiceLevelUid)
          Load the shippingServiceLevel with the given UID.
 boolean ShippingRegionServiceImpl.nameExists(ShippingRegion shippingRegion)
          Check if a different shipping region with the given shipping region's name exists exists or not.
 boolean ShippingRegionServiceImpl.nameExists(java.lang.String name)
          Check the given shipping region's name exists or not.
 void ShippingRegionServiceImpl.remove(ShippingRegion shippingRegion)
          Delete the shippingRegion.
 void ShippingServiceLevelServiceImpl.remove(ShippingServiceLevel shippingServiceLevel)
          Delete the shippingServiceLevel.
 void ShippingServiceLevelServiceImpl.update(ShippingServiceLevel shippingServiceLevel)
          Updates the given shippingServiceLevel.

Uses of EpServiceException in com.elasticpath.service.shoppingcart

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.shoppingcart that throw EpServiceException
 ShoppingCart ShoppingCartService.add(ShoppingCart shoppingCart)
          Adds the given shopping cart.
 ShoppingCart ShoppingCartService.getCartByCustomerSession(CustomerSession customerSession)
          This method retrieves the shopping cart for the given customer session.
 ShoppingCart ShoppingCartService.load(long shoppingCartUid)
          Load the shopping cart with the given UID.
 void WishListService.sendWishList(WishListMessage wishListMessage, ShoppingCart shoppingCart)
          Sends the customers wishlist via e-mail to a list of recipients.
 void ShoppingCartService.update(ShoppingCart shoppingCart)
          Updates the given shopping cart.

Uses of EpServiceException in com.elasticpath.service.shoppingcart.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.shoppingcart.impl that throw EpServiceException
 ShoppingCart ShoppingCartServiceImpl.add(ShoppingCart shoppingCart)
          Adds the given shopping cart.
 ShoppingCart ShoppingCartServiceImpl.getCartByCustomerSession(CustomerSession customerSession)
          This method retrieves the shopping cart for the given customer session.
 java.lang.Object ShoppingCartServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          Generic get method for all persistable domain models.
 ShoppingCart ShoppingCartServiceImpl.load(long shoppingCartUid)
          Load the shopping cart with the given UID.
 void ShoppingCartServiceImpl.update(ShoppingCart shoppingCart)
          Updates the given shopping cart.

Uses of EpServiceException in

Subclasses of EpServiceException in
 class TaxCodeExistException
          The exception for taxCode already exists.
 class TaxJurisdictionExistException
          The exception for taxJurisdiction already exists.

Methods in that throw EpServiceException
 TaxCategory TaxCategoryService.add(TaxCategory taxCategory)
          Adds the given taxCategory.
 TaxJurisdiction TaxJurisdictionService.get(long taxJurisdictionUid)
          Get the taxJurisdiction with the given UID.
 TaxCode TaxCodeService.get(long taxCodeUid)
          Get the taxCode with the given UID.
 TaxCategory TaxCategoryService.get(long taxCategoryUid)
          Get the taxCategory with the given UID.
 java.util.List TaxCodeService.getTaxCodesInUse()
          Get the list of tax code (String) in use (being used to define tax value associated with a TaxJurisdiction).
 java.util.List TaxJurisdictionService.list()
          List all taxJurisdictions stored in the database.
 java.util.List TaxCodeService.list()
          List all taxCodes stored in the database.
 java.util.List TaxCategoryService.list()
          List all taxCategorys stored in the database.
 TaxJurisdiction TaxJurisdictionService.load(long taxJurisdictionUid)
          Load the taxJurisdiction with the given UID.
 TaxCode TaxCodeService.load(long taxCodeUid)
          Load the taxCode with the given UID.
 TaxCategory TaxCategoryService.load(long taxCategoryUid)
          Load the taxCategory with the given UID.
 void TaxCategoryService.remove(TaxCategory taxCategory)
          Delete the current taxCategory and all its direct/indirect children.
 void TaxCodeService.remove(TaxCode taxCode)
          Delete the current taxCode and all its direct/indirect children.
 void TaxJurisdictionService.remove(TaxJurisdiction taxJurisdiction)
          Delete the current taxJurisdiction and all its direct/indirect children.
 TaxJurisdiction TaxJurisdictionService.retrieveTaxJurisdiction(Address shippingAddress)
          Matches shipping address to lowest available Tax Jurisdiction level.
 boolean TaxCodeService.taxCodeExists(java.lang.String code)
          Checks the given taxCode exists or not.
 void TaxCategoryService.update(TaxCategory taxCategory)
          Updates the given taxCategory.

Uses of EpServiceException in

Methods in that throw EpServiceException
 TaxCategory TaxCategoryServiceImpl.add(TaxCategory taxCategory)
          Adds the given taxCategory.
 TaxJurisdiction TaxJurisdictionServiceImpl.get(long taxJurisdictionUid)
          Get the taxJurisdiction with the given UID.
 TaxCategory TaxCategoryServiceImpl.get(long taxCategoryUid)
          Get the taxCategory with the given UID.
 TaxCode TaxCodeServiceImpl.get(long taxCodeUid)
          Get the taxCode with the given UID.
 java.lang.Object TaxJurisdictionServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          Generic load method for all persistable domain models.
 java.lang.Object TaxCategoryServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          Generic load method for all persistable domain models.
 java.lang.Object TaxCodeServiceImpl.getObject(long uid)
          Generic load method for all persistable domain models.
 java.util.List TaxCodeServiceImpl.getTaxCodesInUse()
          Get the list of tax code (String) in use (being used to define tax value associated with a TaxJurisdiction).
 java.util.List TaxJurisdictionServiceImpl.list()
          List all taxJurisdictions stored in the database.
 java.util.List TaxCategoryServiceImpl.list()
          List all taxCategorys stored in the database.
 java.util.List TaxCodeServiceImpl.list()
          List all taxCodes stored in the database.
 TaxJurisdiction TaxJurisdictionServiceImpl.load(long taxJurisdictionUid)
          Load the taxJurisdiction with the given UID.
 TaxCategory TaxCategoryServiceImpl.load(long taxCategoryUid)
          Load the taxCategory with the given UID.
 TaxCode TaxCodeServiceImpl.load(long taxCodeUid)
          Load the taxCode with the given UID.
 void TaxCategoryServiceImpl.remove(TaxCategory taxCategory)
          Delete the taxCategory.
 void TaxCodeServiceImpl.remove(TaxCode taxCode)
          Delete the taxCode.
 void TaxJurisdictionServiceImpl.remove(TaxJurisdiction taxJurisdiction)
          Delete the taxJurisdiction.
 TaxJurisdiction TaxJurisdictionServiceImpl.retrieveTaxJurisdiction(Address address)
          Matches shipping address to the most specific matching Tax Jurisdiction level.
 boolean TaxCodeServiceImpl.taxCodeExists(java.lang.String code)
          Checks the given taxCode exists or not.
 void TaxCategoryServiceImpl.update(TaxCategory taxCategory)
          Updates the given taxCategory.
 void TaxCodeServiceImpl.update(TaxCode taxCode)
          Updates the given taxCode.