LAST_NAME - Static variable in class com.elasticpath.commons.constants.IndexConstants
Last name.
LazyLoadHelper - Interface in com.elasticpath.service.misc
Represents a helper which can load DOs in a fine controlled way.
LazyLoadHelperImpl - Class in com.elasticpath.service.misc.impl
This is a default implementation of LazyLoadHelper.
LazyLoadHelperImpl() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.service.misc.impl.LazyLoadHelperImpl
LeafNode - Interface in com.elasticpath.domain.catalogview
Represents a leaf node on a tree.
LESSTHAN - Static variable in interface com.elasticpath.domain.catalogview.RangeFilter
The range has only upper value set.
lessThan(Money) - Method in class com.elasticpath.domain.misc.impl.MoneyImpl
Returns true if this money object is less than the specified other money object.
lessThan(Money) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.domain.misc.Money
Returns true if this money object is less than the specified other money object.
LICENSE_KEY_FILE - Static variable in class com.elasticpath.commons.constants.WebConstants
This name is used to specify the license key file in a request.
LICENSE_KEY_FILENAME - Static variable in class com.elasticpath.commons.constants.GlobalConstants
The filename of the license key.
LICENSE_KEY_PATH - Static variable in class com.elasticpath.commons.constants.GlobalConstants
The path to the license key.
LicensingFormControllerImpl - Class in com.elasticpath.cmweb.controller.impl
The Spring MVC controller for uploading a new license file.
LicensingFormControllerImpl() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.cmweb.controller.impl.LicensingFormControllerImpl
LicensingFormControllerImpl - Class in com.elasticpath.sfweb.controller.impl
The Spring MVC controller for uploading a new license file.
LicensingFormControllerImpl() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.sfweb.controller.impl.LicensingFormControllerImpl
list() - Method in class com.elasticpath.persistence.impl.HibernateQueryImpl
Return the query results as a List.
list() - Method in interface com.elasticpath.persistence.Query
Return the query results as a List.
list() - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.asset.DigitalAssetAuditService
Lists all digitalAssetAudits stored in the database.
list() - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.asset.impl.DigitalAssetAuditServiceImpl
Lists all digitalAssets stored in the database.
list() - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.attribute.AttributeService
Lists all attribute stored in the database.
list() - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.attribute.impl.AttributeServiceImpl
Lists all attribute stored in the database.
list() - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.catalog.BrandService
Lists all brand stored in the database.
list() - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.catalog.CategoryTypeService
Lists all categoryType stored in the database.
list() - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.catalog.impl.BrandServiceImpl
Lists all brand stored in the database.
list() - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.catalog.impl.CategoryTypeServiceImpl
Lists all CategoryType stored in the database.
list() - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.catalog.impl.ProductServiceImpl
List all products stored in the database.
list() - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.catalog.impl.ProductTypeServiceImpl
Lists all ProductType stored in the database.
list() - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.catalog.impl.SkuOptionServiceImpl
Lists all sku option stored in the database.
list() - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.catalog.ProductService
List all products stored in the database.
list() - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.catalog.ProductTypeService
Lists all productType stored in the database.
list() - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.catalog.SkuOptionService
Lists all sku option stored in the database.
list() - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.cmuser.CmUserService
List all cmUsers stored in the database.
list() - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.cmuser.impl.CmUserServiceImpl
Lists all cmUsers stored in the database.
list() - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.cmuser.impl.UserRoleServiceImpl
Lists all userRoles stored in the database.
list() - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.cmuser.UserRoleService
Lists all userRoles stored in the database.
list() - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.customer.CustomerGroupService
List all customerGroups stored in the database.
list() - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.customer.CustomerService
List all customers stored in the database.
list() - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.customer.impl.CustomerGroupServiceImpl
List all customerGroups stored in the database.
list() - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.customer.impl.CustomerServiceImpl
Lists all customers stored in the database.
list() - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.order.impl.OrderServiceImpl
List all orders stored in the database.
list() - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.order.OrderService
List all orders stored in the database.
list() - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.rules.impl.RuleSetServiceImpl
List all ruleSets stored in the database.
list() - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.rules.RuleSetService
List all ruleSets stored in the database.
list() - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.shipping.impl.ShippingRegionServiceImpl
List all shippingRegions stored in the database.
list() - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.shipping.impl.ShippingServiceLevelServiceImpl
List all shippingServiceLevels stored in the database.
list() - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.shipping.ShippingRegionService
List all shippingRegions stored in the database.
list() - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.shipping.ShippingServiceLevelService
List all shippingServiceLevels stored in the database.
list() - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.tax.impl.TaxCategoryServiceImpl
List all taxCategorys stored in the database.
list() - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.tax.impl.TaxCodeServiceImpl
List all taxCodes stored in the database.
list() - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.tax.impl.TaxJurisdictionServiceImpl
List all taxJurisdictions stored in the database.
list() - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.tax.TaxCategoryService
List all taxCategorys stored in the database.
list() - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.tax.TaxCodeService
List all taxCodes stored in the database.
list() - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.tax.TaxJurisdictionService
List all taxJurisdictions stored in the database.
LIST_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.elasticpath.cmweb.reportservice.ReportConstants
list action.
listImportDataTypes() - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.dataimport.impl.ImportServiceImpl
List all import data types.
listImportDataTypes() - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.dataimport.ImportService
List all import data types.
listImportJobs() - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.dataimport.impl.ImportServiceImpl
List all saved import jobs.
listImportJobs() - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.dataimport.ImportService
List all saved import jobs.
listImportTypes() - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.dataimport.impl.ImportServiceImpl
List all import types.
listImportTypes() - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.dataimport.ImportService
List all import types.
listInfo() - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.catalog.CategoryTypeService
Lists all CategoryType Info stored in the database.
listInfo() - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.catalog.impl.CategoryTypeServiceImpl
Lists all CategoryType Info stored in the database.
listRootCategories(boolean) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.catalog.CategoryService
Retrieve a list of root categories.
listRootCategories(boolean) - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.catalog.impl.CategoryServiceImpl
Retrieve all root categories.
listRootCategoriesWithTree(boolean) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.catalog.CategoryService
Retrieve root categories with the entire tree of children loaded.
listRootCategoriesWithTree(boolean) - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.catalog.impl.CategoryServiceImpl
Retrieve root categories with the entire tree of children loaded.
listRootTaxJurisdictions() - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.tax.impl.TaxJurisdictionServiceImpl
Retrieve all root tax jurisdictions (the country level ones).
listRootTaxJurisdictions() - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.tax.TaxJurisdictionService
Retrieve all root tax jurisdictions (the country level ones).
listUsedUids() - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.catalog.CategoryTypeService
Lists all categoryType uids used by categories.
listUsedUids() - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.catalog.impl.CategoryTypeServiceImpl
Lists all categoryType uids used by categories.
listUsedUids() - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.catalog.impl.ProductTypeServiceImpl
Lists all productType uids used by categories.
listUsedUids() - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.catalog.ProductTypeService
Lists all productType uids used by categories.
load(Class, long) - Method in class com.elasticpath.persistence.impl.HibernatePersistenceEngineImpl
Load a persistent instance with the given id.
load(Class, long) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.persistence.PersistenceEngine
Load a persistent instance with the given id.
load(long) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.asset.DigitalAssetAuditService
Load the digitalAssetAudit with the given UID.
load(long) - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.asset.impl.DigitalAssetAuditServiceImpl
Load the digitalAssetAudit with the given UID.
load(long) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.attribute.AttributeService
Load the attribute with the given UID.
load(long) - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.attribute.impl.AttributeServiceImpl
Load the attribute with the given UID.
load(long) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.catalog.CategoryService
Load the category with the given UID.
load(long) - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.catalog.impl.CategoryServiceImpl
Load the category with the given Uid.
load(long) - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.catalog.impl.ProductAssociationServiceImpl
Load the ProductAssociation with the given UID.
load(long) - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.catalog.impl.ProductServiceImpl
Load the product with the given Uid.
load(long) - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.catalog.impl.SkuOptionServiceImpl
Load the sku option with the given UID.
load(long) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.catalog.ProductAssociationService
Load the ProductAssociation with the given UID.
load(long) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.catalog.ProductService
Load the product with the given UID.
load(long) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.catalog.SkuOptionService
Load the sku option with the given UID.
load(long) - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.catalogview.impl.SfSearchLogServiceImpl
Loads the SfSearhLog indicated by the given Uid.
load(long) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.catalogview.SfSearchLogService
Loads the SfSearhLog indicated by the given Uid.
load(long) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.cmuser.CmUserService
Load the cmUser with the given UID.
load(long) - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.cmuser.impl.CmUserServiceImpl
Load the cmUser with the given UID.
load(long) - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.cmuser.impl.UserRoleServiceImpl
Load the userRole with the given UID.
load(long) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.cmuser.UserRoleService
Load the userRole with the given UID.
load(long) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.customer.CustomerGroupService
Load the customerGroup with the given UID.
load(long) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.customer.CustomerService
Load the customer with the given UID.
load(long) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.customer.CustomerSessionService
Load the customer session with the given UID.
load(long) - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.customer.impl.CustomerGroupServiceImpl
Load the customerGroup with the given UID.
load(long) - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.customer.impl.CustomerServiceImpl
Load the customer with the given UID.
load(long) - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.customer.impl.CustomerSessionServiceImpl
Load the customer session with the given UID.
load(long) - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.rules.impl.RuleActionServiceImpl
Load the ruleAction with the given UID.
load(long, String) - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.rules.impl.RuleActionServiceImpl
Load the ruleAction with the given UID if it is greater than 0; otherwise get new instance of the ruleAction of the given ruleActionType from the spring beanFactory (assuming bean id is the same as the ruleActionType).
load(long) - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.rules.impl.RuleConditionServiceImpl
Load the ruleCondition with the given UID.
load(long, String) - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.rules.impl.RuleConditionServiceImpl
Load the ruleCondition with the given UID if it is greater than 0; otherwise get new instance of the ruleCondition of the given ruleConditionType from the spring beanFactory (assuming bean id is the same as the ruleConditionType).
load(long) - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.rules.impl.RuleElementServiceImpl
Load the ruleElement with the given UID.
load(long, String) - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.rules.impl.RuleElementServiceImpl
Load the ruleElement with the given UID if it is greater than 0; otherwise get new instance of the ruleElement of the given ruleElementType from the spring beanFactory (assuming bean id is the same as the ruleElementType).
load(long) - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.rules.impl.RuleParameterServiceImpl
Load the ruleParameter with the given UID.
load(long) - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.rules.impl.RuleServiceImpl
Load the rule with the given UID.
load(long) - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.rules.impl.RuleSetServiceImpl
Load the ruleSet with the given UID.
load(long) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.rules.RuleActionService
Load the ruleAction with the given UID.
load(long, String) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.rules.RuleActionService
Load the ruleAction with the given UID if it is greater than 0; otherwise get new instance of the ruleAction of the given ruleActionType from the spring beanFactory (assuming bean id is the same as the ruleActionType).
load(long) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.rules.RuleConditionService
Load the ruleCondition with the given UID.
load(long, String) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.rules.RuleConditionService
Load the ruleCondition with the given UID if it is greater than 0; otherwise get new instance of the ruleCondition of the given ruleConditionType from the spring beanFactory (assuming bean id is the same as the ruleConditionType).
load(long) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.rules.RuleElementService
Load the ruleElement with the given UID.
load(long, String) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.rules.RuleElementService
Load the ruleElement with the given UID if it is greater than 0; otherwise get new instance of the ruleElement of the given ruleElementType from the spring beanFactory (assuming bean id is the same as the ruleElementType).
load(long) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.rules.RuleParameterService
Load the ruleParameter with the given UID.
load(long) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.rules.RuleService
Load the rule with the given UID.
load(long) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.rules.RuleSetService
Load the ruleSet with the given UID.
load(long) - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.shipping.impl.ShippingRegionServiceImpl
Load the shippingRegion with the given UID.
load(long) - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.shipping.impl.ShippingServiceLevelServiceImpl
Load the shippingServiceLevel with the given UID.
load(long) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.shipping.ShippingRegionService
Load the shippingRegion with the given UID.
load(long) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.shipping.ShippingServiceLevelService
Load the shippingServiceLevel with the given UID.
load(long) - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.shoppingcart.impl.ShoppingCartServiceImpl
Load the shopping cart with the given UID.
load(long) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartService
Load the shopping cart with the given UID.
load(long) - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.tax.impl.TaxCategoryServiceImpl
Load the taxCategory with the given UID.
load(long) - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.tax.impl.TaxCodeServiceImpl
Load the taxCode with the given UID.
load(long) - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.tax.impl.TaxJurisdictionServiceImpl
Load the taxJurisdiction with the given UID.
load(long) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.tax.TaxCategoryService
Load the taxCategory with the given UID.
load(long) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.tax.TaxCodeService
Load the taxCode with the given UID.
load(long) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.tax.TaxJurisdictionService
Load the taxJurisdiction with the given UID.
loadAllProducts() - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.catalogview.impl.ProductCacheLoaderImpl
Loads all products into the refreshable cache strategy.
loadAllProducts() - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.catalogview.ProductCacheLoader
Loads all products into the refreshable cache strategy.
loadElasticPath(ElasticPath) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.persistence.ElasticPathDao
Load the elastic path configuration.
loadElasticPath(ElasticPath) - Method in class com.elasticpath.persistence.impl.ElasticPathDaoXmlFileImpl
Load the elastic path configuration.
loadGuidedNavigationConfig(ElasticPath) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.persistence.ElasticPathDao
Load the guided navigation config.
loadGuidedNavigationConfig(ElasticPath) - Method in class com.elasticpath.persistence.impl.ElasticPathDaoXmlFileImpl
Load the guided navigation config.
loadProductInfo(Product) - Method in class com.elasticpath.domain.shoppingcart.impl.ViewHistoryProductImpl
Loads product information from the real Product into this representation of a viewed product.
loadProductInfo(Product) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.domain.shoppingcart.ViewHistoryProduct
Loads product information from the real Product into this representation of a viewed product.
loadProperties() - Method in class com.elasticpath.persistence.impl.PropertiesDaoImpl
Go through the resources directory and load all the .properties file into the hashMap with the filename (without ".properties") as the key.
loadProperties() - Method in interface com.elasticpath.persistence.PropertiesDao
Returns a properties map where the keys are properties file names and the values are Properties objects.
loadUserByUsername(String) - Method in class com.elasticpath.persistence.impl.CmUserAuthenticationDaoImpl
Locates the user based on the given userName of the cmUser.
loadUserByUsername(String) - Method in class com.elasticpath.persistence.impl.CustomerAuthenticationDaoImpl
Locates the customer based on the given userName of the Customer.
LOCALE_DEPENDANT_FIELDS - Static variable in class com.elasticpath.commons.constants.ContextIdNames
bean id for implementation of com.elasticpath.domain.impl.LocaleDependentFields.
LOCALE_ID - Static variable in class com.elasticpath.commons.constants.WebConstants
This name is used to specify the locale in a request.
LocaleControllerImpl - Class in com.elasticpath.sfweb.controller.impl
The Spring MVC controller for locale change.
LocaleControllerImpl() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.sfweb.controller.impl.LocaleControllerImpl
LocaleDependantFields - Interface in com.elasticpath.domain.catalog
Represents a collection of locale dependant fields of a catalog object, like Product, or Category.
LocaleDependantFieldsImpl - Class in com.elasticpath.domain.catalog.impl
This is a default implementation of LocaleDependantFields.
LocaleDependantFieldsImpl() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.domain.catalog.impl.LocaleDependantFieldsImpl
LOCALIZED_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class com.elasticpath.commons.constants.ContextIdNames
bean id for implementation of com.elasticpath.domain.misc.LocalizedProperties.
LOCALIZED_PROPERTY_DISPLAY_NAME - Static variable in interface com.elasticpath.domain.catalog.Brand
The name of localized property -- display name.
LOCALIZED_PROPERTY_DISPLAY_NAME - Static variable in interface com.elasticpath.domain.skuconfiguration.SkuOption
The name of localized property -- display name.
LOCALIZED_PROPERTY_DISPLAY_NAME - Static variable in interface com.elasticpath.domain.skuconfiguration.SkuOptionValue
The name of localized property -- display name.
LOCALIZED_PROPERTY_DISPLAY_NAME - Static variable in interface com.elasticpath.domain.tax.TaxCategory
The name of localized property -- displayName.
LOCALIZED_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface com.elasticpath.domain.shipping.ShippingServiceLevel
The name of localized property -- name.
LocalizedProperties - Interface in com.elasticpath.domain.misc
Represents a group of localized properties.
LocalizedPropertiesImpl - Class in com.elasticpath.domain.misc.impl
Represents a default implementation of LocalizedProperties.
LocalizedPropertiesImpl() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.domain.misc.impl.LocalizedPropertiesImpl
LOGIN_FAILED - Static variable in class com.elasticpath.commons.constants.WebConstants
Login status flag used on sign in page.
logout(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Authentication) - Method in class com.elasticpath.sfweb.filters.EpLogoutHandler
Requires the request to be passed in.
LogoutFilter - Class in com.elasticpath.commons.filter.impl
Replacement for the Acegi LogoutFilter using properties rather than constructor args.
LogoutFilter() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.commons.filter.impl.LogoutFilter
LONG_TEXT - Static variable in class com.elasticpath.domain.attribute.impl.AbstractAttributeTypeImpl
Text long attribute type contains 2000 characters or less.
LONG_TEXT_MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.elasticpath.commons.constants.GlobalConstants
Long text maximum length.
LONG_TEXT_TYPE_ID - Static variable in class com.elasticpath.domain.attribute.impl.AbstractAttributeTypeImpl
Attribute type id for long text.
LOWER_VALUE_POSITION - Static variable in interface com.elasticpath.domain.catalogview.RangeFilter
The lower value position.
lowStockReport() - Method in class com.elasticpath.cmweb.reportservice.impl.ProductReportServiceImpl
List sku details for low stock items: ie, 'Available On Hand Qty' < 'Reserved Qty' AND 'Track Inventory' = TRUE.
lowStockReport() - Method in interface com.elasticpath.cmweb.reportservice.ProductReportService
List sku details for low stock items: ie, 'Available On Hand Qty' < 'Reserved Qty' AND 'Track Inventory' = TRUE.