EDIT_ACCOUNT_FORM_BEAN - Static variable in class com.elasticpath.commons.constants.ContextIdNames
bean id for implementation of com.elasticpath.sfweb.formBean.EditAccountFormBean.
EditAccountFormBean - Interface in com.elasticpath.sfweb.formbean
Form bean used to collect information in the edit account controller/screen.
EditAccountFormBeanImpl - Class in com.elasticpath.sfweb.formbean.impl
Form bean used to collect information in the edit account controller/screen.
EditAccountFormBeanImpl() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.sfweb.formbean.impl.EditAccountFormBeanImpl
EditAccountFormControllerImpl - Class in com.elasticpath.sfweb.controller.impl
The Spring MVC controller for customer account management page.
EditAccountFormControllerImpl() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.sfweb.controller.impl.EditAccountFormControllerImpl
ELASTICPATH - Static variable in class com.elasticpath.commons.constants.ContextIdNames
bean id for implementation of com.elasticpath.commons.context.ElasticPath.
ELASTICPATH - Static variable in class com.elasticpath.commons.constants.WebConstants
ElasticPath object.
ElasticPath - Interface in com.elasticpath.domain
ElasticPath provides configuration and context information to a number of clients across the system.
ElasticPathDao - Interface in com.elasticpath.persistence
Loader of elastic path configuration.
ElasticPathDaoXmlFileImpl - Class in com.elasticpath.persistence.impl
Load elastic path configuration from an xml file.
ElasticPathDaoXmlFileImpl() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.persistence.impl.ElasticPathDaoXmlFileImpl
ElasticPathImpl - Class in com.elasticpath.domain.impl
This class provides elastic path configurations and context to others.
ElasticPathService - Interface in com.elasticpath.service
Provides the ability to access elastic path context.
ElasticPathServiceImpl - Class in com.elasticpath.service.impl
Provides the ability to access elastic path context.
ElasticPathServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.service.impl.ElasticPathServiceImpl
ELIGIBILITY_KIND - Static variable in interface com.elasticpath.domain.rules.RuleEligibility
Identifies the RuleElement as an eligibility to a rule.
EMAIL - Static variable in class com.elasticpath.commons.constants.IndexConstants
EMAIL_FROM - Static variable in class com.elasticpath.commons.constants.ImportConstants
The attribute name of the "from" email address.
EMAIL_IMPORT_REPORT_TXT_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class com.elasticpath.commons.constants.ImportConstants
Text email template for import report.
EmailExistException - Exception in com.elasticpath.commons.exception
The exception for email address already exists.
EmailExistException(String) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EmailExistException
Creates a new EmailExistException object with the given message.
EmailExistException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EmailExistException
Creates a new EmailExistException object using the given message and cause exception.
emailExists(String) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.cmuser.CmUserService
Check the given email exists or not.
emailExists(CmUser) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.cmuser.CmUserService
Check the given cmUser's email exists or not.
emailExists(String) - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.cmuser.impl.CmUserServiceImpl
Checks the given email exists or not.
emailExists(CmUser) - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.cmuser.impl.CmUserServiceImpl
Check the given cmUser's email exists or not.
emailExists(Customer) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.customer.CustomerService
Check the given customer's email exists or not.
emailExists(Customer) - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.customer.impl.CustomerServiceImpl
Check the given customer's email exists or not.
EmailNonExistException - Exception in com.elasticpath.commons.exception
The exception for email address doesn't exist in the database.
EmailNonExistException(String) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EmailNonExistException
Creates a new EmailNonExistException object with the given message.
EmailNonExistException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EmailNonExistException
Creates a new EmailNonExistException object using the given message and cause exception.
EmailService - Interface in com.elasticpath.service.misc
Provides image rendering service.
EmailServiceImpl - Class in com.elasticpath.service.misc.impl
Provides image rendering service.
EmailServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.service.misc.impl.EmailServiceImpl
EMPTY_SORTED_MAP - Static variable in class com.elasticpath.commons.util.Collections
The empty sorted map (immutable).
EMPTY_SORTED_SET - Static variable in class com.elasticpath.commons.util.Collections
The empty sorted set (immutable).
EncodingFilter - Class in com.elasticpath.commons.filter.impl
Currently, many browsers do not send character encoding information in the Content-Type header of an HTTP request.
EncodingFilter() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.commons.filter.impl.EncodingFilter
encrypt(String) - Method in class com.elasticpath.commons.util.security.impl.StringEncrypterImpl
Encrypts a given string.
encrypt(String) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.commons.util.security.StringEncrypter
Encrypts a given string.
encrypt() - Method in interface com.elasticpath.domain.customer.CustomerCreditCard
Encrypts the credit card number.
encrypt() - Method in class com.elasticpath.domain.customer.impl.CustomerCreditCardImpl
Encrypts the credit card number.
encryptCardNumber() - Method in class com.elasticpath.domain.order.impl.OrderPaymentImpl
Encrypts the credit card number.
encryptCardNumber() - Method in interface com.elasticpath.domain.order.OrderPayment
Encrypts the credit card number.
ENCRYPTION_KEY - Static variable in interface com.elasticpath.commons.util.security.StringEncrypter
Encyption key handle to value in commerce-config.xml.
END_DATE - Static variable in class com.elasticpath.commons.constants.IndexConstants
End date.
Entity - Interface in com.elasticpath.domain
Entity represents a entity domain object.
EP_RULE_ENGINE - Static variable in class com.elasticpath.commons.constants.ContextIdNames
bean id for implementation of com.elasticpath.domain.rules.EpRuleEngine.
EpAuthenticationProcessingFilter - Class in com.elasticpath.sfweb.filters
Extends the ACEGI AuthenticationProcessingFilter to provide a hook for performing actions after a user has been authenticated.
EpAuthenticationProcessingFilter() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.sfweb.filters.EpAuthenticationProcessingFilter
EpBeanConverter - Class in com.elasticpath.web.ajax.dwrconverter
EpPersistedBeanConverter is a customized bean converter for integration with dwr.
EpBeanConverter() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.web.ajax.dwrconverter.EpBeanConverter
EpBigDecimalBindException - Exception in com.elasticpath.commons.exception
This exception will be thrown in case any errors happen when binding a bad string value to a BigDecimal object.
EpBigDecimalBindException(String) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EpBigDecimalBindException
Creates a new object.
EpBigDecimalBindException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EpBigDecimalBindException
Creates a new object.
EpBindException - Exception in com.elasticpath.commons.exception
This exception will be thrown in case any errors happen when binding an invalid value to a normal field, an attribute or an association field.
EpBindException(String) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EpBindException
Creates a new object.
EpBindException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EpBindException
Creates a new object.
EpBooleanBindException - Exception in com.elasticpath.commons.exception
This exception will be thrown in case any errors happen when binding a bad string value to a boolean value.
EpBooleanBindException(String) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EpBooleanBindException
Creates a new object.
EpBooleanBindException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EpBooleanBindException
Creates a new object.
EpCatalogViewRequestBindException - Exception in com.elasticpath.domain.catalogview
This exception will be thrown when binding an invalid parameter or attribute from a catalog view request.
EpCatalogViewRequestBindException(String) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.domain.catalogview.EpCatalogViewRequestBindException
Creates a new object.
EpCatalogViewRequestBindException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.domain.catalogview.EpCatalogViewRequestBindException
Creates a new object.
EpCategoryConverter - Class in com.elasticpath.web.ajax.dwrconverter
Converter for that Category class.
EpCategoryConverter() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.web.ajax.dwrconverter.EpCategoryConverter
Creates a new EpCategoryConverter object.
EpCmWebException - Exception in com.elasticpath.cmweb
The generic exception class for the com.elasticpath.cmweb package.
EpCmWebException(String) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.cmweb.EpCmWebException
Creates a new EpWebException object with the given message.
EpCmWebException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.cmweb.EpCmWebException
Creates a new EpWebException object using the given message and cause exception.
EpConstant - Interface in com.elasticpath.domain
A EpConstant is composed of a code and a human-readable description.
EpConstantConverter - Class in com.elasticpath.web.ajax.dwrconverter
EpConstantConverter is a customized bean converter (for OrderStatus, OrderShipmentStatus and OrderPaymentStatus bean) for integration with dwr.
EpConstantConverter() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.web.ajax.dwrconverter.EpConstantConverter
Creates a new EpConstantConverter object.
EpContextConfigListener - Class in com.elasticpath.sfweb.context.impl
Bootstrap listener to set up various context config after the springframework context has been loaded.
EpContextConfigListener() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.sfweb.context.impl.EpContextConfigListener
EpContextConfigListener - Class in com.elasticpath.web.context.impl
Bootstrap listener to set up various context config after the springframework context has been loaded.
EpContextConfigListener() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.web.context.impl.EpContextConfigListener
EpController - Interface in com.elasticpath.cmweb.controller
EpController represents a controller in an MVC pattern dealing with non-form based requests.
EpController - Interface in com.elasticpath.sfweb.controller
EpController represents a controller in an MVC pattern dealing with non-form based requests.
EpCurrencyBindException - Exception in com.elasticpath.commons.exception
This exception will be thrown in case any errors happen when binding an invalid string value to a Currency instance.
EpCurrencyBindException(String) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EpCurrencyBindException
Creates a new object.
EpCurrencyBindException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EpCurrencyBindException
Creates a new object.
EpCurrencyConverter - Class in com.elasticpath.web.ajax.dwrconverter
EpCurrencyConverter is a customized converter to convert java.util.Currency object to/from java.lang.String.
EpCurrencyConverter() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.web.ajax.dwrconverter.EpCurrencyConverter
EpDateBindException - Exception in com.elasticpath.commons.exception
This exception will be thrown in case any errors happen when binding a bad string value to a Date object.
EpDateBindException(String) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EpDateBindException
Creates a new object.
EpDateBindException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EpDateBindException
Creates a new object.
EpDomain - Interface in com.elasticpath.domain
Represents a general domain object.
EpDomainException - Exception in com.elasticpath.domain
The generic exception class for the com.elasticpath.domain package.
EpDomainException(String) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.domain.EpDomainException
Creates a new EpDomainException object with the given message.
EpDomainException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.domain.EpDomainException
Creates a new EpDomainException object using the given message and cause exception.
EpEmailValidator - Class in com.elasticpath.commons.validator.impl
EpEmailValidator is a customized Email validator to implement validation that is more aligned with the RFC specification.
EpEmptySearchCriteriaException - Exception in com.elasticpath.service.index.impl
This exception will be thrown in case an empty search criteria is given.
EpEmptySearchCriteriaException(String) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.service.index.impl.EpEmptySearchCriteriaException
Creates a new object.
EpEmptySearchCriteriaException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.service.index.impl.EpEmptySearchCriteriaException
Creates a new object.
EpEnumFactoryService - Interface in com.elasticpath.service
EpEnumFactoryService serves as the base interface for all enum factory service.
EpFieldChecks - Class in com.elasticpath.commons.validator.impl
EpFieldChecks defines customized validation rules to be integrated into the springmodules validator.
EpFieldChecks() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.commons.validator.impl.EpFieldChecks
EpFilterToBeanProxy - Class in com.elasticpath.cmweb.filters
Delegates Filter requests to a Spring-managed bean.
EpFilterToBeanProxy() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.cmweb.filters.EpFilterToBeanProxy
EpFilterToBeanProxy - Class in com.elasticpath.sfweb.filters
Delegates Filter requests to a Spring-managed bean.
EpFilterToBeanProxy() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.sfweb.filters.EpFilterToBeanProxy
EpFormBean - Interface in com.elasticpath.sfweb.formbean
Represents a general form bean.
EpFormBeanImpl - Class in com.elasticpath.sfweb.formbean.impl
The default implementation of EpFormBean.
EpFormBeanImpl() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.sfweb.formbean.impl.EpFormBeanImpl
EpHibernateExceptionConverter - Class in com.elasticpath.web.ajax.dwrconverter
Converter for that Category class.
EpHibernateExceptionConverter() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.web.ajax.dwrconverter.EpHibernateExceptionConverter
Creates a new EpCategoryConverter object.
EpIntBindException - Exception in com.elasticpath.commons.exception
This exception will be thrown in case any errors happen when binding a bad string value to a int value.
EpIntBindException(String) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EpIntBindException
Creates a new object.
EpIntBindException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EpIntBindException
Creates a new object.
EpInvalidGuidBindException - Exception in com.elasticpath.commons.exception
This exception will be thrown when an invalid guid is given.
EpInvalidGuidBindException(String) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EpInvalidGuidBindException
Creates a new object.
EpInvalidGuidBindException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EpInvalidGuidBindException
Creates a new object.
EpInvalidValueBindException - Exception in com.elasticpath.commons.exception
This exception will be thrown in case trying to set an invalid value to an entity or a value object.
EpInvalidValueBindException(String) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EpInvalidValueBindException
Creates a new object.
EpInvalidValueBindException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EpInvalidValueBindException
Creates a new object.
EpLicensingCorruptedException - Exception in com.elasticpath.commons.exception
This exception will be thrown if the product license is invalid.
EpLicensingCorruptedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EpLicensingCorruptedException
Creates a new object.
EpLicensingCorruptedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EpLicensingCorruptedException
Creates a new object.
EpLicensingExpiredException - Exception in com.elasticpath.commons.exception
This exception will be thrown if the product license is invalid.
EpLicensingExpiredException(String) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EpLicensingExpiredException
Creates a new object.
EpLicensingExpiredException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EpLicensingExpiredException
Creates a new object.
EpLicensingInvalidException - Exception in com.elasticpath.commons.exception
This exception will be thrown if the product license is invalid.
EpLicensingInvalidException(String) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EpLicensingInvalidException
Creates a new object.
EpLicensingInvalidException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EpLicensingInvalidException
Creates a new object.
EpLicensingMissingException - Exception in com.elasticpath.commons.exception
This exception will be thrown if the product license is invalid.
EpLicensingMissingException(String) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EpLicensingMissingException
Creates a new object.
EpLicensingMissingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EpLicensingMissingException
Creates a new object.
EpLocaleBindException - Exception in com.elasticpath.commons.exception
This exception will be thrown in case any errors happen when binding an invalid string value to a Locale instance.
EpLocaleBindException(String) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EpLocaleBindException
Creates a new object.
EpLocaleBindException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EpLocaleBindException
Creates a new object.
EpLocaleConverter - Class in com.elasticpath.web.ajax.dwrconverter
EpLocaleConverter is a customized converter to convert java.util.Locale object to/from java.lang.String.
EpLocaleConverter() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.web.ajax.dwrconverter.EpLocaleConverter
EpLog4jConfigListener - Class in com.elasticpath.web.context.impl
EpLog4jConfigListener is the bootstrap listener for custom Log4J initialization in a web environment.
EpLog4jConfigListener() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.web.context.impl.EpLog4jConfigListener
EpLogoutHandler - Class in com.elasticpath.sfweb.filters
Removes the EP shopping cart from the session.
EpLogoutHandler() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.sfweb.filters.EpLogoutHandler
EpLongBindException - Exception in com.elasticpath.commons.exception
This exception will be thrown in case any errors happen when binding a bad string value to a long value.
EpLongBindException(String) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EpLongBindException
Creates a new object.
EpLongBindException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EpLongBindException
Creates a new object.
EpNonNullBindException - Exception in com.elasticpath.commons.exception
This exception will be thrown when binding an null string value to a field not allowed to be null.
EpNonNullBindException(String) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EpNonNullBindException
Creates a new object.
EpNonNullBindException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EpNonNullBindException
Creates a new object.
EpPersistenceException - Exception in com.elasticpath.persistence
A general exception to wrap errors happen at persistence layer.
EpPersistenceException(String) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.persistence.EpPersistenceException
Creates a new EPPersistenceException object.
EpPersistenceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.persistence.EpPersistenceException
Creates a new EPPersistenceException object.
EpPersistenceService - Interface in com.elasticpath.service
EpPersistenceService serves as the base interface for all services manipulating persistable domain models.
EpProductConverter - Class in com.elasticpath.web.ajax.dwrconverter
Converter for the Product class.
EpProductConverter() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.web.ajax.dwrconverter.EpProductConverter
Creates a new EpProductConverter object.
EpProductSkuConverter - Class in com.elasticpath.web.ajax.dwrconverter
Converter for that Category class.
EpProductSkuConverter() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.web.ajax.dwrconverter.EpProductSkuConverter
Creates a new EpCategoryConverter object.
EpRequestParameterBindingException - Exception in com.elasticpath.sfweb
This exception gets thrown when binding errors of request parameter happens.
EpRequestParameterBindingException(String) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.sfweb.EpRequestParameterBindingException
Creates a new EpWebException object with the given message.
EpRequestParameterBindingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.sfweb.EpRequestParameterBindingException
Creates a new EpWebException object using the given message and cause exception.
EpRoleVoter - Class in com.elasticpath.cmweb.util.impl
Extends the RoleVoter to allow the CM user access web based application on the cmAccess setting.
EpRoleVoter() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.cmweb.util.impl.EpRoleVoter
EpRuleElementConverter - Class in com.elasticpath.web.ajax.dwrconverter
EpRuleElementConverter is a customized bean converter for integration with dwr.
EpRuleElementConverter() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.web.ajax.dwrconverter.EpRuleElementConverter
Creates a new EpRuleElementConverter object.
EpRuleEngine - Interface in com.elasticpath.service.rules
Executes rules-engine rules on objects passed as parameters to this class.
EpRuleEngineImpl - Class in com.elasticpath.service.rules.impl
Executes rules-engine rules on objects passed as parameters to this class.
EpRuleEngineImpl() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.service.rules.impl.EpRuleEngineImpl
Default Constructor.
EpSearchKeyWordNotGivenException - Exception in com.elasticpath.sfweb
This exception gets thrown when the search keyword is not given.
EpSearchKeyWordNotGivenException(String) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.sfweb.EpSearchKeyWordNotGivenException
Creates a new EpSearchKeyWordNotGivenException object with the given message.
EpSearchKeyWordNotGivenException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.sfweb.EpSearchKeyWordNotGivenException
Creates a new EpSearchKeyWordNotGivenException object using the given message and cause exception.
EpSearchKeyWordTooLongException - Exception in com.elasticpath.sfweb
This exception gets thrown when the search keyword given is too long.
EpSearchKeyWordTooLongException(String) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.sfweb.EpSearchKeyWordTooLongException
Creates a new object with the given message.
EpSearchKeyWordTooLongException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.sfweb.EpSearchKeyWordTooLongException
Creates a new object using the given message and cause exception.
EpService - Interface in com.elasticpath.service
EpService serves as the base interface for other services.
EpServiceException - Exception in com.elasticpath.service
The generic exception class for the com.elasticpath.service package.
EpServiceException(String) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.service.EpServiceException
Creates a new EpServiceException object with the given message.
EpServiceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.service.EpServiceException
Creates a new EpServiceException object using the given message and cause exception.
EpSfFieldChecks - Class in com.elasticpath.sfweb.util.impl
EpFieldChecks defines customized validation rules to be integrated into the springmodules validator.
EpSfFieldChecks() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.sfweb.util.impl.EpSfFieldChecks
EpSfWebException - Exception in com.elasticpath.sfweb
The generic exception class for the com.elasticpath.sfweb package.
EpSfWebException(String) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.sfweb.EpSfWebException
Creates a new EpWebException object with the given message.
EpSfWebException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.sfweb.EpSfWebException
Creates a new EpWebException object using the given message and cause exception.
EpShippingCostCalculationMethodConverter - Class in com.elasticpath.web.ajax.dwrconverter
EpShippingCostCalculationMethodConverter is a customized bean converter for integration with dwr.
EpShippingCostCalculationMethodConverter() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.web.ajax.dwrconverter.EpShippingCostCalculationMethodConverter
Creates a new EpShippingCostCalculationMethodConverter object.
EpSystemException - Exception in com.elasticpath.commons.exception
The generic exception class for the com.elasticpath package.
EpSystemException(String) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EpSystemException
Creates a new EpSystemException object with the given message.
EpSystemException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EpSystemException
Creates a new EpSystemException object using the given message and cause exception.
EpSystemExceptionHandler - Class in com.elasticpath.cmweb.exceptionhandler
EpSystemExceptionHandler is to handle any exception that is bubbled up to the web layer.
EpSystemExceptionHandler() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.cmweb.exceptionhandler.EpSystemExceptionHandler
EpSystemExceptionHandler - Class in com.elasticpath.sfweb.exceptionhandler
EpSystemExceptionHandler is to handle any exception that is bubbled up to the web layer.
EpSystemExceptionHandler() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.sfweb.exceptionhandler.EpSystemExceptionHandler
EpTooLongBindException - Exception in com.elasticpath.commons.exception
This exception will be thrown when a given value is too long.
EpTooLongBindException(String) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EpTooLongBindException
Creates a new object.
EpTooLongBindException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EpTooLongBindException
Creates a new object.
EpUnsupportedOperationException - Exception in com.elasticpath.commons.exception
This exception will be thrown when unsupported operation is called.
EpUnsupportedOperationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EpUnsupportedOperationException
Creates a new object.
EpUnsupportedOperationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.elasticpath.commons.exception.EpUnsupportedOperationException
Creates a new object.
EpUserIdentityService - Class in com.elasticpath.service.auth.impl
This is a default indentity service for EP authentication.
EpUserIdentityService() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.service.auth.impl.EpUserIdentityService
EpUserPermissionConverter - Class in com.elasticpath.web.ajax.dwrconverter
EpUserPermissionConverter is a customized bean converter (for UserPermission bean) for integration with dwr.
EpUserPermissionConverter() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.web.ajax.dwrconverter.EpUserPermissionConverter
Creates a new EpUserPermissionConverter object.
EpValueTypeConverter - Class in com.elasticpath.web.ajax.dwrconverter
EpAttributeTypeConverter is a customized bean converter for Attribute Type integration with dwr.
EpValueTypeConverter() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.web.ajax.dwrconverter.EpValueTypeConverter
Creates a new EpValueTypeConverter object.
EpViewBean - Interface in com.elasticpath.sfweb.viewbean
Represents a general view bean.
EpViewBeanImpl - Class in com.elasticpath.sfweb.viewbean.impl
The default implementation of EpViewBean.
EpViewBeanImpl() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.sfweb.viewbean.impl.EpViewBeanImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class com.elasticpath.domain.attribute.impl.AbstractAttributeTypeImpl
Return true if the given object is AttributeType and has the same id.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.elasticpath.domain.catalog.impl.BrandImpl
Returns true if this object equals to the given object.
equals(Category) - Method in class com.elasticpath.domain.catalog.impl.CategoryImpl
Returns true if this category equals the given category.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.elasticpath.domain.catalog.impl.CategoryImpl
Returns true if this category equals the given object.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.elasticpath.domain.catalog.impl.DigitalAssetImpl
Returns true if this object equals to the given object.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.elasticpath.domain.catalog.impl.ProductAssociationImpl
Returns true if this object equals to the given object.
equals(ProductCategory) - Method in class com.elasticpath.domain.catalog.impl.ProductCategoryImpl
Returns true if this product category and the given one both refers to the same category.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.elasticpath.domain.catalog.impl.ProductCategoryImpl
Returns true if this category equals to the given object.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.elasticpath.domain.catalog.impl.ProductImpl
Returns true if this category equals to the given object.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.elasticpath.domain.catalog.impl.ProductSkuImpl
Returns true if this sku equals to the given object.
equals(Object) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.domain.catalog.Product
Returns true if the product equals this product.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.elasticpath.domain.catalogview.impl.AbstractFilterImpl
Returns true if this filter equals to the given object.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.elasticpath.domain.catalogview.impl.AttributeRangeFilterImpl
Returns true if this filter equals to the given object.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.elasticpath.domain.catalogview.impl.BrandFilterImpl
Returns true if this filter equals to the given object.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.elasticpath.domain.catalogview.impl.CategoryFilterImpl
Returns true if this filter equals to the given object.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.elasticpath.domain.dataimport.impl.AbstractImportTypeImpl
Return true if the given object is an import type and has the same id.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.elasticpath.domain.misc.impl.MoneyImpl
Returns true if this money object is equal to otherMoney.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.elasticpath.domain.order.impl.OrderTaxValueImpl
Had to override the equals to make sure that hibernate wouldn't insert and delete these value objects upon initialization.
equals(Object, Object) - Method in class com.elasticpath.persistence.support.impl.AbstractEpConstantType
Returns true if the given 2 instances equals to each other.
equals(Object, Object) - Method in class com.elasticpath.persistence.support.impl.AttributeTypeValueType
Returns true if the given 2 instances equals to each other.
equals(Object, Object) - Method in class com.elasticpath.persistence.support.impl.CustomerRoleType
Returns true if the given 2 instances equals to each other.
equals(Object, Object) - Method in class com.elasticpath.persistence.support.impl.ImportTypeValueType
Returns true if the given 2 instances equals to each other.
equals(Object, Object) - Method in class com.elasticpath.persistence.support.impl.UserPermissionType
Returns true if the given 2 instances equals to each other.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.catalogview.impl.SingleCachingProductRetrieveStrategyImpl.CacheKey
Returns true if this object equals to the given object.
ERROR - Static variable in interface com.elasticpath.domain.dataimport.ImportFault
The error level.
ERROR_ENCRYPTION_KEY_IS_NULL - Static variable in interface com.elasticpath.commons.util.security.StringEncrypter
Error message thrown for null key.
ERROR_ENCRYPTION_KEY_TOO_SHORT - Static variable in interface com.elasticpath.commons.util.security.StringEncrypter
Error message thrown when encryption key is too short.
ERROR_KEY - Static variable in class com.elasticpath.commons.constants.WebConstants
Error Key.
ERROR_MSG - Static variable in interface com.elasticpath.domain.catalogview.Filter
Error Message when parse the range.
ERRORS_EXIST - Static variable in interface com.elasticpath.cmweb.reportservice.ReportConstants
report parameter errors.
escapeName2UrlFriendly(String) - Method in class com.elasticpath.commons.util.impl.UtilityImpl
Returns an escaped name which is URL-friendly.
escapeName2UrlFriendly(String) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.commons.util.Utility
Returns an escaped name which is URL-friendly.
estimateShippingAndTaxes(String, String, String, List, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.elasticpath.sfweb.ajax.service.impl.ShoppingCartAjaxControllerImpl
Estimate the shipping options and taxes for the session shopping cart, based on the given countryCode, subCountryCode and zipOrPostalCode.
estimateShippingAndTaxes(String, String, String, List, HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.sfweb.ajax.service.ShoppingCartAjaxController
Estimate the shipping options and taxes for the session shopping cart, based on the given countryCode, subCountryCode and zipOrPostalCode.
EVERYONE_ELIGIBILITY - Static variable in class com.elasticpath.commons.constants.ContextIdNames
bean id for implementation of com.elasticpath.domain.rules.impl.EveryoneEligibilityImpl.
EveryoneEligibilityImpl - Class in com.elasticpath.domain.rules.impl
Dummy rule eligibility that always evaluate to be true.
EveryoneEligibilityImpl() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.domain.rules.impl.EveryoneEligibilityImpl
exception2string(Exception) - Method in class com.elasticpath.commons.util.impl.UtilityImpl
Returns a string with full stack of the given exception.
exception2string(Exception) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.commons.util.Utility
Returns a string with the full stack of the given exception.
EXCEPTION_STRING_SEPARATOR - Static variable in interface com.elasticpath.domain.rules.PromotionRuleExceptions
Exception String Separator.
EXCEPTION_TYPE - Static variable in class com.elasticpath.domain.rules.impl.CategoryExceptionImpl
The Exception type of this RuleException.
EXCEPTION_TYPE - Static variable in class com.elasticpath.domain.rules.impl.ProductExceptionImpl
The Exception type of this RuleException.
EXCEPTION_TYPE - Static variable in class com.elasticpath.domain.rules.impl.SkuExceptionImpl
The Exception type of this RuleException.
executeBeforePersistAction() - Method in class com.elasticpath.domain.catalog.impl.CategoryImpl
Update the last modified date.
executeBeforePersistAction() - Method in class com.elasticpath.domain.catalog.impl.ProductImpl
Update the last modified date.
executeBeforePersistAction() - Method in class com.elasticpath.domain.customer.impl.CustomerImpl
Update the last modified date.
executeBeforePersistAction() - Method in class com.elasticpath.domain.impl.AbstractPersistenceImpl
Interceptor to perform tasks before persisting changes.
executeBeforePersistAction() - Method in class com.elasticpath.domain.order.impl.OrderImpl
Update the last modified date.
executeBeforePersistAction() - Method in interface com.elasticpath.domain.Persistence
Interceptor to perform tasks before persisting changes.
executeBeforePersistAction() - Method in class com.elasticpath.sfweb.ajax.bean.impl.CartItemBeanImpl
Interceptor to perform tasks before persisting changes.
executeBeforePersistAction() - Method in class com.elasticpath.sfweb.ajax.bean.impl.ShippingServiceLevelBeanImpl
Interceptor to perform tasks before persisting changes.
executeSessionUpdate(String) - Method in class com.elasticpath.persistence.impl.HibernatePersistenceEngineImpl
Excute the bulk update with the specified query.
EXISTING_CUST_ELIGIBILITY - Static variable in class com.elasticpath.commons.constants.ContextIdNames
bean id for implementation of com.elasticpath.domain.rules.impl.ExistingCustomerEligibilityImpl.
ExistingCustomerEligibilityImpl - Class in com.elasticpath.domain.rules.impl
Rule eligibility that requires a customer already has an account in the system.
ExistingCustomerEligibilityImpl() - Constructor for class com.elasticpath.domain.rules.impl.ExistingCustomerEligibilityImpl
exists(String) - Method in class com.elasticpath.service.auth.impl.EpUserIdentityService
Check whether the given user exists.
exists(String) - Method in interface com.elasticpath.service.auth.UserIdentityService
Check whether the given user exists.