How Tos

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Silent Mode Installations

Modify the Configuration File

Perform a Silent Installation

SSL for Production Environments

ALES Component Connections

Demo Keystores and Certificates

Replacing the Demo Certificates

Configuring BLM Clients for One-Way SSL

Disable Constraints Extension Checking

Failover and System Reliability

Understanding Failover

Assuring Runtime Failover for SSMs

Assuring Administrative Server Availability

Failover Considerations for the Database Server

Failover Considerations for SSMs

Secondary Databases

Secondary LDAP Servers

Failover Considerations for SCMs

Setting up a Failover Administration Server

Install a Secondary Administration Server

Initialize the Secondary Server Trust Stores

Enable Trust Synchronization

Performance Statistics

Enabling Performance Statistics Collection

Adding a PerfDBAuditor Provider

Using Performance Statistics with WebLogic Server 9.x\10.0

Limitations of Performance Statistics in the WebLogic Server SSM

Configuring Performance Statistics Collection

Basic Behavioral Settings

Performance Statistics Interval

Performance Statistics Duration

Enable Performance Statistics

Database Connection Settings

JDBC Driver Classname

JDBC Connection URL

Database User Login

Database User Password

JDBC Connection Properties

Database Table Settings

Authentication Statistics Table

Authorization Statistics Table

Authorization Attributes Statistics Table

Authorization Functions Statistics Table

Using Performance Statistics

Performance Statistics Database Schema

Authentication Statistics Table: PERF_ATH_STAT

Authorization Statistics Table: PERF_ATZ_STAT

Authorization Attributes Statistics Table: PERF_ATZ_ATTR_STAT

Authorization Functions Statistics Table: PERF_ATZ_FUNC_STAT

Host Name or IP Address Change

Configuration for New Host Name

Admin Server and SSM on Same WLS System, SSM Instance in Demo Mode

Admin Server and SSM on Same WLS System, SSM Instance in Secure Mode

Admin Server and SSM on Same Tomcat System, SSM Instance in Demo Mode

Admin Server and SSM on Same Tomcat System, SSM Instance in Secure Mode

Admin Server and SSM on Different System, Hostname of Admin Server Changed, SSM Instance in Demo Mode

Admin Server and SSM on Different System, Hostname of Admin Server Changed, SSM Instance in Secure Mode

Admin Server and SSM on Different System, Hostname of SSM Changed, SSM Instance in Demo Mode

Admin Server and SSM on Different System, Hostname of SSM Changed, SSM Instance in Secure Mode

Configuration for a New IP Address

Host IP of Admin Server and SCM Changed, Host IP of SSM Not Changed

SSM IP is Changed, IP of Admin Server and SCM Not Changed

SSM is on Same Host as Admin Server and SCM

Configuring SSL in the Web Services SSM

Configuring One-Way SSL

Adding New Identity Assertion Types

Database Password Changes

Auth Provider Password (WLS SSM)

Auth Provider Password (WLS 8.1 SSM)

ASI Authorizer Password (WLS SSM)

ASI Authorizer Password (WLS 8.1 SSM)

Resetting the ALES Administrator Password


Resource Discovery

Enabling Discovery Mode

Running in Discovery Mode

Importing the Policy

Running the Java SSM in Java Development Environments

WebSphere RAD Environments


Debugging Policies


Enabling Policy Debugging

Event Logs

Sample Log Messages

Debug API for Java-SSM

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